how to make a product unavailable on shopify

How To Make Products Unavailable On Your Website | Shopify Tutorial hey there welcome back to my cha

Brittney Bundles

Updated on Feb 22,2023

How To Make Products Unavailable On Your Website | Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a product unavailable on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make a product unavailable on shopify

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How To Make Products Unavailable On Your Website | Shopify Tutorial

hey there welcome back to my channel my,name is Brittany bundles and today's,video is going to show you how to make,your products unavailable on certain,platforms including your website opposed,to deleting products altogether now this,will be a very useful video for those,that do remove certain products,depending on the seasons or maybe you,have a limited time product that comes,back every quarter or maybe it comes,back every year or you have a product,that you don't want to sell at this time,but you do want to sell at a later time,instead of going through the process of,completely deleting the product and then,having to go back and re add the product,along with all the different variants,and options rewriting the description,you know putting in the different size,options length options color options and,just going back in and adding you know,and other products when you don't have,to you know I think that this would,really be a good alternative to just,deleting the products and having to riad,it so in this video like I mentioned I'm,going to show you how to make your,products unavailable on certain,platforms so for example if you do want,to have your products available on your,website and Facebook only and you can go,ahead and tell your online store to do,that if you want to have your products,available only or the certain products,available only on Facebook you can do,that as well so if you're if you don't,have Shopify that's the first step you,want to make sure that you do have,Shopify if you are looking to have all,of these options because Shopify is a,platform that I'm using and Shopify is,the platform that I'm going to be,demonstrating and kind of doing a,walkthrough on my online stores on,Shopify and I have a link down below,this video where you can definitely you,know go ahead and click it you can,choose the plan that works best for you,and your business and there may even be,a free trial once you do that though you,do want to log in and on the right hand,side you'll see this option so you'll,see home orders products customers and,your analytics we're going to get into,the walkthrough in just a second but I,just want to take another brief moment,to explain how important it is to make,sure that we have options and for that,reason I am going to be showing you two,different ways to make your products,unavailable through this video so the,first way I'm going to walk you through,how to do this step about four different,times just so that you'll get it you,don't necessarily have to rewrite in the,video or pause the video or anything,like that and then towards the end I'm,going to be showing you another way,that's a little bit quicker so I don't,know if you're familiar with the same,but there's a saying that goes there's a,million different ways to love a cat or,yeah it's something like that but pretty,much it just goes over the fact that,there are so many different ways to do,one thing and so let's go right into it,so we go to go ahead and click on,products and then we're going to choose,the product that we're going to be,working with before we do that though I,just want to show you what it looks like,on this page you have like product,inventory type and vendor information so,yeah like I said you're going to go,ahead and choose what product you do,want to start working on and that's the,product that we're going to you know,decide what where we want the products,available so if you want your product,like I mentioned before only available,on face book we can make that happen if,you want to only available on Amazon we,can make that happen there are certain,companies that offer certain products,through certain sales channels so you,may be doing like a Facebook promotion,and you may tell people that this item,is exclusively offered through our,Facebook page if you want to get more,traffic to your Facebook or if you want,to get more traffic to like your Amazon,or it's your website so feel free to you,know you know have to do what you want,to do be as creative as you want to be,and Shopify allows you to do that so I,went ahead and clicked on the first,option which is the 25mm mink lashes,bold and it gives you an option to,either duplicate the products or to view,the product you can also change the,title in the description here as well,add any other pictures change the,pricing you know you can pretty much do,anything that you want to this products,in this section we're in the product,section,so I'm going to scroll all the way down,and I'm going to click manage right next,to product availability this is going to,show me the different channels that my,product is on as you can see it says,messengerís disconnected because my,messenger is disconnected from Shopify I,can definitely go ahead and reconnect it,if I want to if I want to have my,message or messenger messages connected,to my Shopify I can do that,also Amazon is disconnected so I don't,sell products through Amazon at this,time but I can definitely go ahead and,connect it if I wanted to so you know,these are just messages that you do want,to pay attention to so if you go into,your products section and you see these,messages and this is something that you,want to change you can definitely do so,so once you click on manage you're going,to see this page and this is pretty much,showing you all of the different sales,channels that your product is visible