how to calculate shopify on excel

Managing Shopify inventory with a spreadsheet let's see how we can use mixtable to,manage the invent


Updated on Mar 03,2023

Managing Shopify inventory with a spreadsheet

The above is a brief introduction to how to calculate shopify on excel

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how to calculate shopify on excel catalogs

Managing Shopify inventory with a spreadsheet

let's see how we can use mixtable to,manage the inventory in our shopify,store,there are two ways to map inventory data,to columns,in make stable worksheets the way we,take will depend on whether our products,have variants in shopify or whether they,do not,to start let's look at a case where we,have products with no variants,to get going we first need to create a,workbook and in that workbook have a,worksheet that is mapped to the products,in our shopify store like we have in,front of us,next we need to find a column that is,not mapped to any data,right click on the column header select,the shopify sync settings,option and in the window that appears,select the inventory option,and when prompted select the location,whose inventory we want to show,once you've done that click on the save,button,mix table will immediately populate the,column with any existing inventory,that you have in your store you can also,map multiple locations,so let's finish mapping the two other,locations we have for this store,and as you can see mixtable has,populated,all three columns with the inventory we,currently have,in our store now for the second scenario,where our variants,do exist in our store we need to sync,inventory from a worksheet that maps our,variants,here is one such worksheet the process,we'll take to map the columns is,identical to the one we use on the,products worksheet,we find columns that don't have any data,mapped to them,right click select shopify sync settings,inventory and the location whose,inventory we want to map,when we are done we end up with a,similar set of three columns,each containing the inventory at the at,the given location,for the given variant now let's see how,we can,update our stores inventory from,mixtable,and mix table from our shopify store to,start,let's first update our shopify store's,inventory,from mixtable first we need to find the,variant in this case,whose inventory we want to update and,this process is the exact same,if we have products with no variance,so we find in this case the variant,the location who's in the inventory we,want to update,and we update the relevant cell the same,way we would in excel,so let's in this case set a,basic number value for this location and,we can also use,excel formulas to update our inventory,when done we click the done editing,button in the upper right hand corner,and we immediately see the mix table has,started syncing data to,shopify when the sync has finished,we can go to the relevant product in our,shopify store,refresh the page,scroll down to the inventory section,and we can see that the inventory,numbers were updated,to the exact same values we had set in,mix table,using the basic number value and using,the formula,now let's update our inventory values in,shopify,and see how they get synced to mxtable,in this case we'll update all three,locations for this particular product to,new values,and then we'll see the values change in,real time,in our mixed table worksheet we can see,this both on the variance worksheet,and in the products worksheet and that,is how inventory management works,with mixtable for your shopify store

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