how to remove you may also like on shopify

11 THINGS TO REMOVE FROM YOUR SHOPIFY STORE IMMEDIATELY [to skyrocket your sales and SEO] there are

Rock Paper Copy - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 06,2023


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there are things on your website that,are sabotaging your organic traffic SEO,and sales no matter how much time you,spend optimizing your content and,building backlinks these things will,drag it down hey everyone I'm Maggie,founder of rock paper copy number one,place for Shopify store owners who want,to skyrocket their sales and SEO in this,video I'll tell you about 11 things to,remove from your website immediately if,you want to boost your sales and organic,traffic from Google and if you like what,you hear remember to click the like,button below and subscribe to my youtube,channel for regular SEO tips and tricks,now let's get started number one,outdated content this relates to old,blog posts and pages with content that,is no longer valid,it could be blog posts that contain a,date in the title for example best,marketing strategies for 2018 as we're,on 20/20 this is considered outdated,information another example could be a,blog post where you talk about your,collection that arrived two years ago so,this blog post was created two years ago,but it contains links pointing to the,collection there is no longer being sold,that is not helpful in Google's eyes and,can actually affect negatively your SEO,it can also affect your sales because,people will be put off by seeing a lot,of back a lot of broken links and by,saying that these products are no longer,on sale the solution is to update all,content with a new information it means,checking your other blog posts and all,the pages to see if all the backlinks,are working either internal or external,through the through the content to see,if in all the information is up-to-date,if you see that anything needs updating,you can alter the text you can change,the information you can change the dates,you can change the collections or other,products that you talked about in this,particular blog post we also like to do,is add in fresh content so add in a,short paragraph to eat all the blog,posts to update it but not many people,know that add in a longer,paragraph two all the blog posts will,trigger Google BOTS to index that piece,of content again if you only update is a,title on a short paragraph it won't,trigger Google's attention however if,you altered a bigger chunk of the,article if you add it along a paragraph,at least a hundred words it will let,Google know that this is a fresh content,that needs to be indexed again it will,send the bots to read the article again,and it will start ranking in the search,results don't forget that Google wants,to show the most recent results in the,searches but if your block blog post was,published two years ago but hasn't been,updated since then it won't be likely to,be displayed at the top of search,results unless you update it regularly,like all the major bloggers do so it,contains the fresh content and fresh,information from Google's perspective to,remember to go through all of the old,content regularly I recommend doing it,every six months check for the backlinks,check for the missing images and for any,outdated information and add a short,paragraph to make it more relevant to,make it more current and to boost the,Google indexing number two should be,replaced at the checkout this is a my,personal page and this is something I,see on a continuous basis when I review,Shopify stores shipping calculates at,the checkout is a default Shopify,feature that comes displayed on the,product page even if you offer a flat,rate shipping this information will be,still displayed on a product page it can,be very confusing to your visitors and,can definitely affect sales they often,see is start informing about a free,shipping in a top promo bar and then,displaying shipping calculated at the,checkout information on the product page,when your visitors seed they don't know,if there will be charged the shipping at,the last stage of the checkout all of,the shipping is actually free remember,nobody likes bad surprises at the,checkout especially that the shipping,fees are such a sensitive subject many,shoppers don't mind paying five or six,dollars more for the product have a pain,extra three dollars for the delivery is,often a deal-breaker so if you're,offering,flat-rate shipping are a free delivery,worldwide remember to remove the,shipping calculated and the check out,from the product page I explained how to,do it in the other video and I'll link,to it from the description below,number three default Shopify a refund,policy,when you open a Shopify store you often,get a choice to use their own refund,policy it can be found in a policy,section and it's very very easy to add,it to your store save you writing your,own policy which is perfect for,brand-new stores however you might not,realize that it contains information,very very confusing to your visitors and,can also affect sales it mentions items,you might not be selling such as food,flowers newspapers books DVDs VHS tapes,video games downloadable product and,personal care items also if you're,selling personalized items like engraved,products you need your own unique policy,policy that specifies whether you,actually accept returns for any,personalized items and also information,how to return the product if your drop,shipping you need to follow the,agreement with your supplier customers,cannot return the products to your,address because they were shaped by the,supplier all this information needs to,be agreed beforehand and it needs to be,included in the refund policy having a,unique refund policy region for your own,niche will help you protect your,business and will help you protect,against any negative feedback against,any unhappy customers many people will,assume that they can return any item,even if it was used or washed within 30,days and expect full refund so unless,you specified in detail on your refund,policy people might assume that you,offer full refund for any item returned,to you,you can have your refund policy returned,by a copywriter,specializing in e-commerce laws you can,find freelancer like that on up work on,Fiverr as you can see I went to, and,searched far right store policy there's,plenty of gigs on any budget that you,can choose to your needs you can also,find plenty