in shopify if most of my items come from china how can i chagne the shipping time

How To Dropship WITHOUT AliExpress On Shopify (Fast Shipping Methods) in this video i'll be revealin

Jordan Welch

Updated on Mar 06,2023

How To Dropship WITHOUT AliExpress On Shopify (Fast Shipping Methods)

The above is a brief introduction to in shopify if most of my items come from china how can i chagne the shipping time

Let's move on to the first section of in shopify if most of my items come from china how can i chagne the shipping time

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in shopify if most of my items come from china how can i chagne the shipping time catalogs

How To Dropship WITHOUT AliExpress On Shopify (Fast Shipping Methods)

in this video i'll be revealing exactly,how i'm drop shipping with less than 10,day shipping times,from china without using aliexpress and,at the very end of this video i'll even,show you how i recently added a,three-day shipping option to my shopify,store,so stay tuned,what's up guys it's your boy jordan back,with another e-commerce video,and listen this year i am on a mission,i'm on a mission to make over five,million dollars with my e-commerce brand,and document the entire process as much,as i can,so that i can lead by example and help,you start your own online store,i want to try to hit 100 000 subscribers,and help a thousand people start their,own online store,in 2021 so if you want to see that,journey and support my vision,make sure to hit the subscribe button,down below and give this video a thumbs,up as it shows it to more,people and helps my channel grow and,without further ado,let's get started with the video being,transparent is one of the most important,things to me,so i want to show you some of these,shipping times first hand on my,dashboard,so you can see this is the shopify,dashboard here and i'm going to click on,orders,we're going to go to fulfillment status,fulfilled,we're going to change the date to the,last 30 days,and then we'll just sort by the oldest,ones that way we can pull some that have,arrived so,we'll take this one and we'll take this,one for example,if we click on the link here you can see,that this was delivered in six days,and if we click on this one once again,you can see that it was in six days,and that's using the same exact shipping,method that i'm going to share with you,right now,real quick i just want to explain why,aliexpress is not a sustainable tool to,scale your business,in my business aliexpress really only,has one use,and that is to test new products this is,really the only benefit of this website,there are a ton of sellers,there's a mass variety of products but,when it comes to scaling a product with,this platform,it is not sustainable at all the major,problem with aliexpress,is that there are massive variations,between the suppliers shipping times and,product quality,so when you're fulfilling a product from,this platform it's totally a random game,on if your supplier is going to do a,good job or not the one piece of advice,i can give,in that initial testing phase is study,those suppliers heavily,look at their reviews look at how many,other products they have and how long,they've been in business,just make sure to be very careful on who,you decide to work with,and when you do find somebody that has,the product that you're looking to sell,make sure you message them and build up,some type of rapport,so you know that there's a real person,on the other side that wants to help you,grow,but once again this website is only for,testing products so once you found a,product that is selling well,i'm going to recommend some alternatives,now to take that to the next level,all right so now i'm going to show you,two alternatives to aliexpress that,offer faster,shipping these tools are good for that,first phase of your business,where you're getting maybe five to,twenty orders per day,and you're looking to provide a better,experience for your customers alright so,the first tool is called e-perlo,this is very similar to aliexpress these,products are all shipping from china and,you can see they have a lot of the big,drop shipping products,on here but the major benefit of using,an app like this,is that they provide shipping lines that,you normally wouldn't be able to get,from aliexpress,so you can see that they're offering,yanwen which is a really good shipping,line that even i use,they offer 4px and then they offer the,traditional e-packet from aliexpress,which i wouldn't recommend using right,now it's super slow,so with an app like this you're gonna,get better shipping times but it's gonna,be a little bit more expensive,so if you can afford the cost difference,this is a great,tool for shipping products from china,all right and the second tool is called,spock it,now this app is very similar but the,only difference is that they mainly,focus on products that ship from the us,and canada now the major downside to,spock it,is their product library is not the,greatest,a lot of these products really don't,have major scaling potential,on a drop shipping store but every once,in a while you'll find some pretty cool,stuff like,this plant hanger is pretty nice you can,see that it shifts worldwide in 8 to 14,days,which is pretty good shipping times,compared to alley it's a pretty dope,product,as well honestly put this in my house,then you have something like this which,is also a dropship,product that i think could do all right,especially for the eco-friendly crowd,and you can see that once again it ships,eight to 14 days to the us,so they got a ton of products on here,but like i said it's a good app for fast,shipping,but the actual product library is not,the greatest but anyways these are,two apps that you could use in that,starting phase of your business,now once you start scaling and you want,to crank things up to the next level,and get those juicy six to ten day,shipping times,this is the method that i use and this,is what i recommend you guys try to get,to as soon,as possible let's talk about it so the,best and fastest way to ship products,out of china is actually using a private,agent an agent is somebody who has,connections in china with the,fulfillment centers,the shipping lines and the manufacturers,to help you get the best price and,fastest shipping possible,and to explain the process on how you,work with an agent,i'm actually going to call mine up and,have him break this down for you he has,over 10 years of experience and can do a,much better job explaining than i ever,could,hey what's up yo jordan how's it going,my man,doing good bro if you don't mind i,wanted you to explain a little bit to my,audience about the process of working,with an agent,and how that goes down yeah yeah sure so,this,fulfillment is and it's super easy,really i mean for us we got a website,all you got to do,is to fill out the form give us your,product,we go out there and work for you we're,going to find the best factories,we're going to find the best product,quality and price combination,we're going to improve it for you if you,need it yeah when a brand is free we,need it we use,the most consistent shipping lines as,well and especially if you're comparing,something like all the express man,this is not even drop shipping anymore,we're basically your,supply chain partners and this is not,just,a better drop shipping process it's,really just leveling up,your game so if you want to take it to,the next level and build a longer,lasting brand and just,make a lot more money and just a lot,more consistency,it's been a pleasure working with you,and i hope that this has been helpful to,the people that are watching,let's do it bro let's do it all right,catch you later bro,so that's pretty much exactly what i've,done i worked with value to source my,product for a cheaper cost with the best,possible quality,and we use a private shipping line,called yun express to ship,products with less than 10 days shipping,times so since working with an agent,i've even been able to do a couple extra,things that have elevated my brand to,the next level,i was able to print a custom logo on my,product get my product in,a custom package and i was even able to,work with the manufacturer themselves,to improve the quality of my products,such as the sizing,and the components that go inside of it,and now i'm ordering thousands of these,products,every single week and shipping them,directly with my agent and from using,this method i'm actually getting a 4.3,feedback score from facebook,which makes my ads run much more,effective and allows me to get costs so,much cheaper,so that's pretty much exactly how my,shipping is set up in china,my next stage that i'm getting to is,three day shipping times and i'm gonna,real briefly touch on that before we end,this video so i recently placed a bulk,order of products from china,to a united states fulfillment center,and my goal for 2021 is to ship the,majority of our orders out of this,fulfillment center doing it this way,ends up being cheaper in the long run,and it gives my customers the best,possible experience when shopping with,us i'm going to link a fulfillment,center down below that you guys could,send your products to and ship them from,if you're interested in us fulfillment,and if that's something that you guys,want to see in another video,as i learn more about it go ahead down,below and comment usa or drop a usa flag,and i'll make a video about that in the,future but that's pretty much all for,this video,thank you guys so much for watching if,you enjoyed this content give me a,thumbs up and hit that subscribe button,down below for more,i'm really on a mission this year to,make my channel great and document the,entire process of building this brand,so if that is something that you want to,see stay tuned for some great content,hopefully you guys have a great day talk,to you soon peace,you

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