how to use kit for shopify effectively

How to Gain and Engage App Users Through Kit Skills (Shopify Unite Track Session 2019) please welcom


Updated on Mar 17,2023

How to Gain and Engage App Users Through Kit Skills (Shopify Unite Track Session 2019)

The above is a brief introduction to how to use kit for shopify effectively

Let's move on to the first section of how to use kit for shopify effectively

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How to Gain and Engage App Users Through Kit Skills (Shopify Unite Track Session 2019)

please welcome to the stage Helen Moo,and Mike Taylor,hello everyone,right slides we're here today to talk to,you about the opportunity for you to,gain and engage merchants by building,kits skills kit is the virtual employee,that Shopify offers free to all,merchants which informs tasks help,merchants grow their Shopify businesses,merchants use kit because it helps them,get more of their tests done in less,time by proposing concrete impactful,business actions through a simple,messaging based interface kit has helped,hundreds and thousands of merchants and,they can talk to kit using a messaging,tool of their choice they're,increasingly starting the kit doctor kit,by the shop typing app but they can also,have the option to chat with kit by a,text message or a facebook messenger,merchants are increasingly fitting kit,to run their business similar to how,people ask Alexa to order groceries or,Google assistant to change the,temperature in their living room,everyone steps to getting things done,saving time which can be focused,elsewhere four years ago messaging apps,officially surpassed social networks in,terms of monthly active users by 2018,the number of monthly active users on,the top floor messaging app surpassed,four billion that's more than half of,the world's population because chat is,such a familiar natural interaction for,people chatting with kit that's,seamlessly and the merchants existing,rituals allowing them to get things done,during their busy day to day lives,without missing a beat merchants have,been drawn the kit because it boils down,all of the domain expertise required to,have a successful business two simple,yes-or-no questions saving time reducing,infusion and make him run in your store,as easy as saying yes the ability to fit,into merchants daily lives is more,important than ever,kit is often the only employee that,merchants has we've heard from our,annual merchant survey respondents that,more than half of Shopify merchants are,solopreneurs,meaning that they are the only one,working for their business and that's,often as a side hustle alongside another,job,all of these responsibilities give,merchants very little time to take the,actions needed to grow their business,and even less time to figure out how to,best utilize all of the tools and,resources that are offered to them by,all of us in this room so let's take a,look at one merchant Natasha Natasha is,a career tax accountant she's also a mom,of one teenager and one wannabe teenager,a spin class junkie a part-time,caretaker for her aging father-in-law,tax advisor and game show host to her,friends and her local neighborhoods,summer barbecue pit master Natasha is,also a Shopify merchant she started,tasty pins two years ago at age 39 to,share her passion for food and fashion,and hopes to gain more financial freedom,and flexibility so that she can travel,more and take some time off when her,kids go to college Natasha is the CEO of,tasty pins she is the founder and the,co-founder - she's a chief financial,officer the chief marketing officer the,chief operations officer she's the chief,I will do whatever it takes,officer Natasha is a solopreneur and if,that sounds like an enormous amount of,hats to wear,you may be surprised to hear that this,is a pretty common depiction of our,Shopify merchants that's why Natasha,works with kit kit is Natasha's only,employee kit helps Natasha by sending,her a message proposing a task that can,help her business grow she can run an,Instagram ad send thank-you emails and,set goals to take her business to the,next level in no time at all,in addition to the essential marketing,tasks that kit takes off her plate,natasha has a long list of action items,for tasty pins and for many of these,business needs she finds apps on the,Shopify app store for example for the,upcoming holiday season,natasha knows that she needs to source,more products so she can complement her,enamel pins so Natasha goes to the,Shopify app store and installs moto,lists moda lists curated drop shipping,platform enables merchants like Natasha,to expand her aisle with a selection of,fashion home and beauty products without,the need to own inventory and manage,fulfilment herself Natasha is ready to,get started let's see where Natasha can,fit this action item into her day she,wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to fit in a spin,class in a shower before the days in,motion by 7:15 she's out the door for to,school drop-offs across town and her own,commute through rush-hour traffic as a,tax accountant she's in meetings all day,with her colleagues and on calls with,her clients while she's grabbing a quick,bite for lunch,Natasha replies to emails from work,clients and fits in some responses to,questions from potential tasty pins,customers she's in the middle of,checking her tasty pins visitor count,for the day when her boss walks by and,pulls her into an impromptu meeting she,wants to add new products to her store,but the rest of the day is packed with,pick ups from after-school activities,heating up