shopify how to clean old grease off of khaki pants

How to Remove Grease Stains from Clothes do you cook food I bet even if you,didn't you probably do n

Good Clean Fun

Updated on Mar 12,2023

How to Remove Grease Stains from Clothes

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How to Remove Grease Stains from Clothes

do you cook food I bet even if you,didn't you probably do now since we're,all under quarantine,so if you have been cooking chances are,you've probably cooked a few things on,your stovetop usually working with some,types of oils that can create grease,which can pop up burn your skin,ouch or even get in your clothing,theoretically you should always be,wearing an apron when you're cooking,like this but you know you don't always,think of everything right so in today's,video I'm going to be teaching you the,proper way to get grease stains out of,clothing to stick around so yes you,should be wearing an apron when you're,cooking on the stovetop however if,you're anything like me your heads in a,million places maybe you've got this pot,going and you've got another thing in,the oven and you just get scatterbrained,fortunately my wife is the one who cooks,in our household and she's way more,organized than I am but as we've all,been under quarantine and slowly losing,our minds the other night she was,cooking and forgot to put on an apron as,a result she got grease stains all over,her sweatshirt I saw an opportunity to,make this video on how to properly treat,that to get those stains out two common,problem and unfortunately you can't just,use a stain remover we use shout in our,house maybe you use something similar,but you can't just use that and expect,it to get the grease stain out so I'm,gonna be showing you a method using,items that you already have in your home,to get these stains out also check it,out this is the hat from the sweat,stains video that I did and I might have,to do it again soon because I've been,wearing it and sweating anyway this is,our fine specimen that we will be,working with today we're going to be,using primarily dawn we want to use a,degreaser like a dish soap and then I'm,going to add in a little baking soda,kind of make a paste out of it,and I'll be applying it with this old,toothbrush as you can see looks like,it's like some sort of leopard print,that's how many spots there are so we're,we've got our work cut out for us in,terms of treating it but,I've used this method before and it's,done wonders might take a couple of,applications and cycles through the wash,but we will just have to see how it goes,we're gonna apply some dish soap I'm,gonna kind of rub it into the spots,using this old toothbrush for,particularly big spots like that one I'm,going to sprinkle some baking soda into,it kind of work it in it kind of into a,paste I'm gonna do that to all these,spots which is going to be fun then I'll,put on some laundry detergent just kind,of treat the area there and then when,run it through a cycle on cold so just,giving an update I have begun to,incorporate the baking soda as you can,see it's kind of forming this pasty,material unfortunately because there,were so many areas I would really like,to be precise about it and add dish soap,and then a little bit sprinkle a little,bit of the baking soda and just have it,very organized but because this is all,clustered together it looks a bit of a,mess but the idea is you know the same,you're just trying to mix the dish soap,and the baking soda together the reason,that we're doing that is because the,dish soap is a degreaser so it'll draw,out that grease from the fabric as well,as the baking soda I always like to use,baking soda for deep stains and I think,incorporating both of them is going to,do a pretty good job when getting these,out so I've got just about the entire,front covered I've got some work to do,on the sleeve and even the armpit area I,guess so,still got quite a ways to go but I just,wanted to kind of give you an update to,show you what it's looking like so we've,got the sweatshirt ready to go I'm gonna,ball it up so that when I'm transporting,it to the laundry oh it doesn't get,baking soda all over the place but,overall not too messy as kind of trying,to be controlled with it so we're gonna,throw this in the wash and see how it,goes,okay so we made this the laundry room,safely got the area ready to go I'm,going to apply detergent basically to,this whole area but we've got it mostly,ready to go we're just going to put some,in the cup just drizzle it on basically,let it sit for probably like 20 minutes,or so you don't really have to,but I really want that to kind of soak,in get those stains out but I thought I,would reiterate on shout just that you,don't really want to use that or this,type of job because it's not going to,get those stains out it's not gonna work,as well as using a degreaser and then,just adding the baking soda in to help,draw those stains out you would find,yourself using this multiple times and,it probably still wouldn't even get it,all out just thought I'd reiterate that,real quick so we're gonna add some,detergent and then we'll get at washing,so I've just got a little bit of,detergent like I said I'm just gonna,kind of put it in this area I'm going to,kind of work this in put my hand inside,and just kind of grab it and help spread,the detergent around I'll let this sit,for probably about 20 minutes before I,actually start the load of laundry that,way it can really soak in and help,penetrate those stains all right so it's,been about 20 minutes we're gonna drop,this in and then we will wash it there's,a light load seeing it's just one,garment turn it to small and keep it on,cold cold you know fully that'll do the,trick,okay so that was a pretty quick cycle,let's take a look at it I'm just kind of,looking over it I mean it mostly looks,good I can kind of make out a few of the,grease spots that didn't come out which,I kind of expected because there were so,many and as I was treating it they were,kind of getting lost but overall I mean,I feel like you can really tell a lot of,them did come out on the sleeve is well,here it is kind of hard to tell because,it's wet what I'm gonna do regardless if,it gotten all of them out I would have,done this anyway but I'm gonna let it,air dry and that'll help us kind of see,the areas that we need to hit again,possibly maybe not I don't know maybe my,eyes are fooling me and it's all they're,all out but I do think there's gonna be,a few but as you can see I mean overall,a really effective method we're gonna,let it air dry we'll check back in later,and see if we need to reapply and then,I'll just basically go back through the,steps we'll do another cycle and see if,they all come out so pretty disappointed,this did,and the grease stains are still there so,I'm going to give it another pass,basically doing the exact same thing,alright so here we are this time I let,it sit for a few days I think the,biggest component to success is letting,it sit arch time we'll run it again and,hopefully that will take care of it you,can see a lot less spots now to deal,with so that's good it has been working,just I guess some of these these tougher,spots is just taking a little extra,alright we've come full circle check it,out,no grease stains so I did have to apply,two treatments doing the same thing over,again after washing it both times I let,it air dry so it's pretty crisp right,now it's not very soft very effective,method it just takes a little time,sometimes especially when you have,acquirement that has a lot of grease on,it like this one did but we got it all,out I'm very pleased with it you can,just use items that are readily,available that you likely already have,on hand all right so to wrap up the,video I'm super pleased with the results,it's definitely something that you can,replicate for whatever grease stains,might be in your clothes so I hope you,learned something in today's video if,you did consider giving it a thumbs up,and if you enjoy this content you want,to subscribe for more that be awesome to,help the channel out as I am growing I'm,plenty more ideas like this coming your,way,I appreciate you checking out in today's,video this is good clean fun,product reviews and cleaning how to's,and we will see you in the next one

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