how much money do you need to pay to start on shopify

Shopify Dropshipping: How Much Money Do You NEED To Start In 2022? so you want to start shopify drop

Dan Vas

Updated on Mar 06,2023

Shopify Dropshipping: How Much Money Do You NEED To Start In 2022?

The above is a brief introduction to how much money do you need to pay to start on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how much money do you need to pay to start on shopify

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Shopify Dropshipping: How Much Money Do You NEED To Start In 2022?

so you want to start shopify drop,shipping but you're wondering how much,money does it take to actually get,started,and to start making money that's a,fantastic question in this video i'll be,breaking down,exactly how much it's going to cost you,to start a successful shopify drop,shipping business,as well as an overall e-commerce,business and brand and i'm going to,cover a list of the most essential apps,that you're going to need,as well as the optional apps as well,just as extras like literally everything,facebook ads,influencer marketing photography so,let's go ahead and get started super,excited about this one is actually a,part of my,free shopify mini course playlist on my,channel if you want to see the absolute,best shopify content how to build a,successful 67-figure,profitable shopify business you can go,ahead and take a look at this playlist,it's on my channel,uh so this is gonna be linked down below,but to get started with this video my,name is dan vass it's great to meet you,i've been living and breathing,e-commerce for the past several years,and i've sold millions of dollars in,physical products online,across a variety of different brands and,it's what i do every single day like i'm,in it,and it's not just me i've grown an,amazing team of several multi-million,dollar ecommerce sellers,who are also um growing their own,businesses and brands who have also,have their own products as well the most,recent brand that i've been involved,with is called bro day you can actually,take a look we've recently hit 50k a,month on amazon,and a valuation of over a million,dollars by clearbank and we're growing,every single day,throughout this video i'm also going to,be giving you three different budget,levels,that you can follow and it will give you,a great idea on how much it's going to,cost to start your business,whether you're on a low budget a medium,budget or on a higher budget so to start,off first of all we've got the shopify,plan,and there's a variety of different,e-commerce providers that you can use,there's shopify there's big commerce,there's woocommerce,there's magento but by far the number,one,e-commerce website builder is definitely,shopify shopify has the largest market,share,i've built all of my shopify stores on,shopify and will continue to do so,you know as long as shopify remains as,good as it is uh they basically make it,as,easy as it can possibly be almost drag,and drop,you know with a few plugins you can,really make it drag and drop and it just,makes the experience so easy and so user,friendly so i highly recommend shopify,of course you can use,one of the other ones that i mentioned,but honestly without a doubt,shopify is the absolute best it's used,by all the most successful ecommerce,stores in the world and you should also,definitely consider using shopify for,your store so how much does shopify cost,shopify costs 29 a month for the basic,plan it does come with a 14 day free,trial if you use the link down below,here in the description,as well as you'll find all the other,useful links that i'm talking about here,for,literally everything all the apps,everything i'm going to mention here,down below i'm going to try to jam pack,this video with as much information as,possible just like i do all my other,videos,because i want to have the absolute best,ecommerce content online on the internet,to help you get started,so shopify plan 29 bucks a month and,then that's for the basic plan which,should allow you to get started and get,going with your store,and then the one above that is the 79 a,month regular shopify plan,and honestly the only major difference,with that one is that it allows you,to set different prices for,international stores for global selling,so if you're only selling in the us or,in one country you don't need to worry,about that,and if you want that option uh honestly,there's a lot of different plugins and,apps that do that as well like shopify,has an amazing,app store on the platform there are tons,of different apps and i'm going to talk,about that as well,all the most essential apps that you do,need to actually,get started and grow a successful,ecommerce business,now after shopify the next thing will be,your domain so what a domain is it's,basically your website so,when you are going to be opening your,shopify store obviously you need to,purchase a website you need to purchase,a domain,and that's going to be for example, which is the domain of one,of my,brands and for your domain that's going,to cost you about 20 to 50,if the domain is available so a lot of,domains online of course are taken,for example you can't just go and buy, because it's obviously,taken by google,and so to check that there's going to be,a link down below you'll find,a partner link there with godaddy and,google domains as well,those are the two best domain providers,it's the ones that i use i don't use,anything else namecheap is okay as well,i'll include that one in there too just,gives you some flexibility,but it's going to cost you between 20,and 50. for your domain,per year now one other thing that you,absolutely need is an ssl certificate,and that usually costs money but if you,decide to go with shopify which,is what i recommend uh as i recommended,earlier then that actually comes,included with an ssl certificate what