how to make $100+ daily with shopify and ali express - dad's hustle

I Tried Dropshipping With $100 (Realistic Results) the past few years i've managed to make,over seve

Sharif Mohsin

Updated on Mar 27,2023

I Tried Dropshipping With $100 (Realistic Results)

The above is a brief introduction to how to make $100+ daily with shopify and ali express - dad's hustle

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I Tried Dropshipping With $100 (Realistic Results)

the past few years i've managed to make,over seven figures drop shipping but,then i thought to myself what if i lost,it all all the money all the knowledge,all the connections and i would have to,start all over again with only 100,to my name well lucky for you guys in,this video i'm gonna go over exactly,what i would do if i were to just start,with 100,and potentially just maybe cut myself a,lambo at the end of this video so i am,starting with 100 to my name but wait,there's more there are a few guidelines,set in place some terms and conditions,perhaps that will make this challenge a,little bit harder rule number one is i,can't use my past connections old,influencers past suppliers that have,given me winning products and just,overall anything that i know of that can,help influence this challenge to make it,easier for me rule number two is i have,to start a brand new shopify store,meaning i also have to start with a,brand new product that i've never tested,before just so that it's fair and it's,as if i started from complete scratch,rule number three is i can't use my,personal brand to gain anything out of,this challenge meaning shout it out on,my instagram or just do anything to,influence it in that sort of way and,last but not least as you guys already,know is i only have a set budget of 100,so now that you guys understand the,rules let's let the games begin so the,first step in the process is to actually,find a winning product now since we only,do have a budget of 100,i'm gonna be going the tick tock organic,route meaning posting content on tick,tock and hope one of them blow up so,that we can get a lot of visitors to our,site for virtually free now personally,if you're on a budget i think this is,the best method because you don't have,to spend any money on advertising and in,the case that a tick tock does blow up,you can get a lot of sales so the way,i'm actually gonna find a winning,product is scroll through my tick tock,feed for a while here i'm gonna sit here,chill scroll and since my tick tock feed,is optimized to finding winning products,since i just like a bunch of drop,shipping ads and drop shipping pages we,might come across something that may be,interesting so i'm gonna go ahead and do,that now and get back to you guys once i,think i found something pretty,interesting or worthy of selling,demon this is the reality sitting there,there's some on the radio back and,forth just had a heart attack and i,heard the little one,who's climate change,so you have 300 so a lot of people think,so a lot of people think that i'm faking,these videos but i'm going to show you,guys once,i don't know,i think i may have just found a product,that may be worthwhile testing okay so,pretty much what this is is a speaker,and you guys can pretty much see you,connect your phone to this bluetooth,metal thing and once you place that,object on any surface like something,metal or glass it pretty much amplifies,the sound so i'm gonna go ahead and,follow this page and you guys can pretty,much see that they're posting videos,consistently honestly and it looks like,they're getting consistent likes and,comments on every single video that they,post so let's go ahead and check out,their store and it looks like it's a,general store that they turned into a,one product store from the name of it,they're selling it for forty dollars and,they have some pretty nice images here,some gifs and description the size,overall really nice and they have some,reviews so this might be a potential,product and i'm actually really excited,to test this product out the views are,outrageous and they post really,consistently and it looks like it's not,too old so you guys can see their first,video was on the 19th which is insane so,this is a product that could potentially,get us our lambo okay so right away i,went ahead and searched the product on,amazon hoping i could find it it was the,fourth option and went ahead and,purchased it for 38 and then i also went,on aliexpress to see how much i could,source this product for which came to be,around 21 and i could always get this,lower once i start getting more orders,but since we're selling it for 40,dollars and we're getting it for 21 we,have a profit margin of 19. so out of,our 100 budget we spent 38 of that to,order the product which leaves us with a,total of 62 left to spend but anyway now,that we have to wait for the product to,arrive i'm going to go ahead and use,this time to actually create the store,for this product porta speaker a speaker,that is portable and you could pretty,much stick anywhere and amplify the,noise well hey i think we got ourselves,a brand name porta speaker sounds pretty,nice and pretty easy to remember now,since we are on a budget of 100 i'm,gonna be going ahead and making the logo,myself i'm gonna be using a 30 day,shopify free trial which if you guys,want to do the same you can use the link,below so we're pretty much not gonna,have to pay for shopify for the first 30,days so i'm gonna get to work create the,store and then hopefully we get the,amazon product so that we can start,filming some content posting the tick,tocks and just start driving traffic to,the store to see if anyone would,actually buy from this store but anyway,let's go ahead and start the store build,okay so our dropify shoplifting store is,finally complete and now it's time to,review it ladies and gentlemen i present,to you,porta,what,okay so here is the product page where,pretty much all of our customers are,going to be redirected to you guys can,see we have a few images right here so,you can just scroll through we have the,name of the product with a few reviews,under it and you can see we have free,shipping and 50 off right under the,price and then going into the,description we have a headline with a,description under it along with a few,gifs i'm going to be changing these gifs,once i actually get the product and i'm,going to pretty much record custom gifs,so that they're a little more,personalized and people who come to our,site get a more personalized experience,but for now i just have these temporary,gifs that i have just as a placeholder,we have another headline and description,another gif another headline description,and a gif and then we have a faq section,for customers who have any questions or,doubts about the product and you can see,how this works it's pretty much a drop,down menu scrolling down