how to sell printify on shopify store

Print on Demand Tutorial | How to sell print on demand products on Shopify with Printify hey guys we

Money With Mak

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Print on Demand Tutorial | How to sell print on demand products on Shopify with Printify

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell printify on shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell printify on shopify store

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Print on Demand Tutorial | How to sell print on demand products on Shopify with Printify

hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm,MAC if you're new here and today I'm,going to be going over how you can set,up your own print on demand store with,printify and Shopify I'm gonna go into,detail show you exactly how to sync the,two platforms show you how they work and,how you can start selling online right,after watching this video so if you're,completely new to print on demand and,you have no idea how it works I will,leave a link for a video that I did it,is a course going over print on demand,and also a print on demand guide that I,have created it's an e-guide you can,follow it along those will both be,linked in the description below because,today I want to go into more how to use,the actual platforms rather than the,explanation of print on demand but I,will just give you some insight if you,have never heard of it before print on,demand is a way that you can partner up,with a supplier and sell products,without inventory how this works is the,supplier has the white label products or,blank products you put your design on,them virtually and then when you receive,a sale that print on demand supplier is,going to create it pack it and ship it,for you so you're not holding the,inventory and you're able to run an,online store while using a place that,they're creating these items and,shipping them for you so it's a really,great online business model and I talk a,lot about it here on my channel so in,this case printify would be our supplier,that's going to create those products,for us printify has so many different,kinds of products available to do this,like candles blankets so much more so,definitely on printify do check out how,many products there are available you,can create a store selling pretty much,anything in order to create a,print-on-demand store you're going to,need a website that is how people are,going to purchase the items and have,those orders get sent over to printify,so how do you build the website so in,this video I'm going to show you how to,use Shopify it is one of the greatest,website holders on the internet I'm sure,you've heard of it before and I'll show,you how to sync the two stores now,Shopify is a paid website host however,they do have a free trial available so,that will be linked in the description,for you along with the link for printify,as well all this works is you create,that beautiful Shopify store where,you're going to be selling all of your,products you Market your products to,potential customers for the niche that,you're selling it when they come to your,store they will click and purchase your,item and then that order is going to go,directly to printify with all of that,customer's information what their order,is and printify is going to create it,and send it to them so I'm going to show,you how to sync these platforms properly,so that this works simultaneously and,can become a passive income source so,the very first step is going to be,creating your Shopify account now,Shopify you can set up a free trial and,it'll walk you through how to set it up,super easily and also know that here for,your store name this can be changed so,if you're not totally decided on that,yet you can still come back and change,it so that's an important note this is,what the Shopify dashboard looks like it,is going to show you how to set up your,store through the guide which is really,helpful so once you've done this and you,have your Shopify store set up we're,going to hop over to printify and that,is where you would create your printify,account now you do need to have both of,these accounts set up first before you,can sync them so it is a fairly easy,process when setting up your Shopify and,printify account it is going to ask you,for some personal information and Bank,details that is because this is a,business and you are going to have to,run money through it so you are going to,have to fill out that information again,I do have that course and e-guy link,below that goes more into depth on that,but just note that you will need that,stuff to set up both of these accounts,printify is going to walk you through,the account set up as well so once you,get to the area that lets you know to,sync your store that is how we're going,to go back to our Shopify and Link those,together so if you were already past,that part there is a screen up here,where you can manage your store and then,you can select add new store so I'm,going to go to a new store and then the,very first option up here is show,Shopify so I'm going to go ahead and hit,connect and then all we're going to do,is go over to our Shopify store and,we're going to select our domain copy,that and paste it over here now mine,says admin I'm gonna have to take that,out because,it's not going to work so once that's,done you're going to go ahead and hit,connect,and it's going to bring you onto Shopify,through printify and it's going to go,ahead and ask you for access to do this,so this is what I'm going to do here I'm,going to go down and select install app,now it's going to have me log in through,the Shopify app so then you can go ahead,and open the full site through Shopify,and it's going to take you to printify,and then here you can edit your store so,this is our printify store that we just,set up through Shopify you can always,double check to up here to make sure,that it shows connected so it is showing,my pod shop with Shopify is connected so,we're good to go so once that's done,you're going to want to decide what,products you want to sell like I was,saying earlier printify has so many,options four different products two,cells so definitely take your time in,deciding what exactly you want to sell,what would be good for the niche that,you're in or the you know designs that,you have so I'm going to go up here to,catalog and I'm like I said there are so,many options but I'm going to show you,how to do this on a plush toy so I'm,going to go to Holiday picks because I,saw this the other day on here and I'm,gonna go over and find this little,stuffed animal now this is just such a,cute idea especially for people during,the holidays so I'm thinking of starting,a store with these so it's so cool that,you can do print on demand and add your,design,so I'm going to go ahead and click Start,designing so it is going to show the,little mock-up of the T-shirt here,that's going to go on that animal I just,showed you and I created a text-based,design in canva this was a super easy,design to do but once it's uploaded in,here I can adjust it to my liking I can,obviously make sure that it is,um centered and done correctly you,always want to make sure too that it,says high resolution because you don't,want the items to be printed with poor,quality better quality file you have the,better the print will come out printify,has a great great quality but you do,want to make sure that you're providing,them with a file that is going to be,printed correctly so that is on you,that's something you need to make sure,you keep in mind so like I said I just,uploaded this right here and then I'm,going to make sure it's centered the way,that I want it and then again so cool,options look at all the options that we,have for the color T-shirt so I can,select a pink shirt a gray shirt a blue,shirt