how to make a product free shipping on shopify

Easy Trick to Customize Shipping Rate Per Product on Shopify Dropshipping Store in 2021 have you eve

Shopify WP Tech

Updated on Feb 21,2023

Easy Trick to Customize Shipping Rate Per Product on Shopify Dropshipping Store in 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a product free shipping on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make a product free shipping on shopify

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Easy Trick to Customize Shipping Rate Per Product on Shopify Dropshipping Store in 2021

have you ever thought about how to,customize,shipping for your for your shopify,store have you ever thought about,that one products maybe cost more to,ship,than the other one but in the general,shipping policy you have only,one um shipping,price that you put for all your products,you're not alone hey it's adam,from shopify wordpress tech uh today in,this video i'm gonna show you,how to customize your shipping,based on on on single products,if you have different products you can,set,shipping rules for every,products that you have so instead,of you making a general,shipping policy or shipping rules for,all your products,and then at the end one of them end up,costing you more money to ship to the,customer than the other products,so we're gonna solve that today so,we go log into the uh shopify store,and we're gonna click on settings,and from the settings page we're gonna,choose,shipping and delivery,and from here we're gonna leave it and,then we go,to aliexpress look for products,so if you notice we have our oberlo,app is open as well so we're gonna need,the overlaw,for some,settings here so first we go to,aliexpress,i just made another video about the s,pocket,and the comparison between aliexpress,and s pocket so,you need to check that out before you,subscribe,to s pocket because s pocket is a lot of,money,to pay on a monthly basis so check that,video first,so from aliexpress,again my,website or this particular store is,about,um pets,supply this store,main page is kind of nice isn't it,so i have um pets collars,pets toys pets bits,or house and grooming,so we're gonna choose,um we're gonna import a toy,as an example to our store,so we're gonna do it together so let's,go to alexpress,and then we're gonna file let's find um,docs toy,in the search bar,and if you are,selling to customers in the united,states,so from this page from the search page,it was an available dog's toy but it,gave me,option of dog toy is kind of the same,so from this page we're going to choose,ship from,only us and while we do that,on the other video i explained in,details,that some of,some of aliexpress products if not,most of them are based in the united,states,so if you're selling selling your,products to,people residents of the united states,is it better to buy,the products that are based in the,united states,the shipping time will be less than,import them from aliexpress,so we're going to look for a toy,it's kind of nice,it has 4.8 stars,and 347 salt,this one has once um,1697 sold 4.7,but let's go this one the first one it's,on sale too,so we're gonna click on it and then,again from this page we're gonna choose,ship from united states,and this one it says,the shipping time between five to seven,days,so it's not about the shipping time but,the shipping costs,12.63 let's see if they have different,options for shipping,and they have another option from 47,but it costs 15,so you're not going to make any money,out of that,close it let's look for another one,i don't want to make the video very long,so we're going to choose,any products just for the um,for the sake of the tutorial,of this video so we're going to choose,this product,again because most of my my customers,are in the united states are going to,choose ship from the u.s i'm going to,see the price,and the shipping time,so today is january i think 12.,no okay,uh today january 11,at nine o'clock and this is,they should be delivered before february,13,that's about 30 days up and it costs,five dollars so nope let's choose,another one,let's choose this one has only 25,items items sold let's choose that,and again so you have different options,either ship from china united states,spain russia and france,so if you choose any of the other ones,it's gonna,the shipping time is gonna take,longer and longer but since,our customers are in the united states,we're going to ship we're going to,choose ship from and again,delivered before february 13,that's a lot of time that's over 30 days,so nope,we're gonna choose another one,let's choose this one here,and again ship from u.s,the shipping costs nine dollar let's see,if they have different options,the shipping time is not bad from 4 to,13 days,that's great that's like amazon,so no more or no other options,because 9 so we have another,option that we didn't choose in the,beginning,so let's go to free shipping so one of,the options it says free shipping,and