how to set up a shopify print on demand store

Setting up a Shopify Print on Demand Store Step by Step yesterday i brought out a video and i'm,so h

Shimmy Morris

Updated on Feb 20,2023

Setting up a Shopify Print on Demand Store Step by Step

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up a shopify print on demand store

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up a shopify print on demand store

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how to set up a shopify print on demand store catalogs

Setting up a Shopify Print on Demand Store Step by Step

yesterday i brought out a video and i'm,so happy because it got such,amazing feedback so thank you so so much,for all the nice comments the likes,just it was amazing it was really really,nice but i want to just quickly say,one thing i think a lot of people,thought it was a seven day challenge in,the sense that i was going to be,uploading,a new video on that topic for seven days,that's not what the video was the video,in itself was a seven day challenge that,video was day one,and day two and in part two i will be,covering days three,four five six and seven okay so,that's how the structure of that video,is going to be well i thought in the,meantime,i would do a behind the scenes of how i,set up my,shopify store like i did in that video,step,by step so that everyone could follow,along and really,see how i did it it's not as complicated,as,it looks that video is a fast-paced fun,energetic video so it looked a lot more,complicated,but actually setting up the store is,quite straightforward,unless you're going to be doing some,custom coding custom themes custom,plugins,but if you're just going for the bog,standard shopify store it's very simple,the first thing you have to do is pick a,name and make sure the domain is,available so head over to godaddy,and put in a few domains so i checked,out the pug store which was,way too expensive as you can see i then,checked,out a pugs life to see if that was,available unfortunately that wasn't,available,so i settled on my final name which was,the pug, and you can see here the,,is available so simply add it,to the cart go to checkout and you can,decide whether or not you want a one,year,or a two-year purchase of this domain,you can then decide if you want the dot,code at uk or the dot-com so i just went,for it one year,with the dot com i always like doing one,year because you never know what's gonna,happen,especially with a new business and then,you just have to go,through the checkout process i have,honey,in the corner by the way this video,isn't sponsored by honey but i use them,to see if i can get any discounts but,anyways nine pound 84 for this domain,nothing crazy you'll either log in or,you'll create a new account,and then you'll go through and you'll,pay it's really straight,forward the next thing we have to do is,head over to shopify,and pick a plan so you can see they have,three plans,they have the advanced shopify plan the,shopify plan and the basic,shopify plan so i always start with the,basic plan because,again you never know what's going to,happen and if you need to expand then,you'll expand later,but before picking a plan we want to,start a 14-day,free trial so we can fully set up the,website and make sure it's perfect and,ready to go,within those 14 days so we don't,actually start paying,until we go live which is simple just,click,start your trial put your email address,in if you,you know whichever one you want to use,put a password in and then put your,store name in so you should have a store,name,because you've just bought the domain,name sorry if a lot of this is blurred,out it's just passwords and stuff,but anyways the store name we went with,was the pug scene,okay and it's very simple we just click,create your store,once you've done that you'll come across,this kind of page here,and then it will take you to a very,simple,kind of like questionnaire in a way like,they'll ask you certain questions,and you just have to go through this,setup so tell us a little bit about,yourself,again these aren't crazy questions it's,very very simple in fact i don't even,think it makes a difference,what you put in the answers the next,thing you want to do is put your address,in so i'm going to skip this bit because,you don't need to see the address and,we're gonna go straight,to the next page and once you've done,that you'll get this loading screen,and you'll land on this page on shopify,and,i know it might look overwhelming,there's a lot to see you'll see the,trials just started,and there's just a lot going on here but,don't be overwhelmed we're going to go,through it in this video,the first thing we're going to do is,connect a domain name so,you can either do it on the home page or,you can go to online store,click domains and then put your website,in okay and what you can do is you can,connect manually but,obviously connect automatically it's so,much easier they'll ask you to log into,godaddy where you bought your domain,name,and it's just it's again it's simple all,it will do is it will ask you to once it,asks you to log in,it will ask you to connect the domain it,will find it it will put the dns records,in,and literally success it's it's like,that you might have to wait 24 hours for,the domain to,fully connect and verify but once that's,done,your domain is all set up and your,website is well,i would say ready to go but you're still,in the trial so it's not fully ready to,go yet,afterwards it will look like this you'll,have the,ssl pending and again it might just take,24,hours as it says here for changes to,propagate so it's very very normal don't,don't be deterred,if it doesn't happen immediately for you,the next thing we need to do,is actually connect printful now you can,use any third-party printing service,or if your shopify store is for drop,shipping,or it's for something completely,different like an art shop whatever,then you might you can