how to imbed app into theme shopify uplinkly

These 5 FREE Shopify Apps CHANGED MY LIFE! hey guys i get it you just started a,shopify store,and yo

Couple Of Creators

Updated on Apr 01,2023

These 5 FREE Shopify Apps CHANGED MY LIFE!

The above is a brief introduction to how to imbed app into theme shopify uplinkly

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how to imbed app into theme shopify uplinkly catalogs

These 5 FREE Shopify Apps CHANGED MY LIFE!

hey guys i get it you just started a,shopify store,and you don't really want to pay for,anything extra that you don't have to,and you're seeing all these really cool,shopify apps that,do all these really cool things that you,think would help your store grow and,improve but you really don't want to put,in the extra money,because you're not even sure if this,thing's going to work so,after the last few years of making my,own shopify stores,i myself am very hesitant to pay for,shopify apps if i don't have to,and i will work really hard to try and,find,the best possible free solution that,being said,i've tested tons of paid apps,free apps and this is going to be my top,five free apps that i've found to be,very helpful for me,that you need to install right now on,your shopify store these apps i believe,are going to be helpful regardless of,what kind of shopify store you have,and they're also great because,oftentimes i'll download,a free app and any of the useful,features are part of like the paid plan,so these apps are actually,good free apps some of them do have paid,plans but the free plan you can do,some amazing things with regardless and,a lot of times i just use the free plan,on some of these apps especially if,you're first starting,so let's jump in to the computer,so this is my shopify store and,these are some of the apps i have,installed some of them i test some of,them i use for other things,but i'm gonna go over five of them in,here the first one i'm gonna go over,is this better replay so better replay,actually records exactly what your,customer does on your store,absolutely free and there's another app,like this i think it's called,uh orange heat orange or something but,it's like a heat map,that records every session of,uh the people on your store except this,one's completely free and i think that,orange,i forgot what it's called you guys will,have to remind me it's like 10 or 15,a month and this does the literal exact,same thing,so if i go into it and go to recordings,you see all the sessions,that these people have and it tells you,what they even did like this one's an,add to cart,and they just record and then it'll tell,you,you could even sort by like order placed,so you can see if i click here it will,literally,just show me a video of,exactly what the guy did or whoever is,buying,on the store and this is that like,you can go 1x speed this is the actual,speed and you don't have to skip the,idols,so this is exactly what he did on a,store or you could just do this,and i've actually found myself,that this has been really helpful,because you can,design your store to lead them to things,that you want them to do,i've also found this app to be helpful,because there have been times where,people are clicking on things on my,store that don't really lead to anything,like for example i had a,bar like a notification on top of my,store that says like free shipping after,99,and i found out because of this app that,people,were clicking on that bar but it didn't,lead to anything it was just a,notification,so instead i since i found that out i,made it lead to something like maybe,like more information on that,notification,and it's just little things like that it,shows you exactly how people are,navigating your store,so the next one i want to talk about i,actually,don't have installed on this store but,it's called mini chat and,it's pretty powerful and pretty amazing,uh one thing,you really need to focus on in shopify,is marketing,of course and a lot of people talk about,email marketing,and maybe facebook ads,and google ads and maybe instagram,influencers,but there's one powerful form of,marketing that i've found,that not a lot of people are using still,i thought it'd sort of catch on by now,but it hasn't,this is mini chat and this is facebook,messenger marketing so as long as you,could get someone to,click to accept messages on,uh your website which is fairly easy if,you want to like give something away or,something,you can have them automatically opt-in,to facebook marketing,so it literally sends them a personal,message in facebook automatically and,it's a bot,that you can create like these chains,of you know if this person does this,send them this,and if they click on yes or no or,whatever this answer then it sends them,this,as you can see built in minutes um,i don't have it installed so i can't,show you examples but,it's pretty powerful and it also has,a q a section that you could put on your,store so,this little bubble down here at the,bottom you can have this on your store,and as long as they're logged in with,facebook,they can click on it and ask as many,questions as you want and you don't have,to be present the bot can answer it,if you want you can be present and just,have one of the messages,uh whatever they click on have it just,send you a personal message the free,version is very useful you can create,i believe up to like two um,two chains or,chains of like messages sequences i,guess,i forgot what they call it um but if you,want more you'll have to use the paid,version and,i have used the paid version for this,and it's very very useful,and super powerful the open rate,compared to emails is amazing,nearly everyone reads facebook,messages like a direct message to,facebook in comparison,to email marketing so that is number two,check it out number three i have on the,list is,sticky cart so this really depends on,the,theme you're using for your shopify,store but if we're going the free route,here,as far as i know none of the free themes,provided by shopify,provide this feature and this is just a,really simple,uh completely free app that you can,install,on your shopify