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3 Shopify Apps That Made Me $233,000 Last Month | Store Breakdown Step-By-Step today we're going to

Hayden Bowles

Updated on Mar 25,2023

3 Shopify Apps That Made Me $233,000 Last Month | Store Breakdown Step-By-Step

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3 Shopify Apps That Made Me $233,000 Last Month | Store Breakdown Step-By-Step

today we're going to be talking about,three separate Shopify apps plus a bonus,one at the end so make it four in total,and I'm gonna explain to you how just,using these three primary apps I,produced last month in April of 2020 an,extra two hundred and thirty three,thousand dollars in revenue okay we're,gonna talk about what it takes to use,these apps we're going to talk about the,numbers behind it and more so about the,percentages of sales that come in from,these apps not just necessarily the,dollar figure because that is dependent,on how much sales you're doing on the,front end so if someone's you know,already has a store making a hundred,thousand dollars a month versus a,million versus one hundred million right,that's gonna completely change,everything so we're gonna talk about,what these apps are how to set them up,properly so that you can start even if,you're only making like a hundred,dollars a day in sales start making a,little bit of extra money on autopilot,every single day because I promise you,this is one of the things I wish I would,have done years ago because I would have,made a lot more money a lot faster and,just understood this so much better but,if I had set these up even when I was,doing smaller numbers in daily sales I,would have been able to have my margin,increased so much on the front end then,I would have been able to spend more on,ads and that's the goal because if you,can have your margin on your store go,from 25 percent to 35 percent that that,changes everything,you know if you're doing a hundred,thousand dollars a month you now have an,extra ten thousand dollars in profits,work with you could dedicate that money,just to creating content right review,videos new ad content stuff for your,social media and I guarantee you by,doing that you will make way more than,that ten thousand dollars so that's kind,of the focus here I want to set the,scene really well because it will help,you make so much extra money in the long,run as long as you learn what I'm going,to show you inside of this video okay so,if you're excited for make sure to smash,the like button and subscribe at the,channel down below I am coming at you,with videos hopefully twice a week I'm,gonna try to stick as consistent to that,as I possibly can so does anything you,want to see on the channel make sure to,leave it in the comment section below,and without further ado we're gonna,start with the one that makes in my,opinion the most direct impact in terms,of margin at least,and that is an upsell app specifically,my favorite one it's been my favorite,one for almost a year now maybe yeah,maybe actually more than a year is,called candy rack I used to use bold,upsell there's been like four or five,different main apps that I used but,candy rack I will throw up a picture of,it and by the way none of these apps I'm,sharing inside here I have no affiliate,link form I have not been paid by any,companies to promote this and at the,same time I don't own any of these,contrary to what some people might think,so this is just my own personal,experience in my own opinion based on,ones that I actively use every single,day I pay for these monthly,subscriptions every single month for a,reason so with candy rack the reason I,like this upsell app specifically myself,over any others I've used probably 10 to,4 cups elapsed in a pretty heavy way,right I've tried them I have ran tens of,thousands of dollars of sales through,mistis test and ultimately candy rack,for me has worked the best I think it's,because it's a little more contemporary,it's a little bit of a sleeker look if,you go in and set up the upsell it looks,really cool it has three different lines,that drop down if you have three,different products so you can put two,products three products one product five,whatever you want so you can upsell,multiple products and it's not on,separate pages it's all on one thing,it's an ad McCart upsell sequence that,at least for me works the best there and,it makes a huge impact and let me tell,you why and I'm gonna tell you what,types of upsells I do the pricing and,all that in about 30 seconds but with an,upsell you already spent money on your,ads to get a customer to come to your,store and if you're up selling someone,meaning hey you bought this laptop do,you want to buy a laptop case they're,already buying the laptop if they're,seeing your upsell so it's not like,you're badgering and hammering a,potential customer before they even,consider buying they're already in that,process so it's a lot easier to upsell,something to someone who's already,bought or is already in the process of,buying versus trying to sell that same,product like a laptop case for an,example to someone who doesn't even know,who you are and has never been