how to set up a shopify store

The OFFICIAL Shopify Tutorial: Set Up Your Store the Right Way if you guys don't already have your o

Learn With Shopify

Updated on Jan 06,2023

The OFFICIAL Shopify Tutorial: Set Up Your Store the Right Way

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up a shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up a shopify store

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The OFFICIAL Shopify Tutorial: Set Up Your Store the Right Way

if you guys don't already have your own,ecommerce store it is 2022 what are you,waiting for when life gives you lemons,aka a global pandemic why not make,lemonade and start your own shopify,store and honestly there's no better,time to do it than now,now that online store 2.0 is in full,swing baby if you're not familiar,shopify is a platform that allows you to,sell products online,and online store 2.0 is an updated,version of shopify that's going to give,you guys so much more control than ever,before i'm so excited to show you so you,guys are in for a real treat because,this is part one of a four part series,where you guys are going to learn how to,start a shopify store from scratch and,if you're new to this do not worry at,all because shopify is for beginners,this tutorial this series is going to be,for beginners from literally start to,finish i've got you guys covered,so excited so let's just get into this,what's up you guys i am michelle bally,if you guys are new here learn with,shopify is an official shopify channel,and we are all about teaching you how to,start run and grow an online business so,anything that you want to learn about,becoming an e-commerce business owner,you can find it here you want to learn,facebook ads we got you you want to blow,up your instagram,check so you can learn everything that,you need in order to start run and grow,an online business so if that sounds,like something that you need in your,life then hit subscribe so what is,shopify and is it right for you okay,guys let's get serious for one sec what,is shopify it's a tool that allows you,to sell online simple as that so if you,want to start a side hustle maybe you're,selling like gym equipment,you'd basically go ahead and make an,account with shopify to create an online,store and then you can start making,money so shopify lets you sell online,through a website you can use shopify to,sell in person through a pos,and you can even use shopify to sell on,social media and online marketplaces so,the nice thing about shopify is that it,has these built-in tools that are really,going to help you through digital,marketing you can create execute and,analyze your digital marketing campaigns,also shopify has this amazing single,dashboard to manage your orders your,shipping and your payments pretty much,anywhere you go,and the thing that i like to know is,that millions of the world's most,successful brands are currently using,shopify that being said you can be a big,business and use shopify you can also be,a small business and you can pretty much,sell almost anything guys almost,anything don't get any crazy ideas so,yeah you can be anyone you can be,anywhere and you can use shopify and be,successful,shopify plans and pricing okay so like,any millennial i have a serious fear of,commitment so the fact that shopify has,a 14 day free trial that was pretty,necessary for me i know it would,probably be necessary for some of you,guys as well so what i would recommend,literally before you do anything before,you keep watching this video just click,the link in the description box so that,you guys can sign up for a free shopify,trial,like literally do it right now because,you're going to want to do this with me,step by step so pause this video do what,you got to do,sign up,got it,okay amazing,let's get started so if you notice there,is no credit card required to get this,free trial which is really great because,if you're not into it,no harm no foul but if you do love it by,the end of this series you're going to,have a brand new shopify store which is,really amazing so if you do decide you,love it and you want to keep your store,what's going to happen is you're going,to be on a free plan so you're going to,need to graduate to a paid plan so that,you can start accepting real sales so,let's talk about pricing and all the,options that you have so as far as paid,plans go you're gonna have a few options,if you are a new business i would,recommend you just get the basic plan,that's gonna be 29 a month that's going,to be probably best for most of you,watching,the next plan up is pretty similar but a,key difference is that you get a bigger,shipping discount this plan is probably,going to be good for a business that's,already somewhat established now the,highest here is the advanced shopify,account this is for the big guys so if,you guys have a number of staff that are,gonna all need access to your shopify,account this plan will probably be right,for you if you uh want really in-depth,analytics this is also gonna be right,for you but i think for the most part,for most of you guys that are watching i,think the basic plan will probably cut,it so that's what we're gonna be looking,at today,how to create a shopify account okay so,now we actually gotta go in and sign up,with shopify to set up our store so,follow along folks i'm gonna put this on,screen and i'm gonna speed this up,because i think this is pretty easy um,yeah you can pause if you need to,amazing okay so by default you get this,like ugly my shopify url it's gonna look,like this one here but instead we want,something that's going to be like clean,and easy to remember like this one here,so,let's get a custom domain so that we can,cover up this ugly url from your,shopified man you're going to go to,online store,and then you're going to click domains,you're going to click buy new domain and,then you're going to enter the domain,name that you want okay after that you,got your perfect domain so you're going,to