how to setup shipping speeds printful shopify

How to Set Up Shipping on Shopify for Printful in this video we're going to go through,how to set up

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Mar 16,2023

How to Set Up Shipping on Shopify for Printful

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup shipping speeds printful shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup shipping speeds printful shopify

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how to setup shipping speeds printful shopify catalogs

How to Set Up Shipping on Shopify for Printful

in this video we're going to go through,how to set up your shipping rates if you,were using the print on demand service,printful with your Shopify store so stay,tuned,hi my name is Elma Ken and I've been a,Shopify expert for over six years now if,you're new to this channel we post,videos every Monday Wednesday Friday all,about Shopify and how to grow your,online store if you've been a subscriber,to this channel for a while thank you so,much for watching another video and we,really appreciate you okay so in this,video I'm going to go through some of my,top questions that I get asked a lot,about how to integrate the printful,print-on-demand app with Shopify,specifically about printing so first I'm,going to go through some of the common,questions I get and answers to it and,then we're gonna actually hop into my,computer screen and I'm going to show,you how to set up the shipping in your,Shopify store for printful okay so the,first question that I get a lot is how,do I set up carrier calc nope let me try,that again,carrier calculated rates for shipping,with Shopify and printful and the answer,is that you have to actually have the,Shopify advanced plan or higher to be,able to integrate the printful live,shipping rates into your Shopify store,other than that you'll have to do flat,rate shipping either by price or weight,and go off of print fools rates that,they have on their site the next,question is how do I know exactly how,much shipping is going to cost and while,it can vary a little bit because of,where someone is located when they place,their order versus distance to one of,the printful warehouses Fruitvale does,have a list for each individual product,of how much it will cost to ship that,item as well as days until it's actually,shipped out so we'll go through that,whenever we go into our site and I'll,show you exactly where to find that on,the printful site so you know exactly,how long your turnaround is going to be,as well as what the average shipping,cost will be as well for each individual,product ok and the last two questions I,get all about Shopify and printful,connection are all about fulfillment so,a lot of times people will ask how does,shop if I know if parentals actually,fulfilled the order,if you've got the app connected for the,printful app into your Shopify store,printful will actually send information,to your Shopify store so anytime an,order has been flagged this shipped and,a tracking number has been added your,order will update in Shopify for that,and if you have email notifications set,up to send tracking order information,then that'll actually trigger through,Shopify so your customer will get an,email that has that tracking number so,they can track the package through,printful and whatever tracking service,they have set up the other question is,is what if you have products that are,both print on demand through printful,and you have regular products that are,not through printful and an order has,both products in it so what happens then,well the answer is quite simple printful,will go ahead and fulfill whatever,product is connected through their,service and is something that they need,to print and they will ship that out and,then either you or your other,fulfillment provider will need to ship,out the other items so that one order,will actually come as two separate,packages so it'll have two different,tracking numbers for it and whenever,printful marks that one product and the,order is shipped the order will then,show is partially fulfilled and either,your fulfillment company and it works,you or whoever's doing the other product,that's not through printful will need to,go ahead and mark the other product is,shipped whenever that's done which will,mark the order as fulfilled in the,backend of Shopify instead of just,partially fulfilled okay so I hope that,answered all of your questions about,printful Shopify connection if you have,any additional ones make sure to comment,below and let us know but let's go ahead,and hop into my computer screen and I'm,gonna show you how to set up the print,full shipping with your Shopify shipping,settings okay so I am on the printful,website now and first I'm going to show,you how to find out your shipping prices,and how fast of a turnaround that is as,well so on the printful website we're,just going to go to how it works here,and then go to shipping speeds and,pricing,and again you can do live rates if you,have a certain Shopify plan of Shopify,advanced or higher but we're going to,just do flat rates for this example so,you can see here they have all the,different products that you can print so,depending on what your product is you,can go into each individual one so let's,for example go into the