skip this step,but if you're doing a print on demand,and you want to use printful like i have,then this is how you connect it go over,to printful,scroll down all the way to the bottom,and you'll see,different websites they integrate with,okay right you'll see what they do,and then you can click shopify right so,once we've clicked shopify,it will take us to this page where we,can click get,the printful app and basically this is,just a very quick way of connecting the,app,it will then lead you over to shopify,and you can connect it all up,it will take you to this site where you,can click add the app or add app,and all it wants you to do is to take,your domain name of the store url,and put it in that little box and it,will ask you to log in,and it will take you to the final step,of connecting,the printful app all you have to do is,click install app,and then it will show up under apps on,your shopify website so make sure to,sign in obviously,with your printful account if you don't,have a printful account you're going to,have to make one,and then you just click connect store,and there you go,you've now connected printful to shopify,and you're basically,90 the way they're selling t-shirts on,shopify now that it's all connected,there are some other plugins,that you might want like a review,plug-in or a cart abandonment plug-in,so i can make an entire video on,plug-ins i didn't want this video to be,an,hour long of me talking about different,plugins so i'm going to leave plugins,out but i'm going to mention,one that you can get and that's the,facebook messenger,bot the reason why i mentioned getting,that plugin is it just instills so much,confidence in people if they,can talk to you if they can it's,brilliant,it's absolutely brilliant you know when,someone goes to a page and they know,that they can immediately ask a question,to a live chat support,it just instills a lot of confidence in,that company so by installing,the facebook messenger plugin which is,free by the way on,your website you will show up in the,bottom right corner or the bottom left,corner,and people can click it to message you,so it's really cool,now is the fun part designing the look,of the site,we're going to stick to the basic theme,that it started with,debut which is very fitting as it's your,first theme and potentially your first,store,so what we're going to do is we're going,to click on customize so,to get to this page we need to go to,online store click,themes and then click customize and this,will take us,to the look of our whole site and you,can see you can,change things you can add pictures you,can there's so,many things you can do you can remove,things over here you can add a header,a logo there's a lot you can do here and,what i'm going to say is rather than,go through this setup with you i'm just,gonna let you play with it,it's all very very straightforward you,can see i found a random,pug picture i was able to edit it put it,in the middle,right or in this case put it at the top,so the plug was shown in the picture,then you can decide the width you can,decide the text you can decide if you,even want text you can add a button,it's all very straightforward and what i,would recommend is for you just to play,around with it,and kind of just mess with it a bit,basically just have a bit of fun with it,there's no wrong way or right way of,doing it make it look how you want it to,look,now i wanted to create a custom banner,so i found that the size was 1200 pixel,by 2000 pixel and then i went into,photoshop and i made myself a custom,banner i made sure that the width was,full width and then it did cut it off a,tiny bit which is really annoying but,you know what i was absolutely fine with,it it wasn't the end of the world,the next thing i had to do was add a,featured collection so i made a few,different collection names so i did,parts of the movies i did,parks on holiday i did gaming pugs and,then you can select the collection so i,haven't actually made the collection yet,so i can't select it,we're going to be making that next but,what you can do is you can drag,all of these different areas around so,if you want,pugs at the movies to show up at the,bottom you can do that if you want,testimonials to show up at the top you,can do that it's just a simple drag and,drop,and what you can do is you can also add,or remove,certain things so here we can see we're,adding another featured collection,section,really simply just like that so i'm,going to let you mess around with your,shopify store have fun with it,don't get stressed and it doesn't matter,how long it takes you've got plenty of,time,so this is what my website looks like,now i've done pretty much,everything there's still a few things i,haven't done and this website really,isn't finished which is why the part two,of the series isn't yet done but now,let's discuss adding new pages which is,again,something which is quite easy to do go,into online store,click pages and you want to click,add new page so add page over here so,you can see i've already added an about,us,and a contact us i still haven't,finished the about us page i don't know,why but i'm being really lazy and i,for some reason i'm not updating it but,you want to click,add page once you've clicked add page,you can title it whatever you want so,let's do,this is a test for youtube okay and then,we can click,save right then this page will be added,if we go back we can see this is a test,for youtube so that is how you add a,page,and you can add information on the page,over here,now if you're doing a contact us page,you can use the template,page dot contact and that will make your,page,look like a contact page so let me show,you what that looks like,a contact us page over here you can see,it's got this,form where if someone fills it in you'll,automatically get an email,so going back now once we've made a page,we need to sort out the navigation so,the navigation is the thing at the top,okay it's this