shopify how to build a brand

What is Branding? How To Build A Successful Brand In 6 Steps if you can't define what your business,

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Updated on Jan 26,2023

What is Branding? How To Build A Successful Brand In 6 Steps

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What is Branding? How To Build A Successful Brand In 6 Steps

if you can't define what your business,is and what it does within two sentences,chances are your brand needs some work,hey I'm said I've been an entrepreneur,since I was 13 when I began building,websites for eSports teams I've created,several businesses over the years and,today I'm gonna show you how to build a,brand if you're new to the channel hit,that subscribe button and the little,bell icon as I'll be adding more videos,with helpful tips to start and grow your,business,okay now let's talk brand a brand isn't,just a recognizable name and logo that,distinguishes you in a crowded market,Martina Mayer who's worked for companies,like Adobe Apple and Microsoft stays,that your brand isn't what you say it is,it's what they your customers say it is,essentially brand is your reputation and,how you'll be perceived as a business I,like to break down building a brand into,a six part checklist researching our,target audience in our competitors,picking our focus and business,personality choosing our business name,writing our slogan choosing the look and,feel of our brand and designing our logo,to help illustrate these steps I'll be,creating a golf brand for this video why,golf well because I love golf,even if golf doesn't love me back I'll,also share a template with each step,that will help you develop your own,brand I'll be sure to link that in the,description down below alright let's get,started our first step before we start,making any decision about our brand is,going to be researching our businesses,current market specifically who our,potential customers and competitors are,let's start doing that by jumping into,Google from here I'll type in golf,apparel market analysis this should help,get me a sense of who the big,competitors are in this specific space,now unfortunately a lot of the deeper,analysis is hidden behind a paywall so,for our audience we're gonna go with,Facebook audience insights from here,I'll type in golf as an interest and for,this example I'll keep USA as my target,audience as this is likely where it'd be,selling my product okay so we can see,here that roughly 58 percent of people,with golf as an interest identify as men,and that our primary age group is,between 25 and 34 years old we can also,see that the majority of our audience is,married I'll encourage you to revisit,your own audience as you build up your,brand to get a better sense of who your,actual audience is next let's open up a,few of our competitors web pages and,social media pages from here I'll start,pulling screenshots and noting down,color,schemes from these websites I'll also go,through their social media and start,identifying posts with high engagement,so post with a lot of comments and likes,now the idea here isn't that we want to,mimic what these brands are doing but we,want to start identifying some,commonalities and use that as a,foundation to build our own brand some,other things we could do is browse,subreddits and review sites that are,related to our customers we can also run,focus groups with our friends and,families that might be interested in,products like the ones that we're,selling all right now let's talk about,building our brands focus and our,brand's personality who your business is,and what you do should always be crystal,clear to customers for that reason it's,important to find our focus and let that,inform all other parts of our brand as,we build it I have three exercises that,I like to do when thinking about,solidifying my brand's focus and,personality firstly I start with,creating a positioning statement a,positioning statement is one or two,lines that state your claim in the,market and differentiates you from your,competitors,your positioning statement should go,something like we offer product or,service for target market to value,proposition unlike the alternative we,key differentiator so in my case I could,say we offer apparel for golfers to help,them play in comfort,unlike other golf apparel brands we,donate to underprivileged youth groups,that are learning the game a positioning,statement shouldn't be viewed in the,same way that you would view an elevator,pitch or a tagline rather it's an,internal opinion of who you are and who,you want to be once you've created your,positioning statement let the world see,it by sharing it in the comments below,next let's start thinking about words we,would associate with our brand how I,like to do this is by thinking about my,brand as a person and what terms I would,use to describe this person to a friend,thinking about your brand as a metaphor,or personifying it can help you identify,the individual qualities you wanted to,have for example if I was to speak about,my golf company I might say they are,passionate teachers who strive to bring,new people into the game of golf this,step in brand development will help,inform your voice on social media,the tone of all of your creative assets,both visual and written as I said before,a brand is so much more than a name the,personality actions and reputation of,your brand are really what gives the,name any meaning in the market that,being said your company's name is,probably one of the first big,commitments you have to make so where do,you even start when thinking of a name I,personally like walking through a few,exercises when thinking of names,you can try to make up a word like Pepsi,the benefit in doing this is that it can,help your brand be instantly,recognizable and it will be much easier,to rank your brand's domain name on,search engines you can reframe a,somewhat unrelated word like Apple for,computers or off-white for fashion you,can also use suggestive words or,metaphors like buffer you can also,describe what it is literally like the,shoe company you can try altering a word,by removing letters adding letters or,using Latin endings like Tumblr or,Activia you could also try combining two,relevant words like pin and interest to,make a Pinterest or face and book to,make a Facebook you can also try turning,a string of words into an acronym like,BMW did with buy riche motoring work I,feel like for a French dude French,Quebec dude that was okay like that was,like a solid like five point five out of,ten which is almost a passing grade rate,if you need a little extra help in,coming up with a name there are loads of,apps and sites that can help you decide,just to name a few you could try,Shopify's business name generator it's,free and will automatically combine a,topic or a keyword