an,ssl certificate is,is basically i'm sure that you've seen,this when you're online and you go on a,website and it says be careful this,website may be stealing your information,that's because they don't have a valid,ssl certificate and so shopify comes,with an ssl certificate if you look at,the pricing list,and what's included in each plan it,actually comes in all the plans,now the next expense when you're,starting off your shopify drop shipping,store are going to be your product units,now again with your product units since,we're doing drop shipping,you are not buying in bulk so just a,quick refresher here what is drop,shipping drop shipping,just you know if we're going to bring it,back to the basics here uh basically,what that means that allows you to start,selling products you can open a website,start a shopify,uh put up a product on there make a,listing uh make a sales page and then,basically start selling,your product without actually having to,buy any units up front,and then as you get customers buying,from you you can then,uh basically send that money to your,supplier you know you can pay your,supplier and then you pocket the profit,and your supplier will directly send the,units to your customers so because we're,drop shipping you don't actually have to,buy any units up front,meaning that you know you don't have to,place any inventory orders uh typically,as you would with something like amazon,or in a traditional retail business so,you don't have to put up 500,or a thousand dollars or more to,actually purchase those units up front,however i do want to mention something,very very important uh the strategy that,i've developed that i've made the most,amount of money with shopify is called,brand,drop shipping and this is a strategy,that you see all around youtube now,literally every single youtuber talks,about it,and it's something that i created myself,i come from an amazon background that's,where i started and then when i actually,got into shopify this was about 2018,when i got into shopify,i realized that there were a few issues,with uh dropshipping,in the traditional drop shipping model,so if you don't place any inventory,orders up front,what's going to happen is that your logo,there's going to be no logo on the,product,and the customer is going to be,receiving something that looks like it,just came out of the factory,and you know i myself if i order from a,reputable store,if i get a product and it looks like it,just came out of a chinese factory or,any factory for that matter it just,looks cheap,um you know obviously that's uh not,going to be the most,uh the best thing for me for the,customer and i'm not going to feel so,good that i just paid 50,for something that even potentially,could have um you know the factory's,marketing materials on it because,something that sometimes that even,happens with drop shipping and so,that's why i recommend drop shipping,only for the very beginning of your,store,and then once you prove concept once,you've actually demonstrated that,uh you know you're making sales and,you're making profit then you can go,ahead and place an inventory order,and that way you can get your logo on,the product you can get your um,you know your product you can start,offering like two to three day shipping,with it uh either from your own house if,you're,in the u.s or canada or selling in the,country that you live in or you can use,a third-party fulfillment warehouse or,you can use amazon fba,that's getting a little bit complicated,we have to worry about that but just,understand,that when you're getting started you do,have the option of drop shipping,you know just understand that obviously,the shipping time won't be super fast,and there's going to be no logo on the,product you can try to get a logo on the,product i always recommend doing that i,have an amazing shopify video it's an,entire two and a half hour tutorial that,you can watch,it's also in this playlist i highly,recommend you watch that after and in,that video i break down,basically everything you need to know to,get started as well as how to get your,logo on the product,and how to actually start drop shipping,so for the purpose of this video since,we are drop shipping at the beginning,we don't have to worry about unit cost,because we only need to think about unit,costs,once we actually make money from the,customer so after we've run the ads,you know after the customer's already,paid us that's when,we have to think about okay like now we,actually need to,you know pay some of that money to our,supplier and then the supplier will ship,the product right,so first we get the money then we give,it to the supplier that's why drop,shipping is good,so because of that product units it's,zero because you don't need that up,front,okay uh next sample samples are very,very important with,drop shipping with any commerce business,i always get a sample,whenever i am thinking of launching a,new product whenever i'm doing product,research and just,you know exploring new product ideas so,what is a sample well basically it's,going to be,your product like an actual unit of your,product shipped to your house from your,supplier that you found,and you could have found the supplier in,alibaba aliexpress or any website online,really,and so your sample you can actually ask,your supply for a sample they're going,to ship it to you and once it comes to,your house then you can actually,look at the sample and you can test it,and you can really judge the quality,and so that's why i always recommend,getting at least two to three samples,definitely,honestly three not even two from three,different suppliers and then you can,choose,out of those three which one is the best,one and so your sample,is usually going to cost much more than,your,unit of your product will cost when,you're actually drop shipping and when,you're ordering in a bulk down