how to use shopify ""

Shopify Video - Using the Shopping Cart Interface hello,and welcome on how to set up your point,of s

Spot and Les

Updated on Mar 07,2023

Shopify Video - Using the Shopping Cart Interface

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Shopify Video - Using the Shopping Cart Interface

hello,and welcome on how to set up your point,of sale,and shopify to work together,at first setting up all this,and getting it working can be a little,bit intimidating,but i am going to go over the setup,the upload and download with you,in detail but right now i just want to,give you a quick,overview of how it works,as you can see there are four main parts,on your computer that you will be using,the link to shopify,your email your hard drive and rocket,point of sale,the one thing you will need to have,working,is your shopify,if you can't set it up by yourself which,a lot of people do,you can call your dealer for help or you,can call,rocket point of sale or email us for,help,we would be glad to help you when you,first start,you're going to want to get your,inventory,from rocket to shopify,and i will go over this in detail in a,few minutes,but we have a routine built into rocket,point-of-sale now that will create the,file that shopify needs,it will save it down to your hard drive,now from your hard drive,shopify will grab the file,pull it up and create the,inventory items in shopify for resale,now one of the main things you want to,use shopify along with,point of sale is shopify,will send data to your email,as a link to a file you grab that file,save it down to your hard drive and then,rocket point of sale will pull it in,including all the invoices invoice lines,new customers and sales history,now if you accidentally pull the same,data in twice,rocket is smart enough not to double up,on it,so now you can run your reports,especially your daily money report on,your sales in shopify,you can also run your rocket daily money,reports,by itself or the shopify daily money,reports by itself,or both of them combined,here we are in the nickel folder on your,computer,there is two folders you want to make,within your nickel folder,so go over to the right right click,say new folder,now you have the folder up there and i,like to call this one,art this is where you store your,art for the items on shopify,you want one more folder,i call this one uploads,and downloads,this is where you're going to store your,files going up to shopify and coming,down from shopify,okay now we're going to bring up the,point of sale and set up what we need to,set up in it,so we're going to go over to file and,you'll see a new,line says shopping cart,will come up but you do need an unlock,from,rocket point of sale to have this screen,come up if you do not have the unlock it,will not come up,it is keyed to your company only,trying to modify the unlock or send it,to somebody else for use,it will not work trust me,now first thing we have in here is clean,inventory of commas,there cannot be any commas in your,sku bar codes or descriptions,the reason being everything is sent back,and forth between,the point of sale and shopify and what,they call a comma delimited file,so any commas in there will screw up the,file,so by clicking this it will go through,your inventory and clean up your,inventory for you,let's go over to settings now,if your shopping cart says zero in stock,do you still want to allow sales of this,item,and this applies to shopify if you have,this set,sell if zero quantity on hand it will,sell an item,even if it shows a zero quantity or less,if you do not want to do this you can,uncheck this,this is it sets it for every upload,now you can still go into shopify and,flag,certain items not to shelf below not to,sell,if they are zero quantity or less,show suggested list price on the,shopping cart,within shopify you can show a list price,or whatever price you want to put in,there so they can see,the customer can see oh they're selling,it to me at this price but this is what,it would cost if i walked into a store,and bought it,erase import file when finished,this helps keep your uh computer clean,of all these extra files coming down,because each time you do a download or,an upload,you're creating a bunch of files and,after a while it can get kind of,confusing which file is what,and but i'll show you how we handle that,this here is your shopping cart street,it has to match the street you put in,shopify,if not nothing works so,this is what keys off in shopify,on what files to update and the reason,this,is in there at all is if you have,multiple stores but you're using one,database to handle everything,now this here is where you find,your folder that you just created in,nickel,uploads and downloads,and this here puts an extension on the,front of the file name so it knows where,to go search for the files and pop,and place the files each time,okay over here is your fulfillment,service,leave it set to manual unless you're,using shipwire,web whatever that is amazon marketplace,or custom,these i don't even know how they work,it's part of the shopping cart thing and,i have no idea how they,mesh into it but if you leave it on,manual everything works fine,now when you close out of here it saves,those settings,you can see they're all in here and,we're using an address of a shopping,cart that is already set up one of our,clients is kind enough to let us bounce,off of their shopping cart,for this demo we may have to,fuzz out some of the names and stuff for,their privacy,okay now we want to come in and set up,our inventory for,importing to the shopping cart we're,going to put two items up ashtray,and big birth irons so we want to go in,here,and you'll notice that there's a new tab,on the inventory screen,and if this is not checked you want to,make sure it is checked,because that signals to the system that,you