how to sell tobacco on shopify

How to Advertise Tobacco Products, CBD Products, Alcohol, and Other Restricted Products Online Best


Updated on Feb 19,2023

How to Advertise Tobacco Products, CBD Products, Alcohol, and Other Restricted Products Online

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell tobacco on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell tobacco on shopify

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How to Advertise Tobacco Products, CBD Products, Alcohol, and Other Restricted Products Online

Best money maker here will be content marketing  ,partnerships influencers and  traditional or offline media.,Hello everybody welcome to Surge. This week, we  will talk about how to market tobacco products  ,and restricted products online. Now we get some  requests on this, Joe, but lately we've been  ,getting a lot of requests because everybody's  remote. Everybody's trying to go a 100%  ,digital. We've been talking about this for weeks  now. If I sell any kind of tobacco products  ,or restricted products, how can I advertise  online? Because Facebook will not allow it.  ,Google AdWords will not allow it. Most  marketplaces will not allow, what's my option?,Yeah. And it's very difficult. And  we mention tobacco, but you have CBD,  ,hemp products, cannabis,  firearms. There's a huge list  ,of adult sexual enhancement products. There's  a huge list of restricted categories in facial.,Which one was the last one?,Sexual enhancement products.,That's the cameraman's one's  most favorite category.,Oh perfect. This is one way you could do it  is word of mouth advertising, just like this.  ,A friend telling a friend. But you can't rely on  word of mouth. And unfortunately, you have really  ,just two options. It's SEO and content marketing.  Making sure that when somebody is searching for a  ,product like yours, you are visible organically  on Google and you do that through an effective  ,SEO strategy. That is content on a monthly basis,  implemented on your site that's targeted for these  ,specific keywords. Back links to reinforce  these pages. Using anchor text to reinforce  ,those specific keywords. And again, there's an  extensive strategy behind it. However, that's  ,really your primary channel at this moment in  time. And then I would say that your secondary is  ,influencer marketing. Again, the only tough part  about influencer marketing is the attribution.  ,How really do you know if they're driving these  sales to your site? But at the end of the day,  ,because you're limited, it's still an avenue that  I would say it's worth testing the waters with.,And I would add two more to that list. Joe talked  about the first two, the third one I think is  ,through partnerships. There are blogging sites out  there, comparison sites out there that you could  ,go out and you could just search for something and  there are a ton of websites that compare products  ,or compare different companies and businesses.  You could go out there and sponsor them. You  ,could rent their email lists. That's number three.  And four is a little questionable. We've done it  ,before, but we've done it very carefully and  very nicely is there is such a thing called  ,bridge pages when you're advertising on  Google. And when you're advertising on  ,AdRoll or Facebook or Instagram or TikTok and  a bridge page, talk to us about bridge pages.,A bridge page is a page that's created to kind  of bridge your customers on these platforms that  ,you're trying to advertise on with your website.  However, it does not associate itself with your  ,website. For the most part, if your brand  has already been established, if your website  ,is already established, you're already on let's  say Facebook's no fly list when it comes to  ,running ads. But now when you're introducing a  brand new website, a landing page with a new URL,  ,new brand name, again, it's going to take time  before Facebook goes and recognizes that it's not  ,a product that they should be promoting or  it falls inside that restricted category  ,and then it gets taken down. And then you just  repeat the process as many times as you want.,Well but I'll give you a good example about  that. Let's say that your website sells CBD  ,products for pets. Anything with CBD is going to  be challenging on Facebook and on Google to get  ,your ads approved. What you could do is you  could say You get that domain,  ,you slap a WordPress template  there, and you say, "We give tips  ,on how to calm your pets." And then you would go  put a landing page there and you would create a  ,new business manager and a new Facebook account.  And you say, "Well, I am now. I teach  ,people how to calm their pets." Some of those  options, again, you can train your pet, you can  ,have your pet listen to classical music. You  can have your pet, you can change the diet of  ,your pet. And CBD is one of those options, but  you don't actually mention that on the website.,When you do a landing page, what you can do is  you take somebody's email and you say, "Top 10  ,secrets to calm your pet." They will come in, they  will enter their email. All Facebook sees or all  ,Google sees is this website about calming pets.  But then when you start dripping emails to them,  ,which Facebook doesn't see, Google doesn't see,  guess what the first suggestion is? It's CBD.,Yeah, that's another approach. And I like  that approach better because that's actually  ,going to last. There's no reason for Facebook  to ever take that down or to ever restrict it.  ,In that case, that's a much better strategy.,But full disclaimer, if you are a  huge CBD website with a lot of volume,  ,Facebook now tracks IP logins AdWords does  the same thing so you got to do this very,  ,very carefully. What you're doing essentially  is you're basically grabbing users and emails  ,from Facebook and then you are  selling them through email marketing,  ,which by the way is nurture. And we've been  again, screaming about nurture. It's the same  ,thing you would do if your products were not  CBD. These bridge pages work, but you have to  ,do it very carefully and you cannot go against  the terms and conditions of Facebook or Google.,And I know you already briefly touched  base on this, but another huge platform,  ,another huge avenue that I've seen a lot of  these restricted products being advertised on  ,are podcasts. Podcasts like  these. You find a podcast  ,that targets your demographic, you sponsor them,  the host of the podcast will mention your brand,  ,offer a promo code. It's almost like influencer  marketing, but on a much larger scale. And you  ,have that again, subscribers to that podcast that  listen in on a weekly basis, and the frequency  ,of that, it's not like an influencer just posting  up one post one time. This is now kind of beating  ,over the head, beating your target demographic  over the head with this, to the point where  ,they go, oh, I remember what that is. And they're  going to go, and they're going to type in your  ,domain name. It's going to be direct traffic  or organic traffic coming to your site. That's  ,another really powerful angle right now for these  businesses that are in the restricted categories.,Yep. And I'm going to go traditional. Online,  it's going to be hard for restricted products,  ,but guess what? Some radio channels,  ,some streaming providers, they actually allow  the advertisement of restricted products.,Absolutely. Hulu. You can advertise on Hulu now.  Self service advertising through their platform.  ,You can create a video ad that  there is an approval process,  ,obviously, but I believe it has more to do  with the quality of the ad than anything else.  ,That's another channel. It's like running a  TV commercial for a fraction of the price.,Yep. And we actually believe that these  restrictions will slowly disappear.  ,This is my opinion or my prediction.  CBD is actually getting easier.  ,I think that cannabis will become fully  legal in the United States in the next  ,12 to 24 months. This is our opinion  and maybe not Joe's, but my opinion.  ,These restrictions I think will be lifted, not  the firearm one, the firearm one is here to stay.,It's going to actually continue  to move in the other direction.,Correct. That's probably the case, but  again, there are ways to advertise your  ,restricted product, including tobacco products,  but it has to be the right strategy. And again,  ,as Joe stated, your best moneymaker  here will be content marketing,  ,partnerships, influencers and  traditional or offline media.

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