how to move from wix to shopify

Free Wix to Shopify - Easy Guide 2022 hello everyone i am ezekiel bruni and,this website at planet


Updated on Feb 12,2023

Free Wix to Shopify - Easy Guide 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to move from wix to shopify

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how to move from wix to shopify catalogs

Free Wix to Shopify - Easy Guide 2022

hello everyone i am ezekiel bruni and,this website at planet video is brought,to you by my wife's haircuts,i've got new lights new camera and that,same old website planet action for you,today,we are actually going to be transferring,a,website from wix to shopify not the,actual store products,those can be exported via a csv file but,exporting your website is well there's,no button that just does that for you,so we're going to have to do things,manually it's simple,a little tedious but simple,let's go over and have a look at,this is my test site it's a site i built,on wix,to sell pictures of my wonderful fluffy,cat cleocatra,simple enough just some text over a,photo,three columns with uh text and images,you know,delineating features uh a quick,newsletter sign up form and a disclaimer,stating that this,is not a real thing it's it's not,so simple enough,here we are on shopify first we're going,to just take a couple minutes to set up,a brand new store,that's it i'm going to have someone blur,out my email address,in post and we're going to put in,actually just the regular password that,i've already got,and let's throw in a store name,i've already called like cleo catro 1,cleo catcher 2 cleo catcher 45,so we're going to do test video test,site there we go,video test site,and is that available it seems to be,available let's create my,store now i already have a shopify,account so,i'm just going to log me in there,that's the incorrect password um,i'm going to take a second to sort this,out and smash cut to,the next screen so,that was a little embarrassing had to,update my password oh well,um it there was a little,loading screen you might have seen that,just,basically said we're making your store,for you and now i've got to,choose some products i'm just playing,around i'm not selling anything,my current revenue zero mexican pesos,uh,photography because this is about,pictures,of my kitty and no i'm div,i'm not developing this for uh,whatever i'm not developing this for a,client i'm developing this for myself,and i'm gonna,cut past the part where i put in my,email address okay,so now that i've put in my address i've,been taken to this,screen right here and,you could you would normally normally,when building a store you'd want to just,add a product but we're not doing that,we're going straight to customize,theme,and we can choose a different theme you,can choose from their,library of free themes here or you can,browse the theme store and they'll,get one of the premium ones we're not,going to do any of that,we're just going to go straight into,customizing the default theme,because this will give us the tools we,need to,copy the content over easily enough,now you're seeing what looks to be here,like a fairly,standard uh,site builder except there's a couple of,things you need to know,one you can't drag and drop anything,uh secondly everything's handled through,this,sidebar the sidebar is where you do the,dragging and the dropping,and the sidebar is where you decide what,content is going to be on your page,and which what content is not and the,last thing you need to know,the last thing you absolutely need to,know,well here's how to remove stuff but the,last thing you need to know is that you,can't do this for every page you can,only do this,and this is very annoying i'm not gonna,lie you can,only do this on the,phone page every other page works a,little differently and i'll show you how,they work later,but for now we've got mostly what we,need we've got this,image with the text overlay we've got,the text columns,and let's just do the newsletter,and we'll call that a day huh so now,we've got the basic template we need,we're good to go adding the actual text,and images is easy stuff,first we just go into,this header section,no no the header we're leaving alone,sorry if we go to this image with,overlay section,and let me find,there we go i've got my folder full of,pictures and i think i can just drag and,drop,let's see yes i can just drag and drop,images to upload them and boom,there's my picture now i want the text,and boom,got it now,something you need to know is like again,everything's edited,here on the sidebar you know you can't,just,uh edit things over here and every,different kind of content will have you,know its fields,we can change the layout,i think i prefer the full width though,if i'm honest we can change the image,alignment,you can change the text size we're going,to go with the large,and,that's it really just copy and paste,your text into the appropriate fields,oh uh something you should know here and,you know drag and drop your images in,but something you should know here,is that you can is that these content,blocks like this is one block of content,the image with text overlay,this content block over here with the,columns is actually three content blocks,in one,and you can add column you can add extra,columns see there's four now,or you can delete them,and that's it you just repeat the same,process as before,and only you put in a different picture,now let's see,uh we'll call it this one,and then copy and paste your text,oh the newsletter section didn't gets,didn't stay,odd let's go back,and there we go subscribe to our,newsletter we will select that and that,will stay where it is,now i'm going to take a few minutes to,finish out,finish uh creating the page and then,i'll show you what the,final page looks like in the editor and,on the live site,all right and then i'll show you how to,uh,copy content over to everything that's,not a home page,while i work i wanted to include a quick,interlude,you might have noticed i kept forgetting,to hit this a green select button,when you're choosing things like images,that's important otherwise your changes,won't be saved,it's the same when adding uh new,sections of content like the newsletter,like i did earlier all right now i'll,see you in a bit,when i finish the rest of this now that,only took me a few minutes all things,considered,and we've got the full page more or less,it's got all the same content well it,doesn't have the disclaimer but,we're just going to ignore that for now,is you just click save,and you're good to go,now if you want to see your site live,you just go,hit this exit button over here then hit,this little i,icon by next to the online store link,and there you go there is the home page,in all its glory,now let's assume you have some other,pages you want on your website,unfortunately you cannot design them,like you can here we'll,go create a page,we'll just call it about us and this is,it,this is all you get it's just,a little uh rich text field you can,insert videos and,images that sort of thing so that's good,so we're going to put our disclaimer,here,and we're going to change this to,shopify,and let's throw in one more picture just,for,funsies one of the ones we used before,you can access the same photos you,uploaded for,your home page which is good and we're,not going to bother with alt text or,anything like that,because i am being lazy for the purposes,of this video,save as and view page,and there you go you get this single,column layout thing,it's not a lot to look at i'm not going,to lie,but it works it's functional the,whole point of shopify after all is the,store so,basically you can customize your home,page and your store and all the other,pages,are pretty much an afterthought,well so that was pretty simple and i,hope you all,enjoyed that found it useful uh in for,educational even maybe even fun,now in the video description we are,going to be putting a few helpful links,in we will be putting in,a link to the written guide for this we,will be putting in,most likely links to the shopify,and wix reviews so you can compare their,actual features and how they work,and you i'll also in be sure to include,a link to,our site builder category page which,shows off all,our reviews of all the best website,builders in case,shopify and wix aren't working out for,you anyway,that'll be it for today again i hope,this was,informational and helpful and that's,this is ezekiel bruni signing out

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