to your,website so you're not necessarily paying,for that customer again which is great,they're already there they're already,looking at everything and it's gonna,help increase your average order value,like I said that is gonna take such a,wait and I say this because I've four,years of,doing it it will take a massive weight,off of your chest and shoulders when you,can have a lot more room with your,margin to play around with your ads,whether that's Facebook ads Google Ads,tick-tock snapchat and Instagram,whatever it doesn't matter but whatever,you're doing with your marketing if you,can increase your margin by making your,average order value go from 30 to 40,that is a phenomenal difference you know,the last video I posted should be the,last one on the channel I broke down,going to five hundred thousand dollars,half a million dollars in a month on a,newer Shopify store well as I broke down,inside of there and I showed screenshots,and stuff from order metrics which is,another app that just tracks your,numbers I showed what that average order,value was it was like $13 and by the end,of the month I got it to 2150 that's,almost a double that's like a 70 to 80,percent increase and that is primarily,just through upsells I didn't raise the,product cost right the price of it so it,is truly huge if you can mess around,with that and increase that average,order value it's gonna make things so,much better make a lot more money in the,end now the types of upsells I like to,do I don't like to have just one because,I want to give people options but I,don't want seven I don't want twenty,it's just too much if you guys have ever,read the book the paradox of choice by,Barry Schwartz a great book I read it,probably three years ago and it just,talks about options it talks about,choices and what happens when you,present a client and this is kind of how,he phrased it in the book but talked,about it if you're trying to close a,client for an example for social media,marketing and you give them six,different packages that you offer as a,company it's too many things going on,and they'll never make a decision the,best scenario would be for you to offer,them to maybe a third okay two to three,is kind of that best option I found the,most success myself by having three,different upsells so I'll do a lower,ticket a higher ticket and then,something that's super low ticket but I,have next to no or no additional cost on,let me run you through that a lower,ticket product if I'm selling you a,phone case for $40,I might upsell a screen protector right,for $15 or for $10 and for a higher,ticket one for an example let's say I'm,selling you a posture corrector write,something like helps with your posture,with your back for $30,I might upsell you a faragon like that,sighs gonna help did your muscles in,your back I might up sell that for $100,okay low ticket high ticket and then for,something you have no cost let's say I,was selling that faragon I might upsell,you a warranty on that electronic device,and this usually works the best with an,electronic device but what you could do,is as long as you know this is kind of,key as long as you know the products,that you're sending out are of good,quality you can put your own guarantee,on it say hey we'll give you a 6-month,full money-back guarantee warranty on,the product so what are the odds of,someone breaking that product inside of,six months very little very very little,you will have almost no people ask for a,refund and asked to get a new one but,here's the thing that customer might,have spent $200 with you and your,product cost was 50 and your ad spend,was 100 you might have made fifty,dollars in profit on that one customer,and now in three months let's say day,breaking or something happens maybe,they're lying or whatever you have to,send them a new one,well now you're just using that 50,dollar profit to do it but what about,all those other customers you up sold a,couple of dollars you're making that,extra profit so you're putting that in,your pocket and that's kind of the,overall picture here that I want to,paint without taking too long,from an upsell perspective so candy rack,great great upsell app you can play,around with other ones I always,recommend testing different things but,try that one stick with it most of these,apps that I'm gonna talk about today,have a free trial so I would recommend,giving it a shot it's something in this,health meet make a lot of extra money it,was about seventy three thousand dollars,just with candy rack on one store in,April granted that's stored in over a,million dollars in sales and the,percentage is not the best but to talk,about the percentage real quick I don't,want to drag on each of these too long,but you should be seen about a 5 to 15,percent increase because of upsells that,take rate should be really good now for,me I was doing about thirty to sixty,thousand dollars a day as you kind of,ranged a month we ended it about 60,started about 30 well on your average,day I was doing about 23 to 25 hundred,dollars a day in extra sales and extra,revenue Kay we sold product house on,that just through candy rack that number,I would like