minimalist theme shopify how to add aweber form to footer

Aweber Plugin - How to add signup form to WP pages hi guys sandra leming here again and i'm,here to

Sandra Lemming

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Aweber Plugin - How to add signup form to WP pages

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minimalist theme shopify how to add aweber form to footer catalogs

Aweber Plugin - How to add signup form to WP pages

hi guys sandra leming here again and i'm,here to do video three of the aweber,plugins so,um you know we started at the beginning,and,you know we imported our email,campaign that we want to use in,conjunction with our,opt-in form which we also built,in aweber so we've done that part now we,need to install aweber on our website so,we can make use of those great opt-in,forms that we've built on aweber,so what we do is we come into dashboard,so we're in the dashboard of our website,and we're going to install the plugin in,here,so what we're going to do is i'm just,going to go back to here,i'm going to close that website link,there okay,so i've got plenty of internet space so,i need to go into plugins,i need to go to add new right so,i'm on the plugin page here so i've,clicked on plugins and here's my,installed plugin,so now i need to go to add new at the,top here or add new on the left,so this is the wordpress admin panel so,i can click on add new on the wordpress,admin panel or i can click on add new,on top of the installed plugins page,either or it doesn't matter they're both,the same they both give you the same,result,and that's something to start to pay,attention to and get to notice with,aweber,with sorry with wordpress wordpress is,there's patterns in wordpress now you,know you may not be any good at,recognizing patterns some brains,recognize patterns other brains don't,right and that's just the way it is but,with wordpress it's very repetitious it,has patterns,so there's generally always usually two,ways to do things in wordpress,so just keep an eye on that and always,remember that over here on the left,this black panel here this is your this,is your wordpress admin,panel okay so now we're going to search,for a plugin so we're going to go,into cert we're on the add new plugins,page just here we can tell because it,says add plugins,upload plugins and we've got all these,plugins here we're going to go up here,to where it says search plugins we're,going to click in search plugins box,we're going to go aweber,then we're just going to let it do its,job we're not going to do anything else,just,one word aweber and then all of these,opt-in forms will pop up okay now you,can use any one of these,but for aweber these will be classified,as third-party,plugins anyway what we want is we want,the aweber for wordpress here it is,aweber for wordpress plug-in here it is,here it was last updated three weeks ago,it's compatible with the dbl,um site builder version of the um that,you're using the astra,theme remember how i showed you it was,an astra theme so it's it's compatible,with this,website that we're building now it only,has two stars but that's because it's,only had 18 reviews,and there's only 10 000 um active,installations now,you can't look at that and go oh it,doesn't have many installations all,right because,aweber is a email marketing,software but it's not the only email,marketing software there are hundreds of,others,you know there's first contact um you,know there's,mailchimp just to name a couple of them,there's there's a few others as well,um and they all you know they all have,their they all do their own email,marketing,um programs they all have their own,prices they all have their own plugins,and and so forth okay so only the people,who are using aweber,who want to make life easy and use a,plug-in will use the aweber plug-in,you know because you don't need the,aweber plug-in you can actually get the,code for your forms and,directly paste that code into your,website,and have your form on your website but,that's a little bit more technical,this will make it easy for beginners to,understand okay,so we're going to install now,and then we're going to click activate,now i've already installed this plugin,once before you probably would have seen,it in one of the earlier,website building,tutorials that i did when i was actually,first setting up the website and i was,showing you what plugins i like to set,up on my website so,you'll probably see it there but that's,okay,we'll just we'll just run with this here,so basically i had the plugin installed,i had it set up so i've uninstalled it,removed it and i'm sort of hoping that,it will mimic the same behavior as if,i'd,installed it for the first time,okay so there we go so it's installed it,here,and it's activated aweber for wordpress,so then if you don't what you need to do,is you need to come over to the,wordpress admin panel you need to scroll,down,you're looking for aweber okay if you,don't see,aweber there you'll need to refresh the,page up here,right reload refresh whatever that says,just refresh the page,and once you refresh the page and come,back you should find aweber on your page,here you'll want to click on settings,and what you're going to do is you're,going to marry your website,with your aweber dashboard okay,and once you've married them together,aweber can send better signals to your,website it can recognize your website,and it can authorize your website and it,knows that,that's a safe connection,so to get started you just click get,started and it's going to open up a page,and then we're going to paste some code,in here so we're going to click get,started,and then we're going to log into our,aweber dashboard,here right so this is our aweber,dashboard that we're logging into,so we can link aweber c by aweber,communications inc,so we can log out awebar