of freelancers on app work,just search for Shopify store policy,remember that you would need to create,an account on Fiverr and up work before,using their services it doesn't have to,cost a lot it can cost you between five,and ten dollars for a full five hundred,words refund policy written for your own,needs just make sure to instruct them,what kind of information you want to be,included in the policy there are also,plenty of websites helping you to write,your own unique policy following the,ready-made templates and you only fill,out the necessary information this is,often free and will give you,professional and slick policy you can,find template to download on terms feet,comm pulling to it in the video,description another thing to remember,when using Shopify own policy is that,you still have the duplicate content,same content that's on thousands of,other shops where websites it can,negatively affect your SEO because as we,all know Google doesn't like duplicate,content so remember avoid using,Shopify's own default refund policy and,write your own content instead number 4,Aliexpress default product titles and,descriptions if your drop shipping and,importing products from Aliexpress,through or below the default product,descriptions and styles are gotten,imported as well however they contain,very confusing information that is not,helpful to your buyers the titles are,often too long the description is just a,list of features which is often,confusing and not really helpful what we,also don't realize that the growing,number of online shoppers and know that,they can buy directly from Aliexpress,they recognize their own default,descriptions and titles let's a giveaway,sign that your drop shipping they might,think why won't I buy directly from,Aliexpress and save myself some tau also,having the same product descriptions as,thousands of other Shopify stores,meaning that there is nothing that sets,you apart from,other dropshippers especially in,competitive niche like fashion watches,or beauty products it's important to,stay competitive as much as possible you,need product descriptions is a great,start tell about the product benefits,tell about the product features and what,kind of problems,is it solving because people buy based,on two emotions solving problem are,avoiding fear I talked about it in,detail in another video and I'll link to,it in the description so please check it,out,when it comes to fashion item it could,be a pain of missing out on being,fashionable on being up to trends or,about solving a problem of not making,the positive right impression knowing,your target audience will help you,realize what kind of paints and,solutions you are providing it requires,a bit of research in the need but I have,plenty of information on my youtube,channel about doing your customer and,niche research so please check it out,this video is a little bit too short to,delve into the topic but don't ignore a,research storytelling is also very very,powerful when writing for the,descriptions wanna tell a story,it connects with the emotional part of,our brain the same power that is,responsible for making decisions,that's why telling a story about your,product can help you sell much more I've,got another video on how to use,storytelling when writing product,descriptions that sell so make sure to,check it out as well let's not forget,that unique product descriptions and,product titles can also help your SEO,dublicate descriptions can also affect,your SEO as I mentioned with having,dedicated policies to remember to write,unique product titles and product,descriptions it will not only help your,SEO it will also help you skyrocket your,sales number 5 blurry images blur images,in your Prada banners all your product,images can definitely affect sense then,also make your store look very,professional,Shopify themes have got default size for,all the banners and sliding images if,image we upload is too small it,be stretched out by the Shopify theme,giving it a blurry effect make sure that,your images are high quality and high,resolution and chrome to the correct,suggest as recommended in a theme if,there is no recommended dimension for,the image Iram and crop up in the files,for your hero images and sliding images,to 1500 pixels wide and 1000 pixels high,you can easily do it in canva when it,comes to product images the bettors,dimensions are perfect square at least,800 pixels on our silence it will ensure,that journalists are displaying,correctly with no blurry effect number 6,typos and grammar errors it's gonna,happen more often than you think and,type what's happened to everyone even in,the grammar tracks can miss them can,give you unprofessional and amateur look,which can affect sales remember to check,your product of these questions and and,written content using a freelancer you'd,find plenty of affordable proofing gigs,on I mean doing it before you,publish any major content to your,webpage re-found policy and also,proofread your blog post every month the,investment will quickly pay for itself,as promised ex-confederate of short,especially English isn't your first,language like in my case it's quite,abundant I remember it happened to me at,least once that someone emailed me and,pointed to me a grammar error on my,website which was quite embarrassing,especially that it was on how page,certain items and any piece of come to,be proof read by a professional,freelancer I also use grammar plaque,such as grammarly and that didn't,attract it using word counter however,these thoughts aren't always hundred,percent foolproof so member talena check,your content regularly,number seven Derek info on about us page,this is also a common mistake instead of,talking about you on a bonus page you,talk about your mission statement about,the products you're selling and any very,generic info,this can also affect sales people click,on about Us page to learn more,you and who you are as a person they,want to learn a bit about your story,what inspired you to start this business,what kind of experience you've got in,this niche and who's in the team as an a,photo of yourself on a bus page is a,very important trust ignore online,shoppers are craving this kind of,personal connection suddenly the rapport,and Trust is crucial for improving sales,it will love to see who's behind the,brand it's especially important if,you're creating your own products if,you're an artist of your or if you're,selling handmade items people