meta page title and store name both show seo shopify

Should You Remove the Store Or Brand Name From The SEO Title In Shopify? hey guys johnny here from e

Optizen - Shopify Tag Page SEO

Updated on Mar 16,2023

Should You Remove the Store Or Brand Name From The SEO Title In Shopify?

The above is a brief introduction to meta page title and store name both show seo shopify

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meta page title and store name both show seo shopify catalogs

Should You Remove the Store Or Brand Name From The SEO Title In Shopify?

hey guys johnny here from ecomex seo,should you have your brand name in your,seo title of your shopify store just,quickly if you haven't subscribed to our,youtube channel make sure you hit the,subscribe button below,or head on over to our free private,facebook group where we've got plenty of,great discussion going on over there,about shopify,seo now we get this question a lot from,clients,and students about whether,you should have the brand name in the,seo title for your store your collection,pages product pages etc,many shopify themes append the brand,name,by default on the end of an seo title,and what i mean by that most of you,probably already know but,here we are on a just a test store a,a product page and if we hover on over,the,um the browser tab we can see that,it's got product two dash and then app,meter and that's actually the name of,the,test shopify store so that app meta,or the seo their brand name has been,appended onto the end,of all the seo titles so um that's on,every page so shopify,the home page the product page,collection pages etc,now it's not necessarily a bad thing but,you just need to consider,if and when you should use that now it's,if you want to remove it it's not,a big deal you can come into your theme,liquid,and you search for title in your theme,liquid,and you've got your between the title,tags um you've got your seo title liquid,code and if we scroll to the end of this,we can see that the shop name there,whoops,on this particular theme a shop name is,actually,uh that's the section where it's,appending the,brand name to the seo title now every,theme is different some,you know you might have already done,some customizations to your your title,tags,so uh this is i'm not going to say this,is how it works every single store but,you,if you look for uh that in,your,between your title tags um that's more,than likely the section that's actually,creating,the the brand name at the end of your,seo title so,you might need to ask your developer or,play around with it to,to if you want to remove or add,that shop name to the end of the seo,title that's not really the point of,this video what i wanted to do is just,talk about,if and when you should actually use your,brand name now it's pretty simple,and we'll just go to a google search so,here we've got a google search,essential guitar pedals so if we scroll,on down you can see here we've got this,looks like,a blog and you can see the seo title,here they've got the blog name appended,to the end of that seo title,if we scroll on down we'll see whether,we can find that here's an article here,seo title appended to the end of the the,so the shop name appended to the seo,title the end of the seo title,um and you can if you scroll them down,we can see some more here so these are,all blogs so they're not shopify stores,but um but you get the idea,now having a brand name at the end of,the seo title is not a bad thing,certainly if your brand name is like,it's a brand name for your particular,store and you're trying to,get that brand name out there get some,more exposure and actually,have some some push for your brand name,and that's going to help by having it,at the end of seo titles what you want,to be a little bit careful about is when,your,your url or your store name is is,similar to,um either a certain product or a,collection you're trying to rank so,it might physically i'll bring over my,notepad actually make a little easier,so let's say you're your your url is,guitar,pedal guru and and your black and then,there's a you've got a product which is,black guitar pedal,and then what shopify is doing is,appending the,brand name guitar pedal guru because,that's,you you probably have set that in your,shopify home page settings,for your store name it's going to append,the store name to the,end of the seo title so we've got black,guitar pedal,guitar pedal guru and then we've also,got,guitar pedal guru as our url,so then i've just created what would be,the uh a product url so now you've got,guitar pedal guru dot com slash product,slash,black guitar pedal so you've got guitar,paddle,pedal in the url twice which you,probably you know in this example you'd,get away with because guitar pedal is,actually,your brand name but then if you go and,have your have guitar pedal in the,seo title and then uh shopify,automatically adds guitar pedal guru,um and appends it to the end of your seo,title on every page you're just,you're just risking that you're gonna,increase,the the density of guitar pedal guru,throughout your entire site,and you're at risk of over optimization,for that particular word and and we,would be looking at certainly guitar,pedal,um would in this example would be over,optimized and also would guitar,if your store not or your url was,let's say we'll just make up something,black mojo which is like a brand name,and you're selling guitar pedals,then now it's less optimized and this,would end up being,black mojo,so now you're less over optimized than,what you,were and now you've just got guitar,pedal once in the seo title so in that,example,it's going to work fine but if you have,an exact or partial match domain you,just want to be a little bit careful so,that's,an example where you might want to,remove the,brand name from your seo titles in,shopify,now it does need consideration i mean,there's plenty of google updates rolling,it all the time we certainly saw in may,in the may google update 2020 that,um seo titles that,were over optimized so had a key term in,them twice,actually suffered a little bit so,in this example if this was we'll go,back to,guitar,pedal guru this has got guitar pedal in,the,product seo title twice,um this possibly would have been,suppressed so,just need to be a little bit careful of,that that's why we like to do it,if you've got a generic brand name it's,fine to have your brand name in your,seo title and you can increase that,brand exposure,if you have a partial match or an exact,match domain for your core keywords,you just want to be a little bit careful,and consider how you get whether you,want to remove,the the brand name that gets appended to,your seo title,and a lot of stores do it's like i say,straight out of the box so you just got,to check that,and it can be one of those things that,can hold you back if you're not careful,okay i hope all that makes sense thanks,we'll talk to you next video

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