the line,and that's because it's just more,expensive to order samples just to make,one unit,you know potentially you can even ask,for your logo to be included on the,sample maybe even on the product,some suppliers will work with you and,they'll drop ship with your logo on the,product they can do that sometimes as,well,as long as you ask them and so for your,samples you're looking at anywhere,between fifty dollars to two hundred,dollars,depending on the number of samples you,get of course you know i'm giving a,range because it's up to you entirely,how much this business will cost,but it's definitely going to cost you at,least 50 like that's just how much a,sample is going to be,at the bare minimum and that's money,that you do need up front the next,expense is your product photography and,this is where it gets kind of expensive,the reason why it gets expensive is,because,you know obviously you want to have a,professional you want to have,professional looking photos you want to,have photos on your website,on your shopify store that look,incredible right because if your photos,are not good if you just go and do the,classic beginner mistake,of taking pictures from the alibaba,website or the aliexpress website for,the product,you're not going to convert you're not,going to basically make any sales and so,what's the point of,doing all this if you're not going to,make any sales so that's why product,photography,have been great looking photos lifestyle,photos photos on a white background,photos,of the product and use photos of the the,products packaging and everything like,that,are so so so important and so for your,product photography,you're looking at an expensive between,500 and 2 000,depending on the level of photographer,that you hire,now i actually have this service called,the econ freedom perfect photo service,so my company econ freedom we coach like,thousands of people we coach thousands,of people over the years in starting,their own shopify,and amazon businesses and bring them to,success and so,one of the extra services that we offer,is called the econ freedom perfect photo,service,where we have vetted professional,photographers that we've personally used,that i've personally used,for my own businesses and we've had them,take pictures for e-commerce,for ourselves and so our students have,access to them and so,it's gonna be linked down below for the,econ freedom perfect photo service,something that if you want you can you,know take it i'm not making this video,to try to get you there to be honest,um i'm just you know making this video,to be transparent with you about how,much it will really cost to start this,business,it is an option to you and honestly five,hundred dollars for,amazing product photos is on the low,side um,believe me if you really look around,you're gonna find on upwork or five or,anywhere else it's gonna be more,expensive you know,when all is said and done especially if,you if you need a model for your product,it's going to be more expensive and,that's where,it can really hit a thousand dollars two,thousand dollars so again if you want to,make it simple,you have the econ free and perfect photo,service the link is down below you'll,find it in the description,uh you can also choose to take the,photos yourself you know honestly,um you know if you you can buy one of,those um it's called like a mini,photo studio on amazon i'll put a link,down below as well i actually have one,of these,and so basically it just lets you um it,gives you like a white background to,take pictures,of your product uh and it's super simple,so you can try that yourself,first uh and you can buy that photo,studio and you can do it,however i recommend at least having a,good quality iphone like one of the,later models,uh they have amazing cameras so it,should be good and then you can also,maybe find a friend who has like,um a dslr camera or a mirrorless camera,and you can maybe,you know work out a deal with your,friend uh you know help him out or help,her out,or maybe just pay and it might be,discounted so that's also an option,available to you,if you if these options are not,available to you then i recommend just,going with perfect photos all right so,the next expense will be your influencer,marketing,so influencer marketing basically we're,going to be um getting influencers on,instagram,uh to be promoting our products,instagram is by far the most powerful,out of all the other influencer,marketing platforms simply because um,you know people on instagram are used to,getting marketed products and so,it's just you know it's the one that we,found the most success with uh you have,other options as well like tick tock of,course but that's like a little bit,newer,so for influencer marketing you're,looking at a budget of between 500,and a thousand dollars and the reason,why it's so expensive is because,what you want to do this is the best,strategy by far you want to send out,units to micro influencers,that uh these are basically people with,like under 10 000 followers,and you basically want to send them a dm,and you want to you know from your brand,page your brand instagram page and you,want to offer them to send them a unit,and just be like hey you know if you,like it you know make a post um,and uh you know just basically talk,about it with your followers only if you,like it obviously,um and that way you don't have to pay,these micro influencers because these,people they're not so used to getting,paid for their posts,uh because they're like you know they,don't have that many followers whereas,somebody with like 50k 100k followers,they're right away,going to ask for money they're going to,ask for at least you know 500,thousand dollars and so the reason why i,put 500 to a thousand dollars for,influencer marketing,is because uh let's say you send out,about 30 units of product to micro,influencers that's i