shopify how i built a profitable dropshipping business in 14 day free trial

I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With NO MONEY For 14 Days (Insane Results) hey what's going on guys wel


Updated on Feb 24,2023

I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With NO MONEY For 14 Days (Insane Results)

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how i built a profitable dropshipping business in 14 day free trial

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I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With NO MONEY For 14 Days (Insane Results)

hey what's going on guys welcome back to,a new video in this one we're going to,be doing a 14 day Drop Shipping,challenge we're gonna go from not having,a store at all to hopefully some sales,in 14 days and you guys are going to get,to see the whole process this is not,going to be a regular 14 day challenge,I'm not going to be using any paid ads,so it's going to be a zero dollar 14 day,challenge so even if you guys don't have,any budget or anything I want to show,you guys a way you can get started Drop,Shipping I am going to be using some,paid tools to find the product to get,the store done and stuff like that but,we're not gonna be using any marketing,budget and if you guys don't have any,marketing budget yourself you can try,your best to get around those things and,to get everything done for free so if,you have like a hundred two hundred,dollars to get started it's going to be,a lot easier another thing I want to,mention is I'm not going to be paying,for the Shopify subscription because,even though the Shopify trial is,normally 14 days I'm gonna be using a 45,day free trial that you guys can find in,the description so if you guys want to,use it as well check it out I'll leave a,link to it below if you guys have any,questions for me or you want to reach,out check out my Instagram it's going to,be on the screen it's just at Econ Marco,before we get into the video I wanted to,let you guys know that I'm launching a,Discord Community called the digital,wealth Lounge this is going to be my new,private mentorship group where it's,going to be full of people who are are,all working on the goal of becoming,successful online whether it's going to,be Drop Shipping or any other business,model we're all going to be on the same,page and we're going to be helping each,other succeed being a part of this,community is going to give you access to,a private course that I've made and if,you're in it's going to be totally free,for you in which I'm going to be,teaching you how you can make 10 000 a,month or more online without really,investing anything and without really,working more than two to three hours a,day you're also going to get access to,weekly calls with me so every single,week we're going to be going on group,calls and you can ask me anything it's,also going to be a great place to meet,people who are on the same page as you,and start hanging out with each other,maybe even start some businesses,together and I'm also going to be doing,giveaways inside of there so the first,giveaway is going to be two thousand,dollars there's gonna be one person,who's gonna win a thousand dollars and,10 other people who are going to win 100,each and I'm gonna be announcing all the,winners on my Instagram so if you're not,already follow me there and the price to,enter the community is going to be 49 a,month but for the first 24 hours of,launch I'm gonna lower the price down to,29.99 so for anyone that joins within,the first 24 hours of launch you're,gonna lock the price in at 29.99 so even,after a price goes back to 49.99 you're,still gonna only be paying 29.99 a month,and this is not a BS scarcity discount,or anything the price is actually going,up to 49.99 a month after the first 24,hours and it's not going to be going,back down so if you are going to get in,the first 24 hours are the best possible,time to do so I really wanted to make it,cheap but also have it have so much,value so once again you're getting a,course you're getting access to the,Discord Community four weekly calls with,me entering a giveaway and you're,getting a huge discount it's not just a,one-time discount but you're gonna keep,that discount for as long as you're in,the community so if that sounds good to,you go check out the link in the,description and enter your email just to,get notified when we launch and let's go,back to the video okay so the first,thing we're gonna have to do is we're,gonna have to find a product that we're,going to be selling the tool I'm going,to be using in this video is called,Mania or my Nia if you guys are starting,with absolutely no money you can scroll,Tick Tock you can scroll Facebook and,stuff like that um but a tool like this,it's not a free tool but it's pretty,cheap you can try it out for free and,then it's only 49 euros a month and you,guys can also use code Marco 20 to say,20 off your first three months and this,is pretty much an all-in-one tool you,guys can use it to spy on our,competitors Facebook ads Pinterest ads,Tech talk ads it also has a tool called,shops where you guys can see other,people's store and check out what,they're selling and the very unique,thing I've never seen on a different app,is influencer marketing so you can,actually see promotions people are,running on influencer pages and then you,can see what's working well and then try,selling those products yourself or maybe,find some influencers you want to use,for your own product and yeah it's an,incredible tool I don't have time to,explain absolutely everything I can do,because I don't want to bore you guys,and I want to keep the video interesting,but that's what we're going to be using,in this video and more specifically,we're going to be using the tick tock,ads feature so you guys can filter It,Out by date