how to seo optimize my home page in shopify

Shopify SEO Optimisation (a Beginners Guide) most shopify stores suck for seo but,they don't have to

Exposure Ninja

Updated on Mar 20,2023

Shopify SEO Optimisation (a Beginners Guide)

The above is a brief introduction to how to seo optimize my home page in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to seo optimize my home page in shopify

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how to seo optimize my home page in shopify catalogs

Shopify SEO Optimisation (a Beginners Guide)

most shopify stores suck for seo but,they don't have to in this video i'm,going to show you how to seo your,shopify store so you can increase your,organic traffic rankings and most,importantly sales my name is tim i run,exposure ninja and we work with loads of,shopify stores and other e-commerce,businesses to help them generate more,sales in fact we've taken e-commerce,store clients from five to eight figures,in annual revenue through organic,traffic so we know a thing or two about,how to optimize an e-commerce store in,this video i'm going to be sharing some,shopify optimization strategies that you,can apply to your store and we're going,to be looking at some high-growth,shopify store examples so we can look at,some of this optimization in practice,and stick around to the end for my seo,checklist plan that you can go and,implement immediately,but first we need to talk about shopify,and seo now seo was historically one of,the compromises that store owners made,for shopify's simplicity so to make,shopify simple they removed lots of,functionality that you might get in,something like wordpress and woocommerce,but the trade-off with that was that,seos didn't have as much control over,their stores and weren't able to,implement a lot of the optimizations,that they really wanted to do now whilst,it's true that still today there are seo,limitations with shopify not least doing,things like um urls we don't have a huge,amount of control over the url structure,other than the slug at the end and,shopify has worked hard to add more seo,functionality and add more seo control,into its platform i spoke a little while,ago with kevin indic shopify's director,of seo and was really impressed with the,amount of energy that shopify is putting,into seo as a previous shopify outsider,and a member of the seo community for a,long time kevin was well aware of the,limitations that shopify had for seo and,was working with the team to get as many,of them removed as possible so whilst,today yes there are still seo,limitations overall the simplicity of,shopify and its functionality makes up,for that and we're at a point where,today we are building sites for clients,on shopify and shopify plus and not,seeing any ranking reduction as a result,of using the platform so if you're on,shopify be confident that you can have a,really well optimized high ranking high,traffic website so long as you're,following the steps in this video of,course before we can jump straight into,the optimization though we need to think,about three types of pages that we want,to get ranked on our shopify stores the,first is your home page now your home,page is typically going to be the page,that you want to get ranked for your,brand name and some really broad product,terms let's say for example that you're,selling phone cases well it might be,your home page that you're trying to get,ranked for a phrase like phone cases,it's the broadest category search,possible the next type of page that you,want to get ranked are your product,category or shopify calls them,collection pages these are the pages,that list products in a particular,collection now these product category,pages for most ecommerce stores are the,seo gold mine because these are the,pages that you'd want to get ranked for,commercial intent product category,keywords let's say for example that,we're selling phone cases we might have,phone cases that are wooden we might,have plastic phone cases we might have,metal phone cases see-through phone,cases now anybody searching for wooden,phone cases will be best served by our,wooden phone cases category page or,collections page,and if we think about the intent behind,somebody who is just searching for the,general term phone cases versus someone,who's searching for wooden phone cases,we'll often find that the intent on the,more specific search is more commercial,i.e we're more likely to get a,conversion for someone who's searching,for a specific type of product because,they know what they want they're further,down the buyer funnel now unfortunately,for most shopify store owners their,collection pages are an seo washout that,contribute nothing to their stores so,we're going to look at some examples of,high-ranking stores and talk through the,principles that you need to adopt on,your collection pages to make sure that,they're ranking the third type of page,that you want to get ranked are the,information pages on your site now often,these will be blog pages they might be,content hub or knowledge based pages and,many ecommerce store owners don't think,about targeting informational search,intent keywords on their website but,these can be really important and can be,a great source of more traffic and sales,let's say for example that your shopify,store sells tripods and you notice that,lots of people are searching for,lightest travel tripod well this isn't,the sort of search term that is,necessarily going to be well served