how to remove store best sellers on shopify

How To Find Shopify Store Best Sellers If Its Hidden can you hide the best sellers products,on your


Updated on Mar 20,2023

How To Find Shopify Store Best Sellers If Its Hidden

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove store best sellers on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove store best sellers on shopify

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how to remove store best sellers on shopify catalogs

How To Find Shopify Store Best Sellers If Its Hidden

can you hide the best sellers products,on your store well kind of but can you,see this hidden bestsellers products,well absolutely,hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel as always start the video my,name is ennis and i'm working for you so,if you have any video requests or any,questions you can find my instagram in,the description box or just drop me a,comment below i do reply to each comment,on also each message on my instagram so,two weeks ago i did post a video on how,you can find the best sellers for any,shopify store and after a couple of days,of posting that video i did get a,comment saying that it does not actually,works on every website and i was curious,because the trick that i did show in my,video it works on all shopify stores,because as i mentioned in my video it's,actually built in in shopify platform,and the best about this comment he did,actually give some examples which is,some shopify stores and i'll probably,put the comment right here as you can,see he did mention two stars one is a,german one called everdrop and second,one is gem shark and everyone knows gem,shark basically so he did mention those,two stars and he did say that it does,not work on them and i was curious so i,did check and i did demonstration on,everdraw and it is actually true it does,not work on them so i did a little bit,of investigation i did find out how they,do it when you did type in the parameter,on the url the one that i did mention in,my video it did redirect you to the home,page so they did simply edit the code on,the shopify team and they did add a,parameter to redirect each url that has,their specific preference to the home,page and i will show you that in a,moment so when you did type in the,preference to the url and hit enter you,will be redirected two times the first,one to the actual url to show you the,bestsellers and after that in almost,less than a second it will redirect you,again to the home page so you cannot see,those products but no worries guys you,are watching on our channel and,everything is possible here so in this,video i will show you how you can,actually see those best-selling products,on the store that's actually hidden and,you can see them without any tools or,anything like that and after i did pause,this video they may have implemented a,new trick and i will do another video,again showing you how to do that in the,future so without any more talking let's,just jump to the screen and show you how,you can do that so as you can see right,now on the screen this is actually the,website that he did mention which is a,shopify store called other drop which is,a german one and as i said the trick,that i did use is simply redirecting the,url to the home page so you cannot see,that and to show you that let's just,check first it's actually a shopify,store by just right click on the website,and click on view page search option,right here,and it will open up this bunch of calls,here and here is, so right now we did,make sure that this store is actually,running shopify and the next step here,just to show you what i'm talking about,here so the parameter that i did mention,in my video which is,backslash collection backslash all uh,question mark sort dashboard equals best,selling so if we did add this parameter,to any shopify store and we did hit,enter it will show us all the best,sellers in the shopify store but in this,case it will not work so let's just hit,enter and show you exactly what i'm,talking about so if we did hit enter,right now,as you can see it did redirect us to the,home page let's just show you that one,more time,and hit enter,as you can see it did redirect us to,home page and if you're wondering how,did i know that well if it's not,actually a redirect the urls should stay,like this,the url will stay like this but when you,see it get back to the,simply dot deal that means that it's,actually a redirect so right now we want,to know the best sellers for this,shopify store and to do that it's really,simple the first thing you're going to,do is simply head over to,product page uh this is in german i,don't speak german just translate it to,english for example shop let's just go,for,accessories so right now as you can see,this is the product accessories in this,shopify store and we want to know the,best sellers for this one right here and,by the way you will have to do this,trick on each category on the shopify,store so as you can see in the url right,now it says collections,backslash forward slash sorry,accessories so right now as i said we,want to know the best sellers in this,category which is accessories and to do,that simply tap on url here and tap on,the and click sorry on the right arrow,on your keyboard and after that paste in,just the regular parameter that i did,mention in in my video which is the one,that it does not work actually but hold,on you need to do one thing first make,sure to remove collections and forward,slash and all you will need to remove,this part right here from the parameter,and keep it just like this forward slash,accessories and question marks sort dash,by equals best selling so just hit enter,and as you can see the sorted product,did change let's just get back to show,you that,the first one was some kind of,clothes here,also the second one clothed clothes,again this is some kind of book,so let's just add the parameters instead,and remove collections and also the the,forward slash and all so hit enter,and always they change the first one,this is the best tenant products,what is this thing by the way,translates wooden feeder made from bfc,certified bishward i don't know this is,just some,yeah this is an accessory for one of,this product as you can see this powder,is is their product what is this,this is in german again,anyway and as you can see it did work,actually and to show you that it,actually works on all categories let's,just copy just the part there we do we,do need which is this one right here,copy it and let's just go to another,category from here well i don't know,what this is anyway so as you can see,there is a lot of cutting products sorry,here,so as i said simply,click on the url and after that click on,the right arrow on your keyboard and,paste in this parameter without the,collection forward slash all and no,worries i will put this exact thing in,the description box so just scroll down,and copy it and access some category,from the shopify store and hit and paste,in sorry the parameter and hit enter,and erase this is the,best selling product the first one was,just just one i don't know yeah this is,the door get a product from the regular,searching and this is the best sellers,right here so as you saw right now,nothing is possible and as i mentioned,in my video you can disable this trick,because it's simply built in in shopify,stores they all do a simple trick which,is the redirect one to buy best the is,the best selling products future but you,can actually see the best sellers using,this trick that i did show in my video,and as i said i will put the code in the,description box simply copy it and,simply add it to the url of the shopify,store that they did hide the best,sellers products on their store and as i,said at the beginning of the video if,you have any questions or any video,requests make sure to drop them below or,check out my instagram in the,description box this video as you saw,this is just a request from more common,so if you have any video requests or any,questions make sure to drop them below,in the comment and i will do a video,about it as well because simply i'm,working for you otherwise i think my job,is done and thanks for watching and,catch you on the next one

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