to our website,we can link them together,you know sync them tie them together so,you need to put in your login name for,aweber mine's just,my email address i didn't worry about,creating a username,i wasn't that pedantic then the password,now when you first set up aweber you,should have written this stuff down,right you should have written your,username and your password down,if you didn't write them down well then,and you can't allow like you can't log,in this way open up aweber in a new tab,up here so open up a,brand new tab go to aweber login and,reset your password,allow access if you put in the wrong,password there it won't allow you access,now a lot of people get chrome to save,their usernames and passwords,preferably i don't do that i have a,notebook,beside me a hard covered notebook that i,write all of my passwords down,my uh notebook is a hardcover notebook,and it fits easily in any pocket,that i have a shirt pocket a jean pocket,a drought trouser pocket,small pocket in my backpack or my you,know a handbag well i don't,really carry handbags but bags um,i usually you know so so i can basically,carry that,pocketbook around with me anywhere so i,can log into anything of mine,from anywhere so if i happen to have,left the house i don't have a laptop or,anything with me,i've got my pocketbook with my passwords,i could go to a internet cafe,dump some money in a computer use an,incognito window,and log into whatever i need to um to,check it out or do what do whatever,okay when i first started this business,i didn't have a laptop i just,had an ipad so on many occasions,you know many days that i would have off,when i had time off from my job,you could i could be found down at the,internet cafe dumping,two dollar coins into the computer well,usually i used to just pay so i would go,into the,nice small internet cafe that was,reasonably quiet that a lot of people,didn't use and i would pay the guy,you know for you know four or five hours,two dollars an hour,so pay for multiple hours and then i,would sit there,you know for the three or four hours and,my daughter or somebody would you know,run in with a coffee or whatnot,um and i would do what i had to do on,the internet cafe,computers until i could get myself a,laptop all right so,what we're going to do with our aweber,now we've got this code we need to copy,this code so you just click in that box,once,and it will highlight it then you just,right click on it and copy now i'm using,a mouse on a windows operating,system okay so with my mouse i clicked,in that box i right,clicked on my mouse and i copied that,code,so i'm on a windows operating system,with an old-fashioned mouse that plugs,into my laptop,okay if you're using an apple,the process of saving the code may be,different for you,if you're using a windows without a,mouse the process of saving this code,may be a little bit different from you,okay so what i'm trying to get you used,to understanding here,is that you will never be able to do,everything exactly as you see it in any,tutorial,when it comes to computers and online,because,your system and how you've got your,laptop desktop ipad phone,or whatever set up you will need to do,things,slightly differently to the instructor,to cater for your system right from,where you're working from,so just understand that and that's the,same with wordpress not,everything on wordpress has to be done,exactly the same as you see somebody,else,do it it can be there can be variables,hundreds of variables on wordpress,because wordpress is a content,management system,but the actual content management system,comes with,tons of templates which are called,themes,and then there are hundreds of thousands,of plugins,which can affect everything,from the function of the site,to the design of the site right so there,are,hundreds of thousands of multiple,variables when it comes to having,a wordpress website so just keep that in,mind,so we've copied our code we're going to,go back to our website,we're going to paste our code into there,paste and then we're going to click,finish,finish,and then it'll bring you to these,advanced options now you don't have to,do this if you don't want to,it's it's really up to you i'm just,going to untick that side i'll just,leave this side open i'll just do the,one side you don't have to do both sides,i'm just going to click in here i'm,going to select the list,remember that was the new free videos,list,you can add tags here if you want if you,don't know what that means just leave it,empty,um you can change this label here sign,up to our newsletter i'm going to leave,it and sign up to our newsletter,because i did use the word newsletter,remember in the title of my opt-in forms,that i created,analytics event tracking you can tick,that there,and then you can click save,so then it says changes made to your,subscribers lists,have you saved successfully all right so,that's,saved successfully that's done so what,i'm going to do now is i'm going to go,to forms,and as you can see here you can split,test forms but it's going to show up,a form right so there's one form here,at the moment i haven't got it installed,on,um on my website but that's for this,list here that says marketing made easy,as you can see here if i go through here,i can see every single list that i've,got,so i'm going to click on new free videos,and you can see that i have the three,forms that i created for this list,so while you were watching me i created,the newsletter for the blog,and then i created the free newsletter,sign up,for the page i did that i didn't,actually record that one i'm really,sorry but,it's very similar to this one here you,can preview your forms,so you can click there and it'll open up,in a new window,and that's the form that i created with,you watching,for to go at the bottom of the blog,right so that's one form