how to transfer shopify ownership

How To Add Staff in Shopify Store | Suspend/Deactivate Staff | Transfer Ownership 100% Permissions h

Amazing Learning

Updated on Feb 12,2023

How To Add Staff in Shopify Store | Suspend/Deactivate Staff | Transfer Ownership 100% Permissions

The above is a brief introduction to how to transfer shopify ownership

Let's move on to the first section of how to transfer shopify ownership

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How To Add Staff in Shopify Store | Suspend/Deactivate Staff | Transfer Ownership 100% Permissions

hi guys in this video i am going to show,you that how you can add staff member,into your shopify store,and how you can remove the access how,you can suspend or deactivate,the staff member and how you can give,the full permissions or maybe,restrict to certain permissions to your,staff member,and how you can transfer the ownership,of your store so this is one of the most,important thing that in some cases while,giving the access to your,staff member you may lose the,confidential information by,giving the full access or maybe your uh,your,ownership would be transferred by,mistake so i will be,showing you step by step that how you,can avoid such type of mistakes and,what are the basic things that you have,to keep in mind while transferring the,ownership,so i will be showing you two ways to,transfer the ownership to the other,person,now to who you are interested to,transfer and other than that,i will be covering that how you can how,you can add the staff member,in a proper way all right so let's get,started so first of all you can see that,i have,uh logged into my shopify store the,store name is ramzan test store,and on the left bottom corner you will,be getting the settings menu,you should click on that and here on the,right side we have,plan and permissions so you need to,click on this one,and here you will be getting all the,information of your,login users so currently you are the,owner,so the store owner name is muhammad,ramzan and,if you are interested to add a staff,member so,you have two two ways i mean,you have only restricted to two members,you can only,add two maximum of two members so let me,add one,member here add staff account so here,you need to mention the name for example,i am adding here,abdul bari and then i have to add the,email address,keywords zero at the rate, so,here you can see that we have the,selected checkbox so that means this,staff account will have full permissions,so to avoid giving the full permissions,to your,staff staff member you can uncheck and,you will be getting these options,so currently i am only giving the access,of the settings,and then after home page,and then after themes so these are the,three uh,three in three options which i enabled,for now,so later on if my staff member has,required more permissions,so i can customize from here as well,so let me click on send invite so,one thing i wanted to make you clear,that whatever permission you are giving,from here,so that means the specific uh web page,the specific window would be accessible,for your staff member,all right whatever links are over there,whatever,input fields are over there so he or she,can update those things,because you have given the permissions,all right so take care of all these,things,because uh in that way you can lose,certain,confidential informations like orders,gift cards,and discount codes so these and domains,so these are the important aspects so,you have to keep in mind that,these should not be shared with the,other person,who is taking the control of your,shopify store all right,so i have given three uh things for now,so let me click on send invite,so the invite would be sent to my uh,staff member so you can see that,currently we have store owner is,mohammed ramzan and,staff account is abdul bari and,invitation has been sent,all right limited access so let me,go to my another window of the browser,and let me let me,let me check my email address because i,will have,yeah this one so,from there the invite has been sent to,this email address,so let me check the email that has been,sent,from the shopify so,from you by from that information i,would able to,access that invitation,so here you can see that i have got,an email create staff account and here,inside of this email we will be getting,information related to,uh adding the adding into that,shopify store so mohammad ramzan has,invited you to access,ramzan test store as a staff member to,accept this invitation create a staff,account,so we need to click on create staff,account,all right,so here you need to login,if you have already registered with your,shopify store for example you are giving,to the access to your,staff member and your staff member is,not registered with the shopify,then your staff member needs to register,with the shopify first and then after,he could able to access your store all,right so this is the email address,i am going to click on this one since i,don't have any,uh i don't have any registration i have,not,created any account so let me,add here my name first name last name,and then after,password and i need to confirm the,password,and then after click on create account,so you can see that accept staff,invitation for ramzan test store,so you should click on this button,accept invite,so in this way i will be redirected to,i means i am the staff member so i am,going to be getting inside of the,shopify store,where i got the access as a staff member,so you can see that on the left hand,side we have all the,options disabled by default because i,only got the access of home and,online store means themes and then,settings all right,first example i have needed the access,of products,so what i will be uh going to do here is,i will again move,uh to the next tab in where i have the,perm,i i am as a as an owner of this store,so i have to click on this staff member,abdulbari and down below you will be,getting some,informations like these check boxes and,i am going to give the access of,products so i have to check click on,check box and then i have to,click on save button and let me,move to the staff tab,so here you need to refresh this page,and once you will be refreshing the page,then this products,has been enabled no so that means you,are,now able to access the products menu as,well,all right so in that way you can,actually give the access to the,staff member of a specific thing all,right so these are the few things,now let me go to my,ownership i mean i am the owner of this,one,so you can see that currently,i am the owner of this uh store i am the,store owner and he,the abdulbari is the staff member so for,example you are,interested to uh you are interested to,remove this specific honor so click on,abdulbari once again,and you can actually deactivate this,i mean suspend the access so once you,are clicking on suspended access,click on suspend and now,if you will refresh this page then you,will,no more able to access this store i mean,i am as a,currently here i am as a staff member so,the staff member,could not able to access this store why,because uh,i don't have the access of uh store now,because the store owner has,suspended the access so for example i am,again,reactivating this by clicking on this,one,and let me go to the this tab and let me,refresh this page,so i refreshed this page and once this,is completely refreshed,then you will see that i would able to,land to the dashboard so that means i,got the access once again,all right so this is the way to give the,access to your staff member,and last thing is remove abdul wari but,for now i don't want to,remove that one because i am interested,to transfer the ownership to my staff,member,so how i will be doing that is i have,two ways but the first way is that,you have just