how to write titles for shopify

Shopify Product Titles: How To Make Your Shopify Store SEO Friendly if you're wondering how to write

Chris Marrano

Updated on Feb 28,2023

Shopify Product Titles: How To Make Your Shopify Store SEO Friendly

The above is a brief introduction to how to write titles for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to write titles for shopify

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Shopify Product Titles: How To Make Your Shopify Store SEO Friendly

if you're wondering how to write and,optimize your product titles for your,shopify page well you're in the right,place we're gonna get into the weeds,here but i promise you're gonna get a,great result,hey guys my name is chris morano founder,of bluewater marketing,founder of two other e-commerce brands,and an e-commerce consultant coach,whatever you want to call it these days,and in this video i'm going to break,down,how to write and optimize your product,titles for your shopify store so shopify,product titles we all know what they are,the product title but why are they so,important well there's two reasons you,need to have product titles that are,descriptive for your customers but also,informative for google now when it comes,to writing these product titles there,are many different reasons why like we,just talked about there's google and,there's your customers but also there's,google again,if you ever plan on,running google search ads your merchant,account is linked to your shopify store,which pulls from,that data,so what happens is,your merchant account will either flag,disapprove or approve your products that,is all based on your titles your,descriptions and your images,so understanding your product titles is,super important both on the brand,consistency side as well as the google,side so when we're writing our product,titles you do not want to be vague you,do not just want to have red t-shirt you,want to have red t-shirt,red polyester t-shirt size medium,if medium isn't a variant of your red,t-shirts but if it's not and you're,doing product titles based on the sizes,and colors well then use that title as a,descriptor of what is being sold,so for google shopping and shopify your,product title needs to remain around 150,characters no more than that but i,always like to do a little less than,that to make sure that my titles are,clear and concise,then as i just alluded to the variance,so if you have different sizes if you,have different colors if you have,different textures different,anything,you can use those variants within the,product titles and again that's for,search engine optimization purposes in,that now google google merchant google,serp results and your customers are,easily able to identify this product is,the one i want,if you're finding this video useful so,far give me a thumbs up put a lot of,time into these videos and i'm just here,to help you guys so i would appreciate,it threw me a little bone here and smash,that like button i'm a huge fan of,capitalization so for me on all my,stores and all of our client stores we,like to utilize capitals so each word on,your page should be,capitalized,if there are numbers 1 through 10,always use the number itself and then,understanding how to use certain,characters whether colons dashes,different elements to break up the,variance within your product titles you,don't want to just have red long t-shirt,medium sized large extra large,you want to have a red t-shirt,dash,medium dash,70 polyester whatever,those need to be in there broken apart,again both for google and your customers,now when it comes to branding i,personally do not add my brand name onto,my product titles within shopify but i,do add my brand names in the page title,so remember there's a difference between,product name and page title,both of them can be separate and i like,to do the brand name on the page title,so that when someone is on the serp,search engine results page and they see,beard bundle kit,savage man grooming is an awareness,level that otherwise i would not have if,i just had the manly beard kit if you,guys are finding this video useful,you're enjoying the content you're,understanding how to write these product,titles go ahead hit that like button if,you really want to hit the subscribe,button channel is growing and i just,love seeing those numbers increase,so let's get into shopify let's break,down how to do,this product title optimization,so as you can see we are in my allegator,dog toy small to medium-sized dog and so,what we did here is initially it was a,gator dog toy it just was not enough,information in order to rank on google,now if we do,gator dog,toy,on google,we're going to see there's a few of them,there's 8.832,you'll see that my product is currently,not listed based on,some changes that we're making in the,merchant center but overall we have an,amazon amazon,walmart petco,and so we needed to change this product,title in order to be more effective so,what we did was an alley gator dog toy,for small to medium sized dogs,save that,and we'll see as we scroll down we have,our variant there's only one 1999 ali,got gator dog toy and what we did as i,was saying is breaking apart the page,titles we implemented the,vertical slash chic doggy boutique again,bringing back that brand name to us,from there,we have our meta description and then,ally gator dog toy and so,when we look at the page,we have exactly that we have alligator,dog toys small to medium-sized dogs,giving the information to the consumer,that hey this is what it's for,our description and then we have our,other toys that people may also like as,well as recently viewed so when it comes,to this,now we can put it into,google,not sure if we are currently indexed yet,with this page,but let's give it a shot,and we are not,not to worry it's a brand new site that,was launched seven days ago,so as we go through all of these we have,our adjustment of what they are bone,shaped plastic pet double diner,stainless steel bowls pink and silver,set of two plastic frame double diner,pet bowl in stainless steel large gold,and silver set of two,stainless steel pet bowl with anti-skid,rubber base so we're being descriptive,and we're being concise because we're,staying within that character limit,of what google wants to see,so understanding how to write all of,your product descriptions,is super important when you're building,out your shopify store you want to be,concise,informative and stay within the,character count that google wants to see,most of them fall between 80 and 150,characters so the key is what we do is a,spreadsheet that spreadsheet has every,single one of our products and what you,can actually do is you can export your,entire product list from shopify to a,csv file open it up in google sheets you,can do all the work you need to within,that including page titles product,titles meta descriptions the associated,alt text for the images everything in,one spreadsheet which makes your life,way easier,now,there is a mistake that i do not want,you to make and it's super important,that you listen to this mistake do not,keyword stuff,for example do not have,large dog bed four large dogs,that want a comfy bed,that is a red flag you will not ever get,ranked google will find that as keyword,stuffing being spammy it will not be,effective so make sure,clear,concise and informative i really hope,you guys found this video useful,i'm here to help if you have any,questions if you have any comments you,need any feedback leave a comment i want,to see your websites leave your website,in the comment below i will take a look,at it i will send you a message you can,connect with me at official underscore,chris underscore murano on instagram we,can communicate back and forth i've,already done a few other websites,helping people out because that's what,i'm here for to help you guys out so,leave a comment leave your website let,me check it out thanks for watching,we'll see you guys soon,you

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