by a,collection or a product page this is the,sort of search term that is most likely,going to serve up informational content,results on google so for example it'll,be posts like the five lightest travel,tripods compared now if you're going to,compete for this search and you're going,to get ranking for that search you need,to recognize that it's going to take,informational content to do it because,google is viewing this as a research and,information type search so again this,isn't going to be the sort of search,term that is going to be well served by,a product or a collection page on your,shopify store what you're going to need,to do instead is write a blog post or a,knowledge-based piece or a page on your,content hub which will be about,comparing the lightest travel tripods,and of course linking each one of those,through to the product page on your,website so that people can buy the,products that you're referencing the,other type of high commercial intent,informational search will be comparison,searches so let's say for example that,people are searching uh manfrotto versus,benbow tripods well that's not something,again that's going to be served by your,product or category pages but it is the,sort of thing that you could write a,blog post about comparing the benefits,of each showing comparisons in a table,and linking people through to the,tripods that are being mentioned so,those are the three types of pages that,we want to get ranked your home page,your product collection pages and,content pages whether these are on your,blog,a content hub or a knowledge base we're,going to talk about how to optimize each,one and the techniques that we need to,use so let's look at how to optimize,each different type and what we need to,do behind the scenes on shopify to make,sure that these pages are ranking,and the two areas we're going to look at,across these different types of pages,are content and behind the scenes,optimization let's start with these,category pages or shopify calls them,collections pages remember these are,really important pages for your shopify,stores seo because these are the pages,that you'll be targeting product,category type keywords let's look at an,example now gymshark is one of the best,seo shopify sites in my opinion they use,the shopify plus platform and they've,really well optimized it let's have a,look at a very broad search that jim,shark is ranking really well for this is,men's workout clothing we can see that,they're the top organic result now when,we click on this result we see that it's,their product category page that is,ranking for this term now you could,argue this page could actually be even,better optimized if they had a nice h1,above the fold that said something like,men's workout clothing but nevertheless,it is ranking it's a fairly standard,shopify product category or collection,page of course it does link through to,other collections as well as showing,different products in this category but,one thing that you will notice about,almost any high-ranking collection or,product category page is at the bottom,or somewhere on the page is,text copy,most shopify collection pages are really,poorly optimized for ranking out of the,box because they have very little,content on them so what you'll notice is,that most ecommerce stores that are,targeting ranking have some form of text,copy on these collection pages and,gymshark is no exception remember that,we googled men's workout clothing this,was the term that we searched for and we,can see here the heading on this page is,men's workout clothing they've then got,a bit of information about their men's,workout clothing i'm going to be honest,it's fairly generic it's not the best,category page copy in the world they,could link through to specific,subcategories within men's workout,clothing like for example we have an,excellent range of men's workout shorts,tops,stringer vests whatever they could refer,to these in this copy and link through,using keyword focused anchor text but,that's okay because they're doing enough,stuff right to get this page ranking but,that's the first thing is this category,page copy now if we have a look at,another example of a shopify store that,is well optimized we see here fashion,nova now this is their dresses page and,we'll see again at the bottom of the,page is text copy now they've gone for,having even more text copy to be fair,that women's dress is a much more,competitive term than men's workout,clothing and they've gone pretty heavy,with the text copy here so they have,linked to other subcategories um using,exact match hyperlinks and they've got,these um subheadings as well also using,the dresses term that they're trying to,rank for and we will see that it's,working pretty well for them here we can,see their estimated monthly organic,traffic from the us alone we can see,they're around about five and a half,million visits a month and they are,ranking well for lots of broad category,type searches things like sexy dresses,ripped jeans men plus size lingerie this,sort of non-branded search is really,important for growing an e-commerce,business on shopify because once you've,exhausted your branded search and,everyone who already knows you the next,opportunity is to start getting organic,visibility for people who don't know you,yet and these sorts of category-focused,search terms are a great way of getting,good quality commercial traffic onto,your pages but it's going to be those,collection pages