how to set up payment gateway on shopify

Shopify Payments Setup: How To Create Payment Gateway (2022) shopify payment setup,hi everyone welco

The Social Guide

Updated on Feb 11,2023

Shopify Payments Setup: How To Create Payment Gateway (2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up payment gateway on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up payment gateway on shopify

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Shopify Payments Setup: How To Create Payment Gateway (2022)

shopify payment setup,hi everyone welcome back into this,channel and today i will be teaching you,how to create a payment gateway on,shopify,so let's begin right away the very first,step is to make sure that you have an,account on shopify so if you don't have,an account you may go to,and place your working email right here,make sure that your email is working,since shopify will be sending you a,confirmation email or a verification,email,that will verify that your account is,existing once you're done,inputting your email address,click on start free trial right here and,then click on password and type in your,password i'll just type in right here,and make sure to follow the required,password right here,click on create your store once you're,done and then wait for it to load so,shopify takes a lot of time to load so,you should be patient with all of these,steps so as you can see shopify is,loading right now so once it is done,loading make sure to add the important,information that shopify needs in your,store so you may click on,um are you already selling you may,choose an option or what is your current,revenue choose an option,which industry will you be operating,choose an option as well right here you,may click on skip if you think that you,still don't have,the answer to all of this,and then,it will redirect you now to this page,right here so it will ask about your,address so your country or your region,your first name your last name,address your apartment suite and etc,your postal code,city,region,phone,and optional business or personal,website right here so make sure to add,all of these ones since,it is required except of this optional,business or personal,website,you may also check on this store is a,registered business if you have already,registered it to your,respective office swap and then click on,enter my store and once you click on,enter my store,this page or the home page will appear,and then you may add a product right,here by clicking on add product,or let's say for example that the,product that you want is on,um aliexpress so you may go to apps,right here on the left pane,and then,click on overloop so once you click,overloo it will redirect you to this,page which says,that the overloo is a drop shipping app,so click on add app,and then wait for it to load again,shopify is taking time to load so you,should be patient with it once you click,on add app this will be shown on the,screen so the first one is create,or connect your shopify store step two,is i had your first product,the step three is go live and the step 4,is make a sale so you may track your,steps right here as you can see there is,a green one which indicate that you have,already achieved the number of steps out,of the four steps right here so since we,have already created and connected our,shopify store it has now been added,right here so what we're going to do now,is to proceed with step two add your,first product so go to products right,here on the left pane and click on find,products and right here you may choose,the category that you want so you may,choose men's clothing and accessories,women's clothing and accessories toys,and hobbies beauty and health watches,and etc you may also choose on more,categories if you cannot see any,category that you've won let's say for,example i'll click on beauty and health,and right here you just simply choose,the product that you want so click on,the,for example i want to choose this one,simply click on add to import list and,then,choose as many product as you want as,you can see i have added or imported a,product already,so you may now then click on import list,right here and then make sure to tick,the box right here or let's say for,example you have a lot of products you,may click on the box right here as well,so everything will be selected,once you have selected your products,click on import to store right here then,make sure to turn it to draft first and,click on import ass draft,then wait for it to load once it is done,loading a tick mark or a check mark will,be seen right here and then now you may,proceed back to,your,shopify store and go to your products,and as you can see now you have your,product right here so you may click on,it and then you may be able to see your,product jimmy also edit the name of that,product the description and etc so again,let's just wait for it to load and then,let's say for example that you have,already edited your product name or your,description you may click on the bottom,right of the screen and then now let's,proceed to what you're looking for which,is the setting up of the payment,so,let me go to settings right here on the,left pane and then you may see store,details plan,billing users and permissions payments,checkout and many more so let's,focus on payments right here so click on,payments and you may choose payment,providers supported payment methods,or,manual payment methods,so on manual payment methods you may add,manual payment method such as create a,custom payment method your bank deposit,money order or cash on delivery or cod,once you are looking for,your desired payment method you just,simply try all of this so that you may,um experience everything so let's say,for example i want to choose a provider,i'll just simply click on that one and,then wait for it to load so right here i,may look for the,provider that you want you may choose to,check out by d local,credit card or debit card via paymongo,and etc so you may see here as well what,cards are supported by these payment,method or your payment providers so,let's say for example i want to choose,this to check out and then as you can,see there is a description there are,also instructions which include create a,to checkout account and log in and,activate your to check account access,the integrations,under the api section and you should,read all of this so that you will have a,successful payment gateway so the,merchant code and the secret code can be,seen once you created an account on to,check out or other payment options so,let's say for example let's click on,create a to check account and then make,sure to sign up for free,since i have already signed up i'll just,sign in right away so i'll just log in,first i'll type in my password and make,sure to provide again a working email,so that you will not have problems later,on,so let's say for example that you have,done um creating your account and this,page will appear so let's go back to,shopify and the payments method as you,can see you need your merchant code and,your secret word,so to do that go to integrations and,then make sure that you are in the web,hooks and api so let's say for example,you forgot,this video you may go to shopify and,again read all of this since everything,is,um the same,so again go to web books and api and,right here you may see your merchant,code so simply copy this one,and paste it right here and then your,secret word or secret key is right here,make sure to click on the i button first,and then copy it and paste it right here,as well so you may check on the credit,card providers such as visa mastercard,american express jcb discovery and,diners club,so if you don't want diners club you may,uncheck it and etc you may enable to,check on enable test mode so that you,may see,what are the things needed in order for,the customer to pay,your product so click on activate found,on the lower right corner,if you are already done,and then you may now go back to,the shopify store,type in,make sure to log in and then go to your,store,so once you are in your store let's just,wait for it you may now go back to,products and then,make sure that this product status from,draft you may um,turn it into active so let's just click,on more actions,and,click on set us active and wait for it,to load as you can see now your product,is active so it can be seen on your,store and you have already set up your,payment method which is good so that,they may pay for this product so that's,it that's how you can set up payment,gateway on shopify so let me know if you,have any questions just comment it on,the comment section below and make sure,to hit the subscribe button,leave a thumbs up and click on that,notification bell thank you for watching,and have a wonderful day

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