how to start a shopify store selling chinese crap

Facebook and Google BANNING Dropshipping Stores: What To Do About It (Shopify Dropshipping 2021) if

Rafael Cintron

Updated on Mar 26,2023

Facebook and Google BANNING Dropshipping Stores: What To Do About It (Shopify Dropshipping 2021)

The above is a brief introduction to how to start a shopify store selling chinese crap

Let's move on to the first section of how to start a shopify store selling chinese crap

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Facebook and Google BANNING Dropshipping Stores: What To Do About It (Shopify Dropshipping 2021)

if you're trying to learn shopify drop,shipping build an ecommerce business,you might have seen people get banned,from facebook google,and other traffic sources and you might,be thinking am i the next one to get,banned,maybe you're already banned and you're,thinking what should i do about it,i'm going to talk about all the things,that you need to make sure,before you start advertising so that you,don't get banned,and if you get banned what might be the,reason for it and what to do about it,let's go okay first for the things that,you need to make sure you have before,you start advertising,on facebook and on google so you don't,get banned and you have the maximum,chance,of having a good relationship with the,platform first up is,contact information two forms of contact,you wanna have people,contact your store very easily so that,they can go,to let's say a contact us page at the,top of the menu,on your shopify store or maybe on the,bottom of the shopify store,and there's your email and it's an email,that actually takes emails it doesn't,bounce,maybe there's your address as well if,you have an address,somewhere in the world that might not,put off anybody if you're in a country,that for example has a war,or something that is maybe trying to put,off some customers then you might want,to get a virtual address,in the united states you can pay 50 a,month for your own,address in the us you can use it in your,store and also it would be great to have,a phone number,i recommend only having a phone number,if you can actually,answer it or if you create a voicemail,that sounds very legitimate,when people call that phone number so,for example somebody called your phone,number you say hey it's raphael,from i'm sorry i couldn't,catch your call,please send me an email at this email,and if you have that voicemail that,works really well,and google and facebook are checking,this information checking,if it's easy to contact you on your,store definitely something that you need,to make sure,you have the second thing is that your,checkout process works properly,and everything functions as it should if,you,are running ads if you're planning on,advertising you want to make sure that,you do,a couple of test purchases in your store,by yourself you don't just go and run,ads and maybe there's,a little issue in your checkout maybe,there's a little issue and you're add to,cart,and boom nobody can buy from your store,nobody can buy your products that's,something,that i've seen again and again so many,people especially newbies,their checkout doesn't work or maybe,they're requiring something that's,really hard to require,maybe their shipping is 50 100 so you,want to make sure that,you go through it you put maybe multiple,addresses,on it and you want to make sure that it,works really well the third thing is,no fake reviews or reviews that look,manipulated i know we talk about some,apps that you can use to import reviews,from aliexpress,import reviews from other stores maybe,input reviews from amazon,but you want to make sure that those,reviews look legit if google,for example is reviewing your store and,they go to the review section,and they see a bunch of reviews in,russian in chinese,the packages are all broken up they're,all five stars with no names,very mysterious that's gonna set off a,bunch of red flags they're gonna think,this is a guy that's drop shipping,scamming people so you wanna make sure,that your reviews,are as real as they can possibly get if,you are importing them that's completely,fine but,remove any reviews that are not in,english or in the language that you're,running ads to,remove any reviews that maybe the,packaging is all messed up or the,product is broken,so that it doesn't look horrible and,also don't have all five star reviews,have some four stars,three stars so it looks very legit so,that's what i would definitely recommend,you,is you can import reviews but make sure,to check each one,of every product that you're advertising,or any product you're putting reviews on,to make sure that they look,very legitimate the next thing is that,product descriptions are clean,and they don't look like they're from,aliexpress so what i see a lot of people,is,they'll have 20 products on their store,and then they'll be advertising two of,them,and then the rest will have like chinese,descriptions,a bunch of aliexpress bullet points,really weird descriptions,all over the place and people look at,that and they think yeah this is not a,store that i'm gonna trust,and the same thing happens for if a,facebook representative is reviewing,your store if a google representative,is reviewing it they think yeah this is,probably gonna scam people or something,from china,we don't know what's going on here so,you wanna make sure that all your,descriptions,at least have one paragraph at least,please don't put any aliexpress things,no no weird bullet points,no weird chinese writings just make sure,that all your product descriptions,even though