that are doing all the,hard work and the ranking for all of,these terms and look at how many of,their collection pages are ranking for,these terms so these are working hard,for them so how do you add this,description well when you're adding a,collection page in the back end of,shopify you'll see that you give your,collection a title and you also give it,a description so this description is the,stuff that appears on that collection,page now where it appears how it appears,if it appears is down to the theme that,you're using so make sure that you're,using a theme which shows that,description text as standard if it,doesn't then you can talk to a shopify,developer like ourselves and we can get,that added through the theme files now,you might be thinking what do we,actually add in this description copy in,order to help our collection pages rank,well it's a good idea to use your target,keyword and also related keywords so,just like fashion nova have with the,dresses page you're going to talk about,the different types of dresses you're,going to link through to other dress,related categories and collections on,shopify and other related product types,as well,use normal language you don't need to,keyword stuff here but of course if your,customers are talking about dresses,you're going to mention dresses just,like any good person uses their,customers language when they're talking,to them about the product you're gonna,do exactly the same thing here make sure,that there's enough detail to answer the,questions that people might have about,buying a dress from your store if you,sell dresses of course and also make,sure you include any usps or reasons for,buying from you rather than competitors,if you offer fast delivery for example,then be aware that people might be,searching for dresses next day delivery,and if you've got those terms in the,copy on your collections page you've got,a better chance of ranking for that,search than if you don't now one other,thing before we move on from the,collections pages at the bottom of the,collection page you'll see the search,engine listing preview and you can click,this button to edit website seo nice,simple shopify terminology now this,section sets what's called your page,title and your meta description now you,don't see these on the page although you,do see them in the browser tab at the,top of the window but when somebody,searches for a term on google and your,site shows up this is what shows up for,this particular collection page so it's,really important if you have a great,page title or meta description when,someone sees your site they're more,likely to click on it which shows google,that that collection page is more,relevant for their search and that will,help your ranking over time now some,quick tips on your page title and meta,description you'll see that shopify,gives you some character limits here 0,to 70 characters for your page title and,0 to 320 characters for your meta,description now usually google won't,show all 320 characters often it's more,like 160 characters so make sure you,include the important information at the,start of your meta description,for your page title what you typically,want to do is include your main target,keyword at the start of your page title,and then have your brand name at the end,for your meta description of course you,want to use your target keywords but the,keywords are actually less important for,seo in the meta description than they,are in your page title what you really,want to do in this meta description area,is convince someone to click on your,site when they see it in search results,think of this like an adverb to get,someone to click on you rather than any,of your competitors so you want to talk,about the things that make you different,often we'll talk about shipping terms,how much free shipping is available how,fast the shipping is if there are any,free gifts or discounts or voucher codes,that people can use on your site all of,these things are great at increasing,click-through rate and getting more,traffic from search,hey hope you're enjoying this video if,you are don't forget to like and,subscribe also leave us a comment what's,your favorite shopify tip for other,shopify owners that are watching did you,know that we have an exposure ninja,podcast yes it's true all you need to do,is open your podcast app or spotify or,whatever you use for listening to your,podcast and type in exposure ninja you,shall find it continue,okay the next page type that we're going,to talk about is your product page now,whilst these product pages might not be,targeting ranking on their own,it's a good idea to have your product,pages optimized anyway because it helps,google understand what your site is,about now i'm going to give you some,quick tips on product page optimization,that's me throwing the tips at you tip,number one is to use your full product,name for example if you are selling sd,cards and you want to sell 128 gigabyte,v90 sd card make sure you use the word,sd card in your product name,just because you're shopping on tim's, doesn't mean that you would,necessarily know that every product,there is an sd card so use the full,product name then it's got more chance,of showing up for sd card searches than,if you just call it v90 128 gigabyte,card the next tip is to put energy into,your product descriptions here we are on,fashion over they do my heading with,product descriptions because they are,terrible now in all fairness fashion,over