so I've already filtered out,from the first to the 30th of this month,you can filter It Out by countries but,we're not going to be using that,although it can come in handy sometimes,now Ecom type is going to be the,platform they're using to host their,stores so we're going to be using,Shopify and then likes let's do 500 and,up and we can adjust this later on if,necessary if you can't find anything,good and then you can also do plays,which would be the views but we're not,going to be messing with that and now,I'm just going to start scrolling,through these and seeing if we can find,anything good and I'll update you guys,once I find something so see you guys,soon later okay guys so I found the,product that I want to test and it's,this Cactus toy for kids mainly I guess,which just kind of repeats whatever you,say I'm sure you guys have already seen,it because it's been super viral yeah it,just kind of repeats whatever you say,and it dances that's pretty much that's,what it does I know it's got really big,viral potential because the product's,already old I know there's a lot of,content for it and it's also a,relatively cheap product you know you,can sell something like this for like,twenty dollars it's not really gonna be,that difficult to convince people to buy,it now when you go over to see product,which takes us to the product page we,consider these guys are selling it in,Romania it looks like so their product,page is in Romanian I've just translated,it with Google translate yeah they're,selling it for 79.90 late which comes,out to like 16 I think plus they're,charging for shipping and the shipping,is 17 late which comes out to 101.79 and,I found the exact same product on,AliExpress for 5.63 cents and four,dollars for shipping with a shipping,time of about a month which is not the,best but it's not that bad either,especially for testing because if it,doesn't work out doesn't really matter,if it does we can find a better supplier,and yeah it sold quite a bit it's got 2,000 orders almost 400 reviews and a 4.5,star rating so if we're selling it for,let's say 19.99 we would have about like,10 in margin which is not the best like,ideally we want to have maybe 15 20 on a,product like this but since these guys,are selling it in Romania where the,purchasing power is a lot smaller and,we're going to be focusing on the,English-speaking Market I think we can,get away with a bigger price and now,that we found the product I'm just going,to order a store for it so again I'm,going to be using star stores as always,if it's your first time watching my,video these guys just create a store,completely for you you just give them a,bit of information and they take care of,everything else if you guys want to use,them you can use code Marco 10 to save,10 off and yeah I'm just going to,quickly place an order on their site and,I'll be back with you guys once I'm done,alright guys so I just got done ordering,the store now we have to wait for the,store to get done so I'm gonna be back,with you guys in a couple of days once,it's done and we're going to continue,with the Challenge from there so I'll,see you guys soon a little longer than a,few minutes later okay guys so it's been,a few days since when I saw me and we,got the store delivered from start,stores so let's go over it and let's see,what they delivered here's how the,homepage looks um I love what they've,done I actually asked them to add the,booster team on the store so it looks,absolutely amazing And for those of you,guys who don't know what the booster,theme is that's the team you're looking,at right now and I'll leave a link in,the description if you guys want to get,it yourself but yeah the booster theme,is just the theme that's been made you,know specifically to convert really well,and it has a bunch of add-ons that you,don't have to pay for apps and stuff,like that so once you get the theme,which is a one-time fee you no longer,have to pay for certain apps and stuff,like that so it saves you a lot of money,there and it's also really really fast,theme which if you guys don't know the,speed at which your site loads is,extremely important and literally a one,second increase in the speed of loading,can have a huge effect on your,conversion rate so definitely check out,the booster team especially if you guys,are doing some big Revenue if you guys,don't have the money to buy a premium,theme you can use a free one that's,totally fine as well but if you do have,the money it does definitely help so,yeah that's the home page if we go over,to the shop page this is what the,product page looks like so we have this,bar we have a bit of a description a few,paragraphs frequently asked questions,some photos and then we have some trust,badges at the bottom fast shipping,Security payment stuff like that so yeah,overall I'm pretty happy with the store,this product page doesn't really have to,be too good because the product is very,self-explanatory so you don't really,have to you know have much text on it so,yeah that's pretty much it for the store,right now I'm gonna go and set up an,Instagram page for it and I'm gonna,start uploading videos I'm gonna have to,do that on my phone so I'm not gonna,film that but yeah basically I'm just,going to go on Instagram create a new,account and start posting videos I don't,have the product in my house so I'm just,going to be reposting other people's,videos so hopefully I'll see you guys in,a few days once we start getting some,sales so yeah that's pretty much it for,now and I'll see you guys soon so much,later that the old narrator got tired of,waiting and they had to hire a new one,all right guys so it's been a while,since you last saw me um I actually,scrapped this video completely because,we didn't get any sales in the 14 days,that the challenge was supposed to be in,so I guess I failed the