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Why I Eat Doritos For Breakfast

foreign,I have a slightly complicated,relationship with breakfast,I can hate American breakfast breakfast,breakfast breakfast,to the first meal of the day breakfast,breakfast breakfast,a couple years ago I made several videos,condemning American breakfast for being,too sweet and then proceeded to tell you,about how cultured I was because I,discovered other breakfast traditions,and integrated them into my life in,order to stop hating breakfast and it,worked but one thing I failed to mention,during all of this breakfast commentary,is that,I ate Doritos for breakfast,like all the time,yes I eat them with chopsticks for,obvious reasons,see my fingers,squeaky clean,wait I gotta tell you something really,quick um I made a video about China and,the United States and their economic War,over microchips it's really insane that,video is live right now you can go watch,it on nebula in fact you can watch every,one of my videos a week early and it,costs you just over one US dollar a,month using a hack that I will explain,at the end of the video for now let's,just keep swimming in a sea of Doritos,but no I'm serious this is a real thing,one of Nick's jobs our studio manager is,to make sure that there are Doritos,always stocked in the studio and to be,honest he does an excellent job you like,your job Nick I love my job I love your,job dude,Nick has another part of his job that's,slightly related I'm now realizing I'll,tell you about that later I was recently,at a wedding in Canada getting slightly,Rowdy and during the party I had a,conversation with my friend Becky I was,telling her about how much I love,Doritos and especially for breakfast the,first thing Becky did is tell me how,much better Canadian chips are,especially Canadian Doritos she promised,that she would send me Canadian Doritos,and indeed she did oh yes we have,Doritos from Canada and we have,Chopsticks thank you Becky but then she,also asked me why the breakfast snob,over here who's like condemning all,things American breakfast eats Doritos,for the first meal of the day but it,turns out there's an answer to this one,that required a little bit of research,some expert interviews and a,conversation with the internet's best,food science explainer and this is just,me spitballing and I'm not a scientist I,just play one on the internet the answer,to this is yet another stop on my long,strange journey of trying to understand,breakfast and its connection to human,evolution and ancient traditions and,perhaps most importantly today's economy,where we live in a world where literal,scientists sit around and engineer food,so that we can't get enough of it try,Doritos they taste as good as they,crunch he's in a better place now it's,corn tomato onions and spices,um,oh my God look at this,oh yes dear Johnny hope you like cheese,P.S congrats again on the Emmy,thanks Becky,today we've got zesty cheese,oh my God it's like nacho cheese with a,kick oh yeah this is good,they're extra salty too the Cornerstone,of any nutritious breakfast this is,amazing Canada kills it with chips okay,let's get this started,I think first we need to talk about,Doritos,Cool Ranch flavor Doritos brand tortilla,chips one heck of a crunch,this is a Dorito,it is a triangle of mashed up corn that,is baked fried and coated with a magical,cheesy powder,this orange dust is a mix of garlic,Romano cheese and cheddar cheese we got,a total of 25 different ingredients on,here and in the case of Cool Ranch no,other chip tastes like cool ranch it's,basically the same ingredients like cool,ranch has a couple of things that I,can't really pronounce here like sodium,acetate disodium,inocinate inocinate disodium,guanylate and crucially both of these,bags plus Becky's Canadian flavor,contain a magic powder called monosodium,glutamate a mysterious thing that I,think is at the center of why I love,this so much and why I want it for,breakfast,Hmm,this is really delicious,this magic ingredient was invented in,Japan 100 or so years ago when this,Japanese chemist was supposedly trying,to figure out why his wife's soup tasted,so damn good he did a bunch of Science,and realized that it was this strip of,kelp which is basically like seaweed but,technically it's not seaweed it's kelp,this was the key ingredient he saw his,wife put this strip of kelp in boiling,water at the beginning of soup making,and then taking it out and whatever,happened during that short time made all,the difference wait a minute this same,thing happens every Monday in my studio,oh it smells good in here Nick what you,making miso soup from you so Monday so,Monday every Monday we have miso soup in,this office because like Doritos miso is,a very important part of my morning yeah,it makes the whole week good it really,does start now with the Japanese cow,from Hokkaido I bought it at my local,Japanese Market Hana Japanese Market,love you guys and what do you do with it,you put it in there like well it's hot,rolling boil for like 20 minutes,take it out as that es