on,so as you can see you can see online,store messenger Facebook shop Amazon and,Instagram I don't sell products on,Amazon so I'm not sure I think it was,connected because I was in the process,of starting the Amazon process but I,didn't create an Amazon account specific,to my business,so that's connect that's checked but,it's not fully connected but as you can,see on the screen you can go ahead and,check or uncheck any different you know,sales channels that you are no longer,wanting to offer on or any sales,channels that may not be checked that,you do want to offer on so if I didn't,want to offer this product at all on any,sales channels I just go ahead and then,click everything and click Save and then,you can go ahead and scroll right back,down to the bottom and you can see that,it shows available on 0 of 0 channels,and apps so this product right now is,not available on my website it's not,available on Facebook it's not available,on messenger it's not available on,Amazon it's not available anyplace at,this point so this product is invisible,so I'm going to go ahead and do it for,the next one just so you can kind of see,again how I did that,you go into your products you choose the,product that you're interested in right,by product availability you're going to,click on manage and then you choose the,sales channels that you no longer want,to offer the product on for this time,and the good thing about this is you can,always change it so although I'm showing,that I'm not offering the the dramatic,lashes on any sales channels I can,change that if I want to I always go,back to the bottom just to make sure,that it does say that it's no longer,available in the sales channels and you,can also go back to your main product,page and you can see there should be a,no under each product that you made,unavailable that they're no longer,available in all channels and apps so,I'm going to do it again for the style,flashy again we just click on the,product we scroll down to the bottom and,my phone kind of cut off the top portion,so the top portion shows like the online,store and I think another sales channel,as well but I went ahead and I checked,everything I click Save,scroll back down to make sure that it's,saved and then I move right along I do,want to say that there are so many,different apps and sales channels that,you can integrate with your Shopify,store that's another reason why I,recommend Shopify so often because you,really do have so many tools to work,with and so many apps and different,sales channels to pair with your online,store,Shopify does a really great job with,showing you the analytics based on what,you've decided to do too so if you,decided to make a certain product,available only on Facebook shop and,maybe your website you can check your,analytics to see how many people have,purchased directly from Facebook now in,your product section I just showed a,minute ago you can also choose the,variance so if I wanted to just have one,option for lashes and then have the,different lash styles as a variant or,another option with a drop-down menu I,could do that as well so whatever you,want to do you really can be the like,the mastermind of your own business you,know what I mean sometimes I would work,with other ecommerce sites and I would,find that I had ideas and I wanted to do,certain things that I just wasn't able,to do because either I couldn't enter,a certain app with their platform or I,couldn't really customize how I wanted,the variants to be but with Shopify you,know I'll keep saying it really has,allowed me to be as creative as I need,to be with my business so pretty much,that's what it shows it just shows,unavailable on all channels and apps now,I'm going to show you another way that's,going to be so much quicker like I,mentioned there's so many different ways,to love a cat so I'm going to show you,another way so this way you go ahead and,click products like we did initially and,you can see the products show,unavailable on all channels and apps go,ahead and click the product that you're,interested in and you can choose here to,make the product available make the,products unavailable delete selected,products add tags remove tags and so on,and so forth so this is a quicker way to,go ahead and make your products,available so just by you know with a,click of a button I can go ahead and put,my products back on all sales channels,click Save and you can see now that that,message that red unavailable on all,channels and apps is no longer there,because now the lashes are available,also I can go ahead and make them,unavailable to just as fast as I made,them available if you were paying,attention to the screen a little bit,towards the beginning of the video when,I changed the products availability for,the lashes that were sold out you would,be able to see that you can still do,this if your products are sold out so,even if your products are sold out and,you don't have you know any products and,you have it listed on your website as,sold out you can still go ahead and make,your products unavailable so sometimes,there are people that I work with and,aren't sure if they want to offer a,certain product anymore going into a,certain season or they're not sure if,they want to offer just certain variants,and certain options you can make your,products unavailable until you decide,what you want to do you don't,necessarily have to go back and delete,anything as you see here it's really,really seamless just to kind of hide the,products on your website and at that,point if anyone goes to my website,they'll be able to see all of my other,products just not the products that I,chose to be unavailable at this,time so I really hope that this video,helped if you have any questions feel,free to leave them down below thank you,so much for watching and I will see you,all in my next video bye

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