shopify expert bootcamp learn how to work for yourself

Learn to Code Shopify in 2021 [FULL CURRICULUM] hi guys so in today's video i wanted to,cover how yo

Will Misback - Shopify Developer

Updated on Feb 04,2023

Learn to Code Shopify in 2021 [FULL CURRICULUM]

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Learn to Code Shopify in 2021 [FULL CURRICULUM]

hi guys so in today's video i wanted to,cover how you can get started coding,shopify sites,in 2021. i've been coding shopify sites,for about a year now for myself and my,clients,and honestly i haven't seen a very good,resource out there for,you know what steps you should take to,get started coding there's plenty of,resources for getting started making a,store and whatnot but as far as coding,uh you know it's i think it's fairly,sparse and with this guide i'm,trying to give you resources that you,can use to learn how to code,quickly so you can start to work on,coding your own shopify store as quickly,as possible so just a really quick,introduction to web development in,general,almost any website you're coding on the,internet you're gonna have to learn how,to code,three uh different programming languages,the first is html html is sort of the,structure of a web page,css is the second css generally controls,your styles on your web page,how things look not where they are that,would be html but how things look,that's css and the third is javascript,that's for any logic,that you need to put on your page it's,like for calculations,for things that need to be tweaked on,the fly,that sort of thing the final language,that you're going to need to learn to,code shopify sites,is liquid this is unique to shopify,but liquid is basically the way that,you're going to be able to,in your code communicate with shop data,that you have stored on shopify,as far as like product titles customer,data,collection titles you know data data,concerning whatever,goes with your store so if we first,think about html css and javascript,the hands down the best resource i've,found for,a beginner to learn these things on the,web is called,the odin project and so what the odin,project does is it's basically,an online boot camp um that was made by,a guy who actually went to an in-person,boot camp for coding,he came out of it and he said you know,what we you could probably do this,online,and so what he did was he tried to,collect all the best resources as far as,learning the web development,on the internet and put them together,into cohesive curriculum that people can,work their way through,now there's several different tracks on,the odin project there's the foundations,path,which you can see here you have your,full stack ruby on rails path,and then your full stack javascript path,i would recommend to you,to do just to get started just do the,foundations course,um it's a very brief overview on like,front end back end stuff,just by doing that you're gonna get your,feet wet um and you're gonna get a feel,for like what this is like and,what sort of stuff you can start to do,with your shopify store a few notes,about the odin project,it's very focused on project-based,learning,uh and this is really great for,developing or,web development because you'll learn,very quickly with coding,the most learning you do is when you're,actually doing,projects and you're actually doing the,code when you're actually just,you know sitting there and reading,through resources yes you're learning,and obviously that's sort of a,prerequisite to be able to do any,projects but you do the bulk of your,learning,by the doing i can take you guys in here,for a little bit so you can see,basically,you have this front end section it takes,you through like html and css basics or,whatever,then at the end of it there's this,project and you can see just,each of these uh sort of modules has,these projects at regular intervals so,if we go into one of these lessons like,let's go to fundamentals part one here,so you know they give you like a sort of,an introduction at the beginning of the,lesson,they start teaching you about um very,like they start teaching you about the,different topics,and then you can see this is linked here,and they have this,variables tutorial right and this is,like from which is a,completely,separate website to them right they've,compiled these resources together,and these resources in my experience,they're like top of the,top of the line very quality resources,everything,in the odin project and actually,everything i'm going to mention in this,video,is free to use you can see they have,these,additional resources at the end i would,advise you check out all the additional,resources,don't feel compelled to like work your,way through every single additional,resource,but if something is catching your fancy,um definitely look into it,and that's how you're gonna do the bulk,you're learning is just like just,getting really immersed and interested,in this stuff guys the other thing with,the projects too,don't feel compelled like you don't need,to do their projects they list right,like let's say um you know here they,have this,uh this like calculator project or,whatever if you guys want to do,something for your website instead if,you guys need to do like something,some project with similar functionality,on your shopify site,then just you know do your project on,your shopify site right like don't,don't be like you don't need to stick to,their specific projects as long as,you're exercising the same skills,definitely check out the odin project,i'm going to leave links for all these,resources in the description of this,video,that should teach you the basics of html,css and javascript the next language,we're gonna be learning is liquid,and so with the odin project i would,imagine it's gonna take you,you know it depends how much time you're,devoting to it but it'll probably take,you maybe a month to work through that,okay so the next uh resource is is this,uh basic,liquid tutorial for um that shopify has,put up on their github,and you basically you just want to go,through this just learn about like you,know the operators,truth values and whatnot types stuff,like that very brief overview of liquid,this is going to take you you know,an hour or two max to look at but you're,going to be glad that you did because,before you try to delve into this stuff,you look at like liquid it's like all,these brackets and there's like percent,signs everywhere and you're like what on,earth