we're going to choose the free,shipping,so it's going to give us all the,products that are shipped from us to us,for free and let's choose,any one of these,so for sure you kind of get the idea,that what i'm doing,is we find a product that ships for free,from u.s to u.s residents,and that the shipping time doesn't take,more than um 13 days from 4 to 13 days,that's the average,so we're going to choose united states,again january 24th,it's free shipping let's see if they,have more options,nope they don't have more options so,january 24,it's about uh today the 11th,uh it's almost the 12th because by,midnight it's going to be 12 so it's,um so that's about 13 days,so 13 days delivery is not bad so we're,gonna,import this products to our obilo,app and then from our below we're gonna,import it to the shopify store,so for the for those people that do not,know the,orbital extensions i will be making,another video about it,so it's easy to um,have an extensions and then when you go,to aliexpress,it's automatically showed up um,a button here and then when you click on,it it's,imp will import it to your um,uh oberlo app and then from the upper,low,you're gonna import it to your shopify,store,uh either you can import in bulk,or you can import in um,one by one so we're kind of done with,aliexpress i'm going to close it now we,go to obilo,and then we're going to refresh your,page,there you go this is a product that we,just,uh imported from aliexpress,so this kind of long title so long title,is not good for the,seo search optimization,then we're going to change it or we're,going to call it,interactive,catch toy,for cuts and ducks,and then we're gonna choose,our collection so it's a toy,so for those people that do not know how,to create a shopify store,it's uh i'll put it in the description,uh one of my videos talking about how to,create,a shopify store but i'm gonna make,another video,that's kind of old video that i i made,it,a while ago i think a year or more so,i'll be making another one soon,in the near future and show you from,a to z how to open it from the beginning,from buying your domain connect your,domain all that,uh customizing your store importing your,um products,and setting up all the apps,and the payment processors so,we chose the collections toy that's,where they go,and we're gonna take a look um,the description,it's not bad so origin is,from china so um,99 of the products in the world are from,china so there's,nothing wrong with that and the,materials plastic,set type yes interactive toys,blah blah blah feature one and two it,looks good,so we go to the varian,and if you notice our oberlo set the,shipping to canada automatically,because that's where i live but i'm not,shipping it to,canada i'm shipping it to,u.s from u.s to u.s,so we're gonna choose united states,again there are different options,uh the first one is free from nine days,to 19 days,you remember a couple minutes ago from,aliexpress it says,it may take up to january 24,which is 13 days from today now it's not,it's,if it may ship less than that so it's uh,nine to nine days so in 10 days we're,gonna choose that we're going to click,ok and then we're going to see the price,our profit this is call this this,cost this is the price of the products,and this is the price that we're gonna,list in our store,and this our profit nine dollar nine,dollar seven dollar seven dollar seven,dollar,but remember we're not shipping from,china australia,excuse me united kingdom or france or,anything because,then it's going to take longer to reach,to the customers,so we are only choosing from united,states,so what i usually do if the list is long,i just unlist and select,all of them automatically the first one,is selected,i'm gonna unselect that too then i go,and select from united states i'm gonna,unselect that,from china and if any another one from,the united states,and that's the united kingdom that's,united states,so that's the only option we have right,now so,we're gonna make sure the price is right,so,the cost is 10.81,and then we're going to sell it for,17.95,then the profit gonna be 7.14,it's not bad and it's a free shipping,so the compare price is a 19,if you want to set the compare price you,set it if you don't just,erase this get rid of that and put zeros,but it looks nice when people find out,that they have a,discount the previous is twenty dollar,and this is um 17.95,so everything looks good and then we're,going to go to the images,because we don't want to import all the,images,so we're going to choose some of them,this looks good that's good so since we,have that we don't need,this and then we may,select this and,it's for babies too but we're not,selling babies stuff,we're only selling uh pet stuff so i'm,gonna choose that,because i see dogs and cuts too and cuts,together everything looks good we're,gonna double check,the product the title looks good the,collections tags i don't have tags,type i don't have type in my store,and then the