is releasing like 150 trillion,products on their site every week so,there's probably not enough human,capital in the entire history of mankind,to be able to write custom product,descriptions for every product and then,once they're out of stock you might,never get that product again so i get,why they don't but if they wrote good,product descriptions it would really,help so for example here's a bad product,description available in black mauve and,white mesh off shoulder dress long,sleeve ruffle sleeve with lining,there's nothing really there you don't,get a feel for the product from the,description at all you might have,unanswered questions that don't get,picked up by the pictures or the,descriptions but you just have to take,that leap of faith and make the purchase,anyway so the key to writing a good,product description is to write in,enough detail to answer your audience's,questions or objections about that,product so imagine your best sales,person in the store with your best,potential customer but your best,potential customer is looking at the,product through glass they can't pick it,up they can't feel it they can't,experience it so if you imagine a,customer walking into a store they could,pick up your product examine it have a,look at it turn it round see how it's,made online we don't have that ability,so we need to try and fill that gap both,with the products videos and pictures,but also through this description so,some quick tips on writing awesome,product descriptions imagine your best,sales person talking to your best,customer what are the questions or,objections or blockages that that,customer might have from purchasing and,how can you answer those in your product,description write with enough detail to,convince someone to purchase now as for,where you set this on your product pages,in the back end of your shopify store,you'll see all products you click on the,product and then here's where you write,your description,now it's a good idea to make this as,detailed as possible and if it's really,long then don't forget to include,subheadings to guide your visitors to,the section of your product description,that is most relevant and interesting to,them now at the bottom of your product,listing you'll also notice you've got,the same edit website seo section that,you had on your collection page and the,same rules apply here you want to,optimize your page title and meta,description you'll notice that by,default shopify populates these,automatically from your product name but,also from the description that you've,added of your product so by default,these might be a little bit too long so,you might want to tighten them up you,also might want to focus in your meta,description on things like delivery and,shipping terms which aren't actually in,your product description so please,please optimize these separately and,unless you've got such a large volume of,products that you can't possibly justify,it try to make the page titles and meta,descriptions for your product unique and,write them yourself rather than relying,on shopify's templated approach okay,let's talk about your blog most,ecommerce store blogs are a complete,waste of time yours isn't going to be,but firstly let me talk about how to,blog on shopify you've basically got,three options for an e-commerce store,that wants to add content to their site,you can either use the default blog,functionality that's built into shopify,and this is fine and it will get you to,a level it'll allow you to write content,that is optimized for the sort of,questions that your audience is asking,remember those tripod comparisons or,best light tripods those kind of,informational searches that actually,have a bit of commercial intent in them,so you can do that with the default,shopify blog,functionality when you want to take that,to another level you might consider,adding a content section like a,knowledge base or a content hub you can,use a plugin on shopify to do this there,are loads of them available so find the,one that works for you but what this,allows you to do is format that content,in a better way it gives you a bit more,control it allows you to categorize your,content better and have a nice kind of,central content hub,page that people can visit the different,topics that you're writing about the,third option is to add a content section,onto your site entirely separately for,example on gymshark we have this,,and they've basically built a sort of,magazine onto the gymshark site this is,the ultimate expression of this,technique and it means that you can,build this in something non-shopify so,the default shopify functionality for,adding content is fairly limited if you,build it as a separate subdomain on your,site then you can use something like,wordpress and you can build a full,content section so this is a little bit,more advanced but it's the the kind of,next level approach so you've got those,three ways you can do it you can do it,through the blog you can add a,knowledge base or content hub plugin or,you can have it as a separate subdomain,but whatever approach you choose the,most important thing to do if you want,to drive organic traffic to your shopify,site is that you're writing about things,that your customers actually care about,now best way to think of this is what,else are my customers searching for,using gym shark again as an example the,people that are buying gymshark clothing,are gym goers these are people that go,to the gym so what else do they