how to set up free product just pay for shipping on shopify

Free Just Pay Shipping Shopify Tutorial what's up guys buddy Dave some back with,another video for y

That Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Updated on Mar 02,2023

Free Just Pay Shipping Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up free product just pay for shipping on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up free product just pay for shipping on shopify

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how to set up free product just pay for shipping on shopify catalogs

Free Just Pay Shipping Shopify Tutorial

what's up guys buddy Dave some back with,another video for you so today's video,is going to be a to talk tutorial on,free plus shipping so how did or free,plus shipping campaign I'm sure you've,seen these pop up everywhere but you,probably didn't know what they were or,maybe you did it just depends how,advanced you are Shopify I guess and,drop shipping in general you would have,seen them pop up though whether you,notice or not so if you ever see,something that says get it for free just,play it just pay shipping then that is a,free plus shipping campaign so I'm going,to show you guys what sort of products,you can use to do this with and how you,go about it and then I'm going to show,you on Facebook how you can spot some of,these campaigns and directly copy the,products that they're using so let's,just get straight into it here so one of,the most common ones straight off the,bat that I know is jewelry so jewelry is,yeah it's you always said getting used,for free plus shipping campaigns,particularly necklaces and pendants for,sure so let's have a look in here so if,we just go to most ordered because,you're always going on most ordered and,then let's just have a look at the,prices so look at this one straight off,the bat and it happens to be the most,audible one so this only costs 70 cents,right and then the e packet so if you,don't know what a packet is a packet is,the only form of postage that you should,be using on one of these campaigns,hang on I'll just open this the reason,this is green like this and it probably,doesn't show up like this on yours is,because I have the app uber low which is,an app for Shopify it's a product import,app,and also yeah you use it you can use it,for importing products you can also use,it for when you're fulfilling orders,that's the main thing I use it for on,Shopify so anyway that that's what this,green bar so it tells me that a packet,because that's what I've got it set on,because if it's not an e packet item I'm,not even going to look at it so here we,go we'll just open this one up and again,if this has had nineteen thousand,nineteen and a half thousand orders and,they've still got four point nine out of,five stars you know this is a really,good supplier but if you're not sure on,that you can always look up here if,they've got diamonds that's really good,and you can see their feedback here you,also want to check out how long they've,been open because if they've only been,open like six months and they've got,diamonds it doesn't really care like,matter so much but yeah these guys are,obviously a good supplier and this is,obviously a really good one to dropship,so anyway getting back to a packet I,just want to show you guys this so I,change this to USA United States now,this is what you want to look at here so,if you use their free shipping method,which sounds great and all but it's,gonna take twenty to thirty eight days,which is so long you're gonna end up,with absolute headaches from people,complaining emailing you about late,products you don't want to deal with,that also that free tracking free,shipping you're gonna get you get no,tracking information and that's a real,problem because what's the first thing,most people do when they order something,they send through another email and they,say can you send through my tracking,code it always happens so if you go down,here this is a packet here so you got a,packet available on this one twelve to,twenty days which isn't too bad at all,work if you just have in your,description that what do I usually have,I usually have written products are,shipped from our overseas warehouse can,take between one to four weeks,two to four weeks sorry and then if,they're getting it earlier than that,they're going to be stoked but if,they've read that in the description,before they check out then they know,that they know they're in for a wait,time they can't complain about that,because they've read it so usually I'll,put it in like bold and right near where,they're going to check out so they're,definitely going to read it that that,definitely helps with less complaints,but yeah so twelve to twenty days this,is why you always want to use a packet,it's usually pretty cheap so two dollars,thirty one and then tracking information,which as I said is super important you,can get tracking information so you'd,always use that so anyway getting back,to what a free plus shipping campaign is,free plus shipping means you would get,something that's super cheap okay so,this is 70 cents and then with the,excuse me with the a packet did not just,click that click on that right there we,go,so with the e packet that's two dollars,thirty one so this totals three dollars,right then you can say that you can get,it for free in your let's say you're,running Facebook ads and you're,targeting people and black girls in,particular that like jewelry anyway I,can go into Facebook targeting later but,in your ad you can say you can get this,necklace here for free just play just,pay for the shipping so then they're,gonna go and they're gonna go on to your,Shopify store maybe you put the postage,as ten dollars or don't go ridiculous,with it because I've seen free plus,shipping campaigns where people have got,the postage it's something like twenty,dollars and you could probably get away,with that but yeah it's a bit ridiculous,when they're getting something so small,so let's say if you had your your,postage that as $10 or $12 and this,let's say $12 for the sake of it and,this costs you three dollars obviously,you can make like a nine dollar ish sort,of profit or,like it's gonna be a bit less like eight,dollars or whatever but you get the,point,so they think they're getting something,for free they're getting a necklace for,free so they're happy then they're like,I just have to pay the $10 postage or,$12 postage sorry so there they're like,oh that's awesome,and then you've made your profit out of,it as well now the thing with this sort,of stuff about a