how to give first time sign up discount on shopify using privy

How To Set Up A Welcome Discount Pop-Up In Privy all right,and guys as i go through this the goal,of


Updated on Feb 25,2023

How To Set Up A Welcome Discount Pop-Up In Privy

The above is a brief introduction to how to give first time sign up discount on shopify using privy

Let's move on to the first section of how to give first time sign up discount on shopify using privy

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how to give first time sign up discount on shopify using privy catalogs

How To Set Up A Welcome Discount Pop-Up In Privy

all right,and guys as i go through this the goal,of this is by the end of this call,you're going to have your campaign set,up all right we have 25 people on here i,want to make sure that everyone's,getting all of their questions answered,so i'm going to go and as you guys have,questions send them in the chat i'll,stop and make sure that they're,addressed,but we're gonna be really productive and,keep on moving forward during this call,cool let's do this all right so goal of,this call three things,answer the question what is privy for a,lot of you guys privy is brand new,and there's a ton of stuff that we can,do so i want to make sure that you,understand,what privy does the second goal is at,the end of this 30 minute call,you're going to have created and,launched your first privy campaign,if you've already set one up in the past,awesome this is just going to be a,refresher,and the very last one is at the end,we're going to do some q a if you have,any questions on what proof you can do,from the email standpoint abandoning,cards,cross-sell order follow-up like there's,a ton of stuff we can do and it,can be overwhelming and i'm the first to,admit that um which is why we have these,trainings to go and really help you guys,out,all right so let's go into question,number one what is privy,privy is the number one sales app on,shopify right and we don't just call,ourselves the number one sales app on,shopify it's,merchants like yourself that voted us as,the number one,rated app on shopify we have over 24 000,reviews and over 18 000 five-star,reviews,on the shopify platform and we do that,and we have that many because we work,with so many merchants,from across the globe right we've worked,with over 500,000 small brands and the numbers you see,here right over 180 countries so it's,not just english-speaking countries,and this number is actually a little bit,outdated we've actually helped the,merchants,sell over five billion dollars in sales,of privy,so this might be a little overwhelming,if you're just getting started and,looking to make your first dollar on the,internet,uh we specifically go and work with,merchants like that,on privy to go and help them get their,first sale all the way up to their,millions,okay and so the big thing that i want to,focus on here is that,when talking with all of these merchants,the hardest part about running an,e-commerce store let me go full screen,here,the hardest part about running an,e-commerce store for these merchants,traffic after all the merchants that,we've talked to traffic is consistently,the hardest part because they know that,they have a good product,right they spent a lot of time building,that product now what they need to go,and do is tell people about those,products,and so when it comes to traffic they,tend to go and turn towards,sources like these right you've got,facebook instagram twitter,google youtube and you have to go and,actually pay these guys,to go and get traffic to your store to,get sales,or even worse you have to go and pay,these guys and they're influencers right,influencers are not cheap these days,trust me i've been reaching out to a few,of my own and they charge hundreds of,dollars,just to go and share your product with,their own audience all right so,the number one issue that small brands,are facing today,is how can you go and reliably get,traffic to your store,but it's not just about traffic right,here's a number that,is absolutely jarring for me and i would,love to know what other people think,about this,the average website conversion rate is,two percent,okay and that's that's the average,actually that's that's actually a pretty,high one,um the average is more like 1.5 right so,if you think about that for a second,think about brick and mortar retail when,is the last time you've walked into a,store,and walked out without purchasing,anything usually it's pretty rare right,if i'm going to home depot if i'm,going to target or i'm going to go and,buy something i'm going into the mission,but usually 1 out of 100 or 2 out of 100,people,that come on your store are actually,going to buy which means that 98 or 99,people are going to go down,see your stuff and leave right so you,have to go and find a way to go and,combat that,the other so how could privy help,we want to go and help address two,things one we want to get you,reliable traffic that you don't have to,pay influencers,zuckerberg or people from google to go,and get onto your site,and we want to get more customers to buy,from you,the first time that they're on your,store okay so how are we going to do,that,and what's our focus for today we want,to go and focus specifically,on the