and if i go,to here and i click on this here preview,this is the other form that i created,very simple form,not much to it at all and as you can see,sign up to our newsletter,for some free videos and other cool,stuff okay so that's the two different,forms sign up to our newsletter to get,free videos and some cool stuff,so two forms okay one,two so now i can install those on my,website so i can close those tabs i can,close this tab,and you can basically install these,forms anywhere you want i mean there is,one other form this all in package i'll,click there i'll show you that form,i this was just a example i did for,another member who wanted to actually,use the all-in package and collect a,name,and stuff at the same time,you know so i was just showing them how,to do that um and create a little,campaign for that but anyway,you know that's beside the point so i'm,just going to close that as well,now as you can see here these things,here are called short codes,so it says name then it says short code,and this here will tell you how many um,just,like displays how many times it's been,displayed so it's been displayed seven,times this one,how many submissions there's one,submission,on this website you won't find any of,the forms because it's not they're not,on this website anywhere,and here tells you your conversion rate,right,so you get a little bit of tracking data,inside of your aweber plugin that's,another great thing about the aweber,plugin,you have the ability to do split tests,if you want,you can create split test forms inside,of aweber when you learn a little bit,more,but just go with the basics to start,with don't worry about the advanced,stuff,you can always learn that step by step,as you go along,sometimes it's best to just start with,the simplest of,options and just keep using the simplest,of options,over and over and over again repetition,until it all starts to click together,and make sense to you,then you'll find that you'll be ready to,learn,some advanced techniques,the great thing about this plugin is you,only need to install this short code,anywhere on a page in a widget area,in a footer and then that form will come,up,so let's just start with this form here,and i'll show you the two options,so i'm going to start with this form,here i'm going to copy the shortcode,copy and i'm going to put it in my,widget my sidebar right,as a widget in my sidebar so your,sidebar is an area where you can put,widgets,so i'm going to go to appearance,and then i'm going to go to widgets so,you just scroll,over the word appearance and then you,click on widgets,and you come into widgets and this is,your sidebar okay,so this is the sidebar on my blog so i'm,just going to leave that where it is,and here i've got the aweber sign up,form,so i can you know i can use the aweber,signup form widget if i want,or i can just use a custom html widget,or i can even use a text widget but i'll,use the,sign up form widget here and i'll click,here and i'll go,main sidebar and then i'll click add,widget,okay so it's added the widget here so,now i'm going to select a list,so i'm going to select the list i want,the new free videos,and then i'm going to select a form,right so i need to select a sign up form,so i'm going to go to free new video,newsletter signup form,and then i'm going to click save,and then i'm going to close that and i'm,going to drag this widget to the top,of all these widgets right under the,search box so you can see what that,looks like,all right so you don't need to save or,anything now i'm going to open up my,website in a new page so i'm going to,in a new tab up the top here i don't,want to overwrite this tab i'm on i want,to open a new tab,and keep this tab open as well so i'm,going to scroll over the name in the,wordpress admin panel,i'm going to scroll down i'm going to,click i'm going to right click on visit,site and i'm going to,open link in a new tab remember i'm,using a mouse on a windows operating,system,but you can do it with the scroll pad as,well so i'm going to scroll over that,and,right click i'm going to click on that,open a new tab,this is going to open up the website in,a new tab,here's the website remember i've you,know haven't done anything i'm going to,click on posts,because that's where the sidebar is and,that's where you'll see the widgets in,the sidebar,so i'm going to come into here and there,you go see sign up to our newsletter,for some free videos and other cool,stuff now i know this looks a little bit,weird here i should have,actually created a you know a proper,widget sign up form but that's okay,it'll still work so it's there it's you,know it's very large,but that's what a that's what a widget,is a widget goes in the sidebar,this is another widget recent posts,recent comments,archives categories meta,that's another widget as well and i will,say to you i'm going to take you back,into widgets i'm going to show you how,to remove this meta,because you don't want to leave this on,the post page of your website for too,long,because this is what happens hackers can,actually use that meta widget to hack,into your website and figure out how to,log in right,so you can go into site admin and you,can log into your website you can log,out,you can access so we're going to go back,into our widgets area,and i'm also going to show you how to,remove the meta widget,i generally remove all of these as well,i don't i,usually keep categories but i don't set,that up until i've started,actually creating categories for my,posts so i'm going to go back into my,wordpress website,and i'm going to remove the meta widget,so i'm going to click that open,and i'm just going to click on delete,and that's removed it okay so it's gone,now i don't have to worry about that if,i go back to my website,and it is there if i if i reload the,page here you'll see that