pillows because,we have some pillows on our store and we,can see here that the first pillow is,$10 to ship to the u.s. 12 Canada,international from the US to 17 and,international from Europe is 675 now,each additional pillow that you purchase,increases the price just a little bit,more so for example it's still gonna be,the same price if you were to ship,internationally to Canada or from the US,but us it's cheaper if they purchase two,pillows you can also see that a pillow,case is different so each of these are,gonna have different prices based on,that so now what we would do is we would,take this option and we're going to,create a shipping rate off that so we're,gonna do it based off this u.s. number,and use that as our example so for the,first pillow it's gonna be $10 so now,we're gonna go back into my shipping,settings in Shopify so to get here,you'll just click on settings at the,bottom left hand menu and then you can,go to shipping now you can see here I,already have my shipping origin is from,the printful location in California has,my main shipping location just to help,with the race if I was gonna be using,USPS however I'm gonna put in their flat,rate shipping rates so they really won't,calculate as much based on which,location I've done so I'm gonna do the,domestic us shipping first so I'm going,to go ahead and hit edit next to,domestic us and we have a couple,different options so we can do this,based on price or we can do it based on,weight so for example for price this,would be let's say we sell that pillow,for $20 so then the price would be okay,we come in and do from 20,to another rate is a certain price so,you're just gonna come in and hit ad,rate you can have this be named whatever,you want you can name it standard,shipping you can put your shipping,turnaround times as well for there so,they know you know standard shipping is,you know two to five business days or,however that is you'll then come in and,do the minimum order price so you could,say from $0 to $20.00 if your pillow is,twenty dollars is going to be ten,dollars for shipping the pillow you,could also do you know multiple amount,so if you are going to do for them to,purchase two pillows off this rate and,your pillow price is 20 dollars then you,could say you know from 20 dollars and,one cent to $40 it is 15 dollars because,again it's going to be ten dollars plus,five so you're trying to figure out,exactly how much that shipping cost is,going to be you also have an option of,making it free shipping and actually,rolling these shipping prices into the,price of your product it's really up to,you and the value that you think you can,charge for your product if you can roll,that price into it your other option is,to do a weight based rate so it's the,same style so if we hit add rate you can,then of course name it however you want,and then you're gonna do it instead of,ordered total you're gonna do it based,on order weight so a certain amount of,pounds to another amount it's going to,be whatever price now I get this,question a lot of exactly how do I find,out the weight and printful I haven't,really found where they've consistently,put the price or the weight of an object,on their site but once you actually do,add in a product to your store through,the printful app I'm gonna click on,product so I'm just over here on,products on the left hand menu if we go,to this pillow let me scroll down you,can see once you add this through and I,added it through with the printful,Shopify app it does pull in the weight,here so we can see that this one pillow,is thirteen point two ounces so we can,then come in and we could figure out if,we go back to our shipping settings what,that range is going to be of you know we,need to convert,else's to pounce to make sure that we're,gonna get the correct weight range and,then you could figure out okay you could,do a range of one pillow of whatever,that weight is convert it into pounds is,$10 and then again for 15 so you can go,ahead and create many different ranges,if you have a variety of products for,example if we come back to printful if,you have a variety of products like,you're selling pillows and mugs and tote,bags you would want to go in and,actually figure out what that median,price range or weight range is gonna be,because it may actually vary a lot based,on the shipping cost so for example the,shipping cost for a mug is cheaper than,the pillow however they may be the same,price in your store so you'll need to do,a little bit of math to figure out what,that average range is gonna be and then,I really just recommend once you start,getting some orders seeing how much the,average shipping cost is and if you're,charging too much for shipping or you're,losing some money and you're not,charging enough so it's really kind of,doing some math in the front end and,then doing some trial based as well so I,hope you found that tutorial helpful,make sure to comment below any,additional questions you have either,about print pool or Shopify and the,shipping settings and we would love to,help you out,also if you haven't yet make sure to,subscribe and hit that like button to be,the first to be notified whenever we put,new videos all about Shopify and how to,grow your online store thanks for,watching

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