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop

if you still think that Tech talk is,just for dancing Trends and kids you're,missing out on a very powerful platform,and trending social media advertising,option to grow your business this 2023.,Tech talk has now over 1 billion users,and has surpassed other social media,apps in terms of downloads in a very,short amount of time specifically during,the pandemic aside from this Tech talk,has also launched tiktok shop in,selected countries and provides a,convenient and entertaining approach on,e-commerce even without a website,the last two quarters of 2022 generated,millions of Revenue in my business,because of tick tock ads paired with,Tick Tock shop,so if you also want this for your own,business or for your clients make sure,to finish this video apply what you will,learn and of course prepare to scale,your business,now let's get into it,before we hop on creating an account,let's first understand and maybe be,reminded about this crypto ad structure,okay at first basically we're going to,create a business account for us to have,access to the tiktok business center so,this is the tiktok ads Business Center,at the top and then under that we're,going to create an ad account okay an ad,account which you can access and make,ads through the ads manager,and after that after an account we're,going to create ad campaigns okay now,it's not really that much of a different,platform with meta ads because honestly,it's almost just the same only that it,has different capabilities than uh The,Meta ads now there are also difference,when it comes to terminologies just like,for example this one,um ad groups instead of AD set okay you,can see there at the top it's still,contained where you set the objectives,where you set sometimes the budget and,also here on the second level this one,this is the ad group level so this is,like the ad sets in in meta ads and in,this same ad set like level,you're going to put the targeting and,also the budget,next under those ad groups you can put,more ads,okay so basically that's just the,campaign structure in Tech talk ads you,also need to learn about the ad format,so here are the five ad formats,currently we have top view we have the,brand takeover uh desktop view and brand,takeover usually appears when you open,the app,and the next one is in feed ads whenever,you're scrolling on the for you page you,will see a video with a with an,emphasized button just like that so it's,called infinite ads and next are the,Branded hashtag challenge The Branding,effect the ones that get these ad,formats are actually those who are,already big Brands so again these are,the ad formats usually you can see the,infield ads and you can make that,especially if you are a small business,now let's create our own Tech talk,business account I already have one for,my own business but I'm going to make a,new one for the purpose of this video so,it would be better if you can follow,with me while I do the process okay okay,first one we need to go to,business,so this is the pickup for Business,website we're going to click create now,and I'm gonna type in my password you,can sign up either via email or via,phone I would prefer to have,um my email instead of phone for the,purpose of this video so I'm gonna type,my password,I'll repack it,okay and then click this,agree to the tech talk commercial terms,of service you can just read that after,and just sign up choose it's just for,verification which ones are in the same,shape,so it's letter L okay confirm,now there will be a confirmation email,to be sent okay,I'll confirmed now here we're going to,put our country,I'm based in the Philippines my industry,whatever my business is so I'm just,going to put here services,advertising and PR Services since I'm,making it under my personal brand but on,my other account I have actually chosen,e-commerce,for my business name I'll just put,the registered business team,but my phone number,there you go,I'll just agree to the tick tock,commercial terms of service and then,click register if you want to win a free,one-on-one consultation with me so we,can talk more about improving social,media ads for your business just like,this video subscribe and comment one new,thing that you learned from this video,provide some details about the business,okay so the business center name I can,just name this um John Cornwell and then,I'll put my time zone,describe your business I would say I'm,an agency first because I have some,clients also an activator also to,clients I just put my company name,so if you are an e-commerce business or,anything you want to run ads you can,just put I'm an Advertiser you can just,click this and then just declare um your,company name and your company website,again you don't have to build a website,for this you can have your Facebook page,or Instagram page in my case I'll just,put my own personal website there okay,and the billing information,course you need to put do you want,manual payments or you want automatic,payments