with other words and,modifiers - generate a list of potential,business names overlords business name,generator lets you enter a word that you,would like to include in your business,name the tool will then spit out a list,of variations to browse word ode is an,intelligent naming tool that supplies,you with a list of invented words that,look nice and feel great if you're,looking for a creative name that's,brandable but isn't necessarily a real,word then you'll find this tool helpful,let's use Shopify business name,generator for our Golf brand okay so,going through these the one that stands,out,immediately as equal golf I like this,one because it lines up nicely with my,positioning statement and my value is,around getting new and underprivileged,people into golf next up let's write a,slogan a good slogan is always short,catchy and makes a strong impression,it's a nice to have the brand as it will,make you identifiable and can be used,with marketing and social assets some,ways to approach writing a slogan of,your own can include staking your claim,for example Deathwish coffee slogan is,the world's strongest coffee you can,make up a metaphor like Red Bulls Red,Bull gives you wings just remember to,make the metaphor part extra clear you,don't want people thinking that you're,actually getting wings you could adapt,your customers attitude like Nikes just,do it now I'm actually not the best or,most creative when it comes to writing,slogans but I would go with something,that speaks to our brand so in my case,let's go with something like equal golf,everyone is in play I think this is a,bit cheeky and plays on the fact that,keeping your ball in play is one of the,hardest and most important parts of golf,but you're not if you're struggling to,find ideas you can always try using,Shopify slogan maker to brainstorm some,ideas or play off your positioning,statement to generate some potential,one-liners to describe your business ok,now that we have a name and slogan lock,down let's dive into brand colors colors,won't just define the look of your brand,they'll also convey the feeling that you,want to communicate when researching,into what brand colors I can be using I,like to dive into color psychology color,psychology is basically the study of,colors in relation to how they affect,human behavior for example colors like,red can capture attention the red color,meaning is associated with excitement,passion danger energy and action for,brands like coca-cola the color red,tends to encourage appetite hence why,they use it so often in their branding,the next time you're browsing a popular,brand take the time to think about the,colors that you're seeing you may start,to notice that your favorite outdoor,brands use very earthy color tones this,really gets you thinking about the,outdoors for our color scheme will use,cooler,I hear cool coolers to brainstorm colors,that work together,coolers allows you to grab hex codes to,keep handy and sift through different,shades to find the ones you like so all,put in a green color that I think would,work on my site and creative assets and,coolers will then show me different,colors that will complement that green,alternatively you could also try using,Adobe color which is free online and,lets you apply different color harmonies,so once we've picked a color palette,let's move on to fonts you always want,to try picking two fonts at the most one,for headings and one for body text any,more than that can unnecessarily confuse,your customers I like to try using faut,pair and browse through the wide,selection of fonts that go well together,now that we have our colors and font,decided let's move on to a biggie in,building a brand the logo a company's,logo is probably one of the first things,that come to mind when thinking about,building or recognizing a brand now I,want you to think about the worst logo,you've ever seen what comes to mind if,you're having trouble thinking of one,I'm not surprised,good logo stick bad ones don't a logo,should be viewed as a symbol that,represents your brand and your brand's,personality through the simplest image,possible when thinking about a logo you,really need to consider every place the,brand's logo needs to appear from your,website to various social media accounts,to the fav icon that pops up in your web,browser tap because I'm not a designer,myself I tend to do a few mock-ups and,send those off to freelancers you can,outsource these for a low cost on Fiverr,Shopify's expert marketplace or you,could even run a logo contest on,99designs let's quickly browse through a,few designers on Fiverr and try to find,one that's created some logos that I,like ok so here's one this person's got,a great portfolio positive reviews and a,quick turnaround time that also allows,for revisions in case I don't like the,original one I'll put in a short blurb,about my company and some elements that,I would like to incorporate for my,company I'm thinking of something that,signifies a quality with a golf element,but before that you should learn to,speak the language of logos like the,gestalt theory so,you can effectively communicate your,vision in doing so you'll start to,notice that not all logos are created,the same for example an abstract logo,has no explicit meaning it's just the,shape and colors that you can't easily,tie back to anything in the real world,adidas logo is a perfect example of this,emblem logos are often circular and,combined text with an element for a bold,and regal look think about the Starbucks,logo for that one you'll want to pay,attention to how detailed you make your,design as you could lose a lot of impact,if you have to scale it smaller because,of the limitation that exists for each,logo type many logos use a combination,of styles to help you along I would,recommend checking out seek logo for,even more logo inspirations or use,Shopify's hatch full logo maker to start,generating some ideas,Shopify also has a comprehensive guide,on how to design a logo for those of you,who are looking to design their own,click the link in the description if you,want to check that out building a brand,doesn't stop with creating a logo a,slogan or even with the launch of your,brand you'll want to continue to shape,and evolve your brand as you expose more,customers to it and learn about who they,are and how best to speak to them your,customers and their feedback will be,huge in the continued development of,your brand so remain open to adapting,and updating throughout your business,journey as promised earlier we have,developed a one-page branding plan that,can help you work through your branding,journey I'll also include the links to,all the various tools that I talked,about throughout this video you can find,all of those in the description down,below until next time

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