search,for well they search for things like,different types of workout or nutrition,tips so that's what gymshark has posted,on their content section over the years,now what's interesting is if we look at,the best performing content on the,gymshark blog we'll see that is exactly,this type of stuff it's things like best,arm workout best trap exercises arm,workouts arm day workouts best ab,workouts,working out arms trapezius exercises,these are all informational articles,about the different types of workout,topic but what's really interesting is,if you go on the gymshark content,section today you'll see that they've,actually taken a diversion from this,approach they're writing posts like,these which whilst being reasonably good,actually have no search focus at all so,for example this post here recover,together well what is that title based,on what is that possibly optimized for,what is it all about we don't really,know we can see from the picture that,it's probably something about workout,recovery but if they called this five,tips for workout recovery or five tips,to avoid muscle soreness after workouts,this is the sort of post that would get,loads of traction organically here we,can see a post called can you believe,it's that time of year again is this,going to rank for anything no it's never,going to perform for them if we look at,the url they've actually called it the,best workout leggings for full now that,is a good headline because that's the,sort of thing that people will search,for but for whatever reason in order to,make it more shareable or in order to,build more personality or whatever i'm,not really sure they've given this the,title can you believe it's that time of,year again which means that this post is,unlikely to perform for seo best workout,leggings for full great topic and that's,actually what this post is all about,there are links through to their,products which is a great way of doing,this but there you can see the two,different approaches we've got a user,search focused approach and we've got,this kind of,weird approach where we don't actually,talk about anything that the customer's,searching for we just give it an almost,arbitrary headline you want to take the,first approach you want to write for,these searches okay let's move to,talking about some behind the scenes,optimization then so we've looked at,content and we've looked particularly at,these key pages your collections pages,your product pages and your blog,slash knowledge base content hub section,of your site now let's go behind the,scenes and look at some of the settings,that you might want to optimize in order,to make your site perform well one area,that we haven't spoken about is the page,title and meta description for your home,page this is absolutely crucial and lots,of shopify store owners miss it because,it's not where you might expect if you,go down to your online store and into,preferences you will see there you've,got your title and meta description,these are the page title and my,description for your home page so same,rules applies with your collection and,product pages you want to optimize your,page title and to include your main,target keywords at the start and your,brand name at the end and your meta,description you want to talk about the,different keywords and the different,topics the different product categories,that you're selling also with any usps,any reasons for people to buy and click,on your store rather than somebody,else's next area that we're going to,look at is image optimization now image,optimization is quite an important area,because for a lot of e-commerce stores,having high resolution good quality,images on their product pages can really,slow down those product page load times,and that means that not only do those,product pages risk not contributing as,much ranking but also they can put,people off if the page isn't loading,quickly enough shopify takes care of,some of this automatically by using a,content delivery network or cdn to serve,local versions of these images to people,around the world and that helps reduce,the amount of time it takes to load an,image but you can also help further here,the first way that you can do this is by,uploading compressed images to your,shopify store particularly if you're,using really high resolution images you,can often compress the file size without,losing resolution this is often done in,the image editing software that you're,using or that your photographer is using,or that the files they are sending to,you the next way you want to optimize,your images is you can actually edit the,file name before uploading so for,example here i've got a product called,the ninja coffee mug which i want to get,ranked i really want this image to show,up in google image search for people who,are searching for ninja coffee mug,because i figure that some of them might,be wanting to buy one of the ways i can,help increase the chances of this image,showing in google image search for ninja,coffee mug is by calling this file ninja,coffeemug.js,whatever file type it is another way,that i can do this is by changing the,image alt text now image alt text is the,text that is shown in accessibility,software so say someone is partially,sighted when they visit your store the,image alt text is the text that their,reader will use to tell them what is,shown in an image you can set your image,alt text inside your shopify backend but,it's not immediately obvious how to do,it once you've