how to send discount code to your mailing list shopify

Shopify Email: Sending A Promotional Discount Email want to send a customer a discount using,the sho

Hair Business Blueprint

Updated on Mar 26,2023

Shopify Email: Sending A Promotional Discount Email

The above is a brief introduction to how to send discount code to your mailing list shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to send discount code to your mailing list shopify

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how to send discount code to your mailing list shopify catalogs

Shopify Email: Sending A Promotional Discount Email

want to send a customer a discount using,the shopify email marketing app,good idea,hey it's mikey from the hair business,blueprint and today we're gonna build,out a discount incentive email using the,shopify email marketing app,now this video is part of a shopify,email series i've created so make sure,you check out my channel for more,information and informative videos like,this that are going to help you,be more successful selling online,now let's go through how to quickly set,up an email with a discount for your,next email campaign and if you have any,questions about what we cover today,make sure you leave them in the comments,below,all right who doesn't like getting a,discount from a store so,sending these emails you will be just,like the other store sending out,discounts and hopefully this will boost,your sales now i don't recommend setting,a discount like every single day because,there's no sense of urgency there so,start kind of planning how often you,want to send these maybe every other,week once a month something along those,lines maybe a weekly sale on a specific,item not store-wide,you know trying to entice people to get,something new and get them in your sales,funnel,so we're going to go over here to apps,and click shopify email,and this should all start looking very,familiar if you've been watching my,series on shopify email,uh we're gonna click create an email,campaign,you know as you know there's a bunch of,pre-built templates which we're going to,use one of them,we're going to go under promotions here,and we have the discount template and i,really like how shopify's integrations,are,with their own email system obviously it,should be integrated pretty well,so to all subscribers if you have you,know your different segments built out,which we talked about in a previous,video you can always send to those i'm,just going to choose all subscribers,we're going to send a discount on body,wave bundle so,uh you know,body wave bundles,on sale today,okay and you know,our,best-selling bundles,on say our,excuse me let's go this way,grab,our coupon for the,best selling bundles,inside,so when you say inside it makes people,want to look inside,okay so we have this uh this email,pre-built so that's my logo for tequila,bundles once again if you're new to the,series it's just a made-up thing that i,did,for these kind of training videos,now what you don't want to do is use the,standard pre-built kind of templates so,what we're going to want to do is head,over to canva,and i went ahead and built out,i had this actually saved in canva i,just updated the photo and some of the,text now you could use bodyweight bundle,save 10 off now,i probably would switch this around and,say save 10 percent,off,today and then change this,to,body wave bundles,because really you want to create you,know the sense of urgency is here saving,this 10,and then it talks about the product and,then you reinforce it with the photo and,i'm just going to save this as body wave,sale,and then what we're going to do is we're,going to download this as a jpg,i like to move it down to about 75,percent so the file size is medium,you're still going to have a great,looking image but it's not this huge,size so when you're sending this out,it's going to take a while to load on,people's phones or if you're sending to,like a gmail you know they're going to,say hey this might be spam,so we're going to go back over here,we're going to let that download we're,actually going to replace this image,we're going to remove,we're going to select image we're going,to just,scroll this up here,okay and we're gonna have that selected,click done now this matches the color,matches um what we have already built in,i have that saved because it's real,important that you have your branding,colors all together,now honestly i'm not a huge fan of the,dot dot here if it's not continued there,so what i'd probably do,even though i really like how this one,looks but i'm not going to be able to,add it to the other ones is i'm going to,do a delete delete delete,maybe just do a quick delete and then,we're going to update this because i'm,going to show you the before and after,real quick and you're going to see,exactly what i'm talking about,and then download,and then we're going to get ready to,upload this,okay so we're going to select this again,we're going to remove it,we're going to throw this image back,over it's probably going to give us a,much cleaner look we use that design on,a previous email and it looked great,but we're going to use it here because,it's much more seamless and it looks,really good i think you would agree if,you think the dot dot looks better let,me know in the comments but i think it,just looks cleaner i'd love to hear from,you so image alt text make sure you,enter this in here so that's body wave,uh bundles something along those lines,you generally would want to put a link,here to the body wave bundles but i'm,going to show you a little trick and,that's why you're watching these videos,okay special offer we're going to say,you know save 10 percent or special,offer,we're going to put discount value here,is save 10 percent,okay,special offer and then select a discount,to feature,apply discount okay so what we want to,do here,is we're going to create our,discount code so we don't have a,discount already created in this uh test,website that i have but what i do like,is it has a link,directly over so we can create a,discount