welcome discount pop-up you guys,know that's why you signed up for this,class,that's why we want to go and show you,guys how to do this because we want you,guys to be able to go and capture emails,on your site,and go and be able to sell them even,after they left your site,and from what we've seen from capturing,over 500 million signups,is that this middle one here the one,we're gonna set up today the coupon,is the best in regards for a combination,of conversion,in terms of capturing their email and,conversion for sale you have the sign up,which is like hey sign up for my,newsletter but you don't actually give,them a discount,that's about a one percent conversion,rate and the enter to win are those,wheels that you tend to see,on the side of um on the side of a,website,they're great at capturing emails but,oftentimes they're from pretty low,intent buyers,so the coupon code is really a great way,to start and be able to go and capture,more emails and sell more on your site,and if you guys are selling a shopify,which i would imagine a lot of you are,this is this quote that i love from the,ceo who says that email lists and,websites are the two only things that,you can own on the internet,everything else is just rented so when,you go and pay for ads on facebook,or you go and rent out an instagram post,from an influencer right,that's something that you don't own and,that once you spend the money it happens,and it's done,but email lists once you go and build up,a base of customers,or you own your website now you're able,to go and tweak what the website looks,like,you're able to go and modify that email,list and send out emails as frequently,as you like,and the best part is is that you don't,have to go and pay to send the emails to,talk to your customers,okay and from all of the data that we've,seen here at privy,the average value per email keep in mind,this is just the average so if you're,selling expensive products,it's probably even more is 15.98,right almost 16 for the average value of,an email,which means that if you capture a,thousand emails you can roughly see,almost 16 000 revenue over the lifetime,of that email base,and we know this works right because,we've worked with all of these different,customers to go and build their pop-ups,and be able to go and help them capture,more emails build their list and sell,more on their site,so we're about to go and jump into it i,hope everyone has their dashboards up,three tips before we do,one we're gonna go and keep it simple,every time that you add an additional,form field like,what's your phone number what's your,email what's your first name your,birthday your last name,every time you add an additional field,we have found that it drops the,conversion rate by almost five percent,the other thing is you really want to go,and nail your headline find something,that's going to capture someone's,attention,and really go and get them to go and pay,attention to your form and the very last,bit,is the offer is everything and what i,mean by this is that if i say hey,i will pay you a hundred dollars to go,and get your email address,chances are you're probably going to,give it to me and i'm not saying that,any everyone should be paying 100,to get an email address far from it,actually but i do think that,that shows the power of offers and that,you should really strongly consider,what offer it is that you're making to,these customers in order to go and,capture their email address,all right cool so let's get started,let's go and jump into the live demo,let me go and change the screen that i,am,there we sharing this is the classic um,2020. i'm sure you guys all understand,like the quote of the year is,can you see my screen send me a thumbs,up or a yes in the,in the channel if you guys are able to,actually see my screen i want to make,sure,this is a test account we have set up,here in privy,yes cool thank you thank you guys so,much all right awesome people can see it,sick,all right so everyone's got their,dashboard open,so the very first thing we do we're not,even going to touch a new campaign yet,the very first thing that we're going to,do is go into coupons,because in order to create a discount,you have to create a discount,so we're going to press new coupon on,the top right and someone,sent in the chat if as we go through,this if they want me to slow down,or if they have a question about,anything the goal of this is to set,everything up right i'm not going to,leave anyone behind on this,okay once everyone has this open now,you're going to go and create a title,call it whatever you want call it,discount coupon,or whatever right this part doesn't,matter as much it's,the customers don't see this it's all,internal it just helps you sort it out,and know exactly what it is later,maybe maybe also adam what percentage,you want for a discount,it totally varies right if you have a,super expensive product and you have a,really big margin,maybe go and give a bigger discount if,you have a smaller margin maybe stick,around like five or ten percent,i'm going to call this a 15 off coupon,fifteen percent off people like that,okay cool pick your source um if you're,on shopify just,keep it there and then for the type,select unique coupon,i personally prefer unique coupons,because what