shopify bold remove wholesale order form

Create and Understand Price Groups if you've enabled the customer pricing,plan or the quantity break

Bold Commerce Support

Updated on Mar 02,2023

Create and Understand Price Groups

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Create and Understand Price Groups

if you've enabled the customer pricing,plan or the quantity breaks plan within,the bold custom pricing app you'll be,able to create price groups within the,bold custom pricing app to discount,either individual products or products,in bulk as you'll see here I already,have it a price group created it's,called bull tests this will just be an,internal name for the price group this,won't be storefront facing at all this,just helps me to identify the different,price groups that I have within the app,you'll see here sync this is just the,setting here to show us whether or not,the price group has finished syncing if,we are turning it off or on here we can,edit the price group where we can add in,other products where move products or,change the discount amounts that we're,adding within this price group you can,copy this price group or you can set to,just delete it and then you can see the,status here whether it's currently on if,it's green or if it's gray then it'll be,turned off if we want to create a price,group you can click on create product,pricing booth here at the top and you,can type in an internal name so again,this just uh helps you to identify what,this price group is discounting compared,to other price groups so I'll just type,in bull test - there's different,calculation types of different discount,methods that you can use so right here,there's a percent discount also a price,discount so this just discounts the,products that you've set within the,price group by a dollar amount off and,then it's it set fixed price so this,just changes the price of the product to,a specified amount it's good to note,that if you are using a set fixed price,that you can't set the price to be,higher then the price that you set,within your shop by admin only a price,that's lower so for now I'll just use,price discounts this setting here allows,you to just change the override set so,if you just want to change the cents,amounts to let's say 50 Cent's or maybe,$0.99 or just zero cents that's where,you can change that,if you have the quantity brakes plant,enabled then you'll have some different,options in here if you want the quantity,pricing discounts to be set to,individual variants you'll want to,select this option if you want the,discounts to be set to the entire,product to all the variants in the,product you can choose per products and,also if you have the quantity breaks,plant enabled you'll have a,mix-and-match option so this allows you,to offer discounts across different,price groups so let's say if I have to,price groups product a is in one price,group and product B is in another price,group I have this enabled then if I add,to a product a into the cart and to,product B instead of the two products,getting a quantity discount of two or,more they'll get four more for each of,those products here this is where you,can actually select your products so,here you can select individual products,you can select individual variants as,well and then you can select a bulk,amount of products through collections,vendors product types or just do a,dynamic list that you can customize on,your own as well so here I'll just,select products right now I just have,without products and if I hit search it,will bring up all the different products,that I have so if I just wanted to find,one particular product I typed in,without then the without variants,product would show up if you notice that,when you type in a specific key name for,a product and it's not showing up,it might just be a product that you've,added in recently and it just hasn't,sings within our app if that's the case,just clink I click on sync with Shopify,it'll take about five minutes up to a,maximum of about thirty minutes to sync,but after it's done you should be able,to type in keywords and then you can,bring up certain products in the product,selector here so I'll just choose,without variants here and then this is,where you can actually determine the,discounts that you're applying to the,products that you selected in here so if,you again if you have the quantity,breaks client enabled you'll have this,plus icon here where you can add in more,rows to add in more quantities and per,discounts per quantity if you just have,the customer pricing plan enable,then you only have one row enabled here,and then whatever you set for the,discount here will be the amount that,that the customer will receive when they,go onto the product page and they're,tagged either with a custom tag or if,they're just a default user as well for,the quantity breaks plan if I would if I,wanted to offer let's say maybe two,dollars off if they at one or more three,dollars off if they add to my four,dollars off they add three in one and,then five dollars off if they add four,more that's how that would kind of work,and then here the group status if you,have this set to enabled after you hit,save the price group will automatically,turn on and start discounting your,products based off of the tags that,you've created if you want to hold off,from applying those discounts to the,storefront you can just have this as,great and then it'll just be deactive,when you save the price group so we'll,just go ahead and hit save and you can,see here that price group just got,created bold test-tube hasn't finished,syncing quite yet because it's not,currently on but this one is finished,syncing and that's how you basically,create a price group for more,information and steps on how to create a,price group you can also check out this,help article here,it's called create product pricing,groups it gives you a list of how to,create those how to create a price group,step by step you can find this on our,Help Center at support bold commerce com

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