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teaching you patience, itemization and threats well in this video 👈 😏

teaching you patience, itemization and threats well in this video 👈 😏

foreign,so yeah,whenever you're addicted to the room is,Christmas less than a tree,I'm too lazy man I'm gonna move anyways,like I'm not I'm not gonna live here for,more than a month anyways,I'm too lazy,foreign,I don't do noises let's be honest guys,like,do you live in Sweden I do yeah,it's not,this is a little bit of,bro I went to my I went to my patreon,and I said bro that's the first thing I,see,oh hell no,what the ,what did Bates get baited bro,I don't even know to go here we're blood,picking,you know how about my middle,guess what,what should you guys want oh nice,I don't have the blind pick perfect,I love this change actually it's very,nice,you want juice to Twitch Prime yo I I,always I always do enjoy some twitch,primes guys,I do love some twitch Primes,especially since they are free they're,absolutely free no extra cost and you,get to watch this Thursday for free I,mean without ads for 30 days so I do I,do like them yeah,I got your Prime,ah does vain here guys they have Mundo,and Silas I feel like I need to go vein,no like,I need to go kog'maw or vein animal's,eyes cannot kill them ever,because I guess chat to be honest,if you play anything except vayne or,kog'maw can you ever kill a mundo what,do you guys think,or AP bars,I honestly don't think you can it's,almost impossible,like it is so hard maybe Affiliates as,well maybe affilios,but not anything else,you'll squeal to do something about,Nila that's fine I don't know Manila,oh this is that bad bad they're like,sauce and sauna are and they're a little,Silas I think that's a good I think it's,the ghoster actually do for kiting I,don't I don't get exhaust here or glance,well I'm gonna cut down I'm gonna get,this,I got this as well,kind of ruins my captain but it's fine,whatever,yeah she went last night I think because,then twitch,maybe they'll be better,foreign,there's a Silas all right,good luck,my dog farted so good smell I love it,bro what the hell why am I between it,that's what the bro what the, man,load Ah hell no what the dude why,did I read that but,Elsa bladed Nila is like quick unleash,nila's like um,really useless like early game,and besides,so nasty Linda even trades are bad,actually yeah,so they're healing,without the feeling,and I went to our spread so now like,even trips are bad,so even trades,bad just by itself doesn't really matter,um because even if the Legos or splits,bad because I'm really,um so I'm just gonna go see us I'm just,gonna go see us focus on this and then,if Morgana landscue,then I can maybe like like Auto into,queue,into like Auto Maybe,or maybe more we'll see what happens,and then maybe if they're closer well I,can eat as well,and then we can get a good trade maybe,but otherwise like there's nothing else,I'm just gonna focus on farming but this,is the key elements because this is like,such a Lane,and I can also like recall 450 here into,getting killed,because I just want to get as much,skating as possible let's go,says it's a very big Shilling Lane and I,don't think much is gonna happen,actually kind of sucks against Anila but,yeah whatever,let's go here there are other shoulders,yeah top side I did yeah,so in this Lane I will focus on the Cs,the issue the issue with discount lines,where it's hard to win Lane is like if,my Solutions themselves and they,end then,it's really hard for me to um,I collect Trader that goes for,minions like this stuff,she went through our space so she,doesn't chill there we go live too first,though careful,yeah I think left two now because they,love passive, dude holy what is that,damage from sauna bro,it's crazy,yeah I mean I think they have a better,Lane as well,like I think I think honestly murugan is,one of the most useless supports in the,game especially not much about this,so this is a good this might be a,YouTuber because we have like pretty,much like an unwinnable Lane it's,because of Champions wise,so this might be a YouTuber and my,Morgana is missing every queue as well,especially my team loses loses Sterling,as well then it's like even a YouTuber,thing,please don't use Dublin wave,it's not good for me,I'm losing a lot of sales customer,'s gonna me,where Galaxy was only good if they,engage support that's the only type of,paper gun support,actually Morgan has missed everything,I'm gonna eat this guy,but I think Morgan might be dead anyways,yeah I saved him because of me that's,I'm just gonna eat the damage threat,which is Cal 6.,Smith get this though,okay we're gonna,DC,I did it which could reduce it I'm not,sure,okay now we should pushed away though, this is bad rain has like no wave,clear I can't really push this that but,like they're good,that's the word now,in a word and then try to at least kill,some of this I have ghosts that should,be fine,because she's back,yeah this might be a YouTuber honestly,impossible Lane DC for a bit losing mid,looking kind of good I think,all right let's go um,without that,always got this,I should it I'll get this I don't,have any potions now so I

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TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)

TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)

in this video I'm going to share with,you exactly how you can Skyrocket the,amount of followers that you're getting,on Tick Tock right now because if you,haven't heard yet Tick Tock has changed,and the things that you need to be doing,the analytics you need to be worried,about the content that you should be,creating and the topics that you should,be using within your Niche have all,changed and if you don't adapt to these,new things you're going to see both a,decrease in the amount of views and the,amount of followers that you get but if,you simply make the changes that I share,with you in this video you're going to,have a Skyrocket in the amount of,followers that you're getting in fact,these strategies work so well that since,2021 for the last almost three years,I've helped almost 200 000 people grow,on Tick Tock and I want you to be the,next person in fact this Creator gained,a million subscribers in just a few,months by implementing these tips this,Creator over 800 000 in this Creator,over 500 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you because all,these creators had two things in common,one they were struggling before they,implemented the tips that I'm about to,share with you in this video and,secondly they all now make a full-time,living from Tick Tock which I'm sure you,want to happen to you but before we,could dive into those things I need you,to smash that subscribe button if you,want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video every single day about how to,grow on these Platforms in addition to,that I created a free Tick Tock growth,course you can get at the link in the,pin comment below it's going to share,with you thanks the best hashtags to be,using right now and what time you should,be posting in 2023 so please make sure,you get into that at the link in the pin,comment below it is 100 free I don't,know what you're waiting for finally,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on TED,Talk step number one is actually,understanding what Tick Tock cares about,and essentially they only care about,three things right now you guys are,focused on all the wrong things if,you're not focused on these three things,the first is the type of content you're,creating the second is the topics that,you're choosing third is the analytics,that you're paying attention to if you,fail to do any of these three things,it's the reason that you're not getting,views if you've seen a decrease in views,or you're just not able to get views,like your competitors get it's because,you're ignoring one of these three,things or you're only doing one of them,you're only doing two of them because,you need to be doing all three of them,I'm warning you right now if you don't,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video it's going to be the,reason that you're not successful in,Tick Tock during the easiest time ever,to grow on Tick Tock and The Best Time,Ever to become part of the Creator,economy and make money literally from,your phone or from your laptop without,having to go to work this might mean,that you could quit your job it might,mean that you could drop out of college,and the difference between you being,able to do that and you being,unsuccessful is you focusing on these,three things so for starters let's talk,about the analytics because this is an,incredibly important piece of the puzzle,first thing is you need to make sure,that you have seventy percent of people,still watching after the first three,seconds of your video now if you're able,to achieve that that's great you need to,extend that as long as possible because,essentially there are three watch time,metrics that you need to be hitting that,I'm going to share with you later on in,this video depending on how long your,content is it's going to tell you,exactly what percentage watch time you,need to be hitting because if you're not,hitting that well you're just not going,to have success on Tick Tock but like I,said the first thing that you need to,get down is over 70 of people still,watching three seconds into the video,now the reason that this is going to,happen is because your hook is going to,be great you're going to have great text,on the screen you're going to have,energy you're going to actually wake the,person want to watch your video or,you're going to stick out if you look at,videos that go viral on Tick Tock their,videos that stick out their videos that,stand out or they're participating in a,trend which hooks somebody in because,you guys need to understand something if,you're not solving a problem for,something doing something that they're,curious in or participating in a trend,which naturally just kind of captures,people attention well then that's going,to be the reason that nobody's watching,your Tick Tock videos and the way that,you focus on this is by focusing on,honing in the first three seconds of,your videos and this is going to make,you a lot more success on top of that,yo

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222,으 으 아,per photo,찬 총 10쌍 예 the the i hope to see who we,we we be be be be be too,5 tae woo woo woo,wie der er ho ho ho lee,5,hoo hoo hoo woo hoo woo woo woo woo woo,woo woo woo woo,으,woo woo woo

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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35 Minutes of Marketing Strategy You Can Start to Use Today | Sage Summit 2021

