how to launch a shopify store with google cloud

How to build digital e-commerce platform on Google Cloud welcome to build with google cloud where,we

Google Cloud Tech

Updated on Mar 05,2023

How to build digital e-commerce platform on Google Cloud

The above is a brief introduction to how to launch a shopify store with google cloud

Let's move on to the first section of how to launch a shopify store with google cloud

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How to build digital e-commerce platform on Google Cloud

welcome to build with google cloud where,we build reference architectures in this,video we will build an ecommerce,platform on google cloud what are your,options stay with me to find out,let's say you're a retailer that sells,pet products shoes cars anything did you,know that digital commerce platform can,be built and modernized in multiple ways,i am priyanka vergaria developer,advocate here at google cloud and today,let's see what your options are to build,a digital ecommerce platform on google,cloud you ready let's go,first you can build your own ecommerce,platform on google cloud,why does this make sense because it,provides the agility to create new,capabilities using data insights and,access to machine learning and ai tools,within google cloud,there are two ways to build your own,platform you could either migrate your,existing ecommerce platform or modernize,using containers,migrate means lifting and shifting your,current platform as is into the cloud,this is the lowest risk and fastest way,to get to cloud,it is suitable for custom built,ecommerce stack leveraging heavy oss or,running on-premises and once you've,migrated you are on your path to,modernization you could choose to,migrate and improve where you can,upgrade and improve or optimize using,containerized approach,this means you're willing to move to,containers and are gradually moving to,google cloud managed services such as,gke,it sets the stage for a more seamless,modernization path to microservices on,gke if the goal is to modernize your,commerce application platform completely,for benefits of cloud and speed to,market then you would re-architect to,adopt containers using microservices,architecture,this helps you shift focus to creating,those differentiated customer,experiences for digital and omni-channel,revenue growth welcome back to architect,the commerce migration and modernization,but before we do that let's also check,out the other options the second option,is you can create a headless commerce,platform on google cloud this is where,you actually decouple the front end the,mobile app the cms etc from your backend,or your commerce layer,this approach provides flexibility to,your marketing teams to quickly alter,front-end elements to run campaigns,promotions and create most advanced,customer experience on your front end,you're building front-end experience on,google cloud and are integrating with,commerce backends from google cloud,marketplace offering partners,this unique approach offers the benefits,of the agility to launch or change,highly personalized experiences,flexibility to upgrade update or replace,your dependent systems and scale,different parts of solutions independent,of each other,as you can imagine this approach has a,low total cost of ownership smaller it,teams and is not constrained by a,monolithic roadmap and timelines to,offer new storefront features third,option you could use out-of-the-box sas,solution on google cloud marketplace,such as shopify bigcommerce or hcl,commerce this will work for you if you,require minimum customizations and can,take advantage of google cloud for,customer 360 and data insights driven,analytics which of these approaches are,you leaning towards to build your,ecommerce platform and why,share in the comments,let's dive into the first two approaches,build your own and headless commerce one,by one to understand what it takes to,build and which one makes sense for your,use case,now let's architect the build your own,migrate and improve approach,this means you're not just migrating but,also looking to break down a legacy,monolith commerce application into a set,of micro services that can help you gain,agility in launching those new features,innovate and improve customer experience,by leveraging data insights that are,powered by ai and ml capabilities,in order to do this you're going to need,to migrate and improve using,containerization,on google kubernetes engine,let's see how,you would deploy your application,servers and your database as services in,containers inside a gke cluster,you can accelerate this process of,moving to gke by using migrate for,anthos google's migration automation,tool,all your static content including the,images media assets web files will be,stored in cloud storage,any other application systems that still,exist on premises will be hooked up via,a dedicated interconnect cloud vpn or,api management,now let's see the request flow,the user makes a request from their,phone website or chat application which,then gets resolved by cloud dns to a,global anycast ip address for cloud load,balancing,cloud armor works alongside load,balancing to provide ddos protection and,web application firewall that detects,and blocks layer 7 attacks,recaptcha enterprise provides bot,protection and api defense provides,protection for abuse of apis,combination of cloud armor apogee api,defense and recapture enterprise offer,the web application and api protection,the request is validated by these it is,then sent to the web server the web,server then grabs the static content,such as your images css your javascript,to render that page from cloud storage,it also stores them in cloud cdn for,next request which helps with,performance and latency,next web server would need to interact,with the app server for business logic,such as is this item in store,the internal load balancing between the,web and application servers help,distribute the load,once the request lands on the app server,it interacts with the database to get,the response yes the item is in store,and there are four more left or,something like that,gets this information and then sends it,back to the user via web servers,now if the requests requires the app,server to gather information from a,service that is on premises then it can,make a call to the service via an api,through apigee api gateway or vpn over,the internet or just direct connectivity,to that data center,if the request was a search or,recommendations then app server,interfaces with the google retail search,or the recommendations api to present,the appropriate results to the user,architecturally build your own migrate,and improve provides you the flexibility,to add features,ability to scale easily by adding more,gke clusters during traffic spikes