how to set up google wallet on shopify

How to understand the confusion with Google Wallet? well you may have had,google pay and now you hav

Tech for Senior

Updated on Feb 25,2023

How to understand the confusion with Google Wallet?

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up google wallet on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up google wallet on shopify

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How to understand the confusion with Google Wallet?

well you may have had,google pay and now you have google,wallet but then again you may have had,google wallet gone to google pay,and now have google wallet back again,are you confused,well google's confused the credit card,companies are confused,so let's watch this video where i try to,make sense of this,it's ron brown with tech for senior,where we make videos to help explain,technology,we have over 700 videos on our youtube,channel and they are all royalty free,for you to use,all as we ask is that you give us that,little like and if you would like to be,informed when you create new videos just,click that subscribe and we'll send you,a notification now let's get on with,google wallet mobile transactions is a,multi-billion dollar business,google is running a distant last,apple is captivating this at 92 percent,of all mobile transactions followed by,samsung at five percent and google at,three percent,a lot of this i feel is because of,confusion,on how google pay and google wallet,works so let me try and explain that,today in this video since 2011,google has had google wallet,and then google pay,and that had different versions of this,in different countries and this has,become,very confusing as it's changed over the,past years primarily google pay,is a service linking your electronic,device to a credit card this allows a,secure transaction to occur through your,existing credit card without any,identification of personal data,google wallet is really a storage area,for your,loyalty cards gift cards,secure card payments,as this has progressed,over the past 10 15 years,it is different in different countries,and this is all being made more,confusing by the recent changes at,google and no real clear leadership on a,a path they want to take so let me try,and make sense of this,as we move ahead so the relationship,between google wallet and google pay,depends on what country you're in in,2022,for example in canada now google pay is,being replaced by google wallet,and if you had google pay on your phone,it you will now notice that it just,turned into google wallet,this depends it's different in the,united states where you both have google,wallet and google pay still so it really,is country specific,and you'll have to sort that out,depending on which,country you live in but at present in,canada and many countries around the,world,google wallet now encompasses google pay,so google pay and google wallet are the,same thing but it's being branded with,the google wallet symbol,so i take my credit card and i go and i,tap and pay,but i don't hit the right area to tap,darn it it won't work,if my credit card's been sitting in my,wallet for over a year well it sometimes,doesn't work either and i have to keep,tapping and tapping on the stupid,machine,and it doesn't work,i am so happy that i now have google pay,well actually google wallet on my phone,so i now can just take my cell phone,and i just bring it up within an inch of,the machine and bingo it works different,technology than then tap and pay with,your card because you're not tapping and,paying with your phone,it's using nfc near field communication,which is just,a proximity you just bring this within a,probably about an inch of the machine,and bingo it the transaction is complete,not only is the transaction complete but,it is a secure transaction,and your personal information such as,credit card name,and number is not given to the vendor,so this adds a big level of security,i'm amazed as i've been going around the,last month watching how many people are,actually using their phone for a,transaction i'm also using my,watch that is even better when you can,use your watch for this because i don't,have to get my phone out so what i've,just got described is a payment service,you can use and and most people 92,percent are using apple pay but of,course there's samsung pay and google,pay,google wallet is more encompassing and,of course involves,not only storing all your loyalty cards,your passports your,your driver's license your vaccination,cards but also google wants it to be a,secure financial service that you can,use to send money to peer-to-peer or to,send it to different banks or different,countries so this could grow as google,adds more services to the google wallet,who can use google wallet i'm going to,look at three devices i'm going to look,at a pc i'm going to look at,a mobile device and then i'm going to,look at a watch so let's start with the,mobile device,so google wallet can be used on any,android phone this means it's available,on all android including samsung phones,this is different than samsung pay which,of course can only be used on a samsung,phone google wallet can also be used,on an iphone but not for credit card,purchases you can use it for,peer-to-peer transactions with other,google accounts but not credit card,services,when we look at smart watches things get,a little more tricky and currently there,are seven smart watches,that allow google wallet to be used and,i'll put that list below,so the first question i always get is,what about the fitbit sense that's a,watch i always talk about,it's made by google,isn't google wallet available well no,it's not in fact you have to use fitbit,pay,fitbit pay is very limiting and in,canada none of the credit cards for,major banks will really work on it,it's very limited in its scope a little,more available in the united states but,google wallet is not available on the,fitbit since but of course,the galaxy watch 4 made by samsung it is,available and will work on the galaxy,watch 4. it is not available on the,apple watch,now the fitbit two cents has been,announced and google says that google,wallet will be available for the fitbit,since to,at some time in the future but not at,time of release,so if you're planning that as a purchase,i would hold off until they actually get,the software developed the new watch,coming out this fall of course will be,the pixel watch and of course rumor has,it that the,google wallet will be available on the,pixel watch yay,that'll be great,so let's look at a pc,so google wallet or the storage center,is not really available on a pc but when,i talk about a pc it could be linux it,could be apple or it could be a windows,pc anywhere where chrome is being used,and you have a google account,you have the ability to use,google pay,now what it's a little bit different on,a pc,because what actually happens is you go,to your google account and in the,payment center of your google account,you can enter your credit card numbers,within the chrome browser you then have,the ability to autofill,your credit card information,in an online transaction,so,in summary you would it's not an app and,you would actually set this up through,the google payment center within your,google account and then use the autofill,feature in google chrome,so there's going to be incredible growth,in the financial services that google,has to offer over the next few years i,would really encourage you to use google,pay or google wallet whichever country,you're in on your smartphone or better,yet your watch it's great,so let's watch carefully as the,competition heats up,as paypal,your own banks,google wallet google pay apple pay all,compete,for the big financial market and,electronic transactions,it's ron brown with tech for senior i,hope this video has helped clarify,google pay and google wallet please,don't forget the like and subscribe,until we see you again have a great day,um

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