love to,see who they're buying from because this,kind of backstory can add value to the,product to avoid having very generic,information on about Us page and instead,use it to talk about yourself about what,you started this business what inspired,you to launch this business in this,particular niche and also what makes you,a thority this is very important for,niches such as health fitness fashion,and more if people see that you are a,fashion conscious and you are selling,fashionable items there will be much,more likely to trust your judgement when,picking the products another example is,outer equipment store if people see that,you are experienced in a campaign in,outer adventures they'll trust your,judgement that you pick the right items,to the star they will trust that the,gear they buy from you is recommended by,professional try saying that you are,experienced in hiking in outer lifestyle,cancer Bush sells in this particular,niche you don't have to be a pro in the,niche that you start having mentioned,any relevant experience can be a plus so,remember about aspect it's very,important for your conversion right and,the crucial trust signal so make sure to,add it to your star number eight content,that has no purpose I see it over and,over again,pretty images that are not optimized to,convert they're often not related to,your store so ever for example if you're,selling cycling equipment but have,pictures of a garden,Paige well beautiful these images don't,help to improve your sales this can be,images in a hero banner in a slide in,images or any images on a homepage,remember that adding images that are,unrelated it's only taking valuable,space from your homepage will not,improve in sales remember that any,Content going to the home page needs to,have purpose it needs to work on your,conversion it needs to improve sales it,doesn't have to be a picture of your,product but something that is closely,related to your need so if you're,selling cycling equipment you can show a,photo of someone cycling through the,forest and join their day this kind of,image is much more likely to resonate,with your target audience and improve,your sales and remember to optimize it,with a short tagline and call to action,such as shop now browse more find out,more linking to their relevant content,remember if you're adding stock images,think about what kind of purpose it will,have and if it's related to your niche,number 9 partner products and athlete,products a Shopify store can be,monetized further by using a fleet,program or partner program products,however you often are left with no,control over what kind of products are,being shown in your store it means that,your visitors might see completely,unrelated products on your own website,so for example if you're selling beauty,products your partner products can show,home improvement items which is quite,confusing and doesn't do anything to,your sales if someone is on your website,shopping for beauty products it's,unlikely the devil by DIY home,improvement tools remember to check the,settings of the partner products and of,your affiliate program so it doesn't,deter visitors from your own website,number 10 pop-ups this is something,that's been my personal pee for a number,of years large pop-ups that appear on a,website,as you're trying to read the content it,is especially distracting on mobile when,the large pop-up covers the screen,completely it is super annoying luckily,Google now is dealing with it and,considers large pop-up as a bad user,experience you,experience is very important for a CEO,the web site with multiple pop-ups can,actually rank lower in Google search,results Google can actually penalize you,for having large pop-ups on the mobile,that prevent your visitors to browse,your content especially pop-ups that,have got a close button very very,difficult to find and have the most,negative effect,remember to reduce the number of pop-ups,especially the ones that appear at the,same time if you want to show more than,one pop-up remember to adjust the,settings so they don't appear at the,same time one can appear at the,beginning of the session and the other,one can appear at the end triggered by,someone leaving the website it's called,exit intent and it is very very,effective,so remember reduce the number of pop-ups,and show only one at a time and also,minimize them on mobile you can change,the display settings of each pop-up,third displays differently on bigger,screen and differently on mobile it will,be much better for your SEO for user,experience and for your sales number,eleven distractions on the product page,anything that distracts your visitor,from buying do any social media icon,star rating reviews distract your,visitor from one action they should be,taken by it from you remember to remove,anything from the product page that,distract your visitor and take attention,away from buying the product page should,be stripped down out of the bare,essentials especially above the fold the,area visible without scrolling down the,above default on your product page,should contain only the key elements,product title price variant quantity and,Add to Cart button these are the most,important elements for any visitor to,buy from you anything else is a,distraction and should be either removed,or displayed below the fold also if your,Add to Cart is below product description,that can also affect sales make sure to,move it at the top so it's displayed,above default remember above default,area is the key for conversion on any,page especially on product page I've got,another video analyzing how to optimize,your above default area to convert the,power so make sure to check it out,remember if you like what you hear click,the like button and subscribe to my,youtube channel,also remember to hit the bell to get,notified every time I put a new video up,also let me know which of these eleven,points you like the mouse and which of,them would you like to learn more about,and I'll create a video on the topic,leave a comment below to tell me on what,topic should I create my next video,please do me a great favor like this,video and subscribe to my youtube,channel for the algorithmic and hittable,to get notified every time I add new,video there's new video coming every,week on Tuesdays and Fridays,also check the other videos shown here,and see even more clips on my youtube,channel speak with you soon bye bye

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