it,also offers applications the security,using a combination of cloud armor load,balancer recapture and api defense,from the business perspective the build,your own and migrate and improve,approach enables the integration with,the data platform which creates a strong,closed loop between the data platform,and the commerce platform,you can collect the first party customer,data from shopper interactions on their,modern digital commerce platform,to use in your data platform for,predictive analytics and marketing,activation,you can also gain insights from data in,data platform to offer personalized,shopping experiences and promotions on,the digital commerce site are you ready,to migrate and improve,we've got a link to the documentation,below to help you out now how would you,architect your migration as is or lift,and shift your ecommerce platform to,google cloud,say your priority is to move to google,cloud as quickly as possible or you have,a homegrown oss stack based on premises,in e-commerce platform that is unique,and works well and you just want to,migrate,that means you just want to migrate as,is without making any changes just get,to the cloud so you can take that first,step towards modernization,for an as-is migration like this we,recommend migrating to compute engine,virtual machines,let's see how to architect this,your request flow pretty much stays the,same except for your web and application,servers and your database you will,create your web and application servers,on compute engine managed instance,groups which will scale based on the,number of requests you receive,you will also deploy your primary and,secondary databases on compute engine,instances,this architecture offers the ability to,scale the web and app tiers,independently using the managed instance,groups and provides low latency,responses back to the end customer to,keep them engaged in their buying,journey,you have the same application security,using a combination of cloud armor load,balancer recaptcha and api defense in,addition it allows you as a retailer to,quickly meet unexpected user traffic,spikes without having a large size,deployment initially but automatically,scale easily up and down enabled by your,configuration policies are you ready to,migrate your ecommerce application as is,we've got a link in the documentation to,help you out now let's say you have,migrated to google cloud using gke or,compute engine or you're building an,entire modernized ecommerce platform,from scratch,how would you go from here to modernized,fully containerized microservices,architecture let's see all your request,flow stays the same as you saw earlier,what changes is that now you're going to,think about smaller services and,separate them out into four layers,presentation layer which could be your,single page application builder and,content,a services layer which would include,services such as sessions search account,inventory orders and anything else that,you can think of,the storage layer which would be your,storage choices for those services there,could be different storages based on the,kind of service for example cloud sql or,spanner for inventory products and maybe,firestore for sessions,cache layer would be your transient,cache using memory stored to access,recently queried data without querying,the storage layer again,you can now see the flexibility that,this architecture allows you to have you,can add and deploy any new services,anytime without affecting any other,services,you can also have different teams,working on different services in,different programming languages,lots more flexibility both from the,development side and from the business,side which leads to happy developers and,happy customers,and you have enabled your business to,have a strong close loop between the,data platform and the commerce platform,to understand customer behavior and,offer personalized experiences,another huge advantage of this approach,is the seamless integration with other,google cloud services such as workspace,maps gpa mobile android chrome devices,and more are you ready to start your,ecommerce modernization journey we've,got a link to a sample code repository,for you to get started,now let's take a deep dive into the,headless commerce solution as a retailer,you might want to own and control the,front end for providing an engaging and,differentiated shopping experience and,leverage the ready-to-use back-end,commerce building blocks for,capabilities such as product catalog,pricing promotions cards shipping,accounts and other things,in this fast-paced world where user,behavior changes every day,headless commerce approach is,increasingly preferred for speed to,market you can easily launch new,experiences quickly and benefit from,innovations and back-end capabilities,added by our partners on google cloud,marketplace such as commerce tools,how would you architect this well let's,see the user would have the same secured,experience using web application and api,security solution,the front end is deployed on gke or,cloud run and can use cloud storage for,static assets and firestore or cloud sql,for your dynamic storage and database,options,interacting with the recommendations api,and retail search for an engaging,product discovery and shopping,experience that would reduce search,abandonment and increase sales,conversions commerce tools platform from,marketplace serves as the backend for,commerce operations it provides over 300,apis for e-commerce back-end needs such,as your products categories orders and,other such things this approach is an,alternative to build or buy approach as,it offers a right mix of both approaches,to realize a solution that enables brand,differentiation flexibility and agility,to help you get started with headless,commerce we've built an end-to-end demo,check it out below and let us know how,it goes,we just looked at the different options,to build a modern ecommerce platform on,google cloud depending on your situation,you can choose to migrate as is to,compute engine vms migrate and improve,using containers,build an entirely modern microservices,based architecture creating,containerized services or use partners,offered services to adopt headless,commerce approach,any direction you take is a success and,a great start to gain agility in,launching new features innovation and,improving customer experience by,leveraging data insights powered by ai,and ml and tools such as retail search,and recommendations ai,now it's your turn go build the headless,commerce demo with the documentation and,a full sample code repository linked,below if you like this video then i hope,you completely destroy those like and,subscribe buttons to let us know i,cannot wait to build more stuff with you,you

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