sorry if i'm,being really silly here but yeah this is,the navigation okay,so let's go over to navigation and,you've got menus so we want to select,the main,menu and what you want to do here is you,want to just,kind of mess around with it so you can,see i've already made mine but what you,can do is you can add a menu item,you can delete you can drag up and down,depending on where you want it to be,i think i should just delete the about,us but no i'm going to get to it,eventually,right so let's click add a menu item we,can search so we can either add,collections and this is what i've done i,added collections as,their own separate menu items but you,can also add a blog post you can add,policies you can add,pages so i can add this is a test for,youtube,and i'm going to title this page youtube,video because i want it to be a bit,prettier than this is a test for youtube,so once we click add we can click save,menu,then let's go and have a look so what's,going to happen is it will show up at,the end there we go,youtube video now it's going to be empty,because there is nothing on this page,but you see that is how you do it so,let's delete this for the moment because,i don't want that showing up on the,website,but that is how you will edit and kind,of,change up your main menu now we're going,to add,products this is exciting now bear in,mind we are adding,printful products because that's who we,pond with if you're not partnered with,printful that's absolutely fine you can,add products for,whatever it is you're doing so you want,to go over to the apps section and this,is where all your apps will show,you want to click printful and once,you've clicked printful you want to,click add a product and it kind of,redirects you to the printful site,on here so you're on the printful site,on shopify it's quite interesting but,you want to click products,once you click products you want to,click add a product so you can see i've,got one cell which was that sale that,you saw yesterday,i still haven't started advertising i,need to start advertising i have been,so distracted with other work but i want,to start advertising so i can bring you,part two,of the video but anyways more on that,later we're going to go to products and,then click add a product,and again it's this is all very,straightforward you'll just go through,so men's clothing let's say,all shirts let's say you're going to add,a t-shirt,then you're going to either drag in or,click here to,either drag in your design or or just,click here and,upload it then you want to select the,t-shirt colors all those kind of things,so let's just add in something random,let's add in this mug,okay we then want to you know we can,move it around we can do whatever we,want with it,so this was a vexel's picture which i,edited,and made it kind of slightly different,because i didn't want to take vexel's,picture,face value for what it was so i kind of,made it a bit different but anyways,once you've done that it immediately,takes you to the design so you can go,back to product,you can select different colors to see,if it looks good on then you can click,proceed to media once you've done that,you select where it is where it shows up,on the t-shirt different mock-ups over,here,then you can click uh proceed to details,this is where you'll put the title the,description,all of those things in and finally you,can select a proceed to pricing and this,is where you can either add a temp,percentage you can add a price how much,you want to charge again,do whatever you feel is right i i charge,whatever i charge i'm sure you can,charge whatever you want to charge and,then click submit to store so i'm not,going to actually submit this product,but that is what you would do to add a,new product,finally let's add billing so we need to,make sure people are able to pay so we,want to go into settings,we want to go into payments and now you,can see,we can go in and again if anything is,blurred out it's just because i don't,want to share all my information,but you can you can add shopify payments,which i've already done,really straightforward you can add,paypal payments which you can do as well,you have to click,here well for me it says deactivate for,you or say,activate paypal and then you can also do,amazon pay,or third party providers so paying is,again straightforward,just follow the steps on the screen and,you'll see it's quite easy,and make sure you've logged into,printful and you've also done your,billing in printful so that when someone,does an order,you can automatically get billed in,printful as well so you need the payment,methods to be on there,just like they are on shopify and now,you're good,to go see it's really not that,complicated setting up a shopify store,now i know i know this was a very simple,video it was a simple setup,i could probably go into a lot more,detail make this video two hours long,show you so much more information maybe,show you a bit of coding show you,the the plugins in detail show you,discounts marketing analytics all these,kind of things,but for today's video i literally just,wanted to show you a,very very basic setup of a shopify store,i hope you enjoyed this video and as you,can probably tell from my website,there is still a lot more work to be,done which is why part 2,isn't yet finished and it's super,annoying because i want to get it out to,you,and hopefully i'll get out to you as,soon as possible,but you know i think i think i might,just start,with completing the about me page,because i don't know why i haven't done,that yet,either way my site is a working progress,it's not a sprint,it's very much a marathon especially,seeing as i'm doing all these other,businesses,at the same time but i hope you enjoy,this follow along step-by-step kind of,video,let me know in the comments down below,if it helps and uh yeah thank you very,much for watching and i'll see you in,tomorrow's video

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