want to upload it to,the shopping cart this field here you,cannot change that is the linking field,between the shopping cart and the point,of sale,whatever quantity on hand we'll say we,only have like 38 of them,our shopping cart price is five dollars,our compare price is eight dollars,weighs six pounds and we have a cost,over here of two,dollars which that goes up to shopping,cart too that helps,calculate how much money you're making,so we're going to save it,now we're going to come over here and,find,our big bertha irons,and that's checked already for the to go,up on the shopping cart,again our linking file that you cannot,edit,let's say we only have 15 of these in,stock,it costs on the shopping cart 600,our compare price is 9.45 it weighs 32,pounds to ship,there's a little bit of notes we're,going to put up there you can put a big,long description in here you want up to,200 characters,and also we're going to check we do have,a vendor cost,so we're going to save this this button,here groups things,by if it's on the shopping cart so when,you scroll through,all your shopping cart items are,together,instead of being spread out across you,know maybe thousands of items,okay so now we're going to close we're,going to come out here to our shopping,cart,and we're going to export,right here it shows you the name of the,file it just created,back in your folder that you created,while ago,export product the year,the month the day and seconds past,midnight this is important because if,you recreate another file,the one with the highest number here's,the latest,according to the date okay now let's go,to shopify and import the file,this is the i guess the best words the,management screen,where you can see your orders products,customers,do your analytics marketing discounts,whatever,in shopify like i said this film is not,to teach you shopify but,just how to move data back and forth,between it and the point of sale,so we'll show you the products that we,have in here we have one item,right now,and i do strongly suggest you,create your products in the point of,sale,and move them up to shopify versus in,shopify creating your products and,moving them down to the point of sale,we track a lot more features in the,point of sale than shopify has room for,as far as fields or not they don't have,room but they just don't have as many,fields as we have,so if you create it and the point of,cell move it up here,it works out a lot easier,all right so now you notice it says all,products,and inventory when you bring up new,items you want to do it to the all,products,you want to import it,and so we have this little box here,i usually say overwrite,whatever we're importing so we'll add,the file,we will go in to our nickel program uh,where are you nickel there you are,and remember we created the up and load,down file,okay now here's the example what i was,talking about the one with the highest,number,is the latest one so,92 is the highest number i created three,of them to show you this so this is one,we want to import,you just click on it and say open,and it's in there ready to be placed,into your,shopify upload and continue,it gives like a little picture of what,it's going to look like for you,it cranks through,and bam there's our items we've got our,ashtray and our big bertha,now there is no pictures after playing,with this for a while,you can import pictures straight from,the point of sale,but i found it's really hard to do,and the easy way to do it is come in,here to your ashtray,and if you remember i said make an art,folder on your computer put your,pictures in that,so now we can go back to nickel,art ashtray i found this picture on uh,the internet you can actually take,pictures,of your items with your phone or camera,and put it on here whatever you want to,do to get the picture,say open bam the pictures there,come back to our products now people,will see that when they come to the,point of sale,portion of the or i should say the,actual shopping cart,remember this is only for management,back here the people,doing purchasing don't see all this,stuff,so now we're going to come in here,do the same with our golf clubs,they're in there now if you notice we,have our price at 600,our sku our barcode,if we want to track it during,track it during uh um if allows them to,sell if it's below,zero in stock we save it,and the product saved,and everything's ready to be sold now,they can go into the point of sale from,you know the the web and start,purchasing stuff it's that easy,and a good way to make a lot of extra,money believe me on that,okay one of the more important things,that people want,on a tie-in between a point of sale and,a shopping cart is the quantity on hand,you notice we have on the shopping cart,that we have,38 in stock but,and we do have 38 here but let's say we,sold,10 in,our store which would make this,28 now which would happen automatically,when you do the sales of course but i'm,just doing it to be quick,and so we now we want to update the,shopping cart with our new quantity so,you come in here,shopping cart update quantity,on hand do you want to update the,quantities on the shopping cart yes,again it created the file update,quantity shopping cart,year month day and seconds,so we close out there,the file sitting over there the shopping,cart's waiting on it,now the important thing on this if you,import it,to products it won't do anything,it has to be imported to inventory,so do import find the file we just,created,and right here it is and our nickel,uploads and downloads once you do this,time or two the system,remembers what folders to go to so we,click it,open upload it,start the import,and you see instantly,it says 28 we have 28 items available,and it did say 38 before,okay so if you do a sale,in the point of sale you upload the,quantity to,the shopping cart it adjusts the numbers,of quantity