how to upload sitemap in shopify

How To Add Sitemap To Shopify Store (NoIndex & Nofollow Setting) hello guys my name is samuel dolla

Samwel Dollah

Updated on Feb 19,2023

How To Add Sitemap To Shopify Store (NoIndex & Nofollow Setting)

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload sitemap in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload sitemap in shopify

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How To Add Sitemap To Shopify Store (NoIndex & Nofollow Setting)

hello guys my name is samuel dolla of,dropshipping it dot com if you're,watching this this either you want to,start a dope shipping business or,already doing the shipping business,welcome so today we are going to talk,about how to add a sitemap on your,shopify store how to configure the no,index no follow configuration for your,shopify store but let us first define uh,what is a sitemap what is a no index,what is a no no follow and how they are,beneficial to your shopify store so what,is a site map so according to google a,sitemap is a file where you provide,information about the pages the videos,and other files on your site and the,relationships between them search,engines like google read this file to,crawl your site more efficiently a,sitemap tells google which pages and,files you think are important in your,site and also provide valuable,information about these files for,example when the page was last updated,and any alternate language version of,the page you can use a sitemap to,provide information about specific types,of content on your pages including video,images and news content for example a,sitemap video entry can specify the,video running time rating and edge,appropriateness rating a sitemap for,image can include the location of the,image and the specific page the image is,on a sitemap news entry can also include,the article the blogs the publication,date the author and other valuable,information about the article so you ask,yourself do you really need a sitemap,for shopify the answer is yes if your,shopify pages are properly linked google,can usually discover most of your site,proper linking means that all pages that,you deem important can be read through,some form of navigation either through,your site menu or important pages on the,site and that is why a sitemap is,important because it helps google crawl,your pages your products and the entire,shopify store depending on the rules,that you've set in the app that we're,going to install,so to kick start our app installation,you log into your shopify store then,click on online store beneath it is our,app section so when you click on this,apps you'll see the apps installed in,your shopify store but in our case we,need to click all recommended apps which,will take us to this section just scroll,down ignore the apps there and click on,shopify app store which will take us to,the shopify app marketplace on this page,uh you will click will search for site,map,then you scroll down,okay you'll see other result but ignore,them our interest is this up here,sitemap no index seo tool by dgp,digital so click on it it will open then,it will redirect you to your shopify,store uh then uh at this section just,click install app,okay this is the dashboard of the,the the app that we are talking about,this one of the leading seo hubs right,now on shopify marketplace so,this is the installation process,now it is 3.49 just click approve,but this first seven days is free,this is the dashboard of the app so here,is where you configure everything uh you,need uh,about this app everything that you how,you want this app to work from you know,no index no follow html sitemap and,stuff so i'm going to take you through,step by step but the first thing we need,to do is to enable this app on our,shopify but this is how the dashboard,looks like it's a very simple but very,effective app so we just need to to try,to enable this app,on our theme so we click on enable which,will direct us to our theme setting,customizer and now you see it is enabled,there then you have to save,uh the changes that we've made to our,theme for it to be effective so,uh you need to click on save,okay,so after saving the app will be enabled,in our backend but we first need to go,back to the app also to verify the app,status if it is,working so you click on check for uh,status it will change to you know enable,or the the red,button there will appear to be green yes,now it is checked it is now enabled,which means our site is uh now using,sitemap uh no index seo hub,by dgp digital so this is the dashboard,again now we need to to to work on our,app setting no index no follow tags and,stuff so,under under no index uh they have,section pages collections blah blah blah,so here is where you tell this tool not,to win not to include a certain uh,section for indexing so if you don't,want your login page to be indexed you,simply check no index if you don't want,it to,if you do you want a no follow function,on a specific area you simply check one,of the boxes depending with uh what you,want this tool to do if you check one of,these boxes it tells google crawlers not,to crawl on that specific uh you know uh,section that you were you've checked uh,this helps a lot with ranking indexing,just like any just like wordpress site,okay but now it is available for shopify,store owners like me and you and this,makes,owning a shopify store more enjoyable,than before because if you want to one,to make sales through search engine this,is the time to do that uh for longevity,so under products you can decide to,index some products you can decide not,to,depending with what you want,in in some cases you may find that a,product has variants okay and you don't,want those variants to be indexed so if,it is one product with five variants uh,this app will only index the product on,the main page which means if you choose,not to index the variance it will,exclude the variance on the main page,and also if you want this app not to,index all your products you simply,choose no follow or no no,no index depending with what you want,okay so this makes this app very very,very efficient in our case because,sometimes you don't want all the product,detail to be indexed more so some images,if you know you may run into some,copyright issues so after doing all this,what you need to do is simply