how to spy on other shopify stores

How to SPY on Successful Shopify Stores - 100K/day. #shopify are you sick of finding Shopify stores,


Updated on Feb 11,2023

How to SPY on Successful Shopify Stores - 100K/day. #shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to spy on other shopify stores

Let's move on to the first section of how to spy on other shopify stores

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how to spy on other shopify stores catalogs

How to SPY on Successful Shopify Stores - 100K/day. #shopify

are you sick of finding Shopify stores,but not really knowing which products,are really their winning products even,though some of the Shopify stores show,you their best selling products by,category we really still do not know,which products are really their winning,products let's be honest some of you who,are just getting started with Drop,Shipping you know that every dollar,counts until you find that winning,products which lets you take more risk,and so on if you could spy on these,successful Shopify stores you would,clearly be able to tell their winning,products which would show you exactly,how much they are making and how much of,that product they're actually selling so,no more of the guessing game and testing,products today we're gonna find a way to,find winning products without having to,take a guess and test them in today's,video we're gonna analyze a very,successful Drop Shipping Store which,will tell us exactly how many sales,they're making and what's their winning,product and to find this I'm going to,use a tool called simply Trends this,tool lets you track their sales and,watch their live orders just with two,clicks so without waiting let me show,you how this tool works so here we have,the store called the and it,sounds exactly what they're selling,they're selling Comfort hoodie now,you're probably wondering can I sell the,same exact product on my Shopify store,the answer is yes things you need to,know before you try to sell this on your,own store is first find the supplier and,second find their best selling product,or aka the winning product so how do we,do that so first of all we're gonna go,and look at their website and see what,they're selling and what we can be,selling so they're selling Comfort robes,and comfort blankets and comfort tees to,make your life easy we'll head to Simply,Trends and right off the bat you can see,sales tracking and live orders these two,categories are these two subsections,will be very very important to us,because all we we all we have to do is,go ahead and click on sales tracking and,as you can see I've already been,tracking their sales and I can go ahead,and view sales,once I do that it gives me a synopsis of,everything they're doing from store,sales to their top products it gives me,a description of how many orders they,have received in the last seven days you,can come over here and decrease it 24,hours and it tells me they have received,3054 orders in the last 24 hours and you,can see this is an AUD they have,received over 317,000 AUD in the last 24 hours so you know,this product is making them bank so,we're going to go back to seven seven,days,as you can see it gives us our top,products right over here and of course,it is this black hoodie or black hoodie,as they call it is their most winning,product and if you see it tells me find,similar products and find suppliers so I,can go ahead and click on one of these,and it will be able to find me the exact,product I'm looking for and the,suppliers so let's go ahead and click on,that and see what it holds for us you,can see it found 72 suppliers for me on,AliExpress five on CJ Drop Shipping and,a hundred on Alibaba so we'll just,scroll through and right off the bat you,can see this first image is this exact,image that is using for their,product description or product images,and you can tell they're selling it for,eight dollars so we can go ahead right,over here and open this supplier on,AliExpress just like that and there we,have it we were able to find a winning,product that they're selling for 13 AUD,with shipping 22 dollars so your product,margins are actually,3x because if you do the math that's,around 33 dollars and we know that, right over here we can go back to,the simply Trends they're selling it for,a hundred and nine dollars and they have,received over 711 orders just for this,item,which speaks a lot there's more the,exciting part is we can go up all the,way here and it says view store inside,so let's go ahead and click that over,here it gives us an overview we can go,ahead and check their live orders just,by clicking this one button and it will,tell us exactly how many live orders,they're receiving,and right over here one minute ago,someone bought a coffee URI sleep tea,purple tie dye ODI weighted blanket so,you can see everything is right over and,the list keeps going on and on you can,look at their live orders for the last,10 minutes and this tells you exactly,which which products they are selling,and you don't have to waste your money,testing your products trying to find the,winning products simply Trends literally,puts it all in one where you can track,their store see how much they are making,and what are their live orders winning,products and exactly what their profit,margins are even better you can find the,supplier using all in one app supplier,winning product cost everything is there,the next thing we're about to tell you,is my favorite feature from Simply,Trends is export top products with the,click of a button I can export all of,their product images listing price,listing description everything right off,the bat I get it as an s a CSV file into,my Excel sheets and I know exactly,everything they're selling and I can put,it on my Shopify store obviously don't,copy them exact word to word change it,into your own words but you don't have,to reinvent the wheel all you have to do,is copy it and do exactly what they're,doing