how to see your ebay listings on shopify

How To Use Ebay As a Supplier While Shopify Dropshipping yo what's up everybody it's trevor here,and

Trevor Zheng

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How To Use Ebay As a Supplier While Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to see your ebay listings on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to see your ebay listings on shopify

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how to see your ebay listings on shopify catalogs

How To Use Ebay As a Supplier While Shopify Dropshipping

yo what's up everybody it's trevor here,and welcome back to another video in,today's video i'm gonna be showing you,guys how to use ebay as your own shopify,drop shipping supplier over aliexpress,now i'm gonna jump onto the computer and,share some reasons why you should switch,over to ebay and stop using aliexpress,period i'm going to give you some,pointers and how to source ebay,suppliers uh products and how to hand,pick them so you don't run into any,problem so let's jump on the computer,and show you from there,all right guys we're now on the computer,i'm going to show you a few reasons why,you should be definitely using ebay over,aliexpress and the first reason and is,probably one the biggest reason why you,should switch over to ebay is going to,be shipping times now if you,go onto website and you look,for any items so let's go ahead and look,up something like,led light strips for example um so if,you search this up you can see,that these items if you um we can open,it into a new tab you can see that they,have free standard shipping and the,estimated time,is right around six to around five to,seven days um and that is pretty good,shipping compared to aliexpress which if,you,find something similar like this led,strip that if you have it shipped from,china,with a let's say us plug it's gonna take,all the way,till october 21st and that's literally a,month away from when i'm recording this,so,from aliexpress,compared to ebay you're going to get,much improved shipping times compared to,shipping from china,another big reason why you should,definitely use ebay over aliexpress is,going to be the return policies in,returns now when you're running a,shopify store you are bound to get,returns returns on each platform is is a,bit different so on ebay the returns are,very very easy so the returns you have,free returns you can see right here free,30-day returns and what that means is,when the item arrives to your customer,the customer has 30 days to,make a complaint and they want to return,the item and 30 days is pretty typical,across most platforms you know amazon,has 90 days but,ebay with 30 days is very typical for,any other e-commerce store,so 30 days is very very good we look at,what aliexpress has um,it,usually,doesn't say on the actual listing so,basically i did a search that most items,are going to have 15 day,return policy which is enough for most,people however some people wait all the,way to the 30 day mark or till the like,25 26 day mark to return item and if,your source your item for aliexpress,you're definitely not going to get the,return,option,once you pass the 15 day now,you could argue that you could have a 15,day return on your store but having a 30,day return and having the flexibility,for the customer um is definitely better,so that's another reason to use ebay,is because of the returns in the length,of the returns so sometimes ebay,listings have 60 day or even 90 day,returns but most typically to get higher,ranked on ebay search algorithm,you're gonna need at least a 30-day,return which is pretty typical across,most listings anyways,now the next part is,why when you're doing returns you're,going to have a lot better customer,service so when you're doing returns you,know if you log go to your ebay and go,to purchase history there's a one click,button to return the item you can put in,the reason and then either you will have,to pay for the return shipping label if,it's buyer's remorse but if the item is,broken then you're gonna get a label pre,ready for you to send the customer and,sometimes it also goes to,a automated system where the the seller,has to approve the return first then you,get the label so either way it's still,much better than aliexpress where,aliexpress when you have an order inside,of my orders and you start a return the,aliexpress agent sometimes,the even if it's the product's fault,we'll try to find as many excuses as,possible to have you keep the item and,keep a portion of the money,so a lot of times aliexpress doesn't,even want you to return the items even,though they have,free 15-day returns,in their policy so that's another major,major,advantage of using ebay,so those are the four biggest reasons,why you should definitely use ebay now,over aliexpress all right now i'm going,to show you how you can find a good ebay,supplier now there are a few criteria,that i personally use to find good ebay,suppliers to source from,so,for this example we search so led light,strip you're going to see a bunch of,listings up and the very first thing i,do when looking for a supplier for the,specific item,is to go to the filters on the left and,essentially you