is going in,or going on this is this is literally,going to,you know sort of allay that that um,overwhelm,or that overwhelming nature of liquid,and you're really going to get a feel,for like,okay this is how you make a variable,this is how you do stuff with the very,once again you know if we go back to the,idea that like you do,you learn most through doing right while,you're checking this out right,you know run some of the examples in,this like liquid sandbox that i have,linked it'll allow you to,you know type in some code like right,here they're assigning my variable to,tomato and then they're printing it,with this um thing that that makes it,uppercase right,so and then you see it printed out,tomato all uppercase so,yeah so just run some of these make your,own just play around with it that's how,you learn this stuff guys just immersing,yourself in it playing around with it,the next resource that i want to show,you guys,this is really cool is this coding,examples for liquid,so shopify has published all of these,coding examples,for um liquid code if we're thinking,like okay we want to see how do you make,a collection page,this isn't going to work with every,theme especially like custom themes that,you guys have uploaded yourself,but like this is generally how you would,make a collection page in shopify,just looking at this stuff it's going to,give you a feel for like the coding,conventions that shopify uses how they,want you to code things,and you know it'll give you inspiration,ideas of like okay,if this is how you can create a,collection page maybe i want a,collection page and then i want to,combine it with something else,and i can either copy paste from here or,i can you know copy paste certain things,or just take inspiration it'll also just,give you more of a feel,for like this is what liquid looks like,this is how liquid works,the next thing that i would definitely,recommend and this i use this literally,all the time when i'm coding shopify,so shopify has all these things called,objects right and,um they have all these these like data,they have all this data that you can,access,but it's like to keep all of them in,your head you know all of that,those data things and the objects in,your head like the name specific names,of them,is like such a hassle if i pull up this,cheat sheet right and i'm like,oh the product object i forget like what,sort of data that has right,and then i search product right you know,it'll return this this product object,here and it you know tell the product,object,it give me this learn more i can go here,here's like all,everything about the product object that,shopify has on their dock i can,also see like let's say i want to be,able to like say what the product,price is right i can go down here you,know i can read,this returns the price of the product,you know and this is for like anything,guys,such a good resource and honestly like,it actually took me a little bit to find,this,and um once i found it oh my god i was,so happy,so so anyway so um yeah so so you know,you can click on each of these it'll,take you straight to the thing,super helpful yeah just definitely check,that out like once you start to get you,know,delving into the actual code of your,site the final resource that i want to,give you guys and this is going to give,you a chance to get sort of like,certified in this stuff and,take a test to make sure that you you,know you've you've covered everything,and whatnot,is basically they do these uh they have,this thing called their shopify partner,academy,and so shopify partners are basically,like developers and whatnot that,um you know uh code shopify sites and,whatnot and shopify gives them this,whole platform to be able to do that,securely and whatnot,but anyone can become a partner like all,you need to do is go and sign up,right and and you know i'll put a link,for this in the description or whatever,but once you become a partner you get,access to all of these really cool,resources it's called like the shopify,partner academy,right and all these resources they have,everything from like,business management to like marketing to,like,um how to code like or like study guides,for coding shopify and stuff like that,and then like they have certification,tests for those things as well it's a,great resource i don't know why it's not,more out there,but i'm telling you guys about it now,check that out for sure,i would definitely recommend if you're,interested in you know like working with,your theme,check out the theme uh shopify theme,study guide slash,certification test or whatever and then,if you're interested in doing like app,development,which is definitely a little bit more,in-depth um,then you know check out the the app,development study guide certification,test,so yeah guys that's about everything,some of my closing thoughts you learn,how to code by coding,you're not going to learn how to code by,just like just looking at resources,whatever,do the coding you'll learn one of these,resources isn't your cup of tea,you know we're all unique learners uh so,maybe you know my style of learning,isn't your style of learning,um find another resource don't like,force yourself to like slog through,these resources,if they are slog for you uh just because,like some dude on the internet told you,to learning should be,fun right so have some fun with it if,you're not having fun,uh you're probably not in at the right,resource i'm gonna link at the end of,this video i have a bunch of tutorials,on like coding shopify,just basic features and stuff like that,i think that'll be helpful to you like,once you start,learning liquid and html and blah blah,blah like it'll just give you some,examples of like,okay this is how an actual feature like,this is how,a developer actually approaches like,coding in an actual feature and then the,other thing is like you know my youtube,channel i try to make it a great,resource for people um so definitely,check that out too if you like this,video,um you know what i do on my channel is i,make all these videos pertaining to,shopify like how can,you can make your store better as far as,coding digital marketing,those sorts of things so if that appeals,to you subscribe,um i also give a random one of my,subscribers each week a free,consultation on their shopify site,so yeah so like definitely if that,interests you like subscribe,and i'll see you in the next one guys

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