with a little bit of twist and a,spice of your own I downloaded the CSV,file for the top winning products that,are selling on their store right now and,you can see right over here it shows you,all the image links that are there so I,don't have to go ahead and try to,convert all the images I have into links,so I can post them on my Shopify store,this simply Trends tool does it all for,you with the click off a button right,over here you can click it and it takes,all their running products put it into,puts into Excel sheet for you and you,have it ready to go here you can see,live orders are still coming in and I'm,still being being able to track it in,the last minute or two that I've tracked,it for the last five minutes I they were,able to make nine orders and one,thousand dollars in Revenue it sounds,like a joke but it is true and it is,happening right over here as you can see,with your own eyes,so I want to go back to store Insight,because there's still a lot more that I,want to go into just right off the bat,you can see their monthly monthly orders,and monthly Revenue it also shows you,which country which country they're,originated in or which country their,Shopify store holds in you can see their,ranking their first published product,their average product price and the,number of products they have so you can,see over here it shows you their 2022,November releases so if I click export,products it will take all of their,products that they released in November,of 2022 then now I scroll down I can see,2022 October and so forth it shows me,their traffic as well if you want to,make it easier for yourself on the top,here it gives you all the information,tab by tab that's just an overview so,you can go to products and guess what I,can go ahead and click best sellers and,go ahead and click export products but,we I actually like the new release,section because it shows me all the new,releases they have so and you can see,this little pop-ups right over here,which is fine supplier find similar,products or export just one product uh,for this for this uh category,if I click find similar products you,will see that it shows most of their,their own domains in a different in each,of their different countries so UK,United States Canada if if I can show,you here,so you can see the New Zealand uh,uh Au so they're they're all over the,all over the place,actually this shop is not theirs so good,thing about finding similar stores is I,can go over here click their store and,it will take me to a store that is,selling a similar product and I can,actually try to not have a tunnel vision,and try to see if what other stores are,doing and what could work better for me,that the is not already doing one,more thing that I really wanted to point,out is the traffic section in the store,Insight it tells you exactly where,they're getting their traffic from and,what audience and what age they're,getting their traffic from Mostly it,also tells you which categories they are,using to get their audience to their,website you can also tell where they're,getting most of their traffic from it,looks like YouTube and Facebook are,their most profitable may not be,profitable but that's where they're,getting their most traffic from and,lastly this is my favorite feature in,the store inside section which is the,tech section and this is actually very,useful and you know it if you ever try,to start your own Shopify store you need,to know exactly which apps to use to,make sure that your Shopify store is,just good as your competitors and over,here in the tech section it tells you,exactly which apps they are using which,can save you so much time and honestly,you don't have to test the products,because you know exactly which which,apps they're using will make your life,10 times easier secondly it tells you,which analytics they're using to track,Their audience to sum it up simply,Trends literally gives you validation if,you're wondering should I sell this,product should I sell that product,simply Trends makes it easier for you to,know exactly which winning products that,your competition's selling and honestly,once you know that you're more inclined,to take the first step and start your,own Shopify store now that we have went,over sales tracking and live orders it,is more than just tracking store and,spying on shop other Shopify stores I,can come over here and type,a cozy hoodie,this will give me all the other stores,that are possibly selling the same item,that I'm looking to sell so you can see,here this is not the this is,actually cozy, so let's go ahead and click,on that and see what that looks like,so they're selling the exact same,product and it tells us a lot that they,this is not a saturated market and even,sometimes people think it's a saturated,Market there is still money to be made,okay next we're in the similar store,section which is a competitive finder so,I'm able to find other stores that are,selling the same exact product again,using this tool but in this way it sends,me exactly sends me straight to their,website so I like this one, so let's see what this one,looks like,it actually looks exactly like the, I'm gonna put them side by side,because I wonder if it's the same,store owner but just has a different,name because look at this and look at,this they have the same color scheme,so they have literally gone ahead and,copied the exact same store style and,uploaded to their own shop and you can,literally do the same thing using this,this tool called simply Trends all you,have to do is go to sales tracking go to,their store and Export all their,best-selling products and you could be,literally doing with is,doing copying the the best,selling Shopify store for cozy hoodies,guys it gets better next I'll go to,Shopify products right over here and all,I have to do is type cozy hoodie,and again it will give me literally,every single store that is selling cozy,hoodies obviously this doesn't look like,any