year ago you could,probably get away with just having,stores with this sort of sort of,campaigns of running on it but usually,what you want to do with free plus,shipping things these days is have it to,get people under your website and then,when they're checking out have an upsell,to a more expensive product so there's,an there's apps you can use for that but,yes so let's say some a girl has seen,this necklace they go onto your website,they're like are cool so I'll pay the,$12 shipping big deal get the free,necklace then they go to checkout and,then you have an upsell that you,automatically install and that upsells,them to maybe a more expensive bracelet,and then they're probably like you know,if they're interested in that they could,click on that and add that to their card,as well on the way out so this is where,free plus shipping campaigns still come,in really handy like in handy a lot,because yeah you can upsell them to,other more expensive products and then,not only have you made your profit off,your necklace you've made profit off,your upsell as well so anyway this is,one thing here that we just found,straight away but let's have a look,you're looking for pretty cheap things,like things like this this is super,cheap and then like I said people aren't,gonna be too annoyed to pay about 10 to,12 dollars in postage if they think,they're getting something for free so a,lot and I guaranteed the reason that,these have sold so many is because,people are using these for free plus,shipping campaigns I absolutely,guarantee that I've never sold these but,I know that jewelry is super super,popular for free plus shipping campaigns,so they sort of choker things I know a,lot of girls getting it to those these,days these sorts of ones here but yeah,you really want to stick with something,fairly cheap obviously because like this,this would be a good one as well and,they have yeah they've sold so many of,these these are just be free plus,shipping campaigns big time lots of,people would be making lots of money off,this the oh the only real problem with,this sort of stuff as well though is,when you're only making a very small,profit you have to sell a lot to be,making a decent amount of money like I,know it might seem exciting like I know,the first time that I got a sale for,something I was super excited and I had,only made like $8 profit and that that,is awesome you know like wow that's cool,but when once you start getting more,advanced at this sort of stuff you,really yeah you're looking for bigger,profit margins and better products but,um that's that's for another day so yeah,obviously jewelry like I'm showing you,here is a really good one to do it,because look how cheap this is so you're,paying like 50 cents let's say and then,you've got your a packet which is two,dollars thirty one that's only costing,you two dollars eighty and then you can,do the put like the postage for say that,it's twelve dollars you know you're,making that eight dollars seven dollars,eight dollars profit each time and it's,just super easy but yeah another way to,do this is to go we will just go back,and can I just click that so hang on a,second,if we go let's go,mmm so let's go kitchen dining and bar,yeah hang on a second I'll just go back,if we go to homey garden and then just,click enter okay why's that come up it,doesn't want to play ball but anyway,what I was gonna get out here is um so,let's just go in necklace again necklace,is um yes so let's say you search lamp,then this is what I was getting at I,don't know why my computer was mucking,around there but you can set the price,max so obviously if you're gonna do free,plus shipping you really want like,maximum really three dollars because,you've got a or even I would say two,dollars because you've got to put in,this a packet cost as well look at this,one here here's another piece of jewelry,I know that one's a bit more expensive,but anyway yeah let's search with two,dollars is the price maximum then we'll,go to most orders you're always going,most orders because if they've got the,most orders they're obviously a good,supplier no one's gonna order they're,never gonna do this many orders and have,this good of a star rating if they're a,terrible supplier it's just as simple as,that,so this one is obviously a free plus,shipping one you do as well and then,it's popping up with some of the other,ones that we've already seen oh this,kind of glows so let's open this one,this would be a good one to target girls,with as well I reckon so yeah see how it,um yeah glows and then you can choose,your different,colors here and you're only paying what,is the what was the a packet on this if,we're gone you know what it states okay,you're only paying total what do we got,there two dollars three dollars yeah so,this would be another good one and I,guarantee it has been used for free pass,shipping and campaigns as well but you,get my point if it's if your maximum is,set at two dollars and then you factor,in the a packet at like a dollar sixty,eight or whatever then you can still,make a profit if you're if you say your,shipping is only twelve dollars but yeah,don't go overboard with the shipping,because I've seen people like charging,like thirty dollars for shipping which,is just ridiculous no-one's gonna no,one's going to go from your facebook,post right and see that you have it for,sale you have a item four for free so,then they click through to your website,and they're like I have to pay postage,and then the postage is $30 don't get,too greedy on that black people will pay,around ten to twelve dollars but above,that you're starting to get a bit crazy,which is while saying free plus shipping,you can only do so much with it profit,wise but yeah,so that's just a quick look at that,let's go over to Facebook and let's go,into the search bar here and then you go,free Oh free just pay shipping rudder,there's even a page here that's called,themselves that and I guarantee they're,just doing the exact same thing so then,you want to go down the bottom and,there's groups called it as well so that,could be an idea as well check that out,hang on a second where was that my,computer is being slow as all hell yeah,look at this so these guys whether they,know what they're doing or not you could,create a group,this is just an idea that I've just seen,pop up here you could create a group add,people to it people that have no idea,about free just pay shipping add people,to it and just advertise free stuff with,your link to your store and then that,you can if you had 214 members like this,if you build it up I'm sure