how to see best selling products on my shopify store

How To Find Best Selling Products on Shopify Stores💰 what's up everybody anton crowley here,from dro

Anton Kraly - Drop Ship Lifestyle

Updated on Jan 31,2023

How To Find Best Selling Products on Shopify Stores💰

The above is a brief introduction to how to see best selling products on my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to see best selling products on my shopify store

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how to see best selling products on my shopify store catalogs

How To Find Best Selling Products on Shopify Stores💰

what's up everybody anton crowley here,from dropship,and today we just have a really quick,video where i'm going to show you a tip,for shopify product research,specifically this is going to help you,to find best,selling products on shopify stores now,if you've been around for a while you've,been building ecommerce stores,you're probably aware of this but i,realized even myself it's something,i forget to do when doing research from,time to time,so i figured why not create this video,now share it with you and at least give,you a refresher,also if you're watching this and you're,brand new,and you just click this because it says,you know shopify product research that's,great you should still learn this again,super simple and easy,but just know that this isn't step one,of,the product research process we use this,step,after we've already identified a niche,that we want to sell in,and after we've verified that it can be,profitable so,if you're watching this and that's you,you're brand new again stick around,check out this video but i would also,encourage you to go to, after this video,where you can get a free training from,me it's about two and a half hours long,and there i give you all of our product,selection criteria,for building drop shipping stores on the,shopify platform,so even though we do drop shipping,primarily again this works on,any shopify store so what i'm going to,do right now to actually just show you,how this is done,is pull up the dropship lifestyle merch,store so,it's just called if you,want to check it out,we sell different t-shirts backpacks all,kinds of things to,represent dropship lifestyle so what i'm,gonna do,is first just show you what the home,page looks like right and you can see,here on the home page we just have,different,collections being showed off like,trending t-shirts now this is something,that we manually generate that's not,like automatically like oh this is,what's trending,so the thing that we do when we're,trying to find bestsellers on a shopify,store,is use a very simple line of text,and we add it to the url bar so i'm,going to go ahead and copy it from,another screen right now,and by the way this little line of text,you need,i'll post below this video as well in,the youtube description so you don't,have to,try to remember it and type it out,perfectly but it,is slash collections slash all,question mark sort underscore by,equals best dash selling so i'll explain,what that means in just a minute for now,i'm just going to click enter,and what it's showing me are the,products on the dropship lifestyle merch,store,ranked by bestsellers so you'll see here,this gray shirt,pursue the lifestyle this is the number,one best seller,the second bestseller on our store is,this black shirt dream big hustle hard,third best seller is the drop ship,lifestyle laptop stickers,and so on and so on it goes through all,of the different products,so as you're doing your research and,you're finding again what i call your,future competitors stores,if you identify their shopify stores,this is something you can easily do,to see their best sellers and by the way,if you're wondering like well how do i,know if it's a shopify store,i'll show you that in a second too but i,wanted to dig a little bit deeper into,this,because let's say again you're part of,dropship lifestyle,you've identified your future,competitors but you have,one of your future competitors that,sells in multiple niches,and you're planning on only focusing on,one of those niches,so what you can do then is click into,the collection,whichever collection you're planning on,selling in so again let's just say it,was shirts,then what you can do is take the s,question mark,sort underscore buy,equals best dash shelling selling so let,me put that here,and you add it after the collection name,so remember before we had all when we,used all,that was searching all products in all,collections when we replaced the word,all,with a specific collection name and,click enter now it's showing me only,products,that are in our t-shirt section and it's,sorting those by bestsellers so all,those other products you know,the the shirts the mugs the hoodies,they're excluded now so,this is a great way to test as you're,again looking further into sub niches,now let me say like why would you want,to do this right why would you want to,know,what the best selling products are and,what brands they come from,really it's because as you're designing,your own store,you want to make sure that whatever is,already selling best,on again your future competitors stores,you're taking advantage of that,and showing those products at the top of,your collections,maybe you're promoting them on your home,page maybe you're even putting more of,your ad budget,into those products from those brands,because now you know that those,sell now again how do you know if you're,on a shopify store right because this,isn't going to work if you're on a,bigcommerce or volusion,or woocommerce store so what you can do,is just,if you're using google chrome right,click anywhere and just click,view page source and when you do that,you can just,click uh command f or control f if,you're on a pc,and just search for shopify and there's,other ways to do it like you can go to,the checkout and see if it looks the,same,but if you do this and you're on a,shopify store it's gonna find,a lot of results in the code for shopify,because that's the platform it's built,on so again,all i did for that was just right click,in google chrome,click view page source click command,find search for shopify click enter,and i can see this is obviously a,shopify store meaning almost 100 of the,time,this code will work so hope you found,this helpful,again just a quick video if you did get,value from this definitely give this,video a like,and if you're not subscribed yet be sure,to click the subscribe button,hit the notification bell so you can get,notified every time a new video goes,live on,this channel also again if you're brand,new and you're just looking to get,started,i would highly recommend you go to,,but i'm also going to post up a video,right here that can show you,how we build stores in only 21 days,so if that interests you click that,check it out and i will see you,in the next video thank you everybody

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