clicked on your staff,member,so let me again go to this page,so currently you are the store owner,muhammad ramzan and abdul badi is the,staff member,so i am interested to give the access to,this staff member,as a owner so i clicked on abdulbari and,i am interested to make,abdulbari as a store owner so make,abdulbari the store owner you should,click on this button,and here these are three notes they will,have complete control to the shop,including billing your account will turn,into a regular,staff account this action cannot be,undone so,you are transferring ownership of your,store to abdulbari so i am sure,that i am interested to transfer this,ownership so let me add the password,here,and then after i need to click on,transfer account ownership,so now you can see that,here i am no more muhammad ramzan it's,no more a store owner,abdul bari is the store owner currently,and,muhammad ramzan is converted to staff,account,and this is actually the original,store where muhammad amazon was the,store owner and abdulbari was the store,uh,staff member but now the scenario has,been changed,so let let's see that on this screen,what would be the scenario let me,refresh this page,and you already know that this page was,for the staff member,and now the staff member is becoming the,store owner so let me refresh this page,once again,so once you will be refreshing this then,hopefully abdul bari become the store,owner,and you can see that on the left hand,side everything has been,enabled so let me check on the settings,and on the plan and permissions if you,will see on this page,you will find out that abdulbari is the,store owner now,and staff member is muhammad ramzan all,right,so this means that we can successfully,uh,transfer the ownership off over store,owner,all right so this was the way,and now first example i am,interested to remove this stuff owner,muhammad ramzan,and yeah,remove the staff member you should click,on mohammed ramzan,and down below i have this,we have the suspend access and we also,have the remove muhammad ramzan,so i am interested to remove and,everything would be suspended and,mohammed ramzan would know more able no,more be a staff member also,so let me click on this one and i will,have to,password and let me remove this,so now you can see that abdul bari is,the store owner,and there is no one in its staff and if,you will,refresh this page you will find out that,this page,would not be valid anymore why because,abdul bari is the store owner now and,mohammed ramzan has,lost the ownership access all right,so you can see that this is unable to,access,ramzan test store all right,so now from abdul badi i am interested,to transfer the ownership to,again muhammad ramzan but in a different,way so here you can see that transfer,ownership,we have this link over here so,currently let me tell you again you need,to go to the plan and permissions,and you will have this option here abdul,bari,and here we have the transfer ownership,so you should click on this,link and,here you will have to uh yeah these are,the three things that you have to keep,in mind when you are transferring the,ownership,remove you from the store or change your,permissions,actually if you are giving the ownership,to other person then,you will be removed as an owner and you,will lose all the permissions,view our edit credit card and banking,information for example you have,added the banking information so while,transferring the ownership,please please remove all the details,because those are,personal details and you should uh not,provide those details to other one,then pause or close the store maybe you,should close the store,uh if you lose the access maybe actually,this is not valid point for you,why because you are not going to close,the store for now,all right so let's give the invitation,so,this was the email address,and let's give it the name muhammad,ramzan or maybe,i am giving the different,name or maybe i need to mention the name,the same name so that you should not be,confused,and here i need to add the password of,my own store,and then i need to click on transfer,store ownership,so finally you can see that here,invite sent to this specific email,address and you can also,cancel the transfer and the transfer is,in progress actually,so here you have just sent an invitation,link,to this email address and actually you,are agree,to transfer the ownership to this,specific email this specific person,so first of all you need to go to,that email,so here i have this email actually,so let me click on gmail,you will have received an email from the,shopify,so yeah this is the email become the,become the new store owner of,ramzan store so once you are clicking on,this specific link,then you will see that abdulbari has,invited you to become the store owner of,ramzan store to accept,this invitation login with shopify store,id or create a new store,so you you should click on get started,once you will be clicking on get started,then,you will get these informations so,actually i have,this one,email address,i got this information except store,ownership of ramzan test store,so i can add or remove stuff and change,the permissions view or edit credit card,and banking information pause or close,the store so i have,i will have full permissions if i have,accepted this invite,so i have accepted this invite now i am,the owner of,this store once again so abdul bari has,just,transferred the ownership to me and now,i'm i am the owner,aya means mohammed ramzan and you can,see that you are the store owner of,ramzan store all right and here you can,see that,we have plan and permissions and down,below,muhammad ramzan is again the store owner,and abdulbari is now converted as the,staff account all right so this is the,way,through which you can actually add the,staff member you can remove the staff,member,you can transfer the ownerships and you,can also close the store from,here we have the button closed store so,finally,i end up with uh giving you the proper,information related to,the three important aspects that how you,can add the staff member how you can,remove the staff member how you can,transfer the,ownership all right so keep in mind that,you should avoid the mistake,while doing these critical things,because,these are the critical why because when,you are doing any mistake and someone,has accepted the invite then,you will be in trouble why because you,have given the access,by yourself and at that moment if,someone is doing any changes,or maybe doing anything into your store,so that means,he is the owner he can do anything,because you have given the access you,have authorized him,and that's why he is trying to do all,the stuff,which he is interested to,so if you are new on this channel please,subscribe this channel,and like this video as well i will be,uploading lot of good content on this,youtube channel and in this coming days,i am going to create 10,free stores i mean using free theme i,will be developing,the store and i will be giving you the,proper training that without,hiring any developer how you can develop,the store by your own,and this would be one of the most,interesting series of the videos,using different themes and keep watching,all these videos because,these will be adding value into your,business,all right so thank you once again see,you in the next video,thank you so much for watching this,video all the links of my video courses,are below in the description,which are absolutely free so in the next,video we would learn new and wonderful,things,please subscribe this channel firstly to,get the information of,updated videos in the comment section,you can write your feedback,about the video and also write your,queries if you have any,have a nice day ahead

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