35 Minutes of Marketing Strategy You Can Start to Use Today | Sage Summit 2021

ما أسميه التسويق المعاصر,أرى أنه الشيء الذي يجب على كل فرد في هذه الغرفة,أن يقضي معظم وقته فيه.,أظن أننا بحاجة إلى البدء في إجراء,محادثة متقدمة ومختلفة تمامًا,حول بناء الفريق والقيادة في الواقع.,يتم الخلط بين التسويق والمبيعات بشكل لا يُصدّق.,نسمي "فاينر ميديا"، إمبراطورية العسل،,لكن كلمة إمبراطورية ليست كلمة رقيقة.,نحن نحاول بناء أكبر شركة على الإطلاق.,من ثلاثة إلى أربعة إعلانات على "لينكدإن" يوميًا،,تُشغّل جميع مقاطع الفيديو,أو الصور أو الكلمات المختلفة كإعلانات.,بشكل غير متناسب، كان هذا هو الشيء,الذي تلقيت الكثير من الرسائل الإلكترونية بشأنه,باعتباره عامل تغيير جوهري في قواعد اللعبة,بالنسبة إلى شركات "بي تو بي".,بالنسبة إليّ، التسويق هو محادثة طموحة.,مع كل الاحترام الواجب، أريدك أن تعرف شيئًا واحدًا فقط،,نحن أفضل شركة تسويق في العالم،,مما يعني أن الشيء الوحيد الذي سيحدث,هو أننا سنسرّع العالم مع العلم,أن منتجك هو قطعة نفاية.,لا يمكنك توظيف ابنة أختك ذات الـ23 عامًا للقيام بذلك.,يعني في الواقع بدء تشغيل مدوّنة صوتية أو عرض "يوتيوب" حول,خبرة العمل الذي تعمل فيه.,فكرة أن تصبح ناشرًا وليس مسوّقًا، صحيح؟,معظم الناس في المبيعات.,نحن منظمات مبيعات وهذا شيء رائع،,أنا أحب المبيعات،,لكن التسويق هو الإطار الثاني،,أقوى بكثير من المبيعات على المدى المتوسط والطويل.,الشيء الثالث الذي أتحدث إليكم عنه الآن,هو مفهوم أن أصبح شركة إعلامية،,ما فعلته في حياتي المهنية.,هذا الأسلوب الأخير،,لأنني ألقيت بهذا في المحتوى الخاص بي،,فقد كانت المقابلات المختلفة بمثابة فوز كبير,لبعض شركات "بي تو بي" الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم.,وأود أن أوصي بشدة الأشخاص في هذه الغرفة,أصحاب الثرثرة القليلة ويشعرون أنهم يستطيعون القيام بذلك.,ادفع نفسك رجاءً. إنه فعال حقًا.,تذكر أنه عندما وعدت أنك لن تحصل,على حساب على "فيسبوك" في عام 2012، قال البشر لا.,عندما سمع الكثير منكم عن الـ"بيتكوين"، لا،,الـ"بلوكتشين" موجود هنا.,كل عقد في العالم خلال 15 عامًا,سيكون على الـ"بلوكتشين".,إنها الطريقة التي ستعمل بها.,إذًا ماذا ستفعل؟,الشيء نفسه الذي فعلته مع الإنترنت،,وهو محاربته حتى تستسلم له,وترك كل تلك الفرص على الطاولة؟,ألا تحب المال.,ألا تريد أن تكون عائلتك أكثر استقرارًا.,ألا تريد أن يكبر عملك.,قد لا تريد الرقص على الـ"تيكتوك"،,لكنني لا أطلب منك الرقص.,الإنترنت هو المكان الذي يوجد فيه العالم الحقيقي.,نحن نستهلك الـ"ميتافيرس" والـ"في آر" للجميع,وكل هذه الأشياء الجنونية التي نعيشها هناك الآن.,أتعلم كم عدد الساعات التي تقضيها في النظر إلى هذا؟