would say the bare,minimum so sending out to 30 different,micro influencers,you know that's going to cost you at,least a few hundred in,unit costs themselves right depending on,the unit cost of your product,so just to be safe you know for your,launch for a successful launch we'll put,500,to a thousand dollars for influencer,marketing now the next expense will be,your facebook ads,so facebook ads still by far remain the,best way to,um you know get a shopify store up and,running and actually start making sales,and the reason for that is just because,of the amazing targeting on facebook,as well as the fact that everybody's on,facebook and facebook ads just work for,e-commerce,uh so for facebook ads i recommend,allocating a budget of about 50,a day uh for testing in the learning,stage so at the very beginning obviously,when you first launch your cold ads,they're called cold ads meaning that,they're going to be you're going to be,targeting cold interests you know if,you're,let's say you're selling like uh pet,products you're going to be targeting on,facebook you know people with dogs or,people with cats or people with pets,and so in that learning stage that's,where you're really going to be looking,for interests that work,you're going to be learning for,targeting that works well for your ads,and you're going to be testing different,ads,and so for that when i'm actually,testing new facebook ads i look for a,return of at least three to five times,three to five x row as and so fifty,dollars a day will typically allow you,to run about,uh five different ad sets uh of like ten,dollars a day for each ad set,so like you know for each interest right,you can do five interest ten dollars a,day,fifty dollars a day and that works out,to being about if you do 50,for about a week for dollars a day,that's about 350 for a week,and 700 over two weeks now again you're,making sales you're not just like,throwing money away,you know the point is to make sales and,to make a three to five x return on ad,spend,so um you know at the end of the day you,wanna monitor that you wanna make sure,that you're spending what you can afford,but one thing to understand is in the,very beginning uh it will be,you know your marketing spend will um,not be super optimal just because you're,in the learning,stage and once you get past the learning,stage of your facebook ads,that's when everything's going to even,out and you're only going to be running,ads that are profitable for you and,you're going to really figure out okay,like,you know targeting people with cats,works but targeting people with dogs,doesn't really work that well,and you know maybe targeting women 18 to,35,works well for my brand but targeting,men you know 65 plus doesn't really work,right so after learning stage you're,going to know that and then your ads are,going to be very optimized,so those are the most essential expenses,and like i mentioned previously shopify,has an amazing app store with tons of,apps on it,and i'm going to talk about the most,essential apps that i think every single,store,absolutely needs and i'm also going to,talk about some add-on apps that are,also very very useful so the first app,that's,essential is going to be a frequently,asked questions app so this will allow,you to create a section on your site,that will show frequently asked,questions that your customers might have,and this will really improve your,conversion rate on your store,uh what's a conversion rate basically,it's going to be the ratio,of visitors to buyers on your page and,so the higher your conversion rate the,better,basically the more money that you make,so for your faq app you can just type in,on the shopify app store,and it's just type in,faq and there's a ton of different,options here like help center is,one of my favorites um again you know,there's so many apps on here you can,choose different ones,but like i said help center is great for,that and for an faq app you're looking,at typically between five and twenty,dollars a month,so most of these apps they come with a,monthly,like fee there's going to be some free,apps but almost all the ones that i'm,going to recommend,you know almost all the useful apps on,the app store they're going to come with,a monthly fee,however they also do come with a,generous free trial usually it's between,7 and 14 days,so for example for help center if we,click here we can see that,there's a free plan available 14 day,free trial and so even,if you don't want to pay you know to get,started basically it's going to be free,for unlimited questions and answers,a search bar and things like that and,then if you want some additional,features it's going to be between five,and thirty dollars a month,now the next app that you absolutely,need is gonna be a product review app so,if i go on the app store type in product,reviews,uh there's gonna be a few different ones,on here so one of the most popular ones,is luke's,that's one that i've used extensively so,that's an option 14 day free trial,and if we uh look at the plan here it's,9.99 after that and there's different,plans of course,if you scroll down you can see like 100,monthly review request emails 10,500 30 and it goes up from there one of,the other very popular review apps is,called stamped,as you can see this one is a higher,higher level review app,so this one has a free plan available,three day free trial and then if you,scroll down,you can also see the different plans,available here now one thing i want to,briefly mention is that,you know you don't have to like you,don't have to pay for an expensive plan,at the beginning like you can get away,with free trials or free plans for most,of these or maybe the basic plan,at the very maximum you don't need,premium you don't need business or,anything like that,and you have to understand like if,you're paying 23 a month here you're,getting 200 orders