there's big,ones and that you could be they could be,thing thinking they're getting a good,deal with all this free stuff and,they're just paying shipping meanwhile,you're making a profit off them from,your own group and if you're running it,you can be in charge of it and anyone,who calls you a scam or anything like,that you can boot them out any problems,you have it all you can take care of,them because it's your group to manage,so there's another idea for you guys I'm,full of ideas I might even start one of,those groups now what you want to do is,come down here to public posts see that,then you just want to go see all and,I'll show you how to find people that,are doing free just pay shipping because,them keywords or what I entered in the,search bar see how it pops up so,straight away you see people that are,doing this and you can go if someone,else is doing it you can copy them so,what you want to do is go down and find,ones that have heaps of engagement so,here we go and like I said it's a,pendant zodiac art pendant and see this,group this page here they would have,just made that up,just love jewelry hanging on we're gonna,go and check this out because I,guarantee they've got all sorts of free,just pay shipping offers on here and I'm,sorry if this is your page and I'm,showing it to the world like I always,say but that's what happens as an,entrepreneur you take the risk so here's,another one earrings earrings earrings,are a very good one to do as well,because you wouldn't be paying much for,it but you're looking for things with,high engagement so if it's got high,engagement that means there's lots of,interest if there's lots of interest you,can make lots of money so some of these,other ones haven't got the most,engagement,that one's got 170 shares what is that,it's an egg timer right but yeah you,guys are getting the getting the idea,here you can go straight down just by,entering them keywords free just pay,shipping or similar keywords to that,I'll tell you a little secret because I,know that I can find people like this I,never put free just pay shipping in my,facebook ads because they don't want,people finding out what I'm selling just,a little side note there these were,really popular for a while they're led,dog collars but everyone started drop,shipping them and now they're not yeah,that's very saturated but as always safe,feel free to try it out you never know,these were really popular for a while as,well so you move it around and it has,the the wine moves around so it looks,like there's actual wine in there the,liquid moves around I should say but,yeah you're looking for things with my,engagement here we go this is a better,one and look what it is it is a necklace,again like I said necklaces are really,popular for free just pay shipping but,anyway let's go have a look at this page,that I just found so let's go down look,at that they've got eight thousand three,hundred ninety people following the page,so they've been building it up for quite,a while they'd be posting all sorts of,things on here and look at this free,just pay shipping and they'll have heaps,of different ones on here and guess what,if the one if these guys are making,money with something like this like look,at this one straight away three point,four K people interested in it and then,look at what they got here they're,saying only 78 available and then,they've got a call to action with 50%,off comment love below to get an extra,10% off yeah they're just lots of calls,to action then they post,the stuff as well in between ads which,is smart you don't want to just be,blasting people with ads all the time,this one not as much engagement then,that one not as much engagement,let's keep cruising down see what else,they've got down here here we go this,one that looks pretty cool it's a wolf,usually they'll have things like comment,I want because you want people,commenting on your posts so let's say if,you comment on a post then all of your,friends said then they're gonna comment,on it and you just get more and more,engagement on your posts that way,obviously so that's why a lot of people,will ask you to either like comment or,share or all of those or tag a friend,what they're doing because I build up,Facebook pages all the time I know what,they're doing what they're doing and,what I do is you're trying to get people,engaged in your page so more and more,people are gonna see it on other news,feeds and then it just helps your page,grow and can help you make more money as,well obviously,so then they've got another one but some,of these don't have the most engagement,I would go through this and look for the,ones that have the most engagement and,then copy those products so like that,one that was up the very top with three,thousand three thousand likes or,whatever it had that would be the one,that I'll be copying and start running,some some tests so what's this one a,wolf one yes yeah start running some,Facebook ad tests and then yeah just,test out a heap of products and yeah,anyway and then they got rings as well,rings or another one so pretty much you,like the jewelry stuff is really good,because you can get it so cheap on,Aliexpress so you can get this stuff so,cheap like if we look up just quickly,before I finish this one up,if we look up rings and then we go to,orders of course and then we go down so,some of these are expensive this one,over here dollar 57 plus a dollar 67 for,the e packet so you could free flash,shipping that one this one here dollar,45 plus the dollar 67 you can free plus,shipping that one see what I mean guys,you can look at this one here,51 cents bar but then the e packets to,31 so it sort of evens out but yeah you,get the idea these are the sorts of,things you can use for your free plus,shipping campaigns yeah so anyway I hope,that helps you guys out and I hope,you're enjoying these Shopify videos,that I'm bringing out I'm gonna make a,whole series on Shopify drop shipping,and because mainly that's what I've been,asked about obviously I do Amazon FBA as,well but those videos don't get as much,engagement as my Shopify drop shipping,tutorials so I'm just gonna keep doing,these for you guys and I might even set,up a brand new store and just show you,how to do the whole thing from scratch,in a new series but for now I hope you,guys are enjoying these ones please give,it a thumbs up if you are if you have,any questions at all just leave a,comment below and make sure you,subscribe if you haven't already so,thank you very much I'll see you in the,next video

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