leftovers for dinner and,filling out paperwork for her,father-in-law into the evening hours,finally it's 10:00 p.m. everyone else is,asleep so she sits down on her couch,takes a deep breath and navigates into,the modal list app for the first time,there are millions of interesting,products to choose from she can browse,by category subcategory price point,shipping times,but she's just trying to find a couple,of products that can catch she can test,out and see how her customers respond,natasha knows that in order to grow her,business she needs to source additional,products but it's getting late,she knows she has a long day ahead of,her tomorrow and she still hasn't made a,decision meanwhile modeless knows that,Natasha didn't find any products dad if,only there was a way for them to deliver,a specific recommendation that they,think would work for tasty pins with,just the right amount of context and,business insight needed to help her make,that go-ahead decision this is a kid,skills app extension your app delivered,to merchants conversationally a kid,skill is a conversation that proactively,surfaces the powerful yet perhaps,underutilized features of your app when,where and how natasha needs it most on,her mobile phone through a conversation,with kit here's the modal iskut skill hi,I see you recently sold a pineapple,enamel pin using modis I found a similar,product in the accessories category to,expand your offering can I add this,product to your store,Natasha simply replies yes and kit,confirms that the task has been,completed by moto list simple fast and,easy and that's not all kit can do for,Natasha let's take a look at the kids,skills we've shipped during our beta,Natasha can use kit to make sure that,our online store is well positioned in,Google search results a key source of,store traffic one of the kit skills that,hex them is built during the beta period,uses kit to let Natasha know that she,doesn't have alt text image optimization,turned on which could be affecting her,SEO hexam's kit skill for the bulk image,edit app,clearly explains the benefit of setting,up this functionality by sending the,following message to the merchant hi I,noticed you don't have alt text,optimization enabled with the bulk image,edit app alt text is a description of,each image that can help your images,show up higher on more Google search,results I can generate more store,traffic can I set this up your product,images,with a simple yes natasha has all of her,images optimized for SEO okay can also,help Natasha amplifier tasty pins brand,updates when the Tosha publishes a new,post for tasty pins blog the Saguna,email marketing app uses kit to,recommend that she sends her new blog,post out to all of her email subscribers,so goo nose kiss skill gets right to the,point with this clearly stated message,hi I see you recently published a post,on your tasty pins blog that we haven't,shared with your subscribers yet would,you like me to use Saguna to set a blog,post announcement email with the simple,yes natasha is able to amplify her brand,story even more kik can also help,Natasha with advanced web analytics a,Lardner have all the right information,at her fingertips in order to make the,best decisions for her store when her,website snapshots are about to expire,crazy egg uses a kid skill to,proactively renew her snapshots their,kiss skill clearly highlights the reason,they have reached out to her in the,following proposal the crazy egg,snapshot you've created for the new,releases page will end in less than 72,hours renewing your snapshot one sure,you don't miss out on update heat maps,scroll maps and click and scroll data,would you like me to renew the snapshot,now with the simple yes natasha is taken,care of and otherwise a TAS I may have,otherwise been missed the toss she has,heard about SEO that she should be,emailing her customers and that,analytics are important that's why she,installed these apps in the first place,the kit skills built by these partners,are teaching Natasha how their apps can,be fully fully utilized by clearly,explaining to her why she should be,improving SEO optimizing her prom,product images why she should be,expanding her reach by senator latest,blog post to her customers and why,keeping historical analytics about her,store will help her in the future the,knowledge of running a successful,business has been delivered to her,conversationally and all she had to do,was say yes these partners have also,shipped KITT skills during the beta,period help me Natasha get the most out,of the apps that she's already installed,on her store abandoned card emails kick,carts can we engage in etosha as,customers new product recommendation,blocks to collection pages searching,eyes could add those including new,products and transactional emails she,can use families kits kill broken links,that need to be redirected to related,pages fence house SEO manager can fix,those each skill showcases the different,key features and use cases of the app in,many cases a single app has multiple,kids skills built Gatti Natasha on the,apps onboarding trial and active user,journey kit helps your app surface the,value that it's providing in a way that,ensures that Natasha has all the,information she needs to make a decision,kit ensures that Natasha knows that your,app is the one performing the action by,clearly stating your apps name and the,proposal and most importantly makes it,incredibly easy for her to take action,on your proposed tasks and all Natasha,needs to say is yes now more than ever,kit helps merchants go beyond marketing,by chatting with her