it does is that it doesn't,allow it to go and be shared all across,the internet,and have it be on other sites it,actually goes and is a one-time use,coupon for that customer only,and rather than it being like you know,discount 15 as a coupon code,it'll be like dxyq15 right like it'll be,a totally unique serial code for them,cool all right now once we're down here,pick discount type,i'm going to do a percentage and the,discount value will be 15,so that way it scales accordingly with,your brand um you can pick specifically,if you,only want this to work on certain,products the sake of this demo i'm going,to go and keep it on,all products all right and then the very,last thing i would say is that you can,also create an expiration date for your,coupon,so if you want to drive urgency or if,you're looking to go and set something,up specifically like,black friday you can say hey this coupon,will expire,after two days right not 72 days we're,gonna do it after two days,um so that way you can say hey,here's your coupon but it expires in 48,hours to use it or lose it so you can,see a higher rate of use,for the sake of this conversation again,i'm just gonna have it be an always-on,coupon,okay once you're good there make sure to,save the coupon and you're good to go,and we'll jump on over into the actual,welcome discount,someone sent in the chat if that was,confusing or if i can,clarify anything before we jump into,this bit,seems like everyone is good ooh we're,over 30 members now all right,what's up everyone sorry if you're,joining a little late but um but,hopefully you got it in the right time,to see us free the coupon,yes cool good speed i love it good i,will keep up with the space,all right now we're going to go ahead,and we're on the convert tab up here,click on new campaign and just as i was,saying earlier we're going to do welcome,discount,like this up top,um question about is it better to do an,expiration coupon,you totally can it's just preference in,my opinion the one thing i would say is,if you do,use an expiration coupon um make sure to,communicate it early on,to say that this coupon is going to,expire because the only downside would,be like if they're not ready to buy it,but they still want to buy from you like,in a week later um then it might,discourage them from buying because,they're like well,this coupon's gonna expire so i would go,and recommend just,creating it as an all the time one and,then use expiring coupons,more in your emails that you're sending,out so that way you can email them being,like hey we're running a flash sale,here's,a coupon code only for the next 24 hours,something like that,okay for a coupon here click on 15 off,coupon,and then from there we're gonna keep the,trigger um i'm gonna,keep it after three seconds um but this,is one thing that you guys can get on,test we have an a b,test functionality in the product so if,you want to go and see hey do i capture,more emails and issues up at three,seconds,versus five versus ten you can test that,out later,and then all of the rest of this stuff,is pretty preset and good to go so i'm,going to go into the design here,great all right i'm in the design cool,everyone sees this should be good here,um all right so,here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go,and give you guys text that i have,personally used on my own websites,before,and i know that it's worked and i know,that i capture roughly about,five percent of traffic um and capture,their emails this way,if you have a really fun brand if you,have a big personality with your brand,and you want to go and use it,in another way just feel free to go and,tweak it according to that,but i'm going to give you guys a script,here to keep it simple and make sure,that we can get this up,right away all right click on this,bottom text right the one that says get,10 off,double click there all right and then,what i'm going to do,is just delete up to here uh and i'm,going to write,join the community,and i'm going to resize this because,this is huge,um so here we go i'm going to make this,48 yeah that looks pretty good,i'm also going to change the color you,can change the font color or the font,type the color,um what size you want it to be all that,kind of stuff right,so here's what i'm gonna do for now i'm,gonna say join the community you can,also stretch it out a little bit if you,want to be all on one line,like i am okay so once you're there,i have it saying join the community you,can make it say join the family if,you're selling dog collars maybe say,join the pack,uh you can get creative with it it's,totally up to your own discretion,now what i'm going to do is this part so,that's the headline right you want to,nail the headline,make it something that's super,eye-catching you can say join the,community you can make it say like,one time offer only but for the sake of,this let's keep it simple,um and we have some some templates too,as well,that you guys can steal from after this,uh so if you're not happy with this,message you can change it later on,all right the other thing that i'm then,going to say is,uh here just i would copy exactly this,sign up to receive,15 off your,first order,and then i'm also going to say and,never miss out on,new products promotions,and restocks