how to make header bigger on shopify

How To Create Custom Header In Shopify 2023 | Complete Tutorial hello them if you want to add some,c

Tech Express

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How To Create Custom Header In Shopify 2023 | Complete Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to make header bigger on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make header bigger on shopify

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How To Create Custom Header In Shopify 2023 | Complete Tutorial

hello them if you want to add some,custom headers into your store into your,Shopify store you are actually in the,right place so let's begin let's jump,right into it so uh first of all guys,I'm gonna be showing you how you can do,this using an application and not by,using codes because using codes is a,little bit more difficult it's a little,bit more complex but if you don't know,anything about how to create a website,with codes,um I would edit a website an actual,website,like the best easy way to deal with this,is still use an application so just to,get like an idea if I go into my online,store and go into my store I'm going to,go into customize and here into the,three dots I want to choose the edit,code,and here into my edit code I do have,access as an administrator so this is a,great place to start editing my files so,if I go into my layout I actually can go,and look for liquid,um theme so here I am not going to be,showing you how you can do this because,this might be a little uh difficult for,a lot of people even for me so what we,want to focus here is on all the,application so you don't want to mess,around here this is just like an idea of,how you can do this by yourself and not,by using an application and yes it's,totally for free but the other option,sometimes there's a few free trial and,sometimes it's a premium trial and,sometimes there are something that needs,to be correctly paid or it comes already,with your Shopify,um subscription,I'm going to get into applications at,application and in here I'm going to,scroll down until I found the Shopify,App Store,now that I find that option what I want,to look for is for the search apps that,appears in here,and here I want to look for Gem pages so,I can hear the jam pages and it's going,to appearing in here so this application,I'm going to click in here this,application has a 30-day free trial mode,sometimes it has a 29 dollars per month,but actually I'm going to leave you a,link down below after you have your,Shopify store so you can have a huge,discount this great application but if,you want to check it out more options uh,how to make conversion how to make some,custom,banners a custom heading of your store,totally for free well you can just stick,it into the app store and see which one,fits for you the best but in here you,want to install the jam pages so after,you style the application you want to go,into create a new section,so as you can see this is just a preview,of how it's going to be looking I will,store if we use so in here,for example we have the Black Friday,sale up to 75 off this is great because,I do have a button that's going to be,linked already into the sale uh to 75 of,everything by now and never this is a,scheduled time I can add this countdown,into my store and here have free,shipping worldwide securing safe payment,the Blackfire deal that is too good to,miss out there's a lot of ways that I,can take advantage of this,um great great get pages so I'm gonna,just if you're convinced that this is,still really great for you for your,store what you want to do after you,checked out these tested stuff the,tested website I want to go in to try it,now,so here once I have the app already,installed I can go into my Shopify once,again,which is actually in here,I'm going to head into my applications,and open my chain pages,so now I am inside the dashboard of MHS,so as you can see I want the belt and,here I can choose to build a complete,store a blog post a collection store,some home pages my case I do want to use,a landing page,and head into next these are just a few,ways that we can create our header our,first part of our website,so if I want to let's say do something,like for,electronics or accessories you can,healing to create my landing page,so once I successfully done that,is going to be sending me into the,editor of the young page,so you store its password protect so,what I need to do is to enter the store,password so they can read thin Global,style that was giving blah blah so this,uh passcode is in the Shopify store,preferences so that means that if you,have the trial mode of your store your,store is going to be with password,protection so this is the passcode that,we need to provide so I'm going to hit,into copy I'm going to go back in here,I'm going to paste the passcode and,apply passcode so that everything has,been successfully done now I'm able to,start using whatever template I wanted,to and what I'm going to be doing here,is to look for a template that I liked,the most the best that can fit with my,for my from my products right so for,example I kind of like this one uh it,looks it looks good but if let's say you,want to look for something related into,um into my products for example I am,selling watches right so here I have,some PD product this is just for landing,pages remember that so I'm going to just,go all my way up and look for this,preview option and if you are okay with,what you are seeing here you can go into,add to your to your landing page,so so that what I want to do is to add,the product is to add this page so I can,customize,this template so there now the template,has been added successfully and now I,can start to edit all my own stuff,so for example I'm just going to be,clicking into the background uh image,that we use in here if I go into the,design I can go into the background I,have a color and I have color and image,I can choose an image and I can select,the option that I want it to but in my,case I just don't want to focus in here,so badly so I'm just going to be showing,you how you can add your own landing,page your own header your first part of,your website just by using this,application now if you do want to,customize a little bit more use stuff if,you don't want to work with templates if,you don't want to pay for absolutely,anything do you want to edit your own,Heather,using you can use different options like,for example canva you can use Photoshop,or you can even take some pictures and,pull that into your store and customize,that inside Shopify inside the edit,section Shopify so you have to pay for,more stuff if you want to customize this,color scheme what I want to do is to,exit first go into settings and here,into settings what I want to do is to,look for my brand section here into my,brand this is the customized section,that I can't edit,so I can add here my default logo I can,um,use the same color but let's say that,this one is going to be looking as,Square this is only for social media I,can add different colors my cover image,My slogan my short description and my,Social Links so I do want to focus into,the primary color so if my store let's,say I want to look for something like a,little bit gold and color like this and,contrasting color I want to choose for,something greater and if I want to add,some secondary color I can add that,and once again I'm choosing these,different colors,this is a secondary color and once I'm,successfully done with that I can go,into save and this would be already,uploaded into my brand into my website,so whether you choose one theme or,another one your brand is going to be,added automatically into your store so,if I hit once again to customize,here I can go into header and here I,have accent number one I have accent,number two,I have background one and background,number two so as you can see those are,the colors that we just choose but once,again if you don't want to take your,time if you don't want to spend a lot of,time here and you do have a few of,budget to customize your store use the,hand pages and use the template that,fits for you the best so you can create,the store right away without having to,deal with uh whatever we just done,before so there you have it guys,hopefully this was a very useful video,for you don't forget to like And,subscribe to this channel if you want to,see more about the Shopify once again,you have the links Down Below in the,description of your free 30-day,subscription so thank you once again for,watching this video and I'll see you on,the next one,foreign

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