to see that this month in,May of 2020 I would like to see that,closer to five to six thousand dollars,kind of nearing in on that eight to ten,percent mark on the revenue okay so for,me that's something where I just want to,share what I'm working on and that is,one thing I'm working on it's not a,perfect setup I've been focused way more,on the ads but just to show you that I,still to this day actively work to,improve what's already making me money,can't up sells huge huge huge alright,let's talk about number two inside of,here which is again another thing that,has helped me make a ton of extra money,I've been using it for a long time I,used to use a different app for this and,that is email marketing okay it's a,boring subject you might have heard the,phrase email marketing is king I,disagree with that but some people will,basically until their dying breath stick,to that statement I think it's a great,tool and I think a better phrase would,be if you don't use it you are leaving a,lot of money on the table which is,stupid and there's a business owner,you're probably not stupid so you should,recognize that and set it up now the app,that I primarily use is klaviyo it's,very easy to use it integrates with,Shopify that's what I use when I'm using,Shopify for something okay personally if,anyone's using something other than,Shopify activecampaign is a great,secondary option okay it's a little more,expensive but I think what you get for,it is a great value but klaviyo is a lot,less it so you can do it for under $100,a month activecampaign I think you're,starting at maybe $400 a month and it,quickly goes up from there,so klaviyo is great because with an,email marketing set up the way that you,can think about it is a lot of front-end,work so let's say I have a lot of sales,coming in right I'll use an example,maybe the store I show in the last video,like thirty thirty-five thousand dollars,in sales right you have thousands of,people coming to your store maybe maybe,ten twenty thirty thousand people a day,and a thousand of them are ordering boom,like clockwork do you have people moving,through because of the work you're,putting in with your ads you need to,carve out time to set up what's known as,an auto sequence inside of an email,marketing software this is where you,kind of take two approaches you have one,for people who have already purchased a,product and this is called a post,product upsell post purchase upsell now,with the other one this is something for,people who have not bought yet and that,would be called an Add to Cart sequence,okay so people who added it to their,cart but didn't finish,got so you can follow up with those,people and set something where in our,after they abandoned it's called the,band and cart sequence usually but after,they abandon that cart you send them a,follow-up you might get back three to,five percent of your sales right then,and there okay then the next day you,said one two days after that a week and,you'd be surprised it might become less,and less of a percentage but just by,doing the work and writing an email one,time you can schedule that sequence for,all customers and then for people who,are you purchase I never like to just,sell sell sell give them value maybe you,started a blog for your ecommerce store,as well and you sell teeth whitening,kits well,maybe write some tips inside an email on,how to get whiter teeth or take care of,your teeth or have to go to the dentist,less give them some sort of value and,that's it don't sell don't do anything,you can link your store at the bottom,that's it build a relationship you offer,something in return instead of just,products for sale so these people have a,reason to ultimately be listening to you,and to be clicking and opening your,emails on a daily basis excuse me on a,daily basis on a weekly basis now for me,I do set up those post-purchase,sequences but I also like to just email,my entirety of customers people who have,bought people who haven't I usually do,it once a week every Sunday I'll write,the email on Saturday and schedule it,for Sunday because most people are just,kind of hanging out at home so that's,just a quick little update on the email,marketing side of things it usually,brings in a very nice chunk of change I,might say so you know if you're doing,ten thousand dollars a month in sales,well you should be able to make an extra,maybe five hundred dollars a month just,an email marketing maybe a thousand,right you can start bringing back these,customers and the more people you get,inside of those flows the more money,you're gonna make it depends on the,pricier product it depends on how many,people are going into those sequences,but overall it's a lot of extra money so,take advantage of it be smart if you're,already making sales set this up I do,just have to say if you're not making,any sales yet you're brand new to,e-commerce that's totally cool don't,waste your time with this yet wait until,you kind of found a product you think,you're gonna stick with for a while it's,starting to make you some money and then,set up the email marketing side of,things that's just personally what I,would do okay that's