how to use bluecheck on shopify

BlueCheck - Shopify Merchant Demo hi I'm Rodney and I'll be walking you,through a merchant demo of b

BlueCheck Team

Updated on Feb 26,2023

BlueCheck - Shopify Merchant Demo

The above is a brief introduction to how to use bluecheck on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to use bluecheck on shopify

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how to use bluecheck on shopify catalogs

BlueCheck - Shopify Merchant Demo

hi I'm Rodney and I'll be walking you,through a merchant demo of blue check on,Shopify we'll cover the blue check age,verification process how to use blue,check merchant tools and how to install,the blue check out on your Shopify store,so let's get started blue check provides,customers with a simple and easy to use,interface that guides them through the,verification process first time,customers will be required to validate,their age by entering their name date of,birth followed by contact information,and either the last four digits of their,social security number or an image of,their photo ID an automated social,security verification will be approved,within seconds while processing photo,IDs takes between five to ten minutes,once verified the customers order will,be moved to fulfillment previously,verified customers simply need to enter,in their name date of birth and the,confirmation code that is sent to their,cell phone or emailed to complete their,order once an order is created in,Shopify it will be moved to an,unfulfilled status flagged and marked,with additional notes indicating that,the ID verification is still required,when an order has been verified the flag,and risk analysis notes will be updated,and the order will be sent to,fulfillment if a customer fails the,verification process the order will be,cancelled and the flag and risk analysis,notes will update indicating that the,order failed verification the blue check,merchant portal is your all-in-one,resource for tracking verifications,installing the software updating account,information and managing billing on the,dashboard page you will see how many,verifications have passed the last day,month and overall below you will find,the reports which display up to date,information regarding order ID customer,information verification status and,verification links within the settings,page you'll find that blue check offers,you the flexibility to select which of,your customers need to manually vary,by by default new customers under the,age of 27,must do a manual photo ID verification,the alternative setting allows all,customers to go through an automated,verification falling back on the manual,verification if no match is found blue,check has an easy to install Shopify app,you can find the app by following the,link in the description below once the,app is installed you'll need to set up,an account if you don't have one yet,when your account is set up and to your,domain token into the Shopify app,settings and your my Shopify URL into,the blue check merchant portal blue,check will successfully be installed,after these few steps thank you for,watching this blue check merchants demo,to sign up from blue check register for,an account on our site if you have,questions please contact us at merchant,at blue check mean or check out the,frequently asked questions page on our,site

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