want to have these,filters you want to have condition as,new because you don't want any used,items and there are,people that sell open box refurbished,used or,for parts for not working items,and when you're drop shipping you,definitely want to sell new items and,this is pretty obvious but i do want to,point it out there next offer is we want,to do,buy it now offers this,will,delete listings that have,auctions where we can bid on them we,don't want any listings that have,auctions because simply we need to just,purchase at one specific price and not,have to bid for items next up,if we scroll down,is item location item location for,sourcing for u.s suppliers we definitely,want us only,now,there are also other options such as,north america worldwide,or,default or wherever you are you always,want to make sure if you're shipping to,us,and canada to use u.s only because,you're going to have the fastest,shipping possible when you're choosing,us only so those are the filters that,i would personally use now there are,other filters like free returns returns,accepted,um and deals and savings and stuff like,that however for the most part i don't,use them because almost all listings do,have free returns and returns accepted,but on ebay even if the seller does not,accept returns technically they will,still have to refund you if the item is,broken so either way,um i just don't leave any of these,filters on,now you're able to look through these,listings and find a listing that you can,source from so i can see this one right,here,like this,and you can see the very first thing to,look for is,seller information,when you see the cell right here you can,see his name the perfect part the very,first thing that i look for is his,feedback how many feedback does he have,i don't like to go any lower than 1000,because they might be very new to ebay,now another way to check is if you just,right click,and open in a new tab right where his,ratings are you can see his feedback,profile and this video feedback profile,shows exactly all his feedback that he's,getting you can see that he's been a,member on ebay since 2004,which is amazing because he has a lot of,experience and you can see inside his,feedback ratings he has in the last year,he has gotten 236,000 positive feedbacks and only eight,negatives which is an amazing rate and,it's also showing us a hundred percent,feedback because of very this very very,low,negative um feedback score so you can,also see all his feedbacks read through,it but the main part is if his,percentage is over 95,then you don't need to worry about the,shipping and all the negative feedback,that um he's getting if it's lower than,95,um then i would not source and you do,want to double check,and see what other people are writing,inside negative feedback are they,selling broken parts or is shipping,taking way too long then promise or,something else like that so this would,be a perfect supplier to use,having amazing feedback and a lot of,feedback score,and i would definitely source this but,there is one problem,with this listing,you can see right here where it says,eight available you want to look at,listings and find listings that say,either more than 10 available or limited,quantity available this,disk filter or this criteria that you,want to look through is to prevent,items that you source to go out of stock,when you're selling them so this item,once it sells eight this item will go,out of stock um,and you don't know if they will restock,or it will be permanently out of stock,so to be safe you want to look at,listings where it says more than 10,available or limited,quantity available so let's go ahead and,do this live,you can see this example limited,quantity available,and essentially that means,this will have as many quantity as they,have in stock and i'll definitely source,this right here see over 95 percent and,a lot of feedback listing i would not,source because of only having a,available now,if we open up more listings,where this says more than 10 available,we can source this as well these are the,two listings that you want to be,sourcing when it says limited quantity,available or more than 10 available you,can source these and,do check with the amount of feedback the,seller has and a positive feedback,percentage also so those are the four,criterias that you want to look through,is basically,um does it say more than 10 available or,limited quantity available,and then the seller profile doesn't have,more than a thousand stars and 95,positive feedback,and if it if it fits those,and it says fast,and decent shipping this is very fast,shipping already four to seven day,shipping is very good and free returns,then you're perfectly able to source the,item and that is a green light to go and,go ahead and source this item now,another question i get a lot is how do,you prevent items going out of stock now,like i just mentioned that you need to,be sourcing items that say any of those,two filters,and,there are also extra software to help,you,keep track of soft of the quantity,however in my experience i didn't have,to use any of the softwares because um,most of the time when i source items and,if they go out of stock which hasn't,been,any so far but if