a month,right and if you're not getting 200 a,month then you're not paying 23 a month,200 orders a month,times a 30 product right that's about 6,000,in sales so at that point you already,have a successful store up and running,so you know don't worry about uh that,these like all these apps cost so much,money,right obviously it's gonna you know come,out of your sales once you're making,sales so the next app you're gonna,absolutely need is gonna be an email,marketing app so email marketing remains,the best way to,follow up with your customers and also,basically promote,new products and things like that um and,just you know build an email list an,email list is still the number one asset,of any business,um in my opinion and i think it's,well-known fact at this point,uh you know just because email's not,going anywhere you know people use,email it's like their virtual mailbox,and you know it's just very good for,business so,uh having a customer list super powerful,uh you do need an email marketing app so,you just type in email marketing on,shopify,the one that i recommend is clavio it's,the one that we've got installed on,broad day it's the one that i have the,most amount of extensive experience,with so if we go on clavio it's gonna be,free to install and then if we scroll,down we can see here that,it's free up to an email list of 250,contacts and then above that it's going,to be 20,a month and the final app in the apps,that i think are essential that you,absolutely need,is going to be sms bump so sms bump,super powerful app it's,amazing it's the same thing as the email,marketing app except instead of emails,uh basically it's sms and mms marketing,so you follow up with your subscribers,via text message,super useful for like abandoned cards,and and um you know just following up,with your customers in that way,um you know with all my stores i've had,a crazy crazy roi,using sms bump and so if you go down you,can see it's free to install and then it,costs 1.5 cents per text message in the,us so to give you an estimate of pricing,it's between zero dollars so free up to,about 30,a month obviously the more text you send,the more it's going to cost you but,believe me you're going to get a crazy,roi with this app like crazy ridiculous,i used it very recently we don't have it,installed yet on broad day,and that's just because we haven't,gotten around to it but i used it very,recently and got like,literally like a 9000 x roi so,very very powerful so those are all the,most essential apps now let's talk about,the optional apps,that i think you should still very very,much consider installing on your store,the first optional app is gonna be a,customer service uh,app so uh the one that i prefer is,called gorgeous or,georgias um honestly they really didn't,really make the name too easy,i think it's like they named it after a,greek philosopher or something but,it's gorgeous i couldn't figure this out,for the longest time,there you go it has a seven day free,trial what this allows you to do is it's,like a,it's basically a customer portal a,customer service portal,and it allows you to keep track of all,your customer service tickets,and it just makes everything really,organized it's something that's much,more useful when you actually,um you know start growing your store,when you're starting out honestly you,can just make it gmail,um of course you want it to be with like,your domain in it so you know what we,have like,support you know you can do,that through g suite,through google and that's gonna cost you,some money as well and i forgot about,that one almost for a custom email,uh through g suite it's gonna cost you i,think it's about two to five dollars a,month,and like i think as you add every single,team member you know once you hire your,team member is going to cost you more,than that it's about like five dollars a,month we'll say,nothing significant so that's going to,be your custom email and then through,that you know,you can start off without using a,customer service tool like gorgeous,or georgis but once you start growing,your store it's something i highly,recommend,um the plan for this is on the higher,side but like i said it's something that,i recommend,uh when you're actually making money,this is 60 a month,uh for up to 350 tickets per month and,then above that it's 300 and then 750,obviously,you know once you're doing a lot of,volume on your store like 6 000 tickets,2 000 tickets the next optional app that,i recommend is going to be a pre-order,app,so if you type in pre-order on shopify,you'll see a bunch of different,uh pre-ordering apps right so this is,pre-order manager so pre-orderly is the,one that i've used i've also used,pre-order manager,and essentially what they do is they,allow you to set up a pre-order,on your page so let's say you started,your page and everything got the photos,up website is ready,and let's say that you wanna you know,let's say that you ordered in bulk maybe,you're not drop shipping,uh and you want to allow your your,customers to pre-order your product,before it arrives,well you can use this app and then you,can basically set up like a pre-order,um page and it's gonna allow them to,easily pre-order the product now of,course if you're drop shipping you don't,need a pre-order app so this one is,optional now the next app i recommend is,lucky orange and this one,is really great what lucky orange does,it actually allows you to,basically see exactly where your,customers are clicking on your site,and exactly what their behavior is on,your website so it's very useful for,seeing what your customers are doing on,your store,you know maybe um why they abandon the,car right so it's very good for,figuring out the parts of your store,that need improvement that could use,improvement and things like that so,lucky orange this one has a free plan,available seven day free trial,and if