how to skip shopify queue

HOW TO MAKE A SHOPIFY BYPASS GUIDE hello everyone it is Prodigy from,critical chefs here and today I

Critical Chefs

Updated on Jan 26,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to skip shopify queue

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how to skip shopify queue catalogs


hello everyone it is Prodigy from,critical chefs here and today I'll be,teaching you guys how to uh bypass,shopify's sites when uh they're dropping,a shoe or release you could bypass the,queue,um,one thing you're going to be needing to,use is you're gonna need to have Google,Chrome installed,and um if also if you want to join our,free cook group down below,um I'm gonna link that in the,description,and let's get on with the video,this bypass works for most Shopify sites,such as kith over here and other Shopify,sites if you want to give it a try so,the first step you want to do is just,search up Chrome Store and um just click,over here and you can just search up,autofill you're gonna need an autofill,after you bypassed,um,the check to after you bypass to the,checkout page so you could just click,right here add to Chrome ADD extension,and then it will pop up here,um,to access your extension you could just,press this little icon and you can press,pin if you want to just pin it right,here make it a little easier,I think next thing you want to do is go,on a Shopify site such as kit and you're,going to just want to pick any product,and add it to your cart,press checkout and you just want to,you're going to be generating the,autofills rules I'll show you how to do,that in order for when you bypass the,queue you could easily have your,information already filled in so what,you're going to do now is just fill in,um your actual info I'm just going to,put um,uh random info,uh let's just pick this one and then,we'll put a random phone number but you,guys are actually gonna put your real,phone numbers and uh information and,then what you're gonna do you're gonna,come up here,um,you're gonna just press uh generate Auto,full rules and then it's gonna say done,and then you could continue to shipping,um select continue to payment you can,select the shipping,this loads okay calculating taxes,it's going very slow right now,all right so what you're gonna do now is,also fill in your your real credit card,info,and uh your name on the card and,everything like that,um,and then save my information,okay and um make sure you don't check,out that's very important make sure you,don't check out because you don't want,to actually buy this item this is just,to fill in the autofill so what you're,going to do is press,um this again one more time and press,generate Auto full rules,and then it's going to say done again,and then what you're going to do now is,you're going to bookmark this tab so the,next time you're going to check out a,limited release you could have a a,bookmark you could just click to,um put you straight to the checkout so,what you can do is press bookmarks,bookmark this tab and you could just,name it something like,Shopify Bypass or something like that,done and this bookmarks tab is not there,so you want to come to bookmarks and,then,um show bookmarks bar,um and then you're gonna have it right,there,so the next thing you're going to want,to do is just remove the item for your,cart from your cart because we just had,that item in the card in order to,generate the bypass link and the auto,fill rules in order to have your,information filled in,so um you could just load up,when the release is happening you would,load up the page quickly of course and,you would add it to cart and then,instead of pressing checkout you're,going to press the Shopify bypass thing,that we made,and it will bring you straight to your,cart and it should bypass the entire,queue that you would otherwise have to,wait in,and um it should have your information,already filled in,um if you did it correctly,and yeah that's about it and uh thanks,for watching

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