virtual employee,kit Natasha has been able to use the,apps that she's already installed to set,up lead capture and exit off her pop-ups,Mobin what mobile and web push,notifications and improve our online,store search experience running her,business by saying yes but if the,recommendation isn't right for her she,can also say no when etosha says no to a,proposal kit will follow up and ask her,why but merchants are compelled to,respond because conversations especially,questions are a two-way street questions,naturally back in a response because of,this we have seen 73 percents of,merchants that are presented with the,why question we,Spahn - and provide valuable feedback on,why they have said no to the proposal,here are some examples of the why,responses that kid has heard not ready,photo was cut off too much money,I'm working on my collections right now,change the featured products presenting,merchants with a blank canvas to provide,feedback please to endless possibilities,of what they can tell us and this open,ended limitless real-time feedback has,already benefited our beta partners moto,list has been sending merchants that are,kids skill that adds new products to,their store during the work read and,notice a trend across the feedback,they're receiving most of them would,prefer to add products to their store,over the weekend with this feedback,motorless has been able to update their,app to propose that those merchants add,new products when they want when they,want based on the real-time feedback,that have received by integrating with,kid our beta partners have been able to,engage with merchants conversationally,educate them on best practices for,running a store reduce the overhead of,learning new interfaces and save them,time to focus on what sets the merchants,apart their products and their brand,here's what we've heard from the beta,partners that have already built kit,skills we've seen a steady stream of new,signups with the increase of 10 to 15,percent per month that's Jill the CEO of,motorists that means by building a kits,skill they've been able to drive new,merchant signups and grow their business,now that Venn table is integrated with,kid they say their app is more,personable and sticky we're servicing,the value of SEO manager,conversationally meeting merchants where,they are instead of waiting for them to,come to us that's a quote from Josh,events off they built the SEO manager,kits skill which fix his broken product,pages conversationally and kit allows,shop pads to gather feedback from,merchants that are actively using their,abandoned cart app every day Jon far,from shop pad said real-time live,feedback helps reduce reduced churn and,assists us in creating a,killer app that our merchants love to,use in summary partners have told us,that building a kit skill increases,merchant signups increases merchant,stickiness and reduces merchant churn,hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs,have already hired kit to join their,team,that's because kit helps them take full,advantage of the technology and,resources that they want to utilize in,no time at all no matter how you slice,it,software is not always intuitive there,are so many places that merchants can,get tripped up go down a side path and,ultimately not get to where they want to,go especially when we're asking them to,use 10 20 30 different applications at,once,that's where kids skills comes in kids,skills are proactive actionable,automated and efficient kids delivers,the key business insight relevant,context and specific recommended tasks,that can be executed with a yes just,what Natasha needs in her only employee,just what your app needs for merchants,to fully realize the impact of the,technology you've built let me tell you,about the three major investments that,we've made during the beta number one,real-time feedback 3 in for merchants,respond to kids feedback requests,merchants give kit the gift of feedback,because they trust kit to listen and,make improvements based on what they say,and that's exactly what we've been doing,as the kit product team so we know,firsthand how powerful this feedback can,be so do our beta partners that's why we,decided to send the why feedback for,each skill in real-time directly to,partners so that it can be used to make,every,skill even better and even more relevant,the why feedback has also helped,generate ideas for new skills so that,merchants can continue to get the most,out of every app that they've installed,this is a unique exclusive opportunity,to truly listen to your users and get to,know your product better than ever,before our second major investment is,kids conversational experience,guidelines now published in Polaris we,learned during our beta that every,individual has their own unique voice,especially when it comes to writing,conversations kit is Shopify's,conversational interface and by,extension,it's our beta partners conversational,interface to building fork it means that,partners are talking directly to,merchants through a trusted virtual,employee so to ensure that we continue,to build on the trust that merchants,have already placed in kit we codified,kits conversational experience into a,set of guidelines and they are now part,of Polaris the Polaris design system,enables us all to work together to build,great product experiences for merchants,kids conversational experience,guidelines are the perfect starting,place for designing a kit skill in,building conversations for kit just like,building for the Shopify admin or your,own app we use common components design,patterns and consistent