you scroll down to the plans here,we can see it's free up to 500 page,views a month,and then up to 25 000 it's 10 dollars a,month and then it goes up from there now,the next app that i recommend this one's,optional but it really makes your,website building experience so much,easier,this one is called gem pages so gem,pages remember i said that shopify with,a few plugins it really becomes an easy,drag and drop experience,and so with gem pages that's exactly,what um you know what shopify,uh becomes once you install this so uh,this actually allows you to basically,turn shop into like a drag and drop page,building experience,and it's something that uh is so so,useful because you know 20 years ago or,even 10 years ago,if you wanted to build a store like this,you just couldn't do it in drag and drop,you had to like hire development team,you'd spend thousands of dollars to hire,a software developer and a coder or you,had to learn the stuff yourself,which is incredibly tedious like,honestly myself i hate coding and i just,always outsource that you know,just you know do i always go by this uh,mantra do what you do best,outsource everything else you know let,someone else who's good at it do that,uh so gem pages highly recommend it so,this app is gonna be uh,fifty dollars a month up to thirty,dollars a month and this one comes with,a ten day free trial now the next step i,recommend this one is optional but super,super useful,this one is going to be your one click,upsell app and the one that i recommend,for that is,zipify ocu one quick upsell so this,allows you to increase your aov,so what aov is is your average order,value on your site and one of the best,ways of,you know being a more profitable store,is by increasing your average order,value so,either increasing the number of units,your you know your one customer buys or,increasing the number of products each,customer buys,so this allows you to basically install,like an upsell or a cross-sell,uh you know when your customer is about,to purchase you know they're going to,get an upsell like hey would you be,interested in this product,at this discount so this is also,something that i recommend this one's,going to be 30 day,it's gonna have a 30 day free trial and,it's uh 24.99,per month for your plan after the free,trial the next app that i recommend is,going to be called sticky add to cart,so what this allows you to do is uh it,allows you to install,a sticky add to cart button uh on your,website,and why that's very useful is basically,it lets you,like so uh it makes it easier for the,customer to actually you know add to,cart at any time when they're on your,website and it just overall increases,the conversion on your store the,conversion rate,so highly recommend this app this one is,optional six dollars 92 cents,seven day free trial for this one and,then the last optional app that i,recommend and honestly,i highly recommend this it's going to be,an order tracking app like you need,uh some kind of a way for your customers,to be able to track their order,uh and obviously with the vast amount of,shipping carriers in the world like the,hl fedex ups and not to mention all the,other ones that are local to each,country,you really need a system on your website,that will allow your customers to,easily check where their order is and so,for that you want to type in tracking,on shopify you can see all the ones here,and the one that i recommend is going to,be called tractor order tracking,so this one has a 14 day free trial 5.99,cents per month,and so this allows you to install like a,real-time,uh tracking portal on your site so that,way,people can track wherever their packages,around the globe so that's it for the,apps now let's break down three,different,levels of starting budget where we're,going to basically do it like a low,budget,a medium budget and then a higher budget,which that way you can see exactly we're,going to be able to afford what you're,going to be able to do,with each level of budget so for the,first budget,for your low budget i'm going to call,this the like basically doing this on,the cheap,um you know bootstrapping for this one,we're going to include the sample we're,going to say 50,so you're going to order one sample the,domain name we're going to say 20,facebook ads we're going to say 50 a day,because really you can,honestly you can go below that but,honestly it's going to be very difficult,to,really start pushing your your website,and start making sales if you go under,50,a day just because think about it right,for your ad set uh,if you are going to be setting it at ten,dollars a day you know and you're going,to be doing one interest for ten dollars,a day,if you only have a 30 a day budget you,can only test three interest as opposed,to being able to test five interest at,50.,so for the low budget we're going to say,50 a day times seven,so 350 of ad spend for the low budget,since you're drop shipping we're not,going to include any product cost,because you're only going to be paying,for the product,from the money that you make from your,customers uh the next is the apps so for,the apps we're going to include the most,essential apps we're not going to,include any of the,optional apps you know you can add those,on later and so uh for the most,essential that's going to include your,frequently asked questions app faq,a product review app uh which is going,to be free for the frequently,asked questions it's about five dollars,a month email marketing 30 a month,sms bump 30 a month order tracking 5.99,a month,and all these apps by the way most of,them come with free trials anyway so,it's not like you have to start paying,right away it's going to be either,between a week two weeks or,a month after the um after you install,the app on your store and that comes out,to roughly about 50 to 70,a month now next is going to be your,influencers so if