and then if I go up here to,preview print five is going to show me,exactly what that product is going to,look like when it is printed and sent to,the customer so this is what the,customer is purchasing and will receive,and I love that it's going to show me,all the different colors and options and,now looking at how good this mock-up is,I can actually go back and say okay I,think I want it print it a little bit,bigger so I'm just going to continue,editing it going back and forth and,seeing the way I'm liking it and making,sure that because I'm playing around,with the size of the image that that,resolution is still high quality look at,all the different animals too that you,can select to have on your store so this,is a really cool idea you can go ahead,and steal it you can start a store,um selling these it's this is a really,cool product to have okay so then once,I'm finished and I'm happy with the way,the product looks I'm going to go ahead,and hit save product now this is going,to be walking us through uploading the,product to our Shopify store so as you,can see here it's giving all the options,for the different mock-ups so I can,select which mock-ups I want the title,image that's just the first image that's,going to pop up as soon as the customer,clicks on it so I'm actually going to,make that blue blue and here I'm going,to scroll down and this is where I'm,going to edit my product title and,description keep in mind when you're,doing your title and description SEO,that is search engine optimization that,is how your products are going to be,found how Google is going to push them,in the algorithm so you do want to make,sure you're using keywords and putting,them in with your products,so you can either edit this in the,printify app which I do think is the,easier way to do it but you can always,go back and change things through,Shopify as well so don't feel like you,have to re-list something if you do mess,up here you can go back and edit it,through both platforms which is really,great so don't be too concerned about,that now also here for the tags is where,we're going to put the tags again that,will help us for the SEO I'm going to,scroll down here and this is the pricing,section now this is very important,because obviously we need to make a,profit or there's no point in selling,items so you do want to go ahead and do,your research to see what your,competition's pricing looks like how you,can be competitive in it and you also,want to go ahead and make sure that,you're making enough of a profit for it,to be worth you to doing this work so as,you can see here the product costs which,means we are paying printify the price,of,16.42 now if suggesting that the retail,price be 20 737 so for their profit here,you can go ahead and just edit this to,your liking so what I'm going to do is,I'm going to select it and hit edit,profit now let's say I wanted to make 20,on this item it would go ahead and do,that math for us now I do think that's a,little bit high of a price I am not,going to do the price of that high but I,do want to tell you that if you wanted,to do a custom option for this product,you could charge more so printify is,great and actually offers you to add in,text while you're designing so for,everyone's orders that are custom you,could go back in and edit those manually,to create a custom product now because,that does take a little bit more work,you could potentially charge more and,usually with custom products people,understand that they are going to have,to pay more so that is something to keep,in mind so if I'm not going to charge,this much for this because I'm not doing,the custom option on this one but again,something that you should do your,research on but this is how you would,essentially do your profit so let's say,I want to make 12 on the item this is,how much I'm going to be charging 28,dollars great so then I'm going to,scroll down now it's going to ask for a,variant visibility and we are going to,select only show stock items and hide,out of stock items that means that,people can't purchase the items when,they're out of stock then we're gonna go,back down here we don't have any Shopify,collections yet that can be done in the,Shopify app so I'm just going to go,ahead and hit publish now this is going,to take a few minutes here but,essentially it's going to show us that,it's publishing every option is in stock,that we've listed and we have a total of,24 variants so now if we head over to,our Shopify store and go to products,this is where that will pop up now it's,still publishing so it's not there yet,you do have to give it a few minutes I,went ahead and refreshed the page and as,you can see here that product that we,just listed through printify has showed,up successfully in our Shopify store so,I'm gonna go over here and just click on,it and then as you can see like I was,saying you can still edit everything,that we just did in printify on Shopify,which is great and this is how you would,go ahead and edit your price decide,which photos you wanted to add and it's,if you had ordered a sample you could go,ahead and create more mock-ups just by,taking photos of this product yourself,or you know there's other different ways,to get mock-ups I do have a video on,that I will linked below for you and,then once you're finished you could go,ahead and preview it and this is what,your Shopify store would look like,obviously I did not select a Shopify,theme yet I didn't create my actual,store yet but this is how you would get,the products on there and then I would,suggest going back in and designing your,store so here's what it looks like just,as like a rough draft of what your,customer would see now looking at this I,would definitely go back and take out,some of these photos I feel like there's,a lot going on here just for how many,variants there are so that is something,that I would go ahead and do is balance,out those photos maybe like one photo,per um animal plush even if the colors,are different so that you can kind of,the customer can get an idea but it's,not overwhelmed with the options so that,is how easy it is to use sync products,from printify over to Shopify so you can,go ahead and just continue doing this,process like I said look through what,printed buys catalog through their best,sellers they are so many different,options and something to keep in mind,too is if you create a design that you,really like you can put that on multiple,products you could have the same design,that's on a mug go ahead and be on a,t-shirt or a backpack or even a,Bluetooth speaker or an art print,stickers buttons or pillowcases so again,there's just so many options here,another great thing with print advice is,they do have the help center and a live,chat so any questions that you have,anything you need can be answered,through a printify so just keep that in,mind so if you're thinking or feeling,overwhelmed about all of this there is,help there and there's ways to do it,printify is free to sign up and use you,are only going to be paying per order,that you receive so if your customer,purchases your plush toy for that thirty,dollars and you have to pay twenty,dollars to printify you're keeping that,ten dollar profit so printify is going,to charge you per order and that is just,how it works but it is free to actually,use the platform so if you're not,receiving any orders and you're still,setting up your store you don't have to,pay it to use printify I really hope,that this video was helpful to you if,you have any questions about either,platform go ahead and leave them in the,comment section below and like I said,everything I talked about today will be,listed in the description so all those,links will be there for you thank you so,much for watching and I'll see you in,the next video

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