to you,know save the changes that you're going,to make on this app and this will make,it do exactly as you want under under,html as site map the moment we enable,the site map on our theme,uh it automatically created a site map,and these as you can see the below link,here this is the the link to our site,map on our shopify theme,okay the one that we activated so this,is the link here but now we need to add,this link on our shopify theme to appear,on our you know menu and stuff so uh if,you if you copy paste that link or you,open that link in a new tab this is,where you land so it shows you the,products the collection the pages based,on your setting what you wanted it to,index the ones that you wanted not to be,in there now uh we want to add it to our,menu this is our menu so under,navigation uh when you click on online,store you'll see section themes blog,posts pages navigation our interest is,on navigation so navigation is our menu,it is the time used on shopify to access,your menu or to edit or to you know to,change how they appear so we click on uh,you know uh online store when you click,on online store there will be a drop,down uh then you go choose the,navigation,so when you choose a navigation uh,you'll see a lot you'll see different,types of settings you can have your menu,main menu and also footer menu but i,want it to appear under the footer menu,so i'll go with the footer menu then add,this the link that uh the sitemap link,that then it was the app generated to my,you know footer menu so we click on,footer menu then we scroll down these,are the items on the footer menu scroll,down to add a menu item when you click,on add menu item it gives you option to,add a page a link you know a collection,blah blah blah but first we need to name,it so we are going to name it as sitemap,okay,then under the link we're just going to,paste the link that we copied from the,site then and you know we click on add,after it appeared,so we give it some time,so it will appear there,sorry let me just do it again so it,appears then we you know,you just click on it then you,say add it is added and make sure you,save the settings or the anything that,you've added okay let me just edit the,site map here,then apply the changes again then click,on save,then we have to check if the changes,have been applied on the main site so go,to their main site then we scroll down,yes yes the sitemap has been,successfully added and when you click on,this sitemap it should show you the the,sitemap page with the products the pages,the seo no index tool comes with a lot,of settings and they're very easy to,configure to set up or depending with,what you want you are site to to to,include in terms of indexing in terms of,norfolk but it has a very clean and,user friendly dashboard okay so this uh,helps you just you know configure the,app and also how to use them so under,the html,sitemap when you click on setting,uh it will take you to a page that,allows you to edit the content of your,sitemap how you want them to appear okay,so for instance the link that we just,clicked previously where our site we,integrated our sitemap,so here you can choose the visibility,whether you wanted the product section,to be visible or you want to hide pages,so you want to hide anything that is,related to your site this is the place,that you need to to to do that for your,sitemap on the page on the menu the,sitemap on the menu and also you know on,the google crawlers it will appear the,same so under the page title if you,don't want this let's say for products,to appear as products you can even try,to try write something like best,products or unique products or best,sellers it all depends with your you,know how you want it to appear under the,pages also you can even say unique pages,or under collection you can say all,collection this all depends with how you,want your site map to,to read remember the sitemap is the the,link that we added to our footer so when,i click the word sitemap it took me,straight to the sitemap and you are able,to see the products you know collection,and also articles so this is where you,set that up under help you can find all,the the import important information,relate relating to how to set up this,app how to use it at the best settings,for your shopify store and everything,else that will make your,search engine visibility better for your,shopify store now seo is a very,important element you know in while,starting an online business it helps,with visibility and also search engine,ranking now this tool is meant to help,your site rank and detect to help google,crawl your web your shopify site but it,can be more helpful if you also do the,shopify basic seo which means the meta,tags the meta description the home page,description you know doing the uh,shopify image seo which will help this,app work better so in seo is very very,very important muscle if you are looking,for long-term uh,business on shopify there are people who,depend entirely uh,in in advertisement and there are people,who want to create a long-term in,investment so seo is a good longevity,and also visibility so if you want your,shopify to rank on search engine uh,without spending a dime then you need to,install this app because it's the latest,unique shopify apps that helps with,indexing that helps with such,engine,visibility seo was better on wordpress,but now with this app it is more,it is even more interesting on shopify,you know shopify doesn't allow a lot of,rooms for,seo but with such apps we can integrate,seo uh in shopify without much effort so,if this is your kind of video this is,your kind of app,there's a link below this description,which will take you straight to to the,seo no index uh,tool i've been using this up in some of,my money sites on shopify and i saw it,wise to share it with you guys because,it will help you also if you are on a,low budget you want to spend much money,on you know advertisement influencer,marketing etc why not just invest in a,long-term solution like seo and see how,how it goes so,if you are new to drop shipping or,shopify uh you can simply sign up i have,a 14 days free trial also then after,signing up on shopify then you use the,link that i provided,in the description below to access this,app thank you guys for watching,you

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