they might not be the best,because you're not advertising those,products,that they're at least decent that they,look real,next thing you want to make sure that,there's no chinese pictures not,i know i'm not racist or making any,prejudice or anything like that but if,you have a lot of chinese people,on your website that might trigger an,alarm or red flag for people thinking,yeah this might be a chinese brand or a,chinese website so if you have a bunch,of chinese people if you take pictures,from your suppliers,that's definitely a no-no you want to,make sure that either you get your,custom pictures,you get a graphic designer to make,really good images really good pictures,not the ones from aliexpress,don't steal images from other stores,make sure that you use your own and also,the video from aliexpress,don't use that same video because other,people other newbies just like you maybe,are using the same video so if so many,people use the same video at the same,time,it's all going to connect and people are,going to think yeah these people are,scamming,other people you also want to make sure,that your navigation on the store,works properly if you go to the shop and,you click on one of the categories,it goes to that category you click on,one of the sections it goes to that,section,you click on shop now it goes to the,shop now you click on best sellers again,everything works properly if you click,on one button,it works sometimes i see people click on,a button and it goes to a 404 page an,error page or you click on some button,and it goes to a completely different,collection than what you had,that triggers again red flags you're,gonna get banned from these platforms,you don't have any restricted products,or products with missing information,make sure that all the products that you,have,have the right variants if it's a,colored product that has blue,green yellow it doesn't say one two,three make sure your variants are,working properly all the buttons,work you don't have any weird things on,the variant,place where you're actually picking what,product you want and there's no missing,information like there's no missing,quantity on the product page or maybe,there's just like a weird,bullet point on the product description,and nothing else and just an image and a,bullet point,looking very weird looking like you,imported from china,make sure that that does not happen this,is kind of an open one,or an open-ended one you want to make,sure that it looks like a true branded,store you want to look as little,drop shipping as possible i know there's,a lot of people that talk about drop,shipping we say shopify drop shipping,but we actually want to get away,from looking like a drop shipping store,now drop shipping people already know,what it is people,know that it's a thing people buy from,drop shipping stores and it's,too famous now where people associate,drop shipping to,junk from china and you want to make,sure to separate yourself from that make,your store look very professional use a,premium theme,to make it look really good make it as,high quality as fancy as possible,obviously depending,on what niche you're selling to so that,people look at the website and,they don't think oh this is some chinese,scam what i recommend you to do,give your store or give your product,page or anything that you're advertising,to somebody that is not related to your,business at all so that might be like,your mother-in-law or that might be your,grandma or it might be your little,brother that's like 10 years old,what do these people think about the,website if your grandma is saying,oh this looks really bad i wouldn't buy,from this store,that's probably a bad signal that the,store doesn't look good that it's not,high quality that,it might be a scam to some people so you,want to make sure that you give it to,some people that,have no idea what drop shipping is or,maybe no intention to do drop shipping,ever,and they check your store as a consumer,the next one is to get a graphic,design this is something very important,we have two full-time graphic designers,that help our mentorship students fix,your images do everything on the website,and you want to make sure to polish your,images,as much as possible add your logo to,your images your little logo,watermark on all the videos that you,have make gifs,three second four second motion videos,with your,own videos with your own clips maybe you,get some clicks from youtube,your graphic designer changes them up,and you want to make sure that you don't,have,any one to one images from aliexpress,you don't have any one-to-one images,from alibaba or other websites that you,took from another shopify store,because google facebook and all these,advertising platforms they,check that they go and they reverse,image search this image,and they find 20 other shopify stores,selling the exact same,thing or maybe a bunch of aliexpress,suppliers selling it they know that,you're getting it from china you want to,be very careful,with this you also want to make sure,your loading speed is,fast and everything loads in one to two,seconds sometimes people give me their,shopify stores,to review them and they load in four,seconds,five seconds the page has like five,videos,on it and it loads very slowly you wanna,make sure that your page sells fast,easy to access when somebody clicks on,an ad right away it loads,right away it shows up exactly what they,clicked on and you want to make sure,that you don't keep people,waiting now for the ad creatives,themselves i told you what to do about,the store but what about the ads,themselves,the five