right if you guys if you,guys host events,events is another good one to put in,there i like doing that a lot um,if you host like webinars like this if,you host,anything else feel free to go and tweak,that up according to what your brand is,but i find that this one is like a good,like,generic one to go and script in um and,and it applies to a lot of different,brands all right cool so i'm also going,to go and make this bold so it's a,little bit more eye-catching,i might bump up the font a little bit,maybe go like 15 or,18. yeah i like that a little bit better,cool so join the community um also,another good idea,if you want you can go and try to add,emojis um i don't know exactly how to do,it on every laptop i know that if you,have a mac you can press ctrl,command and spacebar at the same time,and then you can add an emojis or you,can copy them,uh from the internet um cool,all right so once that's there i'm gonna,go and change up these colors a little,bit you can simply go and edit,everything just by clicking it on the,form,so in the email field here i'm going to,click that placeholder font i'm going to,want this to be let's say my let's say,my brand is red okay so,make email red i'm going to make the,reveal the code part red,really play around with it make sure it,looks like your brand right the worst is,always when you have,a pop-up that looks nothing like your,brand and someone's like well this,clearly is not,part of part of what i'm on right now,for the website,all right cool so we got something like,this join the community sign up to,receive 15,off your first order and never miss out,on new products promotions and restocks,so feel free to go and edit that later,on but this is,some copy that i've used in the past and,it definitely works,cool all right uh and we have all of,this kind of stuff too the other thing,if you want to add i'm not going to do,it today,but you can also add a um photo,if you want to go and add in a certain,product or like a picture of your team,or things like that that's always,accessible to them great,um and before i go back make sure to,press save,uh and once you press save you're gonna,be good to go good to go there,all right cool so that has been saved,great now we're gonna go back to create,it's gonna pop you up to this follow-up,part we'll go back to the create part,here,by the way so someone just say good to,go in the chat,this is where we're going to go if you,have any questions let me know too,i want to make sure that i'm not going,too fast here,anyone good to go cool all right sounds,like sounds like we're good then,um i'm gonna keep on going ahead if you,have questions you know where to find me,um all right so we've got the actual,design of the pop-up made,that's awesome now what we want to go,and have designed,is the thank you page so you're going to,see the after sign up action,right now we have that as show the thank,you page you can also have it redirect,to another url,make sure it has show the thank you page,we're gonna save that and now,we go into the thank you page design,down here,right now it's fairly simple thanks,you're all signed up here's the coupon,code right so what i'm gonna go and,change it to,is uh here,is your coupon,code below oh looks like we have a,question uh let's see,question question would you recommend a,picture or no picture i would recommend,picture um but,i think that it's also a little bit more,complex to set up if you have good,photography definitely use that,um can you show how we got to uh this,page absolutely i can,let me go back here real quick i'm not,gonna,discard changes uh from the pop-up,design you just go to thank you page,design,right here so you can see it if you're,if you're in the,uh display go to create on the top left,here,and then go down here all right so like,i said,i am going to go here and i'm going to,say,here is your coupon,code below,great um that's perfect,there i'm gonna also,make this a little bit more explicit,right here advantage thanks,do something like thanks for signing up,and i'm gonna go or actually yeah this,this will work,let me go make this a little bit wider,there we go i'm just dragging out the,text fields there,they can say thanks for signing up don't,you want to send the coupon to their,email so you can,confirm it's valid yes so jessica that's,another option right,so let me get into that in just one,second so once you say thanks for,signing up,here's your coupon code below the last,thing i would do is also make this,coupon code just a little bit bigger,because you already attached the coupon,at the beginning of this,just leave this here it'll auto populate,what their unique coupon code is,right so i'm gonna make this 18. so that,way they definitely know what their,coupon code is,um and then you can also delete or save,these things to share the love part but,for the sake of this i'm just going to,keep them so this looks good to go,here's your coupon code thanks for,signing up,save that um jessica to answer your,question,so here's how well how i would recommend,doing that if you wanted to just have,the email purely sent over email,then what you could do is have the after,sign up action,do nothing right so it doesn't show this,thank you page it does not show,the coupon code right you