how to sell on ebay using shopify

How to sell on eBay using Shopify what's up YouTube today we're gonna talk,about drop shipping again

Spencer Jensen

Updated on Jan 23,2023

How to sell on eBay using Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell on ebay using shopify

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How to sell on eBay using Shopify

what's up YouTube today we're gonna talk,about drop shipping again so just,traveling to go over a quick little,lesson I learned in my drop shipping,business that I started so I've been,doing pretty good I've made about 25,sales down which is not that many but,considering I started a little over a,week and a half ago and I haven't done,really that much in it yet I'm pretty,happy with that so and what I kind of,want to discuss in this video is the,sales that I've actually made from eBay,so I know that sounds kind of different,I know most of you think oh wait you,just started Shopify website and then,people come on there and they order your,stuff well overload or sorry not,overload Shopify has a sales channel,section on their site where you can add,Facebook Amazon eBay wish like all kinds,of different sales channel avenues and,all of the items that you put on your,Shopify website you can push directly to,those channels as well so I decided to,start pushing some products to eBay so a,couple of catches that you want to watch,out for on this and I've learned my,lesson first off every product that you,push to eBay there is a 30 cents charge,for every product uploaded so like I got,on there and I had like a twenty nine,dollar fee on there I was like thanks,Ephram well it was from the fact that I,had pushed all these products to eBay,and they charge me thirty cents for each,one and then obviously eBay on each,transaction they take a percentage of,the sale I think it's like ten percent,or something like that of each sale,that's made so you know you're you're,you're having to pay a little bit on,them but you're also having to do the,same thing I'm Shopify but except for,the listing price you don't do I'm,Shopify obviously so but I've actually,found a little bit of success on eBay so,far I've sold three products on eBay and,literally all I did was like pretty much,like a one-click process where you click,and sends all your items to eBay and,then anybody searching out eBay might,find that item click on it buy it so,literally I've made sells without having,to,do hardly anything I mean literally I,one-click I mean I'm focusing on my,Shopify site but yet I was like well I,might as well take those all that stuff,that I've been building on my Shopify,site Alexa always trying to talk to me,Alexa can be annoying when you're trying,to shoot video so I can tell you that,right now,so anyways getting back to the point,it's just cool that you can take all,that stuff that you're doing on Shopify,and just directly push it to ebay too,and also make money through eBay you,know people get on there they look you,know products online they see your,product they buy it I mean literally,it's that easy I made three sales and,I've only been doing that for like two,days and it really was no extra work to,me besides just you know pressing a,couple buttons on Shopify so a couple of,things to watch out for you get that,charts at 30 cents fee obviously eBay,takes a transaction fee as well but,that's same thing on Shopify and then,PayPal can be kind of confusing like how,to get your money from eBay eBay is very,hard to work with i-i've always thought,that I spent like literally two hours on,the phone today with eBay trying to,figure out where my money was going and,it ended up going to some other random,PayPal account that I haven't had,activated in like ten years,so anyways PayPal actually is the one,that figured this all out they got my,money back to my actual sellers PayPal,account that I should be going to and,connected that account to the account it,should be too anyways long story short,it's a little there's some challenges,involved in doing that but I think it's,worth it in the end because literally I,mean all of your products are just on,the world wide web even see the thing,about Shopify is you have to direct all,your attention or all your what is the,engagement to your site you through like,you know Instagram or Facebook or Google,AdWords you have to send all those,people do your site people aren't going,to know to come to your site unless you,build that brand up which at the,beginning you're not going to have if,you put your items on eBay,everybody knows about eBay everybody,shops on the eBay,Amazon you put all your items on animal,Amazon I'll do a video name was on to,Amazon's a lot more difficult to get on,to and they have a lot more restrictions,eBay you can sell anything pretty much,so anyways they know people know oh I,want to buy some online I'm going to,eBay I'm gonna Amazon whatever you know,you you know those are trusted names you,get on there to buy your items so you're,gonna get sells just because you're on,that site I mean literally people are,always constantly on eBay and looking,for stuff for constant on Amazon looking,for stuff and so they type that item in,if your item is the one that pops up or,you have the best price or whatever you,make a sale you didn't do anything I,mean literally you just pushed it there,you didn't have to do much work to get,it there so definitely recommend doing,that if you guys are you know doing the,whole Shopify drop sipping thing it's,super easy to it integrates all through,overload just like Shopify does and so,anytime you get a sale you go on there,you know you process it through and then,it goes directly to ebay and says hey,this item has been processed and then,once it's shipped it says it goes to eat,me and says this items been shipped like,literally it is a flawless system and,very very easy extra way to make money,so anyways guys um just wanted to kind,of give you sort of an update on what's,going on with that it's been doing good,I've been getting sales in I'm starting,to really focus on some Instagram,influencers I made a video about that a,couple days ago you guys check that out,I'll link that in the description below,but anyways I just wanted to share that,that little I don't think it's really a,secret I think a lot of people know,about it but I think it's a definitely a,good way to continue to bring in some,revenue even when you're not directly,marketing towards your website because,people are still gonna be on eBay still,gonna be shopping on eBay so I'm gonna,be looking for products all the time so,like I said I've made three sales on,eBay in just a matter of two days and I,know that doesn't sound like a lot but I,did nothing to do that I did no sort of,advertisement I paid no insert an,influencer it's just people just found,my products and bought it the more,products you get on eBay the more sales,you can make so guys I hope this is some,valuable information for you I hope this,can possibly help bring some more sales,to your you know drop shipping business,and,you know I just hope that overall it,helps you grow your business and helps,you kind of keep you know some sales,coming in when you're not directly,marketing to your site so anyways guys,until next time peace

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