description we went through,that before,double check um the price the variant,the price,ten dollar that's good and the,innovative inventory they have a 996,items from the same items and then we're,gonna go,to import to store,we click that and within couple seconds,it's already imported to the store,and just memorize the title we're gonna,need it so,interactive catch toy for cats and dogs,then we don't need our availa anymore,unless you're importing another products,so today is just a tutorial video i'm,not,i'm only doing a one product to show you,how to customize your shipping,um rule and then from here we go,and create you see this one here it says,custom shipping rate,and we're going to create a new profile,then we're going to call it usa,14 or whatever number,and then next we're gonna choose,the products that we just imported to,our um store,you remember the title it's called,interactive catch,and here it is we're gonna choose that,and then next we're gonna,choose shipping from so we don't need,the first one,that's,so we're going to keep ship from orbit,law,and then we're going to create shipping,zone,click on shipping zone so again,you call this usa 14,so customers won't see this it's only,you,so you're going to choose the country,that you're shipping your products to,we're gonna choose united states,so again it depends on what uh your,location,your customers uh what product you're,selling,and what are you selling so from here,the zone is created but there's no rate,so we're gonna click,add rate and then let's call this,um girl guaranteed,10 days,delivery,so if the products not expensive and you,don't mind that,if the delivery fail just to deliver,within 10 days you may write,um guaranteed 10 days delivery,or full,refund so when the customers see that,it's kind of um assurance that,uh he's gonna get the products in this,time or otherwise he's going to get a,refund,so again it was free,to ship from us to u.s,but if you want to add shipping price to,the products,i usually don't leave it don't don't,leave it free,because free is kind of you know some,people,they want the products they want the,quality and they don't mind to pay,a small fee for the shipping to get it,in,in a specific time so 10 days it's not a,bad for this product,uh for the price that they're going to,get it for the product,so i'll make it 0.99,per items and if you want to add,conditions,based on a price based on a weight so,usually based on a price,so from zero to let's say,99.99 dollars,it's it costs 99,and then since we have a condition we're,going to make another rate,and we're going to call it guaranteed in,10 days,or full money back and it's free this,time,because if the customer,buy for 100,or more and no limit is going to get the,products or the shipping for free,free shipping nothing to pay,and that's it all looks good and if you,want to add more countries you just,choose create,a new zone if you don't want it to sell,it,for specific country that's it you just,click,save,so we're done and then let's go check it,on the website,we're gonna refresh the page,let's go straight to toys,and then from toys we're gonna choose,the products that we just import,imported to our store which is this one,so from here the customer will,the customer will add it to the cart,once it's added to the cart,and then from the cart the customer will,go to checkout,once you choose the checkout,and then he's gonna enter his,information,his uh name address,um and everything because currently i,only have,my address set to canada so it won't be,shipped to canada,so i'll leave it blank but if you,um change your address,based on the person that is going to get,so if you choose united states,then the shipping cost is going to,appear to the customers,as it is free,if you buy for um,if he's order uh total,100 or more he's gonna get a free,shipping,if it's less than 199.99,he's gonna pay 99 cent,for the uh order and once again,it's adam from shopify wordpress tech,and this is tutorial about how to,custom customize,shipping rates for every product that,you have,instead of creating a general shipping,rules that apply to all your products,and then at the end you're going to find,out that,certain products are the shipping rate,is more than the other ones then you,end up losing money so this,is the way on how,to customize a shipping rate or shipping,rules or shipping policy,is specific for certain products in,certain country um,adam said again if you haven't done so,please subscribe to my channel,and give me a like and write down in the,comment,that you did subscribe to my channel so,i'll make sure that i,go to your channel and subscribe to your,channel,and i'm gonna like all your videos,and i choose one video and then i'm,gonna make sure,that i'm gonna share it on my social,media platform,once again it's adam shopify wordpress,tech,stay safe take care of yourself your,families,and have a good one

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