how to set up shopify email in thunderbird

Cpanel - How to create an email address in Thunderbird hey what's up everybody my name is jakku,and

Web Nomads

Updated on Mar 13,2023

Cpanel - How to create an email address in Thunderbird

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up shopify email in thunderbird

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Cpanel - How to create an email address in Thunderbird

hey what's up everybody my name is jakku,and welcome to web nomads,so today i quickly want to run through a,video to show you guys how exactly how,you can create an email,uh address right in your cpanel so,usually when,i i have these uh,how to how to videos like how to create,a blog or website,i just normally just run through the,cpanel all the way down,at the bottom where you can install,wordpress so,and i really never touch base on how to,create an email account so a lot of,people ask me you know they want to,create a professional looking email,and how can they do it so today i,quickly want to show you how you can,easily get that set up so if you're in,the c panel,the cpanel mode is pretty much the same,right across all the platforms although,all those other hosting,platforms or hosting companies the,cpanel will,pretty much look exactly the same so if,you're in the cpanel the control panel,in other words,you can just scroll down almost halfway,or just find an,area that says email and then just go to,email accounts,then it will open up now you have to,create your email so you're on the right,you'll see create buttons,or just check anywhere where it says,create now we can type in,my name and then also very important,is to add a password this password you,are going to use,again when you're setting up your email,address so this is very very very,important,so we've got one gig storage space which,is,more than enough for for our first email,or,my email and we can always change that a,little bit later if,if need be so let's go ahead and click,create,so now we have the school yacht tiger,solar 08 email account but now we,also need to connect it or get the,settings to connect it to an,email client like mozilla thunderbird or,microsoft outlook now the first thing we,need to do here is to go to connect,devices,and then we'll get to an area where you,have all these protocols right here,i don't have to worry about it too much,this auto config for most of the fun,uh thunderbird and or for um,all the other um email clients but the,one thing i want to show you here,quickly is this mount line manual,settings and this is what we're going to,use,so we are going to go for the secure ssl,we're not going to,go with the non-ssl so what we are going,to look at here,is the imap settings or presettings you,can go for imap or pop3 i usually go for,imap,because i want to access my mail from,multiple devices or,areas or locations so that's kind of the,difference between the two,pop3 is more for if you want to access,the account from one location,or one device so the one thing,i'm going to show you quickly is how to,set it up on mozilla thunderbird,and if you open up this window here or,if you open up mozilla,it will and go to the settings you will,go to accounts and then,quickly click on email now it,asks you for your name and say,yoga and we can add our last name also,and then we have the email address,and we can see here on the left it's,yaku at,ikea's trail dot co,dot city and then the password is,exactly the one that we chose,when we created the email so now we can,just go ahead and say manual config and,now it opens up this window here,so now it says the incoming mile,incoming mile is,hikers uh this one here is hiker's trail,so we have to just add the mile here,like the like exactly like over here,mail,and then we have to go to the outgoing,and also add mail,very very important otherwise it's not,going to work,mail. there we go,and then we can see the username is yaku,at,like 12 so we have to change that again,at microstrail,0.0 and then we have to change the ports,so now we can see the incoming server,port is,993 993 and,the outgoing is 465 465,and then what we can do is we can go,ahead and say retest,the following to these were were found,by probing the given servers okay,so if it tells you this then it's 100,correct,so let's change this back to say for,instance,over here let me say retest,okay so now it gives you a thunderbird,file to define a settings frame account,so when it tells you this obviously the,settings are not correct,so i just wanted to show you what it,what it says,um when it when you've done it wrong so,let's go back and add the mile again,and say retaste oh there we go so,like again whenever whenever it gives,you or both tells you this then you know,your settings is 100 correct you can,just go ahead and say done,then your email is set up 100 no problem,we're going to cancel that because i,didn't want,that email address to be on my my,mozilla and that's pretty much how you,do it guys,very easy and straightforward i hope,this email i hope this little short,little video could have helped you,a bit setting up your email and if it,it will be exactly the same for outlook,um you know the settings that how to,change the settings as,is it is for mozilla thunderbird,so if this video was helpful please,consider subscribing and also hit that,like button,this will help this channel tremendously,and i would appreciate it a ton,cool enjoy your day and,i'll see you in the next video thank you

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