they do go out of,stock,almost always there is going to be,another seller selling the exact same,item maybe for a little bit more,expensive or a little bit cheaper and i,can go ahead and source it from them so,that's why i haven't been using any,software but if you do want to use a,software then i would recommend you grid,now this software is basically to manage,and reprice,to sell on ebay in other marketplaces,however they have a feature where you,can add um,a marketplace such as ebay,um you can see if you,click,see most popular stores and you scroll,down to,over here as you can see,ebay right here just ebay us,you can go ahead and,get emails sent directly to you if the,price changes or if it goes out of stock,this is extra,software to help you manage stock when,you're dealing with a lot of skus,however at the beginning you definitely,don't need this software and to give you,a pricing on this tool,if you go to pricing,you're gonna get fifteen dollars,for fifteen dollars a month you're gonna,be able to monitor up to 200 items,now there is also a cheaper plan where,you can buy,specifically tokens and that might lower,the pricing as well,so do play with that pricing if you do,choose to use sku grid,now on to the last part of this video,which is how do you place orders on ebay,so,when you're using ebay and sourcing,items from ebay and you get an order,that the item is sold on ebay,um,how should you,place the orders let's use this listing,as an example,so as you guys can see i'm in incognito,tab and this is what i recommend you to,do,to purchase items on ebay you can,you can easily just add a cart right,here,and then click on checkout to check out,the item um in your cart and then you,can add a guest email now you can use a,bunch of different emails however um in,my experience um even if you use the,same email in guest mode it doesn't,affect um ebay i'm in terminating any,account so this is what i recommend is,just to buy in guest mode,so then ebay doesn't catch on that,you're drop shipping from ebay now drop,it when ebay catches you that you're,drop shipping from ebay most of the time,it is very very hard to get caught first,of all you probably need to place around,somewhere around ten thousand to fifty,thousand orders before that even happens,so for the most part if you're new and,starting out don't worry you can even,have an account,and,purchase there so you can keep track of,all your purchase history um,so that is another one way to purchase,an ebay you can use guest accounts,you can also use guest accounts on,different ip addresses you can use apple,pay and google pay to purchase so if you,go to checkout,and we click buy and now,we can check out as a guest so when you,click on this you get to skip the entire,um,login,where you need to sign into your ebay,account or create one and you can go,ahead and put in the ship address and,then use any of these payment methods,you can,when you're um have it when you have an,account you can actually use,uh apple pay or google pay depending on,which platform you're on and this way,i've been using it for a long time and i,haven't had any issues using apple pay,and google pay just the advantage,or the disadvantage is you need to,switch you need to type in the address,on your computer sign into account and,then go to your mobile phone and then,place the order so it does,it is very inconvenient but it is a,workaround so you don't have any issues,when placing orders on ebay,also you can use different credit cards,and debit cards right here where it says,add new card,you can switch up,cards easily by you,so basically when you link,your bank it's going to give you a,temporary credit card,to use on different marketplaces or,wherever you want to shop so basically,you can get unlimited credit cards,now they do have a credit limit cap on,how how much money you can spend through, per day however as you use,it more you can increase it to suit your,needs so in the beginning you can try,out privacy it is completely free,so not sponsored by them either,so,the last way,and the recommended ways that i would do,it is to use apple pay and google pay,with the account and you should be fine,for many many orders but if you do want,to stay extra safe then get as many,accounts on different ips and then use, to safeguard it,and that way you should have absolutely,no issues with purchasing on ebay,however,if you if all those options don't work,and you need to resort to some,other,solution now i could only recommend you,use paypal or gift cards but only if you,have no other options would i recommend,them,so try to avoid them at all costs,because it's very annoying to use paypal,when they eliminate your account and,also gift cards to track returns it,returns back to that original gift card,and if you use multiple gift cards it,gets very very confusing very very fast,so i do recommend just use it for more,credit card or apple,apple google pay and use a credit card,that way so if you enjoyed this video,and,found any value at any part of this,video consider dropping a like and,subscribing because it massively helps,up with the channel and i'll see you,guys in the next one take care

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