how to reduce bounce rate shopify

HOW TO REDUCE YOUR BOUNCE RATE (2018) - ECOMMERCE SHOPIFY HACK guys mine another day another blog to


Updated on Jan 24,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to reduce bounce rate shopify

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guys mine another day another blog today,I'm gonna talk about bounce rate but,what is bounce rate,well goals look up on Google that's a,lot of definition there as far as cute,my intro,so many website owners of blockers or,e-commerce or any particular website you,have to watch the bounce rate because,it's very important it's the indicate,that how many people that's going into,your website and then bounce it out so,let's say you put $100 into your website,to advertise and then 70%,I say we dollar that out your pocket,ready which is not really good I'm gonna,show you how to some tips as we do sting,the bounce rate but if you didn't,subscribe my channel please that hit,that subscribe hit that notification,bell,join my channel I have auditive for,e-commerce or website or traffic,generation what that means say let's,dive at it what's up guys today I'm,gonna show you about the bounce rate how,to reduce it how to increase it down so,how you look for bounce rate you go to,Google and on this and look into the,boundary the boundary right now I have a,64% we just okay compared to other,website like ecommerce is eighty percent,ninety percent 70 percent so the lower,boundary the better there's the more,conversion that you have the reason why,about is so high is because loadings be,for your website you know many people,get things boil these things when your,loan is being like 7 or 10 second then,we bounce them rounded okay is it with,that do won't wanna show you the website,I always use is called check my load and,speed called geometric dot-com we're,gonna go outside so I'm testing let's,look in the Amazon so Amazon calm really,terrible,loading speed but they have big website,something you need to be error,you must be really good very good look,at this everything is good saying it's,only like three second only three it's,amazing everything optimized so what,they do correctly if you know the left,side is amazing optimally see the,picture this is making sure your picture,is that we do some to small pixel it's,always this boning fast most of the time,picture is a problem and also your logo,your logo you might don't know but,sometime like if you ask for the year,designer was giving you a big file so,you always reduce your logo all their,tips I'm gonna show you that when people,bounce your website you know you need to,capture will little app to want to exit,your website this insane gonna pop out,is Kim Kimble on vacation so you enter,your email and you will generate a code,coupon for you that's how you capture,Lee use fight back the bounce rate I,mean say a question let me know please

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