click buy,and then you're going to receive an,email from shopify and it's just going,to be confirming your purchase which is,great now don't worry guys if this,doesn't come right away sometimes it can,take like 48 hours for your new domain,to start working but other than that,we're groovy we got our new domain name,and it's great so love that for us now,guys it is time to get creative this is,literally my favorite part so let's,start our web design off by choosing a,theme okay listen guys as business,owners we have a lot to think about so,you can either sit and,go through all the themes and take an,hour to find the perfect theme or you,can literally just choose dawn dawn is,literally one of my favorite themes just,because it's just so easy it is a brand,new theme so what you would do is you,would just basically activate it like,flip that switch on um as you start your,account so if you guys aren't already,familiar with don let me show you let me,just tell you a little a little,something about dawn so it is one of,shopify's best themes because it just,has all these incredible features that,help you make more sales for one and,secondly you can really just express,your brand with this theme so i,personally love dawn it's just such an,easy option,so let's do it who is ready to add dawn,so this is how you're gonna do it we're,gonna go to online store,we're gonna hit themes and then we're,gonna scroll down to the visit shopify,theme store,okay so from there we're gonna go and,search dawn and here it is this is dawn,a brand spanking new theme that,literally just dropped last year and it,is free which i love and guys you see,these other free theme options here,we've got crave we've got craft this,one's called sense,which i love this is taste and studio,and these are all brand new themes i,just dropped and they are,so sick i love all of these so if you're,not love and dawn you have other options,and they're really just designed to help,you get started more quickly and get you,up and running in a pinch,so when you create your online store,with shopify you can choose between free,themes and premium themes and the free,ones that we just looked at are great,but here are some really amazing premium,themes as well uh these are going to be,paid right so this one is drop this is,bullet and this is be yours these are,beautiful gorgeous themes um there's,also other themes to choose from other,than the ones that i've just talked,about but let's say you're you know,going through the theme store and you,just haven't found one that you really,like there's literally no need to rush,into any relationships here because,sneak peek shopify is launching a ton of,new free and premium themes later this,year so if you want to hang tight and,maybe just you know make that final,commitment you can wait around for those,um but you know you can get started with,one now and then switch over later it's,totally up to you,editing the look and feel so if you've,never designed a website before that's,literally no problem because shopify is,intuitive enough especially for,first-timers so if you're anything like,me and you're maybe like a little bit of,a perfectionist um i would just say try,to curtail that perfectionism because at,this point guys your story does not have,to be perfect and i can't express that,enough um,don't get caught up on the details you,just really want to focus on getting the,basics down so that you can just launch,and just get your store out there,okay so to start customizing what your,store is going to look like you're going,to click on online store,then customize and that's basically,going to open up,the online store editor,and it's going to open up in a new,window so let's get you oriented here on,the left hand side we have all the tools,that we need to make our edits and on,the right hand side we have a live view,of how the store will actually look as,we start to make those changes,so templates sections and blocks are all,parts of your shopify theme that allow,you to customize each part of your theme,individually i love this because it,gives you more flexibility to edit your,store without having to touch any code,editing your homepage okay guys so let's,take a look at a good example of a,homepage so on delianu's website this,banner image really is telling me,everything that i need to know it tells,me that this business is all about,african inspired fashion and that it is,black owned and further down if i scroll,down,i can also see a video about their story,and how they support their community i,love this i think this is a great,example and now that we've seen how nice,we could potentially make our homepage,look let's make it a reality,so exciting okay so let's do this with,our dawn theme,so for my apparel store i'm gonna click,into the first section here this first,section here is a really good place to,display images or videos of your,products or even any promos that you,have going on,it's really going to be the first,impression,that a customer is going to get of your,store it's kind of like it's kind of,like a first date so we want to make,sure that the photos are cute,but also accurate,we don't catfish our first date right so,that being said,try to avoid stock imagery because you,know you want to make sure that it's,like personal to your brand and that,you're not just showing,like images that are kind of floating,around on the internet you want to make,sure that it is your own original,imagery,so i'm going to press,select images and choose from my library,let's use a sub head that sparks,curiosity just like this and add in a,headline that's going to further explain,what the product is,add a little call to action button in,the label section just like this and we,can use something like shop now,so now that we've done that we're going,to have to choose where the link of this,button is going to go where is this,going to take the customer,so usually this is going to be a product,or a collection page and that