challenge and I,completely gave up on it I wasn't,planning on posting this just because I,feel like a 14 day challenge with no,sales is really boring and I don't think,anyone would like to watch that but out,of the blue two weeks after I kind of,was supposed to finish the challenge we,started getting some sales and we did,some decent Revenue you know so I want,to show you guys the I guess second 14,days or would it be the third 14 days of,the store um it took a while for the,store to actually start getting sales,but once it did it was pretty consistent,for a while so let me show you guys what,we did so I'll take you guys through the,days as we were actually doing the,challenge you know day by day so you can,kind of see the progress and see what,you can expect from an organic store,yeah the first day that we did get some,sales was the 22nd of July and we,actually got two sales in the same hour,basically one person ordered two one,person ordered one so that ended up,being 59.97 in Revenue 27 in product,costs 348 for the processing fees and we,were left with 28.77 in profit which you,know for a store that didn't take any,investment is not that bad at all and,when we did get the first sales I logged,onto the profile to see where the sales,came from and we actually had a video,with more than a million views which I,thought was crazy because we only got,two sales from more than a million views,and I've never seen that happen before,so I thought maybe something's wrong,with the store or I don't know what it,is maybe the call to action is not clear,enough so I added some more call to,actions in the descriptions stuff like,that and it did help but it didn't fix,it to the extent that I thought it would,fix it and the reason for that being is,I think the product is just way too,saturated I've seen this product,literally in stores in real life many,times so I think most people that were,interested in this product already have,one regardless it did sell and the,videos for the product were extremely,interesting they didn't really look like,ads they just looked like someone using,the product and it was pretty,interesting to see that because normally,when you get a few million views in a,reel you would get a few thousand,dollars in sales if a product is really,good maybe on a few tens of thousands of,dollars in this case it was only two,sales so I thought that was extremely,weird but regardless that was the first,day so let's move on to the next one and,the second day was a bit better actually,we had four sales from four different,people and then ended up being 79.96 in,revenue and then we go over to the,profit loss sheet we can see that we had,36 dollars in product cost five dollars,in credit card processing and we ended,up with a pretty decent profit of 38.36,I think the majority of the sales were,still coming from the first viral video,that we had which still had like one to,two million views at the moment so the,next day came and on the next day we had,139.93 in revenue from seven different,orders yeah two of them were really,early in the morning and then we had a,few more later on in the day when you go,over to the profit loss sheet we,actually had a pretty high product cost,of eighty dollars and we only made fifty,dollars out of 140 which you know 350 is,not bad but the profit margin was pretty,bad because selling the product for,19.99 and depending on the country the,customers are ordering from we were,getting from like 10 to 12 13 so the,margins were pretty slim but still you,can never really complain for making,free money so on the next day we only,had one sale and we ended up profiting,6.88 then on the fifth day same thing,one sale 19.99 and we had 7.92 cents in,profit then the sixth day we still had,only one sale 19.99 profit at 8.51 if,you guys are wondering how we had,different profit margins for each day,even though we had the same sales it's,because shipping to some countries is,cheaper than shipping to other countries,so depending on the country the person,was ordering from we would have you know,a slightly different profit margin per,sale now we're coming on to the seventh,day and the seventh day was the 28th and,we actually had four orders this time,82.93 in sales one person bought a,shipping upsell and then when we go over,to the profit loss sheet we can see that,we had 32 dollars in profit I think at,this point a different video started,catching up and you know getting some,tractions so I think at this point we,had like two viral videos that were,doing really well and on the 8th day we,had,124.94 in sales most of which came in,the same hour the rest were kind of,spread out and at this point I had,enough of the low profit margins because,I was selling the product for 19.99,getting it for like 12 13. so I upped,the price to 24.99 and it actually did,sell at that price which was amazing,because it meant for every single sale,we get we have an additional five,dollars in pure profit so this day we,had a product cost of 61.96 and we ended,up profiting 55.36 in total which is not,bad so far we're at day nine and day,nine ended up only getting three sales,at this point I don't know how because,we were getting so many visitors as you,can see we had 566 visitors only three,sales which is pretty bad when a lot of,the visitors were coming from you know,countries like India stuff like that,they don't really have the best,purchasing power so that definitely,affected the sales and as we can see on,this day everyone got the shipping,upsell so we ended up getting a total of,83.88 in sales only 36 dollars in,product cost and they ended up profiting,42.79 in total which is a lot better,than before so on the second day we had,four sales and ended up profiting 38,dollars but on the 10th day we only had,three sales but ended up profiting 42,dollars so that's the