uploaded the media to,your product listing you click on that,picture and over on the right hand side,you'll see a section that says add alt,text you can then add your image alt,text here so some good tips for adding,your image alt text you don't need to,keyword stuff this just describe what is,in the picture so for example i might,say here picture of a ninja coffee mug,the next area of behind the scenes,optimization is your site map now,luckily for shopify store owners their,site maps are created automatically by,shopify here i am on the colourpop,shopify site and their sitemap is at, forward slash,sitemap.xml now when you've got your,sitemap url you want to plug this into,google search console to submit your,sitemap that's going to help google find,all the pages on your site and navigate,them easily once it's done you can then,pretty much set and forget because,google will then crawl new pages as they,are added to your sitemap the next area,of optimization behind the scenes is,heading tags now you may have heard of,h1 h2 h3s the basic rule for seo is that,you want one h1 heading tag on each page,now for most shopify stores this is done,automatically the title of your,collection will be in an h1 tag or your,product name will be in an h1 tag or the,title on your home page will be in an h1,tag for example here on the raycon,global site if we have a look for their,h1 tag we will see that their h1 is this,main title here sound that ignites your,passion now if they wanted to further,optimize this for search they could,include their target keywords so for,example wireless earbuds but they,haven't chosen to do that now each of,your pages should have one h1 and no,more if you're adding additional copy to,your page don't include further h1s,because usually your theme will have,assigned your collection title or your,product title and h1 tag already but you,can have additional h2s so again on the,raikon global site we will see that the,rest of the headings for example what,fellow audio lovers are saying here we,can see that this is an h2 as is our,best sellers so all of the other,subheadings on this page are given an h2,tag you can have multiple h2s but you,shouldn't have multiple h1s now one,mistake that people sometimes make here,is they fill in their product,description or they fill in some text on,their collection page and they're like,yeah i kind of want to make it stand out,a bit so what they do is they go into,their product description here and they,just say well do you know what i'm gonna,make everything stand out a bit more i'm,gonna make it a bit bold i'm gonna set,it as an h1 but in the words of brian,tracy this is not for you okay this next,behind-the-scenes optimization tip falls,firmly in the boring but necessary,category and that is url,canonicalization did you know that there,are actually four different domains that,your store can be showing up in https,without www http with www or http,without www,who knew right well from an seo,perspective you really just want to,choose one and pick one so to do this,you go to the back end of your shopify,store you go down to domains and then,you click on enable redirection this,will then redirect all the other domain,variations to your primary domain and,mean that you don't have potentially,duplicate versions of your shopify store,showing on different domains again it's,one of those things that once it's done,you can just forget it and get on with,your life okay this next behind the,scenes optimization is slightly more,technical but stick with me if you've,got it made it this far i'd be ashamed,to go all the way right so this is,product schema now schema is basically,structured data that helps google show,information in search results in a kind,of predetermined way sound confusing,yeah all right let's look at an example,let's say that you search for colourpop,lucky penny here's a colourpop product,and you can see down here that we have,this price and this in stock thing where,does that come from well that is schema,now you can add different types of,schema to your shopify store but product,schema is a good one to add the most,straightforward way to do this is,through the use of an app and this is a,very common app for adding schema it's,called seo json,ld schema by webrex studio so add it,it's free of charge,and it does the job it's quite a,functional thing to do so you're not,looking for necessarily all the bells,and whistles now once you've added,schema to your site you want to test it,to make sure it's working as expected,google has a free tool that you can use,called the rich results test if you just,google rich results test you will find,it you throw in your product description,like i've done here with the lucky penny,product on the colourpop website and it,will show you how well your schema is,working now on this site we can see that,we've got a mixture of warnings and,errors so warnings are often things that,are optional which haven't been filled,in whereas errors are things that are,missing but really important so for,example we can see that on the lucky,penny product here,we've got a missing field for,description missing feel for aggregate,rating missing field for review and,missing field for brand all of these are,optional so these are known as warnings,but we do also have an error for example,here either offers review or aggregate,rating should be specified because those,attributes aren't set for this,particular piece of schema that's going,to