is it,we've made this beautiful little section,and that is looking like a pretty,successful first date to me,so moving on we're gonna add in a,section that's not already here,so to do that i'm gonna click add,section at the bottom just like this and,there's a lot of options to choose from,but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna add,this and if i do change my mind i can,really just remove the section all,together just like this,okay so what else can we do here with,online store 2.0 so we can adjust the,size and the position of the banner,image,we've got collages featured collections,multi-columns we've also got rich media,like video so all this is is really sick,and guys all of these 2.0 features are,so key for building your storefront,really quickly and really easily and,just honestly to start getting customers,to start shopping with you,editing your product pages so the,template of your product page is also,super important because it can literally,be the difference between a sale that,you've made or sale that you've lost so,we want to make sure that we're paying,special attention okay so looking at,teas tea,they're using custom templates for their,product pages and look guys look how,amazing they've integrated their brand,ethos they've got faqs they've got,reviews on their product pages and it,just makes for a really rich experience,so i don't know about you but i am,inspired so i'm going to create a unique,template for my products as well,so i want to showcase a video on how to,wear the clothes and i'm going to add a,custom banner for a 15 off sale,then i'll apply that template to some of,my products that i have i can assign a,product to a new template by previewing,the product and that takes me into the,product page where we can find the,template option,also guys key thing to know is that the,editor allows you to make changes to,your templates without affecting the,live storefront which i think is so sick,because with older versions of your,theme or vintage themes as they're,called i would have had to go into the,code and do that but with dawn all i,really need to do is go into the theme,editor create a new template and,literally just edit it so i can see how,many products are assigned to each,template by using this drop down menu or,by selecting a template and just seeing,what it's assigned to,oh and fyi guys if you start customizing,a theme and maybe like you feel like,this is just like not the look that,you're going for you can change it to a,different one but if you decide to,change your theme your products and your,content will transfer over but your,layouts and your customizations will not,so just keep that in mind,yeah like just take your time enjoy the,process and just like try to find that,right theme before you go ahead and just,like jump in and hot tip guys if you,choose a free shopify theme you may also,get notified in your admin that there's,an update available and if that does,happen the customizations that you've,already made in the editor,those would get carried over,but if you've made any edits in the code,that does not get carried over so i just,want you guys to know that before you,start going in like real hard,okay so i'm feeling pretty good about,the way that my store is branded now i'm,ready to add in some products so let me,show you how to do that so when we think,about our product page the main and,literally only mission that you have to,like focus in on is to close that sale,the product page is gonna help you close,that sale and to do that we're gonna,have to make sure that we're eliciting,trust and showing the customer why they,need your product so what we're going to,do is we're going to start by giving the,product a name and with this name you're,going to want to strike a balance,between like a fancy marketing name,that's going to be like really exciting,and pretty,but you're also going to want to strike,a balance between a practical and,descriptive name,because that's what's going to get,picked up by search engines so try to,you know try to strike a balance so now,let's look at all this space you got,this entire,space to convince customers why your,product is amazing,so use a space use a space to paint a,complete picture,talk about materials quality all that,good stuff sustainability but guys this,is a life saving tip if you have a lot,of,information i'd recommend that you guys,use bullet points or tabs because no,one's going to read a huge big long,paragraph,add photos of your products so if you,don't already have your product images,that's fine just take mental notes for,now,so first things first is you're going to,want to show your products at all,different angles so that customers can,really get the feeling of seeing it in,person so you're going to want to,include close-ups so that customers can,get a feeling of like color and texture,and you're also going to want to add in,some videos maybe even a photo or a,video of someone like actually using the,product basically the more information,that you give the customer the more,confidence you will instill in them you,can even include 3d models of your,products how fun is that,so once you add an image you're going to,click on it and you're going to edit the,alt text,alt text helps those that cannot see,understand what's in the image with a,written description i personally think,it's the socially responsible thing to,do well i mean it is the socially,responsible thing to do because you're,going to be making your store accessible,providing inclusive access to about 15,of the global population who are living,with disabilities so guys do not forget,to do alt text it's very important and,it also helps you get found on google so,make sure that you are being descriptive,here add your price we'll price this at,a million dollars i think that's pretty,reasonable so the cost per item,is going to allow you to track the cost,of goods that you're selling,so that you can really quickly and,easily track your