,وهذا هو الهدف من هذا الحديث اليوم،,والذي يحدث كثيرًا.,من الجميل أن أعود إلى المسرح.,هناك شيئان أساسيان استهلكهما كثيرًا من الوقت,الحالي وهما متعارضتان تمامًا.,أحدهما هو الذكاء بشكل لا يُصدّق والتخطيط جدًا,فيما لا يعنيه،,وهو ما يمكنني تسميته بالتسويق المعاصر.,سواء كنت في هذه الغرفة بصفتك "بي تو بي" أو "بي تو سي"،,بما في ذلك الأشياء التي لا تكون منطقية,بالنسبة إلى الكثير من الأشخاص في مجال ما,يجب عليهم فعله على "لينكدإن" أو الـ"تيكتوك",أو أشياء من هذا القبيل،,فإنهم يسحرونني بشكل أساسي لأنني رجل أعمال، صحيح؟,منذ أن كان عمري 14 عامًا،,شاركت في شركة عائلية طوال حياتي.,لذا كل شيء يأتي من وجهة نظر الأكسجين,لدفع الفواتير.,وُلدت في الاتحاد السوفيتي،,وترعرعت في أسرة مهاجرة.,كان والدي يمتلك متجرًا لبيع المشروبات الكحولية،,ومن 18 مايو عام 1998,حتى هذه اللحظة التي أقف فيها،,كنت أتحمل مسؤولية تقديم كشوف المرتبات,كل أسبوعين طوال حياتي.,لذا فإن إطاري، عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتسويق,فهو في الواقع يرتكز بشكل كبير,على التطبيق العملي لبناء الأعمال التجارية.,وبما أنني أشعر بالشيب,وأصبح أكثر نضجًا،,أدرك عدد الأشخاص الذين لا يرون التسويق,بالطريقة التي أراها.,أراه على أنه الأكسجين.,أرى أنه الشيء الذي يجب على كل شخص في هذه الغرفة,قضاء معظم وقته فيه.,ومعظم الناس، عندما ألقي هذا الحديث,أو أعقد اجتماعًا أو اجتاز 25 عامًا الماضية,يحاولون إيجاد الوقت,للوصول إلى التسويق.,أفضّل أن أكون رائعًا في التسويق المعاصر بدلًا من معرفة كيفية,تحقيق التوازن بين الأرباح والخسائر وهذا ما يفكر به عقلي.,ولذا وأنا سأخوض في هذا الآن،,هناك شيء واحد فقط أعلم أنه يمكن أن يضاعف,أعمال الشخص دون إحداث تغيير كبير,في منتجهم أو خدمتهم أو الحصول على بعض الثروة,مثل منافسهم المحلي الذي قرر التقاعد.,كأن هناك شيء واحد فقط وهو التسويق.,ويتم الخلط بين التسويق والمبيعات بشكل لا يُصدّق.,وأنا أراه كل يوم.,وأظن أن الناس يشعرون براحة لا تُصدّق مع المبيعات,لأنهم يعرفون ما هو عائد الاستثمار في الحال،,والمحادثات والخطابات الأساسية والكتب,التي كتبتها قبل سبع أو 10 سنوات حول ذلك،,مهلًا، المطبوعة والإذاعية والتلفاز.,الأشياء التي أستخدمها لبناء مشروع النبيذ الخاص بي،,تنخفض قيمتها.,يجب عليك إلقاء نظرة على "غوغل أدووردز" أو البريد الإلكتروني,أو الـ"يوتيوب"، فقد أصبح ذلك غير قابل المحادثة.,أظن أنني أجد صعوبة في التفكير في أن الناس لا يدركون,أن الرقمية هي شكل حقيقي جاد للتسويق.,ما يحدث على الرغم من ذلك،,هو أنه كما مر الناس بهذا التحوّل،,أصبحت أرض التنقل في التسويق الرقمي شاسعة,بشكل لا يُصدّق وصعودًا,وهبوطًا بشكل يبعث على السخرية.,يمكنك أن تهدر مبلغًا مهولًا من المال,في التسويق الرقمي ولا تحصل على أيّ شيء في المقابل,أو قد تنفق مبلغًا منخفضًا بشكل مذهل من الدولارات,وتحقق ارتفاعًا كبيرًا.,ويتعلق الأمر بالتخطيط فقط,وفهمه فحسب.,وأريد قضاء بعض الوقت في ذلك.,الشيء الآخر الذي أريد قضاء الوقت فيه،,هو اليوم الـ16، الثلاثاء، أجل.,كان من المفترض أن يكون اليوم هو يوم صدور كتابي الجديد.,إذا كان بإمكانكم وميض شاشتي مجددًا.,كان من المفترض أن يكون اليوم هو يوم صدور كتابي الجديد,"12 ونصف:,الاستفادة من المكونات العاطفية لنجاح الأعمال"