affect its visibility so once you've,got your schema implemented through the,app you then go to the rich results test,to make sure it's showing up properly,and by the way if you're watching this,video thinking wow there's a lot to do,here and i want some additional help,with my shopify store remember we,haven't even talked about backlinks yet,then we have a free service which helps,shopify store owners other e-commerce,businesses and in fact anyone that has a,website that they want to generate leads,and sales through to do exactly that we,offer a service called a free website,and marketing review where you submit,your store to us we will take a look at,how it's laid out we'll also take a look,at how you're generating traffic to it,and we will put together a prioritized,action plan that you can follow to,generate more sales through your store,now we do this for shopify store owners,we do it for people who own non-shopify,stores and we do it for businesses that,generate leads through their website as,well so whatever your website is about,you can request this free website and,marketing review from the team here at,exposure ninja to do this all you need,to do is go to and,click the big button we'll ask you a few,questions about your business your goals,and also your current digital marketing,and then within two to three working,days you'll receive a video from us,showing how we would improve the sales,through your store and what you need to,do in priority order over the next six,to 12 months to grow your revenue this,service is totally free of charge and it,is awesome so go to,click the big button to request your,free website and marketing review today,okay so let's summarize with your action,plan then remember we looked at two,areas we looked at content and then we,looked at behind the scenes so the,checklist for your content write,descriptions for your category or,shopify calls them collection pages make,them good make them detailed and link,through to other collections on your,store the second thing write decent,product descriptions make them detailed,think of your best salesperson selling,to your best customer,answer all their possible objections and,make sure they have all of the,information needed to be able to make a,purchase from you the third thing is,optimizing your page titles and meta,descriptions on every single page of,your site we looked at how to do it on,your collection pages and your product,pages and also your home page as well,the fourth thing is adding this blog,knowledge base or content hub to your,site remember there's three ways to do,this you can either do this through the,default blog functionality on shopify if,you want to take this to another level,then you can add an app which allows you,to add a content hub or knowledge base,if you want to take this to another,level still you can add a sub domain and,build a separate content section using,another platform like wordpress which,gives you all the flexibility that you,need but whatever option you choose the,most important thing is to add content,on your site targeting these,informational searches the fifth item on,your content checklist is to make sure,that the posts that you're writing,actually target the questions the,problems that your audience has if you,can make these product focused,information posts for example best,lightweight tripod or,benbow vs manfrotto tripods then you,have an option of getting high,commercial intent traffic to your site,which you can then push through to your,product pages through links in those,information guides we have other videos,on the exposure ninja channel all about,how to drive sales and leads through,your content so if you want to see me,ripping into some boring bloggers go and,check those out all right then we looked,at the behind the scenes optimizations,in your shopify store firstly we talked,about image optimization remember this,is all about file size your file name,and the alt text that you're using,then we looked at submitting your,sitemap through google search console,your site map on shopify is generated,automatically so that's a big tick there,then we looked at checking but that both,you and your theme are using h1s,properly namely that you have one single,h1 on each page ideally this would have,your target keywords in further,subheadings on your page whether it's a,collection page or a product page or an,information page should use h2 headings,and if you have subheadings underneath,those then you can use h3s h4s and so on,we also talked about the boring but,necessary process of url,canonicalization making sure that only,one version of your store exists and,then finally we looked at schema you can,have all different types of schema,whether it's product schema review,schema faqs how to's basically install,the add-on have a play with it and then,use google's rich results test just,google rich results test to find it to,check that your schema is being,implemented properly and then you've got,a chance of getting rich snippets in the,search results i hope you've enjoyed,this video and i hope it's given you,some insight into shopify seo if you did,like it then don't forget to give us a,like and subscribe we really appreciate,reading the comments as well so feel,free to tell us about your favorite tip,and if you've got any other suggestions,for shopify store owners to optimize,their builds until next time see you,soon,you

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