profit margins i think,that's so handy and then,click charge taxes on the product if the,product is taxable,we'll talk more about taxes in the next,few lessons so make sure that you're,hanging tight for that all right meta,fields i want to tell you guys more,about metafields and like what they are,and how you can use them so they're,going to help you customize the,functionality and appearance of your,store,by letting you store and display,information that's important to you,so you can add meta fields on all the,resources you need for your store like,your products your variants your,collections,your customers your orders they really,allow you to offer and store more unique,information like a customer's birthday,or a products ingredient list for,example,and then you know once you have that,information,you can then filter in your admin,or on your storefront without relying on,a developer to do so to see the meta,fields in action let's take a look at,our demo store so each product has a,care guide and a product subtitle so in,the past this is kind of you know,product customization used to be a very,involved process,but with dawn and our latest,meta field functionality we've just made,it so simple,so let's begin by creating some meta,field definitions,to do this i need to visit settings and,choose meta fields,i'm adding these to my products so i'll,click there,and add definition a few meta fields are,recommended here these are powerful,standardized meta fields i'm going to,select care guide which is a multi-line,text type,while i'm here i'm also going to add the,product subtitle standard meta field,which adds a text blurb just beneath the,title on a product page and gives,customers a quick summary of what it is,they're looking at,so now when i edit my products i'm going,to see a new meta field section near the,bottom with a definition that i've,created,i'm going to add this product's care,guide and give it a subtitle,since i've got a few products set up,with metafield values i'm going to show,you how easy it is to connect them to my,online store with dawn,so starting in the online store i've,already selected dawn as my theme so i'm,going to hit customize to get started,i'm going to be editing my default,product template so i'll navigate there,first,as i want to draw attention to the care,guide i'm going to add a rich text block,i'm going to update the heading,and in the text field i'll select the,dynamic source icon,when i select care guide the text will,automatically populate so to add product,subtitles i'm going to add a text block,move it underneath my product,description and again select the dynamic,source icon,this time i'll select product subtitle,and with that guys we are done we have,now set up new data points to make,shopify accurately reflect your products,and with this dawn theme honestly guys,it has never been easier to show,customers the information that they need,in order to make a purchase at your,store okay lastly i want to walk you,through the app locks and embeds,functionality so if you're not aware of,what that is shopify apps enhance your,ecommerce store's capabilities to create,more uh like unique,buying experiences for your customers,and you can do this with any online,store 2.0 theme without touching any,code which is really convenient so i'm,going to show you how simple it can be,to enable app blocks on your storefront,let's go through a couple examples so we,all know how important it is to build,trust in the quality of your products we,kind of talked about that before,and often the best way to,elicit that trust is through customer,reviews so oka oka or is it ocha ocha i,really don't know but they have used,product reviews to demonstrate how,delicious their food and beverages are,so with app blocks you can build out,experiences just like they have by,including a product reviews app,which features customer reviews so to,add the product reviews app block to a,product page i'm going to install the,app from the app store,i'll navigate to the default product,template in the theme editor and i will,click add section,from the drop down menu in the app,section i'm just going to select the,customer reviews app,so it's super simple but optionally i,can also add this app block to my main,product section and it will,automatically adjust to the size of my,section,apps can be added as blocks in a section,and as sections in a template,this lets you add app functionality,exactly where you need it on a page so,app blocks can be hidden from the,storefront from within the theme editor,so when an app is uninstalled from the,apps tab the app block is automatically,removed from the storefront without,leaving any lingering code so that's,that's super valuable and now here's,another example you can use shopify,inbox to chat with your customers while,they're shopping on your online store,maybe it's a question about products or,shipping details i think that having,this app is so key just to help you,close that sale create customer loyalty,and make customers feel like they're,coming first and that you know their,questions are answered,so app embeds like shopify inbox work,really well for this um because this,will give direct one one-on-one support,um and this app can you know,float or it can appear as an overlay in,your theme so lots of options to add,shopify inbox as an app embed i'll,install it on the app store then i'm,going to enter the theme settings in the,editor where app embeds can be accessed,enabled and configured so i'll click the,app embed tab and search for the shopify,inbox app that we just downloaded,and i can enable the shopify inbox app,basically just by clicking this little,toggle and clicking this toggle is also,going to disable the app storefront,integration and remove it from view so,you won't be able to see it,you can configure the visual settings,without leaving the editor by clicking,the expand the arrow icon and the best,part is app embeds can be used with any,theme version