beauty of you know,increasing your price because even,though you can sell less products you,can still make more money and also we,did get lucky with the shipping upsells,this day so that was an extra six,dollars or nine dollars somewhere around,there and here we are on the 10th day,10th day three sales 75 in Revenue no,one bought a shipping upsell today and,we ended up making 38 dollars in profit,now we're getting into August so August,the 1st August the first we had five,different orders uh two of which were in,the same hour I think and uh I think,someone did buy a shipping upsell here,and that ended up being 127 in Revenue,55 product cost 7.77 in processing fees,and a total of 64 dollars in profit and,we're actually now getting to the good,part so the next few days were a bit,better than the usual the 12th day uh we,ended up having basically 200 in Revenue,199.92 cents from eight different orders,so eight different people ordered one,product each no shipping up sell nothing,like that so the revenue was about two,hundred dollars product cost was 93.05,processing fees were 12.20 and we ended,up profiting 94.67 in one day which is,pretty good especially for a store that,I wasn't even filming the videos myself,I was just reposting other people's,videos I wasn't putting much effort into,it I was just posting two three videos a,day and uh it did pretty well you know,100 in profit for a day is pretty nice,now the 13th day we had,177.90 in the revenue most of which came,in the morning so you know I would have,expected it to get some more sales,during the day but no only one sale,towards the end and the product cost,ended up being 76 dollars and eight,cents and the profit ended up being 91,so even though we had like 20 Less in,sales the profit was pretty much similar,because of the countries that the people,were from that were ordering so that's,nice as well and then the final day so,this would be the 14th day of the,challenge you know if we actually,started getting sales day one but yeah,this is the 14th day 83.88 cents three,different sales 33 dollars in product,cost and forty five dollars in profit so,that being one thousand two hundred and,ninety six dollars in sales 54 orders,and I just added up all the profit for,the days and it ends up being,605.31 cents before you click off the,video I want to let you know that it's,not over yet I'm gonna show you guys a,few more days after the 14th day so,stick with me for like two three more,minutes and that's gonna be it which for,14 days on a new Store Without Really,filming anything without really paying,for ads or anything it's pretty nice and,I'm sure a lot of you guys would like,that and as you guys can see it's really,not that difficult to achieve all you,have to do is find the product set up a,store and just start posting videos on,social media and stay consistent because,you know it can take a month or two to,start getting some sales but after you,do start getting sales as you can see,you can make quite a bit of money and,this is by far the store with the most,views and the least sales that I've ever,seen because we literally ended up,having multiple videos get more than 10,million views and we only had this many,sales which definitely has to do with,the product I wouldn't recommend you,guys sell this product I know you're,gonna see this video and you're gonna,think let's sell the same exact product,but trust me I wouldn't recommend that,it's not selling that well but that's,not all that was the 14 day but we did,keep getting sales afterwards so I'll,show you guys a few more days the 15th,day two sales 52.95 in Revenue 21 in,product costs three dollars in,processing fees and 28.38 cents in,profit then the 16th day,127.72 cents in Revenue four different,orders and 67.34 cents in profit which,again is pretty nice uh then I guess,this would be the 17th day uh we got,three sales nothing special thirty three,dollars in product cost and 37 in profit,and then the biggest data this product,had was the 18th day so the 18th day we,had,258.81 cents in revenue from only seven,orders so it looks like someone bought,maybe three pieces or something like,that I'm not too sure and we ended up,having a hundred and one dollars in,product cost and,142.88 cents in profit so that was the,biggest day for this product,um so yeah I mean not that big honestly,but still not bad since it was all free,and then the next day we didn't get a,sale next day we didn't get a sale,either they kind of started dying off,and then we started getting you know a,few sales here and there so this were,like the next couple of days so yeah the,store is still getting some sales I'm,not gonna reveal the profile on,Instagram exactly for now just because,if it starts picking up once again I,might film an updated video for this and,I don't want anyone copying the exact,videos and everything like that but yeah,if it doesn't end up picking up once,again then I'll probably just share the,page on my Instagram so if you guys want,to check it out follow me on there it's,at Eco Marco and yeah I'd consider this,challenge a fail honestly because the,first 14 days we didn't get any sales,but the product did end up getting sales,and we made some decent profits so feel,free to comment what you guys think down,below and yeah guys I'll have all the,links for all the services I've used in,the description if you guys want to join,the digital wealth lounge and get,notified when it launches check out the,first link in the description go to the,page enter your email and I'll just,notify you once we go live and you'll,also get a huge discount if you join on,the first day so so if you want to get,that make sure you sign up so yeah,that's basically it for this video and,I'll see you guys in the next one peace,foreign

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