of the ones that we want to sell but,I just wanted to show you if you can,find the name of exact item that you,want to sell all you have to do is punch,it in here and it will show you exactly,which products are going and selling and,the best feature that I love is that you,don't have to do anything more than just,clicking I like this cozy hoodie I,actually don't like it it's kind of ugly,but just for this video Let's click on,find supplier once we click that the,automated system the algorithm the AI,does all the work for you it finds the,suppliers on AliExpress CJ Drop Shipping,and Alibaba and just like that with,three different website you have all,their suppliers so let me show it to you,alright guys now that's loaded you can,see I just had to scroll a few Scrolls,down and right there it is there I,didn't have to look for the supplier I,found the supplier using simply Trends,and you so can you literally find any,product find the supplier using simply,Trends you can find a Shopify store and,find their winning products using the,live order features you can track it for,24 7 and it's it's honestly unbelievable,how these guys have done it this tool is,truly amazing and useful for any drop,shipper if you're just getting started,this is useful if you have been Drop,Shipping for years this is still useful,for you next we're going to go ahead and,look at their ad spy tool which lets us,spy on other people's ads so let's go,ahead and see what other people are,doing for the Cozy hoodie,okay so all I had to do was type cozy,hoodie and we were able to find,something similar that we want to sell,and you can see it started I just want,to mute that for a second you can see,that started running on November 13th so,only a few days ago and you can see 37,ads use this ad creative and this is,right over here you can just literally,copy this put it in your own words put,your own website and you have a video,right over here that you can take a,bunch of multiple videos and combine,into one of your own,all right you guys get the point it's,very easy you can find winning ads just,by typing the keyword of the product,that you guys want and you're looking to,sell hey guys just a quick pause if,you're enjoying this video be sure to,like subscribe to my channel and if,you're enjoying this tool called simply,Trends you can find the link in the,description below thank you with this,feature with this product or with this,tool you can literally go into winning,ads and find the ads you're looking for,and that way you don't have to create,your own ad you can literally do a,complication of a bunch of ads and make,it look like your own so it's still new,so you're not copying anyone but you're,just making it with a little bit of,twist of your own next we're going to,look at the Facebook ads section all you,have to do is go ahead and log into your,Facebook so I'm going to quickly do that,alright guys once you log into your,Facebook it's simply easy to use the,Facebook ad section over here all you,have to do is pick a category for all,ads and we're going to go ahead and,actually type cozy hoodie,you know what I'm gonna type the,and it will be able to come up okay guys,so we were able to find their ad library,right over here I all I have to do is,click it and it will show me exactly all,their ads they are running on Facebook,using Facebook ads so let's see they're,doing a lot of uh image ads and you can,see that this started running on the 15,and which platforms they're running and,they are running it on Facebook which,ones this Audience Network and messenger,so you can literally see what platforms,they're using which saves you a lot of,money and not having to run it on every,single platform that they're not running,on because these are your competitors,you want to make sure you're running,your exact same platforms and exactly,what they're doing so here's a video,that we can watch,and it actually seems like just a small,GIF that's that's there and honestly you,get the point I hope that this ad is,this this tool simply Trends is one fits,all it literally does everything for you,from finding competition to finding the,ads to finding the winning products I,don't know what else to tell you guys so,this video literally you could make it,your own or literally copy the concept,and have a video for yourself the ad,creatives are right here you can see,this this ad is running since November,15th for Black Friday deals last but not,least we're gonna do Tick Tock ads and,we're gonna come over here and type cozy,hoodie,all right so there we go we have our,Tick Tock ads right over here all I'm,going to do is quickly mute this and you,can see,all of the ads that are running on Tick,Tock are simplified for you all in one,spot so you can find it very easily and,you don't even have to click on them you,can just scroll through you know what,we're going to click on view ad because,I want to show you something cool it,goes more in detail this is their click,through a rate okay which means people,are clicking 99 of the times,and this is their conversion rate so,they're running Tick Tock ads and you,can see they're getting a lot of,conversions this might not even be the,URI all right guys the last section is,supplier finder and you can simply do,this by copying the url url of your,winning product or competition that you,have and you can paste it here and even,better if you don't have a URL all you,have is just the image you can copy the,image or upload the image here and it,will be able to find the supplier using,the image you have given it to the AI,and honestly this AI is very very good,at finding the supplier it works 99 of,the time obviously nothing is perfect,they're still working on it but it still,works it saves you time which,essentially saves you money and honestly,this this tool is great if you're,enjoying this find the link in the,description below

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