just click,that down here at the bottom the only,issue with that is that it can be kind,of confusing for the customer,and so what we recommend is giving them,their coupon,while they're on the site but at the,same time too,creating a follow-up email that sends,their uh the coupon code to their email,right so the only downside of this is,that if they give you a fake email,you you kind of still give them the,coupon um but we found that the,percentage of that happening is,typically pretty low like in the one,percent area so if you capture 100,emails,only one of them will usually be fake,cool all right so everyone's design,should be good,um we've got all the displays the coupon,code is attached on at the bottom here,um and we should be good to go there so,now we're gonna go ahead and get into,the targeting here so right now we have,it showing up,three seconds and whenever they show up,on the site so if they showed up,yesterday,they're going to get it today too and,the only limitation here is right now we,have it only showing up,on desktop and assuming that you don't,have their email right so if they've,signed up for anything else on your,website,they're not going to go and get this,pop-up because you don't want to just,give out discount codes if you already,have their email,the goal of this is to capture their,email so right now we have the devices,only as desktop,if you want to go and set one up for,mobile all,you have to do is after this session,just go and create another campaign,for a fly out so that way it looks,better on mobile you can put this on,mobile as well,it's just sometimes it's a little bit,bigger on the screen,so i would keep all of this the same,exact exactly how you have it as today,great um now this one i'm going to go,into briefly,what you want to do is this is exactly,what jessica's question was where,don't you also want to go and send them,the coupon over email which is a great,question,because if they don't use that coupon on,their site you want to make sure that,you can send it over email,so that way they're going to come back,to your site and actually use it to,finish their order,so if you click in here it'll go and,load it up,what i would highly recommend doing is,putting your own logo here don't put,privilege on it,um and then you can go and customize the,body right so it's something along the,lines of,thank you so much for signing up with,you know automatically insert your,business name,um it'll automatically go and insert,your business name uh it'll say we're,thrilled to have you here,uh here's your just here uh sorry to use,your discount just copy the coupon,code below and check out your your,coupon code is this,we'll also keep you in the loop on any,special offers updates thanks for,shopping,so you guys can totally go and customize,this message if you want to go and,insert an image,that's totally doable and you can go and,drag in different elements here right so,if i want to bring in a button,boom i can bring a button there let me,go and delete this for now,or if you want to go and drag in a video,text image,all of that kind of stuff totally doable,right i'm gonna go and save that,um also we had a question about uh,the mobile right so flyout peter i will,go and show you exactly what i mean by,that,um after i go and publish this one so,for this once you're good to go here,we've created it,we've targeted it right so it's gonna,show it three seconds when they're on,their desktop,and for the follow-up they're gonna go,and automatically go and have an email,where they're going to go and receive,that coupon afterwards and all you have,to do is press publish here i don't have,a publish because,i'm not actually going to set it up or,press publish and then click publish on,the top right here,once you're going to go there just send,a good quick chat just so i know if,anyone has any remaining questions on,the actual,creation process let me know um,and while i'm waiting on that i'm going,to go and show peter really quick what,i'm talking about with the flyout so if,a lot of your traffic is mobile,which is very normal these days all you,have to do is press new campaign,and press mobile sign up discount and it,is the same exact process right so i'm,going to go and click,coupon here you go and pick the timing,right i'm going to show it after five,seconds,press design,and it's the same exact thing that we,were showing the only difference is now,it's a smaller,uh pop-up and it'll pop up right from,the bottom,of uh someone's phone so it's a peter's,the same exact thing we tran through,right,now at this point you know how to go and,edit the text you know how to go and,create the headline,edit the colors all of that kind of,stuff once i save this,you'll see check this out,now i can go to targeting and the device,category,is mobile right so it's the same exact,thing we just did just for mobile now,instead of desktop,uh will there be a replay of this,tutorial for some of us yeah absolutely,honda uh we'll send we'll send out this,recording after the call sure thing,all right um nathan uh i'm wondering,what pages you would display the coupon,pop-up um and do you put different,versions,of this in the other areas of your sites,like the shopping cart yes,so nathan so there's a ton of other,options