how to donate through shopify website

SHOPIFY STORE: Coffee eCommerce Store with Charity Donation Setup a lot of people when,choosing whic

Meraki Vision Agency

Updated on Mar 23,2023

SHOPIFY STORE: Coffee eCommerce Store with Charity Donation Setup

The above is a brief introduction to how to donate through shopify website

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SHOPIFY STORE: Coffee eCommerce Store with Charity Donation Setup

a lot of people when,choosing which platform they want to,build their online shop in,they get quite discouraged when they,find out that there's limitations on,shopify and,sometimes that discourages them,completely and they end up going for,a completely different platform such as,wordpress and we really like these,challenges,uh when we can actually go in and,create different solutions for clients,while still keeping the shopify platform,because we believe that shopify,is the best solution for most you know,99,of e-commerce stores so today i'm going,to share with you,a project that we launched last month,that we created,some very special features that we,thought or,most clients thought couldn't be done in,uh shopify so,we're also really excited about this,brand because it really touches on,the same values that we have at markey,vision which is,doing humanitarian projects donations,and different things like that so,inspire brew is selling coffee a brand,that they created themselves,very high quality coffee and,the main selling point of this brand is,that 50,of their profit goes to a cause,and the difference here is that it's not,just any cause,like one foundation but rather the cause,that you as a shopper want to do,now if you've ever worked or looked at,donation apps on shopify you will find,that most of them,all of them actually have a very set,list right so they,may give you a list or they may give,your shoppers a list to choose from but,it's a list that is inside of their,database,right and of course we could build our,own and build our own database but the,thing that makes,this unique especially is that they,wanted to have,people register their own costs that,means that if i have,a foundation that i support i can go in,and register it,and then 50 of the profits of my,purchase so let's say i buy two bags of,coffee will go to that cost,so very interesting um basically,business model here,the design is very unique um it has,certain elements that really,go beyond just like the regular template,of shopify stores that you see,um you can see here elements like these,where it's changing this also,just makes the brand look more fun and,cool while some may think well it's just,design it does really make an impact on,how,people view your brand and how much they,they believe in everything right so,if we go here we can see,there is always going to be a list of,existing causes that you can choose from,so i can browse,you know different causes if i'm,interested in pets and animals and i,want to select that one so you can,press it here choose your charity and,then it gets saved,for when you make the purchase but if i,want to go in and create and,register my own right let's say i,work with this,i go here and i register it so now we're,notified that my charity has been,registered,this is connected with a middleware that,goes,into a google sheet and automatically,saves all of these,what they do at inspire brew is later,look up the site make sure it's a,legitimate,charity they do their investigation and,then if everything passes,then that donation gets linked up or,that order gets linked up with that,uh charity and then they go and transfer,the money over to that charity so if now,we go here and i go in and choose,you know add this one to cart,when i go here you can see that my the,charity that i previously registered has,been saved on this,page and then i can check out,and this reaches them via the order,another great thing that we created here,is they really want you know the push to,subscribe everyone of course would love,um subscription orders because it's,ongoing revenue that you don't have to,keep getting new orders so we created,this,little wizard here where we can go,through and say okay who am i buying for,well i'm buying for myself,then i get taken down here to the,different options so it's more,interactive than,you know just having the subscription on,the product page it feels like i'm,personalizing my order,whole being coffee organic you know i,want two bags,how often every two weeks and bam,there's my personalized order continue,to check out and my subscription is,ready,so it's a way to give shoppers a,different way to purchase,so if you guys are struggling with,something similar on your,shopify store or would like some,consultation anything to do with that,please feel free to check out our,website check out some of our case,studies or testimonials,and of course click to get a free,consultation and i'd be happy to go over,your specific problem with you

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