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hey what are we here for what are you,doing,yeah,oh my God,oh my God hello contestants welcome to,the creative ad challenge,oh who are you honestly I've never seen,this guy before,and I'm your judge number two lingy yes,yes,and I'm your judge number three uh Jason,okay contestants welcome again to the,creative app challenge another bunch of,you was stalked and hand-picked by our,producers because of your Superior,ability to create content so we expect,nothing but the best,before we begin the the challenge right,you guys will need to put into two,different teams of four so crazy and,lingy will pick the leaders in this,challenge the winning team will win cash,prize of 800 unfortunately the losing,team will face elimination two of your,contestants will have to go home and how,to decide who are the two contestants,that will be going home your own team,will have to vote out these two people,two eliminations of the first episode,can we choose a team now yes yes let's,do it okay I'm gonna pick the team,leader of the first team I hope it's not,Mila I'm not good leading LA oh,the team leader of the first team is,Nicholas,choose me,just me just me,now the next leader contending Nicholas,will be,it's the opposite gender,it's the opposite attractive level,it's the beautiful lady oh my God,easy win yeah,rock paper scissors to decide who draws,first hey any scissors paper Stone,nicolasco all right pick one kg nor Bean,Thomas,wow damn it it's Sherry,Stephanie Minnie could you pick your,first teammate okay,first teammate Norby,it's my name I have a feeling sit down,oh you're right it's Iron Man holy if I,like bad baby right,I'll be done go ahead,kg,three two one,contestants now you're in your teams,dream teams are you ready to find out,what the first challenge is oh yes let's,go let's go okay your first challenge is,to create a tick tock app between 30 to,40 seconds promoting G8 energy drink you,want to promote their flavors original,and lime your target audience are youths,Gamers and athletes and you must promote,the tagline great endless energy and the,hashtag great endless energy ubss on,three different elements okay so all,graded upon 10. those elements are,production value creativity and the,ability to follow the brief last part,what do you get,in helping you to create this ad right,I'll,look lighting you will also have access,to a shared prop and costume room which,is over there and each team will be,given one Sony a74 to film,the A7 mark IV is a versatile camera,with core features like its 33 megapixel,full frame sensor which allows you to,film in 4K resolution up to 60 frames,per second together with its amazing,in-body image stabilization you will,never miss another moment with blurry,photos and shaky videos ever again,alright are you ready contestants,you better be because I'm not ready to,be disappointed you have four hours,starting now four hours video,before we begin let's talk about,strengths okay show you what you get,like any like special talents or like,stuff like that oh my special talent is,if this is the box,I'm out of the box,there's one thing I think we'll,definitely win is Russian value because,there's me,uh then after that the brief right,be like a generic and you can see like a,generic ad from a brand posting right,you want one too but just because the,cost that is lousy well I feel a lot of,tension in this room it's a concept okay,let me let me hold on let me then hot,girl walks by,I drink I become you and I can carry but,but the problem is not creative you see,uh eventually all nighter then you drink,this and then you finish up and got,light speed with more Focus it's very,very difficult I want to do something,that's different before gaming like what,is,then when she cleaned the drink,I think it sounds like a winning,adjective yeah yeah but we don't have,much time so let's go,zero calorie,see the pots now we are just discussing,uh then I just thinking like maybe at,the end we were all like together agree,with one then that we do,feel it,no the first one has not been like she,started video so I'm going to mix git,with white ice cream you know Ben that,is good we can pitch to the kind we tell,them,as much as a house as possible okay you,go and find stuff to make the editing,Street look like Jimmy move,all right,let's hear the ride on it oh yeah please,style workout guys,yeah it doesn't have to look like a,typical guy's room you know there's so,many different kind of guys about this,one baseball ever oh I just don't think,because it's cute Hey Mickey you're so,far I guess so find your brother on my,head hey we only left three hours,can you chase the ghost what did we,what,just chase you change,I got it,okay,I understand the other team,that's what it,is,oh it is it is,good I don't know what we're doing here,foreign,three three two one and action,Korea,actually,we are a team of winners winning is good,learning is good you know what can any,of us do what he's doing right now,cannot exactly at least we

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