into the,reviews we have all these reviews,reviews are very important and you could,pretty much just take these from the,supplier that you're sourcing the,product from because it's pretty much,the same exact product and that,concludes our presentation for the porta,speaker website so we found the winning,product we have our site built out now,the last step is actually to get the,product and create a tick tock page for,it and then just start posting loads of,custom content for the products that we,can potentially get on the for you page,of different potential customers that,will potentially be the holder of the,one and only porta speaker,okay so the product has finally arrived,from bezos's hands into my possession,and now we're gonna go ahead and unbox,this right in front of you guys so let's,go ahead and see what we got,i present to you the porta speaker,wow it honestly looks pretty solid,okay so i'm gonna go ahead and set this,up and see what we can actually do with,this thing and if it actually even works,as expected all right so i just set it,up so i'm gonna go ahead and play some,non-copyrighted music so that susan,doesn't cut my paycheck for the month,but i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys,how this works it's honestly pretty cool,all right so i have my music ready to go,i'm gonna move my mic actually so you,guys can pretty much hear everything,that's happening and i'm gonna go ahead,and click play without this on the table,and watch what happens once i actually,put it on the table,that actually works believe it or not,we're actually almost pretty much done,and the last thing that's left to do is,create the tick tock page which is,pretty much complete the only issue is,you really can't add a link in bio until,you hit 1 000 followers so i'm just,gonna try to grow the account with some,videos at first just to get it to a,thousand followers then that's when we,can actually plug our website link in,the bio so that people can actually,visit our website and start purchasing,but what i'm gonna do right now is just,film some content for the porta speaker,and get that all set up and ready so,that we have a whole vault of content,ready to be uploaded all right so now,it's time to film the content i open the,door open another door hop in the gucci,slides you already know close the door,now gonna unplug my tesla from the,charger and rev the engine real quick on,startup,and have elon musk take me to the,destination so i could pretty much film,some of the first few clips that i'm,gonna use for tick tock and i see a,random person there so i just wave at,him now time to film the content and you,know look at me standing there looking,jacked as per usual and pretty much just,sticking this on the car just so that,the noise amplifies and people can,pretty much hear the difference you,might be a little confused in this scene,but it'll make sense later on in the,video and pretty much just recorded more,content that i actually didn't include,in this video but yeah,i have made a severe and continuous,lapse of my,okay all that aside so i haven't updated,you guys in a while actually i don't,even know how long it's been but pretty,much,three phones later like four tick tock,accounts later we managed to get one,single good video this challenge was,going rough guys and i'll pop up some of,the accounts that i had to go through on,the screen and here are the three phones,that i used my old phone right here my,mom's old phone and my current phone my,current phone was actually very very bad,and every tick tock i posted did not get,any views and i'm pretty sure it's,because i have a lot of tiktok accounts,on it already my old phone actually had,a few viral tik tok organic accounts on,there already the only account that did,decently perform was my mom's old phone,and let's go ahead and check out the,results so you guys can see we have 99,notifications here and pretty much these,are all the videos that i posted on it,some of the beginning ones didn't really,do well but i did notice this one trend,where when i put the speaker on,different items and asked the audience,which one sounded the best it usually,performed really well because of the,high retention rate because people,wanted to watch and find out which one,did actually sound the best so here's,one with 16 000 views 3257 likes 591,comments and all the people are just,commenting what they thought pretty much,sounded the best but yeah let's go ahead,and see what 10 000 likes actually a,little bit more because some of the,other accounts actually did get likes,and views as well but let's go ahead and,see how much in sales that we got from,this 100 challenge okay so this is the,motto of truth guys this is where we,find out if we actually have lambo money,the stakes are at an all-time high the,suspense is through the roof and we,might have just hit the jackpot okay but,no let's get serious here for a second,we started with a hundred dollars we,spent around 38 of that to buy the,product which pretty much left us with,62 left to spend nothing else had any,cost shopify was free if you guys want,to start your own store for free link in,description so we pretty much only had,to pay for the products to come in now,recording the tick tocks and doing all,that was all pretty much free and after,posting for a while we managed to get a,total revenue of,119.90,three sales three people purchased our,product um and i'll reload i mean,there's really no reason to reload,because this isn't that crazy but after,all those tick tock accounts all that,hard work we only managed to get three,sales and to be honest i was expecting,the videos to go a little more viral,than they already did but pretty much,like i said the only cost that we do,have is the product cost so after three,sales we have to ship out three products,which each one is around 22 minus that,from 119 that leaves us with 53 dollars,in profit,so yeah we pretty much pocketed 53 and,i'm sure if i kept going with this i,probably would have made more obviously,but this video would have gone on,forever and this is a simple proof of,concept for you guys that are on a,budget trying to start if you want to,see a more successful one i actually did,do the same exact challenge you can,click this video and i actually got even,better results but if you do do this,right and pull it off you guys can make,a lot of money i actually know a few,people who ran this product and made a,killing with it i'm pretty sure maybe i,was just a little late to it but,hopefully this motivates you guys to,just go out and start testing products,start posting content and start making,some money but anyway hopefully you guys,enjoyed this video let's get to 100 000,subscribers we're so damn close guys,like comment subscribe and i'll see you,guys in the next one

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