um actually if you,if you guys show up to the next webinar,session uh my colleague dan is going to,go and show you guys,how to go and increase things like cross,sales and all of that stuff,um i would also highly recommend,creating a cart saver i didn't want to,show you guys too much today because the,real focus,was on actually creating the first,welcome pop-up,but you're definitely able to go and,create things like advanced cart savers,which only show up when someone's,has a product in their cart and things,like that so,uh for what it's worth i'm gonna go and,send this recording out after the call,too,um but yes i'm gonna shoot some of these,questions,uh here we go peter best practices,around timing and discounts,discounts like i said in the beginning,of the call if you offer someone a,hundred dollars for their email,you're absolutely gonna go and get their,email the question then becomes can you,afford a hundred dollars,what i would highly recommend to start,is 10 or 15,and then we have these a b test up at,the top screen here you can see,and so if you want to go and test out,the actual coupon percentage as to see,what converts more then you can run the,numbers on that end,can you not duplicate the campaign and,set it to mobile so you can duplicate,the campaign you can also just go into,the campaign,and um also add in a mobile option the,only reason that i recommend a flyout is,because it sometimes i personally think,that it looks better on mobile um but,you can absolutely go duplicate the,campaign,um or just add that in as a targeting,option,all right let's see um yep,uh what does sync signups on after,signup email me,so uh david great question um,so sync signups basically just make sure,that all of the emails that you're,capturing,are going to shopify so let me actually,i probably should have touched on that a,little bit more,let me go into that right now if i can,if i can find the one i just set up,let's see um let's see i think i called,it let's see we have a,as you can tell this is our privy test,account and we have a,ton of examples let me let me just show,you i'll click into a random one it,doesn't it doesn't matter as much,let's do not that one click into this,one,i actually think i made this for a blog,post i recently wrote,um so if you go into follow up here and,you see,sync sign ups press this and then you're,able to go and,collect uh either your clearview,mailchimp shopify,constant contact whatever it is whatever,you're using to store emails in,you can sync them all there that way,every email that you capture is syncing,over that way,all right cool um real quick i'm going,to recap and i'll take any i'll take,some,a few more questions at the end um so,just as a recap,customers with more than one campaign,this is from running all of our,salesforce data,capture 7.5 times as many emails so this,is the question,a lot of you guys are asking like right,now this shows up on the home page,absolutely set one up on the product,page,set some up for the cart savers create,some cross-sell campaigns like there's a,lot more and the training series that we,have in store for you guys,is going to teach you all how to go and,set those up um,if you're interested the next training,session we're going to be running is the,cross-sell,so if you have a pretty big product,catalog like let's say you sell flowers,or succulents,and you want to go and cross-sell some,of the pots or the vases that you guys,are selling,now it's really easy to go and do that,to increase your average order value,the last thing i had here and i think,this is actually from an older session,if you're not already we highly,recommend using the privy starter plan,it's a great way to go and use both of,our email functionality along with our,convert options,um and with that being said i'm going to,open up to any questions i saw some,coming in the chat,as i was just talking so let me read,some of these where can we find out how,to add images to our welcome pop-ups uh,so autumn that's a great question so,there's two ways to do it one you can go,and just simply add it in,as the background from your pop-up if,you go into the design,um or the other way to go and do it is,if you're back in here,and i go to convert,one second here i think you guys should,still be able to see my screen right,um now what you can go and do here is,build your own,and we call this connor name,uh and then once you're in here you,click,add a display right and again guys just,as a reminder,this session is all recorded so if i'm,going a little too fast now you can,always jump back in later on,and with here with the display now you,can go and choose from a ton of,different options,and do the exact same thing we just said,right so if you click this one for,example and i press choose selected,now when i'm in here all you have to go,and do is click,this button choose image and you can,swap by the image so it's very simple,um i want to take some other questions,is there a way for the,uh campaigns on the dashboard to be,placed in folders or categories,seems hard to find stuff you need um so,glenda great question so we're actually,doing,an overall design real um overhaul on,the actual,convert section but i will say if you,want to go and sort it,again i think it probably