we're going to do it,on the cheap for the low budget,basically you're only reaching out to,micro influencers and so this is going,to cost you,basically your unit cost of like the,units that you're going to send out to,the micro influencers,so between 250 and 500 in units,and you're not paying for any influencer,posts remember we're doing it on the,cheap,uh so that's that for influencers and,then for photography we're going to say,that,you're going to do it yourself which is,going to be free or you're going to pay,500,for the conference perfect photo service,if you just want the easiest most,reliable,way of getting amazing product,photography done which the link for that,is,down below as well if you are interested,in that so for our low budget option,that comes out to being between 750 and,a thousand dollars now you might think,whoa that's low budget that's you know,that's more expensive,and one thing i will say is that when it,comes to e-commerce when it comes to,online business,i'm an obs guy like i really strive on,having the absolute best ecommerce,content on youtube and on the internet,and as opposed to all these other,youtubers that always talk about oh you,can get started with 100,200 look honestly like,one app is going to cost you like the,email marketing apps can cost you 30,bucks a month,you know sms bump is going to cost you,probably 30 bucks a month so i'm just,being realistic,i can lie like these other youtubers and,say oh 200 a month 300 hours a month,um you know just to get you to basically,maybe do coaching with me or set up for,our courses but honestly you know i want,to give you the honest answer my mission,is to have the best ecommerce content on,youtube on the internet,um you know and so that's why i really,want you to succeed i want you to have,the accurate information,and don't worry if you don't have even,the 750 to a thousand dollars,as long as you have the will there's,always going to be a way okay when i,started,i didn't have this but i figured out a,way to get the money okay so at least if,you have an accurate idea of how much,you need,well then just figure out a way to get,the money get a part-time job,do something in the neighborhood i did,window cleaning you know that helped me,out,so there you go that's why i want to,give you the real accurate numbers all,right now for the median budget,let's say for your sample you're going,to be able to order two units of samples,so from two suppliers,that's gonna be a hundred dollars for,your domain let's just say it's gonna,cost fifty dollars,facebook ads let's say instead of seven,days of facebook ads we're just gonna,put in 14 days of facebook ads then,of course you know you're making money,that's the point of facebook ads and you,might not be making a lot of money you,might just break even at the beginning,but um you know it's not like you're,just throwing out 350,or 700 right so for facebook guys it's,going to be 50,a day 14 days that's going to come out,to 700 for your apps we're going to,include the essential apps which we said,it was going to be 70,a month and then we're going to include,uh all the optional apps for this one so,the customer service portal so gorgeous,that's 60 a month the pre-order app is,going to be 20,a month lucky orange is going to be 10 a,month gem page is going to be 29,a month one click upsell 24.99 a month,with 30 day free trial,and sticky ad to cart seven dollars a,month tractor 5.99,a month so next we're gonna include an,influencer marketing budget and,for our medium budget we're gonna say a,thousand dollars an influencer so that's,gonna allow you to,uh basically reach out to a lot of micro,influencers send out units of your,product and also maybe a few paid posts,so that's gonna be a thousand dollars,and then for your photography we're,gonna keep it at 500 so you're not doing,it yourself,you're going to use something like the,perfect photo service that i talked,about here there's a link for that down,below,so for your medium budget it's going to,work out to being approximately roughly,between 1 500 and 2 000 without ordering,any product units of course if you're,drop shipping you don't need to order,product units,if you want to do bulk orders which is,fine it's going to allow you to get a,logo,and it's going to allow you get faster,shipping then obviously that cost is,going to go up,and if you are ordering product,inventory we're going to bump that cost,up to 2 500,to start successfully now for the high,budget option uh basically,you know we're just going to take the,higher range of all the expenses that we,said and we're just going to give a,range of between 2500,and 5 000 so obviously with a high,budget you can basically afford the best,the best you can afford all the apps,you know the best photos you know,everything everything like,higher facebook ads budget you just have,more breathing room essentially,you don't need to start with a high,budget believe me i've seen people who,start with high budgets,with low budgets and it doesn't,correlate to success i myself started,e-commerce with a low budget and i was,able to turn it into a 32k a month,income,this was back in uh 2017. that was in,sales product sales,that was at roughly like a 45 profit,margin which is typical with e-commerce,30 and 50 percent,so there you go with a high budget,obviously twenty five hundred and five,thousand dollars you can now basically,afford,um you know anything that you need to,get started and you have more breathing,room now if you look at these numbers,they might seem much higher than all the,other youtubers and as i've discussed,already,that's because there's a lot of,misleading information out there and uh,you know like i said i want to have the,best content i want to give you the no,bs truth,that's what i pray myself oh that's how,i know the only way for my channel to,grow is for me to share the