language in,order to create that cohesive experience,for merchants not only is this a first,for Shopify to incorporate,conversational experience guidelines,into the Polaris design system we have,now become industry leaders in defining,content first product experiences,delivered through kit that's not all our,third major investment during our beta,is a completely self-serving,form to define those conversational,components built directly into the,partners dashboard this has made it,infinitely easier for our beta partners,to define the content for standard,one-step conversations as well as,extended conversations which allow for,merchant input whether that's a,free-form text response or a selection,from multiple choices and to personalize,the conversation for every merchant,we've enabled the message content to be,dynamic using partners custom liquid,variables your apps features are already,built building a kids skill is simply,exposing an endpoint so that when,Natasha says yes your app knows that it,has the go-ahead to take action and the,best thing about kids skills is that it,takes days not weeks not months but days,to build a skill allowing all of each,apps superpowers to be extended into kit,so to recap the three major investments,we made during our beta number one,real-time product feedback 2,conversational experience guidelines now,publish in Polaris and 3 self-service,content definition in the partners,dashboard we know that merchants who use,apps that work with kit stay with your,apps for a longer period of time that's,why I'm so excited to announce that the,kids skills app extension is now live,for all Shopify partners today,you can be a part of expanding kid skill,set your app can be as easy to use as,saying yes the kid skills team is here,at unite office hours to help you write,your first second third kit skill,conversation the true power of kit lies,in kids ability to meet merchants where,they're at and communicate with them in,the way they know best chat becoming an,integral trusted part of their busy,lives so that Natasha's calendar can,look like this now Natasha can be a full,time tax accountant mom of two summer,barbecue pit master and the CEO of tasty,pins all in the same day every day with,kids skills together we can serve,merchants like Natasha with thousands of,smart actionable proposals to make her,business better to help her share her,passion to help her gain the,independence the self-reliance the,flexibility that she is seeking today we,are placing kit in your care so that you,can extend the functionality of your app,into Shopify's conversational interface,as kit learns about your app through,skills merchants can get more and more,of their operational tasks done in zero,time thus allowing them to focus on,building their brand improving their,products and cultivating their customer,relationships because with kids skills,running all parts of their business is,as simple as saying yes using your app,can be as easy as saying yes that's why,merchants work with kit your app can,work with kit,so I invite you all to head over to your,partner's dashboard to get started with,your very first kit skill today I'm so,excited to see what you build next thank,you we'll take some questions we'll take,two questions all right all right,there are quite a lot of questions all,right what are the best ones so this is,from a couple of different people how,many active merchants does kit have,currently very popular so I won't name,all the names but so kit was acquired by,Shopify in 2016 and we have since become,a free app that is offered to all,Shopify merchants so kit as you know and,that's from our talk has hundreds of,thousands of merchants and it's a,significant portion of Shopify's,merchants base and another question we,often get is you know does it skew,towards one demographic or another,demographic and I'll just add on that,you know it's pretty representative of,the Shopify merchant base in general,since our numbers are in the six figures,so will will will say it skews away from,plus but generally with the population,of Shopify base,can Shopify POS apps utilize the KITT,skills extension from anonymous let me,just think about that you could you,could have the POS notice so KITT skills,are based off of triggers that your apps,identify so if if a merchant is using,both POS and Kitts then I'm assuming,that you can have something set up in,POS identifies something that then,triggers a kid's tequila conversation,that they can take action on so a good,example of this is if they add a new,product you get to their store you get,that product webhook that's a trigger,that you can then use in a kid's tool,conversation I'm assuming that is,something similar you can do with POS to,trigger different types of skills yeah,do we have time for one more or one,that's the one is that a one or two,thumbs is that too fast so this from,Kristina will kid be promoting kids,skills created by app developers to let,more merchants use them so we have a kit,skills app collection in the shop flight,app store which we're really excited to,see that that's growing and then as we,work together we absolutely will look,for more opportunities to work together,because we do need to have merchants,accept the right kit skills scope for,your app and you know we've seen a lot,of our beta partners do some really,successful activations whether it's by,email banners integration,you know listings to showcase kit their,kit features as well and I think that's,a wrap thank you so much for joining us,thank you

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