kind of the easiest,way to go about it now the third thing,that I,talk to you in this side of in this,video uh vodka on this side of the video,is gonna be quantity breaks now this is,something I don't think I've ever,mentioned on the channel but it goes,back to increasing the average order,value and I want to do this because I,can't stress enough how important it is,to increase your margin as big as,possible on the front end because not,only will you make more money directly,for every thousand dollars you make but,it helps you have so much more wiggle,room to invest in new content invest in,getting a custom developer to create a,new website for you or whatever you can,really put so much more capital to use,because you're making more and you can,invest into learning and executing on,more advertising platforms you can spend,a lot more on Facebook to test new,things you can I mean randomly yesterday,actually two days ago it started running,yesterday I launched a $10,000 a day CBO,off of a CBO is a duplicate,there was only spending $500 a day high,20x the budget I changed nothing else,why I just wanted to see if it would,work so it kind of gives you by the way,it worked alright I killed a few ads,it's inside of there and it's optimizing,pretty decently so it kind of gives you,a little more freedom to have some some,wiggle room with the financial side of,things which is always key you know you,always want to test once you kind of get,that base of income and you're able to,increase it you can just start investing,money and deploying it into more things,that will ultimately make you money,throughout the duration of your,e-commerce business okay so just to talk,about this specifically I am not married,to one specific type of app for quantity,breaks there's two main ones I'm kind of,testing between I floating around a,couple I've actually thought about,making my own because I didn't think,they were that great but there's a,couple of good ones again I'm gonna,throw up just a picture here of it so,you guys can see it but discounted,pricing is the one that I'm currently,using right now on to the stores just to,test it out if you guys go and look,these up on the shop play AB store you,guys can see some examples of what it,looks like but a quantity break is,something that's gonna help increase,your average order value not through,upselling them another product but,actually selling them more of the same,now this is something where I saw it,worked for the first time and this is,where I first got exposed me personally,to the idea of selling someone more of,the same thing,it was russell brunson who's the,clickfunnels if you guys know that it's,a 100 200 million dollar company a lot,of entrepreneurs in the space used them,to sell things through their sales,funnels and he used to use his own sales,funnels that he's created to sell,supplements and I think his story was he,did it on accident but he was selling a,bottle of supplements right his bottle,of pills like brain enhancers or,whatever was gummy vitamins and,accidentally set it up where he offered,them three more after and people took it,then he offered him another six twenty,fifty and the amount of people that were,taking more the same thing blew his mind,and that was kind of his secret sauce,for a while well you'd be surprised at,the amount of people who would buy two,phone chargers when you were just,advertising on one you know maybe they,want one of their car and one next to,their bed you know it really truly is,whatever you're selling water bottles,blankets people can gift it to someone,maybe they want multiple you know so by,offering let's say a 10% discount on two,so if you're buying a product for 50,dollars but I'll offer you two home for,90 or three of them for 130 right or 125,you kind of slightly increase the,percentage of the discount as they go up,it's great because you're just spending,the product cost for every additional,one you're not Rhys pending that,advertising money so the more they take,the more your margin goes up even though,you have product costs to cover so again,that's just one of those things can help,increase your margin if you don't have,it set up yet I would highly highly,recommend it especially if you're just,starting to get some sales rolling in,try and increase that average order,value as soon as possible,because especially for people who are,just starting to make some money even if,they're not profiting yet increase in,that average order value will help you,stay afloat so much better than I did in,the beginning because I will broke three,times and trust me it sucks when you,have to stop your watching you keep,learning you're saving up money for two,more months and you go back in you lose,it all you have to restart you know and,keep working to get some money you know,at the end of the day you do what you,have to do but if you can structure,correctly the first time around I think,you'd be able to see a lot more success,than I did and especially a lot faster,now a quick bonus point for you guys,drop a like by the way for the bonus,point I would appreciate this we can,reach some more people with this video,is