things that you should keep in,mind always specifically for facebook or,any type of,interruption marketing and type of video,marketing ads is,you don't want to have any sexually,suggestive or revealing skin clips,or pictures let's say that you're,selling a dress,for women you don't want to have that,woman sitting in a very,sexy position that looks like you're not,just selling the dress you're selling,something else,and that might trigger a red flag it,might get your account banned just,because,they think it's sexually suggestive so,you want to make sure that you,don't put anybody in that position and,you put it as the least revealing,as possible you don't have any zoomed in,body parts,or excessive assuming if you're selling,something that's for the face for,example,if you zoom in and out and in and out,and in and out that might be a good,effect,for a video but it might not be good,because it'll get your account shut down,no before and after no before and after,clips no crazy promises don't say that,this thing is gonna change your life,don't say that this thing is gonna,transform who you are nothing like that,no crazy claims that will definitely get,you banned no suggestive,or assumptive based ad copy with a lot,of,you on it like you your you,your day your dog your life,your family if you say a lot of views,for example,we try to get you and your family the,best for your life,get yours now that's for yours in one,sentence that'll probably get your,ad rejected and maybe your account,banned because it's assumption,you're assuming something about that,person you're directing that ad directly,to that person,that's the thing that really facebook,does not like so you want to make sure,you avoid that and the last thing is,you don't want to put extra urgency no,unnecessary sales pressure,not five percent off get yours now in,the next three minutes,nothing like that you want to make sure,that it looks very trustworthy it,doesn't look like a scam it doesn't look,like you're trying to push people off a,cliff you're just trying to sell them,something that will help them,all right now that i've talked about,what to do to not get banned or what to,do to prepare,what if you get banned what if you get,banned from facebook from google,google the first one is the one that you,can easily communicate,with a google representative so i would,definitely recommend you,to contact google what you can do is you,can go to,google ads depending on the country,where you're from it's going to show up,the page,and you're going to go to the bottom and,click contact us,and then from contact us you're gonna,tell them what issue you have and you're,gonna initiate a,chat with a representative they will be,extremely helpful,they'll tell you why your ads got banned,they'll tell you why your merchant,account got banned what different things,got disabled what happened,what to do about it and how you can get,it fixed so that's definitely,a great thing to do on facebook it's a,little bit harder to get in touch with,them so what you can basically do is,just request a review,of your account if you've been,restricted or disabled and then what i,would recommend you to do,is to take the ad policies for content,creative and targeting course,everybody that's running facebook ads,should definitely take this course it's,on facebook it's for free,and it takes you 15 minutes to do it and,once you finish it,they give you a certificate with your,name on it what you're going to do is,you're going to take that certificate,and you're going to upload it when you,try to,request a review on your account in,what's called a support inbox,so you request a review and then after,you request a review you upload the ad,policy for,content creative and targeting,certificate and that should get your,account back,if it doesn't then you might want to,create another business manager,from a family member's facebook profile,or try to create new accounts because,it's really hard to get back an account,that is not re-enabled after you request,a review,unfortunately facebook has been really,hard in their customer service and it's,just really hard to,get to them let me know any other,facebook google or any other traffic,source,disabling rejection ban questions,down in the comments please let me know,so i can answer them and help you,throughout every single case,that you have you're thinking how to,avoid get banning if i got banned what,to do let me know,down in the comments below and if you,want to work with me directly,and get mentored by me and make sure,that this stuff happens,at least as humanly possible and work,with me and my team to scale up your,shopify store to,ten thousand dollars per month a hundred,thousand dollars per month you can click,on the first link,down in the description and book a free,one-on-one call we can work together,save her the right fit to mentor you and,get you results,one big thing that gets shopify stores,banned on facebook and on google is the,shipping times,delivery times how do you shorten those,shipping times ship as fast as possible,and get happy customers,you want to check out this video right,here where i show you how to get a drop,shipping sourcing,agent that can ship your products in 7,to 10 days,extremely quickly and you can build a,great relationship with them,to scale up your shopify store in the,best possible way subscribe to the,channel,hit that notification bell and that like,button down below if you got value from,this video,and comment below your questions i'm,happy to answer them

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