reality with,you,um and honestly it really hurts me when,i see other youtubers out there that,say that you can start with 200 when,like no you can't,like your domain's gonna cost like 20,you know 50 bucks like,just you can't you know it's it's gonna,be really difficult so,um just the one thing to remember is,that you don't need to have that much,money,it's important to have an accurate idea,the adequate information which you do,have now from watching this video,um but if you don't have this money,that's fine you know just,set the goal you know set yourself the,goal of what you want to do for me,my goal when i was starting with,e-commerce was ten thousand dollars a,month in sales,uh within six months and so i hit 32k a,month in sales within three months,okay so as long as you set that goal 10k,a month um for example or 5k a month,right depending on what you're,comfortable with i like to go for the,higher one so 10k a month,if you live as if you've already,achieved that goal if you live every,single day and in your mind,like you already have a business you,already have an e-commerce store that's,making that much money,you don't have to worry about the how,just keep on moving you don't have to,have all the puzzle pieces in line,believe me as long as you go down your,own journey,everything will work out trust me so,that is the no bs truth on how much,money you need to start a successful,shop by business now,one more thing before you leave if,you've been overwhelmed with a massive,amount of information online,been watching all these youtubers and,you don't really know where to start you,want to start maybe you have some money,and you know you just want to get going,you want to get this going for yourself,and you want to achieve freedom as fast,as you can and build up a successful,store,and own a successful business on shopify,then something that i would highly,highly recommend,is joining a reputable course so i,myself i actually,am the owner of econ freedom and we have,two of the best courses,one for amazon one for shopify and the,reason why i say best is because we've,been in business almost the longest out,of anybody else,since 2017 most of them have come and,gone we have changed the lives of,thousands of people,we all we are always updating our,content uh we're always rolling out,updates to keep our content and our,strategies you know like all the,step-by-step videos up to date,so if you want to learn every single,step that you need to build a successful,shopify,ecommerce brand that will allow you to,achieve freedom and it's going to be,something long term,not short term like all these youtubers,talk about then click the link below to,join shopify freedom,with that you do get unlimited,mentorship with myself and million,dollar seller josh was one of my great,friends on our team,that's something that we also pride,ourselves on we have a team of million,dollar sellers so we're actually in the,trenches doing this every day,i will be increasing the price of,shopify freedom to 9.99,the reason i'm doing that is because our,amazon course is 9.99 and uh honestly,497,where it's what it's at right now 50 off,it's like too cheap and that attracts,too many people that don't actually end,up taking action like for us what's the,best,uh the best thing for us is to attract a,higher quality student that will,actually succeed because we have higher,levels we have,like i want to build up a mastermind of,successful people and so that's what i'm,in the process of doing right now so,if that's something that you're,interested in go ahead and take,advantage of the deal click the link,below and i will see you in,the program one more thing if you want,me to give you money for your ecommerce,business,we actually opened up our econ freedom,uh vc which is our venture capital firm,uh and it's kind of our angel investing,thing so we've we've opened that up,recently,and um you know i thought to myself what,better way is there to,basically you know get on top of the,ecommerce revolution than to help out my,audience help out our students help out,everybody,with um you know their starting capital,so if you want between 1 and 10k,of investment for your ecommerce store,to help you start off the current round,of investment is open we're taking,applicants,and if you want to work with the best in,the industry you want to partner up with,us,and how it works is basically we take,equity so you know if we,um you know if you get if you get,selected for an investment between 1 and,10k,well you know then obviously it's going,to be like we might take 10,or 20 percent uh or 30 and it's going to,be a minority stake and then obviously,it's going to be a win-win deal for both,of us,and that way it's kind of like shark,tank like we're going to be helping you,every single day,uh you know you're going to be able to,talk to us we're going to give you that,strategic advice,that you need to build a multi-million,dollar,brand our company mission that econ,freedom is to build ecommerce brands of,the future so,if that's something that you're,interested in go ahead and click on the,link down below and i will,be looking at your application soon,subscribe to the channel for the,absolute best ecommerce content thank,you so much for watching,i also got an amazing podcast if you are,you know,maybe just like chilling you know going,about your day if you're cooking i,always send a podcast,like i'm cooking i'm in the kitchen and,stuff like that um so you can,listen to that i'm on there three times,a week posting episodes talking about,the freedom lifeline,achieving freedom building success,achieving wealth so the danny bash show,link is down below you can also have my,instagram dandas and you can dm me it's,the best way to reach me,thank you so much have an amazing day,i'll see you next time,you

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