on hand but what if you sell,something on the,shopping cart that you haven't sold or,maybe did sell on the point of sale,so you need the data from the shopping,cart to come back down to the point cell,to adjust,its quantities so how you do that,we go back into our shopping cart and,then we go to orders,and it says we have three orders now,when you do,when a customer does an order on your,shopping cart,it emails you the order with the,quantity they bought the addresses,everything else associated with it,but we'll say this customer came in,three different times over the,last couple days and bought did three,invoices,okay and so we want this sales,information to come back to the point of,sale for several reasons,update our quantity list any new,customer,also to um,for reporting so what we're going to do,in here,again this is like the command center,the shopping cart we're going to export,the sales,now you already got an email with these,sales but we want to import export this,into this shopping or into the point of,sale i mean,so we're going to say all orders now as,you go along day by day you're going to,say orders by date just do one date,i mean you could pull in all of them but,just do it by date,and that way you're only doing yeah,maybe get 50 sales a day so that way,you're only pulling that 50 sales,instead of thousands of them,so we're going to export the orders,and they and they'll export it now,my email just went off saying i got a,file,now here's my email that just came in,from the shopping cart,and here's the link of the file it just,sent me it's a csv file which can be,opened in,excel if you need to but you don't have,to,you click on that it opens another,window that you really can't see too,good here,but it puts down in the lower part of,that window,the name of the file and then you're,gonna,open the file once you click this,after you've clicked the file name it,will open up excel,on your computer screen,i kind of wish they didn't do that but,that's the way they do it,and for those not real familiar with,excel it's a spreadsheet,and it looks pretty jumbled up here,one of the things you can do is click,right here if you want to look at it,double click on one of the little lines,and it opens up all the fields,now you can see that there is quite a,lot of data that is kept in here,and these sales were done back on may,3rd so we're using the old data,and like i said there's a lot of data in,here,it took a long time to get this to work,believe me,but it all works great now,and so what you want to do once you have,this open,it has to be put somewhere where the,point of cell can grab it so you come in,here and do,file save as,browse,come in here to your nickel folder again,there you go uploads and downloads,it's already got a name save it,and you're done you can close the window,now,okay now you save the file,to your hard drive we have to pull it,into,the point of sale very easy to do come,over to shopping cart,import we use import sales from shopping,cart,this will pull in any new customers that,have a sale,this here will pull in all customers so,use this sparingly um a lot of times,people sign up and then they'll buy,nothing you don't want them dragged into,your points if they haven't bought,anything,that's only posting to people who bought,something,so do you want to update your sales,history with sales from the shopping,cart yes,do you want the shopping cart sales to,subtract,from your quantity on hand yes,so we go in and get the file we just,saved,and it's done now if we come in here and,look,we have a new customer tracy smith,from thurmont maryland,it shows her address her phone number,how much money has she spent with us,her invoice lines,and anything else,concerning her now let me show you how,the reports work real quick,we did one sale today,put a zero in here because those are old,older uh i should say older um,sales we did on the shopping cart so i,have to put the date to include,those but we're doing the p o p o s only,so we print it,you see we have one invoice guide to 249,dollars,so now we're going to go in same report,shopping cart only put in a date range,that it'll find,three reports 11.75,now we can go into the same report,daily money for system,make sure we put in the right date range,and do all of them,now we have four invoices so this shows,everything we did in sales today in the,point of sale,and the shopping cart very slick feature,now when you first see this you think,wow i gotta,create files save files polling files,this is true after doing it,three four days i would say you get to,be an old pro at it you can do it real,quick,when i first wrote this and started,doing it i would go oh i do this do this,now i can just do it blindfolded,actually,and uh it erases the files that you,save down automatically so you don't get,a big jumbo of files,and it does take a little work but,the benefit of having an online shopping,cart,you make a lot of money or you'll,probably make more money on it than you,do in your store to be honest,and a couple suggestions i have don't,put your whole,inventory up there if you're selling a,pack of gum nobody's to buy it off of a,shopping cart and and there's reports in,the point of sale,to figure out which items you sell the,most of,and put those items up,start out small and expand we had one,customer that,he had a little sunglasses shop now he,has,these giant websites with,sunglasses binoculars telescopes,everything he was making so much money,and i help him set up his shopping cart,and appoint himself to do it he's making,so much money now he bought a new house,he,bought a damn rolls royce the guy's,swimming in money and he just started,out with a little store in a mall,so the potential's there go for it and,good luck,questions emails and,have fun that's all,you

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