how to make custom email account on shopify

Shopify - How to create custom email address hey what's up youtube welcome back to,another video in

Utsav Sarkar

Updated on Mar 09,2023

Shopify - How to create custom email address

The above is a brief introduction to how to make custom email account on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make custom email account on shopify

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how to make custom email account on shopify catalogs

Shopify - How to create custom email address

hey what's up youtube welcome back to,another video in this video i'm going to,show you how you can have a custom email,address for your custom domain name for,shopify,so if you have a shopify store and if,you want to have a custom email address,for your store then this is the video,that will teach you how to do that now,i have a shopify store called petstar87,it is,a,store selling pet products,and i want to have a custom email,address which would be info at,,so the way to do this is first of all go,into your,shopify admin which is basically your,store admin,go into settings,go into domains,click on the first link link here pet,star 87 so click on that,and then you would see that currently,all of the emails going to this custom,email address would it's actually being,forwarded to,my personal email address here so,but that's not what we want right we,want to have,a,i want to be able to reply to people who,send email to this info at,and when i reply i wanted to say that,it's coming from this address so we need,to set up,a,email account with zoho,so,let's go ahead and click on switch to,email hosting,and then here there are two options you,could either create a g suite,email hosting provider or you can create,a zoho mail,email hosting provider now i'm not too,sure uh what the cost is for for g suite,i believe it's like five bucks a month,or maybe 10 bucks a month but i already,have a zoho account,and so we're gonna choose zoho okay so,the next thing to do is to verify your,domain,so in order to do that you need to go to,,uh you need to go into your admin,console so,i already have a zoho account so all you,need to do is if you don't have a zoho,account go ahead and create it it's free,but once you for your first email,address it's free but then i think from,your second email address onwards you,gotta,move on to a paid plan so um you can see,that i already have an account i already,have a couple of email addresses and,domains name domain names set up,so go to mail admin,click on domains,and then click on add,i'm going to put my domain name here,and then it's going to give you some,instructions,on how to,verify,this domain name right so,you would have to go back into shopify,and you would have to add this text,text name record in your domain name,so click copy here,so it says click to copy so click that,and then go back into your shopify,let me close that tab okay so now go,back into shopify,um go to,and go and go back here,oh sorry my bad let me,yeah we were right there,so you need to,create,a,you need to click on domain settings,click on edit dns settings,and then here you need to add a custom,record so the instructions given here is,that you need to add a txt record so go,ahead and click on txt record here,you can leave this,you can just leave that,like that and then copy and paste the,txt value here click on confirm,so dns record successfully added go back,into zoho account and click on verify,txt record,sometimes it could take a while but,luckily for me it was it took like,barely like 10 seconds,click on proceed,and now you need to create a couple of,more records you need to create these,mail it's called the mx record what it,does,is when somebody sends you an email,it would forward that email to zoho,right so,let's go ahead and create these mx,accounts so just copy this,,now go back here click on add custom,click on,mx record,and then,paste paste it here so that's the first,one,now you need to add the second one,which would point to,so let's go ahead and,do that,and the priority would be,oh actually wait a sec so see it didn't,create the first one we did it,yeah actually it did,so let's create the second one,right,and the priority will be 20,confirm how do i know it's 20 because,that's what,that's what it tells me here,so first one would be party 10 second,would be 20. now let's do the third one,and the priority for the third one is,50.,so add custom record mx record,paste it here and then 50.,i actually didn't create the first one,because i didn't put in the priority so,let me go ahead and create the first one,again,right so,that the first one the priority is 10.,confirm and now you can see that all,three of the mx records have been,created,now let's create a spf record,don't ask me what that is,i'm just following the instructions,on,on zoho so,spf,ah we don't even see an spf record here,let me quickly see oh it's still a text,record so spf is still a text record,so let's go ahead and create that text,record,it here,and confirm,last one is another text record,so remember and the host for this one is,different so copy the host first,click on,text record the,host name would be here and then the,value,is this let's copy that and paste it,here,and there you go all of those records,have been created successfully,all you need to do now is click on,verify all records,sometimes like i said sometimes it could,take a while,so we will just have to be patient and,click on ok,hi it's telling me to delete an existing,mx record that's what i thought okay,that's good so remember,we have four mx records here but then,there were three on the other side so,let's go ahead and delete this,mx record that was previously there,i've done that,and now let's click on verify all,records again and there you go,that was pretty quick,click on,proceed all right that's so now you can,see that,my domain name has been verified,right so um now that the domain name has,been verified we can go ahead and create,an email account,for this domain name,right so i'm going to go into users i'm,going to click on add,looks like so my current license that i,have with zoho currently,it only allows you to have two email,accounts,and if i wanted to create a third one i,would have to purchase,or upgrade to a better plan so let's,click on buy now,so it's telling me here,that,it's twenty four dollars a year,to,add an additional,email address,so,sorry my bad so the current plan that i,have it's called mail like plan and i,only have two users,that only allows me to two email,accounts,so i need to change,the plan right so let's click on upgrade,so if i were to add,an additional user,it would cost me 12 per user per year,right so,so since um so for now i'll only pay six,dollars and 58 cents because i'm only,already halfway through the year now,so i'm gonna click on continue,and i'm gonna,click on make payment,there you go so,looks like the payment went through,and i'm gonna close this,cool so now i have three users here,let's go back to,,click on users,click on add,now,i'm going to put pet star,so that's going to be my,the name of the user,and the username i'm going to say info,at,petstar87,i'm going to put in,a password,and then click on add,it's going to take a while but,let's be patient all right there you go,so,okay so now we have that set up we can,customize our,details here so i can you can put in a,a profile photo if you wish,maybe you know if you want to put in,your logo here that'd be great,but essentially now you can go back to,your dashboard,so now if i'm going to open another tab,and go to,or actually i should probably log out,and i'm going to try to log in again,with my new email address which is info,pet star, click on next sign in,password expired that's strange,why did my password expire so quickly i,just created it,all right let's see i'm gonna,set the password,continue,there you go,so now i want me to set up,um,otp,so i will have to look for my phone,let me quickly grab my phone,i'm gonna,all right so i'm gonna,try to,set up my otp,oops,all right,that's,that's it and there here you are so now,i have a custom email address set up,whenever i want to check my account all,i need to do is go to,login,and i can if i were to send an email,from this address it would show up as,info at,alright guys that's all for this video i,hope you enjoyed it please like and,subscribe and i will catch you in the,next video

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