whether you have a vintage,one or an online store 2.0,okay let's move down into the inventory,section okay so here you have the option,to include a sku sku stands for stock,keeping unit,skus are really gonna help you organize,your inventory so you're gonna make up,your own format you're gonna make up a,format that makes sense to you it,doesn't have to make sense to anyone,else but you so let's say for example i,am selling um a purse it could be,2 lbp,maybe like l stands for the size which,is large,b stands for the color which is blue and,p stands for purse which is the type of,bag and then 22 stands for 20 22.,um like i said has to just make sense,for you but make sure that you are doing,this right away because these are really,going to help you in the long run so try,to get this set up as soon as possible,okay barcode we don't have to worry,about this if we're just selling online,so we can just skip over this now let's,move on to the inventory section so the,inventory section is shopify's way of,helping you track how many products you,have on hand now guys let me look you,right in the eye and tell you this right,now,you must like absolutely must input this,correctly especially from the jump,because this can be an absolute,nightmare if this is wrong if this is,wrong you might oversell products or you,just might have too much products and,not be able to move your units so keep,that in mind make sure that you're,putting this in correctly so that you're,aware of how many products you have on,hand at any given time,okay let's keep scrolling down so now,we're at the shipping section if you're,selling physical goods check this first,box here but if you're selling digital,goods or services you do not have to,check this,your shipping settings for each product,calculate your shipping rates at,checkout so when you input the size and,weight of each product you'll get an,accurate label price during fulfillment,but yeah make sure that you're only,accounting for the size and the weight,of the actual product do not include the,shipping or the mailer box in this,section right here,so if you don't fill in those details,today you're not going to miss out on,the sale do not worry,but if you do have those product details,now let's just add them in together but,if not leave them blank anyways moving,on so,now we're gonna go to the harmonized,system tariff code section guys the,harmonized system tariff code is used by,customs,so,you're going to have a specific code,for whatever product it is that you're,selling so if you're not sure what that,is you can literally just google it and,find out but you are going to want to,get this right because if you are not,getting it right um,your packages can be held up at the,border,which means your customers are gonna get,elite package and no one likes a late,package,so make sure that you're googling this,and putting this correctly okeydokes now,we're gonna add in the variants so if,your product is coming in different,colors or like different flavors or,different sizes you're going to want to,use this variance option right here so,in the options value field you're going,to enter the variant title,and then you'll include the categories,and these are going to be separated by,commas just like this,done guys we are ripping through this,let's move on to the search engine,listing so down here is the search,engine listing preview,this is how your product page will show,up on google like in the google search,results page,now hot tip guys,in this section you're going to want to,use keywords that people would be typing,in to find your product so that you can,get you know you can show up on google,easier now at the top here you're going,to see product availability click manage,and you'll see where you can start,selling i think for now we'll just do an,online store but as we get bigger and as,we grow eventually you're going to want,to make your products available,everywhere,and just below that is your product,organization section so it not only,keeps you organized but it's also going,to be easier for your customers to find,your stuff if you do have categories so,like your categories can be something,like purses,backpacks wallets or maybe it could be,seasonal like maybe it's like you know,spring collection or something like that,so if you have a lot of products make,sure that you are doing this but if,you're starting small no worries,definitely not necessary,okay guys let's take a look at our,masterpiece so far so what we're gonna,do,big reveal is we're gonna click the,little eyeball button at the top to,preview our work and guys,congratulations you are now one quarter,of the way through to launching your,online store i'm so excited for you guys,you guys are now 25 closer to becoming,the next fashion nova or gym shark or,whatever it is that you want to be guys,can we just relish in the success right,now today,this is what we covered we chose our,plan we chose our domain we customized,our theme you added in your first,product congratulations i am really,excited for this and i'm also really,excited for the next lesson,because we're going to be creating,product collections we're going to be,adding extra pages we're going to be,adding our contact info a lot of stuff,going on but yeah,that being said who has questions are,you guys stuck with anything let me know,in the comment section i'm gonna i'm,here to help you we're all here to help,you um and also if you guys can answer,each other's questions even better let's,start a little community chat now guys,don't forget this is only part one of,the course so if you guys want to see,part two and three and four you're gonna,need to hit subscribe and of course hit,that notification bell so you don't miss,any videos um each video is added into a,little playlist link right over here so,be sure to follow along but other than,that guys thanks for tuning in i will,see you guys in part two bye,you

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