something I've talked about for maybe,three years to two years however long,I've been doing e-commerce on YouTube,for,and I'm a nudey commerce for almost four,years thing I started YouTube like two,and a half years ago but the app that is,known as better shipping this is,something I've talked about because I,used to do a whole metric crap ton of,free plus shipping where I will sell a,very inexpensive product that constantly,three dollars I'll sell it for free days,you have to cover like $12 shipping this,is a great way to test products to get,customers build data on your pixel and,it's something I still do to this day,just not on a lot of products I think,being running it right now three,products out of the twenty to thirty,that I actively sell so it's still there,it still runs in the background,sometimes I'm not running any at all and,then sometimes right in a couple but,better shipping is an app that lets you,set the specific shipping price for each,product so if you're gonna do a lot of,free plus shipping this is gonna make,your life very easy instead of having to,mess with the Shopify settings for your,shipping and making like a weight based,range which trust me it's just a big,pain in the butt it's it's so annoying,it breaks very frequently there can be,so many missteps and it's just annoying,so this app makes it very easy and,that's about it I'm just gonna leave it,at that so if you want to do free plus,shipping,check out that app I like to put a,picture of it up here or something but I,hope that kind of breaks it down because,this specifically for me these three,apps have helped me so much some of them,I only recently started using in like,the last year others like better,shipping I've been using for two to,three years now so things come and go,things constantly change but right now,20:20 as current as it can be a little,post in this video probably the day,after I'm filming it's as updated as,possible these are the things that I'm,using and it's working you know made,almost a quarter-million dollars just in,additional sales last month because of,the three apps that I showed you in this,video if that doesn't say a lot I don't,know what does you know I try to be as,transparent as possible I know this,isn't like the sexiest video topic but,these are direct things that are on the,back end of your business that people,don't see what types of apps you're,using how are you setting up your,shipping you know how are you setting up,quantity breaks to increase your average,order value all of those things are,stuff that experienced e-commerce,entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in,general it's the same thing with Walmart,they're designed to upsell you as you're,waiting in the checkout that's why,there's stuff on both sides of the,aisles even once you get past the,checkout there's more stuff right there,on the wall you know all that stuff is,designed very specifically just to sell,you more stuff so at this time I'd like,to,putting up for any questions I'm gonna,make sure to check back here over the,next couple days feel free to drop any,questions you have about any of these,four apps the three plus the bonus point,in the comment section down below more,than more than happy to help you out if,you have questions if you've been,struggling with something maybe you're,using a different app for it it's,working for you maybe it's not working,for you I'd love to give you my own,opinion if you want to break down your,situation your average order value if,you're struggling with your margin let,me know I would definitely love to help,you out and maybe I'm gonna be,screenshot in some of those and putting,them in the Q&A video that I plan on,doing it later this month,so if you enjoyed this one if you got,any value I'd really appreciate if you,smash the like button down below let's,try to break a thousand likes I would,appreciate it and make sure to subscribe,I'm trying to hit the 2 video a week,mark,I've been insanely busy but now that I'm,kind of stuck at home a little bit more,so not traveling I think I can kind of,make a little bit of time to do it I,love helping people out as long as you,guys are kind of active asking questions,and want to see videos it makes it a,little bit more fun for me so let me,know if you're struggling with anything,as nerdy as it sounds I have fun doing,this you know breaking down different,scenarios and talking about what works,for me as well as what doesn't you know,that's a huge part of the learning curve,is to share what's not working and I,feel like that's something that's,lacking you know I need to work on my,email marketing there's still work that,I have to do my average order value like,I talked about in the on the store for,the last video you know there's there's,always work that needs to be done,there's areas that everyone can improve,it and that's the goal is just to keep,consistently working on it every single,month and see a little bit of growth,alright so again hope you enjoy this,video make sure to drop a like and with,that being said I'll be seeing you in,the next one peace

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