seems a little,bit more overwhelming because we have,314 from,literally five plus years of using it,but you can go and filter out based on,active,or you can go and search so for example,if i go to all,here and then i search for connor,um or if i search for let's see welcome,let's see just loading i think it's,because we have so many different,campaigns,but you're able to go and search through,them you can also sort them,based on recently updated um or you can,go and start sort them based on like,what's active and what's not um what is,the welcome series and how does it work,so here's how the welcome series works,as you can see the the ones here that,were just set up um,the welcome series works this way after,you go and capture their email,then you can go and create a series of,emails to go and send to them,72 hours afterwards one week afterwards,two days afterwards right whatever,sequence you want,and that's a great way to go and,familiarize them with your brands,with your other product lines and get,them to continue to buy,and the way that these work is that as,they purchase they're actually removed,from the remaining ones right,so if you gave them a coupon and they,didn't buy on your site then they'll,continue to receive these emails until,they purchase something,and we'll have a session on that too,later on in future training will there,be a lesson on a b test,um no not at the moment but that's a,great,thing to hear that people want the,session on that um we can definitely go,and look into creating something down,the line,right now i think that what a lot of,people get confused on a little bit,is that they always want to go and ap,test everything even if they don't have,a lot of traffic on their site,so if you have more than like 100,visitors or 200 or 500 visitors a day,then i would say that a b tests are a,little bit more relevant but you want to,have a lot of traffic in order to go and,get there,uh hopefully i answered that welcome,serious question david um,when the customer gets the email does it,say it's from privy or does it say,from our business email that's a great,question yolanda you're able to go and,customize that if you go into business,settings up here,and then from there you're able to go,into send i think it's either sender,options or sender domains so we got,there from the top right business,settings,and then uh you can go and add your own,domain name right here so right so you,say go center options,add your own domain name and then all,you have to do is just verify the dns,records,with wherever your uh name is is hosted,right so if it's,godaddy or namecheap you can do that all,there how can you increase the,percentage of people filling out my,email popup i'm at three percent of,those who see the pop-up,so nathan are you giving a discount is,is are you already giving like a,discount on a coupon code,uh for people who are seeing the coupon,i think that's a good way the other way,i would recommend doing it,is trying to go on maybe something like,two giving 10 discount,right cool so it sounds like maybe try,increasing that,um or what i would do is test out the,copy right text out the,test out the text or the images that are,displayed in that pop-up,because i think what you will constantly,want to do is iterate to see,what's going to be the best offer,because at the end of the day you're,able to capture someone's email if you,have the right offer and you're able to,go and grab their attention,the other thing i would highly recommend,doing and i now that i'm realizing this,i i completely forgot to show you guys,while we're on the call,um so for those of you guys who are,still here re-open up,the campaign that you just created sorry,for this i am,i'm realizing i totally should have set,it up make sure that you have a tab,design set up,okay so if i'm gonna give you guys all,just a second to open it up because,nathan i think that this is gonna,actually go and help you a lot to,increase that,click on tab design and right now a tab,is something that if they dismiss this,it'll be sitting on your website up here,saying sign up what i would highly,recommend doing,is switching it from basic to floating,and from top left,to bottom left okay customize what you,want the message here right so rather,than saying sign up say something like,save 15 on your,order and you can even go and edit the,image,is and customize it like that right so,if i want to make this let's see what's,a good image i can use oh,a dog yes this i don't know why we have,this in our account,but this is great right so if you have a,little dog or something like that to,capture someone's attention,um that would be a great strategy in,order to go and,make more people see it so that way,they're using it more and you're,capturing more emails,hopefully that's helpful nathan and by,the way guys any questions on that i,totally should have covered that,while we're going over the campaigns am,i able to upload my own email template,can talk more about the strategy for,each type of coupon whether,upon landing or exit um later so uh you,can't,update upload your own template but you,can customize every single template,um and you can even save templates after,you've gone and created them,and can you talk about the strategy for,each