that,disappears,and there you go it's gone see no more,metal widget and i can remove these,other widgets as well,so but yes that's that's one way to use,the aweber sign up form,now i'm going to use the aweber blog,sign up form and show you how to put it,at the bottom of a blog post,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,go to posts or posts,oh cancel,close that off there we'll go to posts,all posts leave,okay so here i am i'm going to pick one,of these,blog posts i'll start with the hello,world post and i'll show you how to put,a sign up form below that,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,click on edit post,now with my blog posts when i'm working,with wordpress,and this is only with my blog posts i,always actually 99,of the time very rarely have i ever,created a blog,post where i used,something other than the wordpress,editor so when you're creating blog,posts even on a page builder website,the wordpress editor will open up,there's a reason for that and i mean,it's a very good reason and the reason i,use the wordpress editor,is because if anything happens in the,future i'm not happy with the host,provider that i've got my website on and,i want to,move my website over to another host i,can actually,easily simply save,like export my blog posts,in a zip file and then once i've moved,my site,over then i can delete them all off of,the site then i can,um you know do a backup and save the,rest of site move it over to a new host,and then the easiest thing to import,back in is that,file that zip file of my blog post and i,don't have to worry about doing any,design features with the blog post,same as if i change my website over from,the theme that i'm using now to a,different theme,if i built my blog post on the wordpress,editor,i don't have to worry about changing the,design features of the blog,posts only the page content,so let's just say you know this there's,this blog post here,let's just put some sample information,there,for the heck of it you know this is,a demo blog,show,beginner,word press webmasters,we'll call use webmasters because that's,what google considers this to be,and as you can see i have got some,spelling mistakes here,so i need to put,that and i need to go there,how easy it can be,to use the aweber,for wordpress,plugin i aweber,to install opt-in,or sign up forms,both the same thing,on their website,at the bottom of,a blog post,there we go all right so um,that's enough information there i can,now,click enter and i can put a signup form,below that i can,center the form if i want so i can go to,there and all i need to do is see this,aweber symbol here,i can click on that,and i can click in here please select a,sign up form,new free videos so i can go newsletter,blog,and i can click ok and there's the sign,up form there,right that's simple if you can't see the,aweber symbol there,for one reason or another you can just,paste that short code that you copied,remember how i showed you to copy that,short code earlier on,you can just paste the shortcode there,see,but i'm going to delete that,alrighty so then once you've got that,done,you can give your blog posts categories,so i can put here i can put um,aweber oops,select it there orms,there we go and i can add the category,i can untick uncategorized in my tags i,can go,aweber forms or just got aweber,forms opt-in,yeah and i go uh blogs,then i can add the tags okay,and those tags can be transferred across,to here if you like,and then i'm going to go down and i can,give my blog post featured image i don't,think i have many featured images in,here but,let's see what i've got in here that i,can use,any one of those will do this dude here,i'll do this looks all right,so we will add that as a featured image,when you're doing a featured image make,sure you fill in your alt text describe,the purpose of the image,leave empty if image is purely,decorative,i always put alt text in there and i,always put a description in here okay,so i'm not going to do it now because,make the video too long but set as a,featured image,all right so that's good there's the,featured image and then i'm going to,come up,here and i'm going to click update,and i'm just going to let that finish,loading i know it's still finishing,loading because i,cannot see everything at the moment,right now,once you've once you've saved that right,this is going to look like code don't,panic because it's not this end that you,need to worry about,what you do is you click on view post,and when you come into your blog there's,your featured image and when you scroll,down,here you've got that little bit of,information i'll put there and there you,go you've got a sign up form down below,your blog post okay,you can use a smaller sign up form you,can create a smaller one you can make,that one smaller,but i just wanted it nice and big and,bold so you could see what i i meant,um and so i could draw attention to it,for you right,normally i wouldn't you know i wouldn't,use something this big,i would you know i would use something,much smaller than this,for a sign up form underneath the blog,post but you know that's,that's what it looks like right,now i'm going to go back in i'm going to,go to the dashboard,anyway so as you've seen that's how you,install,a a sign up form in a blog post so that,way you don't have to put it on every,blog post,so i've shown you how to put a signup,form in the widget bar,and i've shown you how to put a sign up,form in the blog post,so when people go and read the blog post,you've got a sign up form at the bottom,of your blog post,right so showing you how to do both of,those,it's easy enough to do so in the,next video we might tackle uh,installing the form on an actual,page all right guys this is sandra,signing off i hope this video was,helpful bye for now

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