code so let me go ahead and,show you how to do that okay so we're,going to go over here and we're going to,do body wave sale,okay and it's going to be 10 off,and then it's going to be specific,products,so body,wave and i'm going to select this so if,you wanted to do individual bundles you,could do that,i really hope i don't know if anyone,else notices 10 12 14 at 2 000,sweet jesus that is incorrect,um so we have the body weight bundle,deals,and then let's see if we can see i don't,have all the products loaded in here but,uh we might want to go ahead and add the,malaysian body wave,okay and if i had the bodyweight bundles,i'd add that but maybe i don't have that,in this store i'm going to add those,okay,so that's 10 off no minimum requirements,for everyone,how many times it can be limited not,really worried about that one per,customer not worried about that i would,set an end date,so i'm doing this on 115 i might just,make it for 24 hours,right,and then you click save discount code,what's cool is you get this get,shareable link and then you click copy,link so what's going to be really neat,about this is i'm going to show you in a,second so let's get back over here,we're going to click select discount now,body wave so it's going to apply the,discount here,another thing is going back a quick tip,is to paste that same link,in here,because when someone clicks on this,photo it's going to automatically add,the coupon discount to that click so,when they go to the website and add the,bodyweight bundles to the cart the,coupon is going to be automatically,added they don't have to type in some,sort of coupon so 10 off you know body,wave,this just puts in something generic we,don't necessarily want that so we're,going to put like 1b well just put body,wave,bundles,and what's nice is it already inserted,the coupon code so you can see that,direct shopify,kind of e-commerce platform with their,marketing system integration so use code,bodyweight sale at checkout or click the,link below to automatically apply the,discount to your order so the same link,that is here apply discount is the same,when i copied and put in here,but it's real important that you go,ahead and do that,okay as you'll see it has the,unsubscribe button here,this is just my test store but if it was,,that would show up here you have to have,the address so that's the address just,for private label extensions if you're,in atlanta come by see our private label,extension store i think you're going to,love it,so a little something for you,you know we can say,don't miss your don't miss a sale,don't miss this sale it would actually,look better if it was just on one line,just saying,oh jeez don't miss this,and then you know,these are you're gonna put in something,here,the body wave,bundles are our best selling style,bundles,you might want to add a few more things,about them um you know you'd put that,information in here or,you could always add a section and this,would be a good section if you wanted to,add an image and maybe add an image of,someone wearing the bodyweight bundle so,let's just say,this was an image of some someone,wearing bodyweight bundles this is,probably a deep wave but just as an,example you could have that or maybe it,was like a screenshot from your,instagram you know something along those,lines you could also add a section about,you know maybe uh some quick information,of how many bundles,you know so how many bundles do i need,because as you know depending on the,length you might need more or less,bundles so if you're doing a quick bob,with a 10 inch you're going to only need,two bundles but if you want 32 inch,you're probably going to do four maybe,five bundles because it's going to the,hair is going to be so long and you need,to really fill it out,so you want to put this type of,information real basic in here and,you'll see how it's kind of like text,image,text,image,text it's kind of breaks it up because,if you have too many images at once it's,become somewhat blocky and with this it,really breaks it up now if i even wanted,to do add a section of like a little,divider,you know you can do a divider and put,that here and you can put these dividers,in between actually that's a divider too,so you can do,you can do different types of strokes,you can do a full line if you want the,full line so we can just get rid of this,extra one um you can see it has our,branded color the blue you know,depending on what you want you can have,that how thick you want it the width so,if you don't want it all the way across,you can have it 85,i do like this style it looks pretty,good even if you do something like a 50,where it's just kind of like this so,it's it's a nice little segway here,but it's just a nice little design,element so that's something to think,about,always make sure that you go to check,out what it looks like on mobile to make,sure it looks good,looks great you can always send yourself,a test email to make sure that you have,spelled everything correctly this is,very important and then once you're done,you will click review and send and then,you're off to races sending out your,first promotional,discount,email within shopify so there's bunch of,types of discounts that you can offer,it's important to go through the,discount section in shopify to have a,good idea of what's out there think,about different ways that you can send,different discounts to different,segments of customers going through the,segmentation uh episode that i did for,the hair business blueprint channel and,start being creative,about what you can really do because,email marketing is super powerful it's,generally going to be,20 to 30 percent of your sales as a,generator for your store so start,building that email list and really,continuing to learn how to use every,aspect of it so you can be successful,selling online if you have any questions,make sure you leave it in the comments,below i would really appreciate a thumbs,up on the video and make sure you,subscribe to the hair business blueprint

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