type of coupon whether upon landing,or exit,i would recommend if they're gonna go,and exit try to go and say something,more along the lines of like a dollar,amount right so like,say something like before you go do you,want ten dollars and tune your email,here,whereas when they land on your website,say something more on a percentage basis,i'm like hey we're so glad that you're,here feel free to go and save 10 on your,order by giving us your email today,rich can you add exit intent survey on,exit and pop-up for customer for why,customers are not purchasing,great question um so what you can do is,you're able to go,and include a button rather than a form,fill you can include a button,and you can have that button linked to a,form,uh you can use your google form or,something like that um,nathan excellent so i have a few other,tabs for review would you recommend,eliminating all tabs except for this one,uh no i think i think that you should,definitely go and keep um,as more tabs i think that honestly like,tabs are a great way to go and re-engage,them if they haven't engaged with it but,i would recommend just,setting up this one to go and test it,out as well,okay cool i'm going to stop sharing my,screen there for a sec,all right it looks like oh guys we had,35 people join that was awesome,um all right,cool um all right guys so hey like i,said there's more sessions coming up,so the next one that we're gonna do is a,cross sell to teach you guys how to go,and sell more on your website,and then in i believe it's two weeks,from now i'm gonna be hosting another,one,talking about how to sell your banner,car emails because that is probably the,easiest and most automatic way,to go make more money from people that,are leaving your site um if you have any,more questions i'm going to stick around,for another four or five minutes,but if not thank you guys so much for,joining the first training session i,really hope this is helpful,we really haven't done much like this in,the past so,i really want to go and uh and make sure,it's a big success for you guys,chris we are going to are you going to,work on that my man,yolanda thank you so much peter really,appreciate it thank you guys you guys,are all awesome,see you next week,one more question looks like uh darcy,yes there's,absolutely gonna be a recording of this,sent out sorry that,you had to join late but definitely want,to make sure you get the best,information,top three mistakes you see people make,the most uh,here right here right here chris hold on,let me show you it was exactly,what we were talking about earlier let,me share my screen again,right here take a screenshot of this put,it on your fridge put it on your mirror,put it on,your bedside table you want to keep it,simple and a lot of people,underestimate the value of a good,headline and a really good offer,right by the way offers aren't just,discounts they can be buy one get 150,off you can go and really go and,customize it all right let's stop that,sharing make sure you screenshot that,linda how does preview compare to,klaviyo uh great question so,the way i typically answer this is that,um clavio is really good,for eight figure brands so if you're 10,million dollar your business,and you need a lot of email complexity,and you want to send out a lot of email,flow,absolutely clavia right i don't think,that we're at that level where we have,super in-depth uh email funnels and you,can really go into the rabbit hole,but what i would highly recommend is,that if you're looking for something,where the pricing is more affordable,the setup is easier and you're looking,for things like order follow-up emails,abandoned car emails and newsletters,privy is absolutely the solution um and,in terms of forms,uh and being able to capture more,information we capture some definitely,more information,we're able to go and better capture,cookies we're able to go and target,better with our forums you can target,based on what someone has in their cart,you can target based on the existing,order value all of that kind of stuff,i hope i hope that helped uh would i,mind going over to the,pitch uh over the picture to the top oh,yeah,so the the the picture in the pop-up let,me show you that one more time,all right so the picture in the pop-up,new campaign,build your own name it i'm gonna call it,conor two,and then once you're in here you go down,to add a display on the bottom,right so we already have a ton of,templates and all you have to do is swap,out the photos from the ones we already,have,and once you add that display these are,the ones i like stealing you can also,take these these have images in them,you can take this one that says one has,images on the background,all that kind of stuff,all right i'm gonna stop sharing,and and it'll also all be in the,recording to elaine so elena,and jess um so hopefully you guys can,see me there,all right cool guys um any last-minute,questions otherwise i'm going to sign,off,for your discount first and then you can,link the same discount to multiple,campaigns absolutely glenda,assuming you want to give the same,discount,well guys all right i'm going to go,ahead and sign off then thank you guys,so much for joining i will see you next,week

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