how to install ryviu into custom shopify theme

RYVIU - STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL hello this is Brian helping you market,your store just a bit better so

Bit 4 Byte -

Updated on Mar 21,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to install ryviu into custom shopify theme

Let's move on to the first section of how to install ryviu into custom shopify theme

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how to install ryviu into custom shopify theme catalogs


hello this is Brian helping you market,your store just a bit better so what,we're gonna go over right now is an app,called Rivi oh and rivey oh is this app,right here as you can see here and this,is for importing reviews into your store,okay so let's explain how to do this and,what this app does so first off let's,import some reviews into our store okay,and what we're gonna do is import,reviews for this particular item here,you can see it's basically a cat ear,beanie and if I scroll down you can see,that there are no reviews okay so we're,that's what we're gonna do so first off,you want to find the item you need to,have the item in your store obviously,and then you need to find the item on,the Aliexpress okay and once you have,your review app once you have your,review app installed and this is the,website right here let me go find it for,you guys I already have mine installed,but if you just do a search for it you,can find it right here and you do not,need to pay for it it is free okay and,you go download it from this website,right here okay so once you've done that,you have figured out what item you want,to have reviews on and you have found,the item on Aliexpress okay once you do,all that then we can go in and start the,process so first off we need to go into,the product itself on our store so we'll,go to our products and we're gonna,scroll down here to the item and we are,going to need the tag at the end of the,link so if I am on my product page now,and I scroll to the very bottom and,right down here is our tag okay so you,have your website in the products and,right where your products or product,begins,you're gonna copy that like you can see,here I'm gonna copy that,and I'm gonna leave that keep that for,later okay we'll use it again now what,I'm going to do is I'm going to go over,to Rivi oh okay so if you don't have,that up you go to apps and here in the,apps you click on review or review I'm,not really sure how you pronounce it but,whatever and that brings up our,dashboard okay and as you can see I have,some other items in here already,okay but once that's up then I go to the,item that I want to grab the reviews for,and you should see in the upper corner,here next to herbal oh oh below I have,their review app okay so I click on it I,paste in that tag that we copied earlier,and I click get review just takes a,second,and I click Edit and that's basically it,it's done now now we get into the fun,part where we can go in and edit the,reviews and modify them and so forth,okay so if we scroll down here we can,see all the reviews that it's added and,this is actually good because it added a,lot of ones with pictures which is great,right so when I go into these I have,edit I have remove etc okay so let's say,I want to I'd look at this one I say,okay this one's cool and I can go here,to edit and I like to take out the title,but you guys do what you want because,that shows how it's sent I usually leave,the name I change all mine to USA,because I only mark it in USA but you,guys do what you want there and we come,down here and this is a pretty good,description already but sometimes you'll,see other languages or things like that,and you can actually go in and modify,these and then so once I make the,changes I click Save and so forth this,is one here that I would want probably,want to keep so I can go in and do edit,and I just go down here I'm going to,take the title out I'm gonna leave the,name change this to USA okay,and you can see here on this one I have,some different languages in here okay so,I'm going to kind of modify this thank,you all good you can type in whatever,you want take out these special,characters etc but definitely leave the,pictures and save okay so you go through,here and just basically go through and,take out what you want and leave what,you want okay and I'm gonna do that,later,but for the moment that's basically what,you do okay when you're all done you,click Save,and now the if we go look in there our,reviews are actually already on the page,already so if we go look at that page so,check this out this is cool,if I go in here and I go to that item,and the reviews are already there okay,so that's really cool and so now this is,a theme you can have different themes in,it and this is the masonry theme okay so,if we head over back to the app here,there's a settings option okay,and I'm just gonna do general and you,can do all these different settings and,right here we have themes okay,and the one I'm using now is a masonry,but there's basic clear etc so basic and,it's gonna show you a preview of what,they look like okay,I like the masonry one because it really,shows off the images and so forth but,you can go in here and change all kinds,of things but basically that's all,that's how you import them that's how,you edit edit your settings and so forth,and its really super simple and you can,see how simple that is,alright so I hope this helped you let me,know if you have any questions and go,download it and check it out thanks

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