store to have the cart,stick here i'll show you on my shopify,store,to have the cart stick to,the product the bottom of the this is,not explaining this,okay so i'll click on this product,and as i scroll down see here's the add,to cart button,i'm just pointing you can't i'll just,use the mouse,here's the add to cart button right here,as soon as you scroll,past this normally what happens is it's,no longer visible but with this sticky,cart you could see down here,that it's always going to be visible and,if we look at this store,in the mobile view,it's very important because there's,always gonna be,an add to cart uh button at the bottom,of the store so they can scroll,wherever they want and they can click on,add to cart,select their color size everything and,just add the cart,they don't need to scroll all the way,back up to the store,and hit add to cart and i think this is,really important to have on any shopify,store,you need to have your call to action,always visible somehow,or you know like what i did before i,used this was,i added i figured out how to code and,add to cart,button uh like at the top of the page,halfway down the page,so as they're scrolling it says like,yeah check this out and you can add it,to cart,and then it has a paragraph and it says,yeah add to cart this is,way better this app is amazing it saved,me a lot of time,so it just always stays,linked sticky to the bottom of the page,so next one i have is,this email and pop-ups by autumn eisley,this one's amazing as i said before you,really,need to have marketing for your shopify,store,um and email marketing although not,as effective as the facebook messenger,marketing is still key,because you could build a community so,much better and to this day,so many people still want to clear their,inbox and check all of their emails,and from what i've found this is the,best,uh free email marketing service,uh especially if you're just starting so,you can send out these email,newsletters just whenever you do like a,launch or something like that you can,put together an email a newsletter and,everybody that's opted into your email,can will will receive this and you can,send,i think uh i still need to confirm this,on this store but 3 000 emails at the,moment i think you could send 3 000,emails a month,and when you're first starting a shopify,store,uh and you don't have a lot of customers,opted in and you're probably,not having a lot of products and a lot,of promotions and a lot of things like,that,that is plenty of emails for you to send,you can also have automatically sent,welcome emails,you can automatically send abandoned,carts see this one i have it set up to,uh after 20 minutes eight hours 23 hours,birthday emails follow-up emails there's,web push,which is the notification at the top of,the screen that says uh,like hey would you like to receive,notifications from this website,has that built in you can create web,push campaigns,uh you could set up facebook chats,messenger this is all part of the free,plan,uh you basically just get more access,when you pay for it like,you get more limits because there's,limits on all this but again,if you're just starting your shopify,store you're probably not going to reach,those limits so this is a great way to,do it,and also uh,they don't like a lot of apps you know,they have you hey,after you reach this limit they're going,to,just charge you more automatically this,one's not like that,this one you install and then you just,reach your limit,and you then you choose to pay for it so,that's really cool,social proof you can have pop-up bars,sales boost which is like um oh,this one for example is countdown timer,there's tons of things you could do in,here,i've hardly explored it at all all i've,really used,is the email feature from this app and,i'm already super satisfied so,it's amazing that it does all these,other things let's go back,and we'll talk about the last one and,this,is very underrated uh,but after doing business on shopify for,a while you,find out how important this feature,actually,is and that is the ability for your,customers,to track their order i'm telling you it,is super helpful and you need to have,this feature on your website,otherwise you're going to get a lot of,emails a lot of questions,it's just it's a headache to manage and,if you just give the customer,your customers the ability to track,their own order,it's amazing i know oftentimes these,apps,they'll send a tracking number to the,customer but a lot of times the customer,doesn't really,know what to do or where to go for that,so,this track hive,it's super simple completely free,there's a lot of paid,versions of like tracking your order but,i'll go ahead and show you how this,works,all kinds of automated things you,literally just put a piece of code,in to you create a page on shopify,i'll show you uh on here you go to pages,you hit create page up here,and oh this is the wrong store,you hit okay go to pages,create page and just on this track your,order page,it's right here it's just html i just,copy and pasted it here,html and you can see what this page,looks like,people can just go to this page and,literally type in their tracking number,right here,and it'll show them exactly where their,order is,this is so important because before i,had this,uh you get so many support emails,and email questions about people asking,where their order is,and if you're just upfront and honest,about like,how long it's gonna take to prepare how,long it's gonna take to ship,because especially in times now with the,covid going on,uh things are taking a lot longer so,if the customer can just track their own,order on your website,it's very helpful and this is the best,app i've found to do it,so that hopefully,was a very helpful video again i have,tried,so many different apps so many different,apps,to do similar things,and like i said a lot of times they end,up being paid apps,or the feature that you want is maybe,part of their,premium plan if it says it's a free app,these are the ones,that are actually free there's so many,more apps that are super,helpful that you can see here on my,screen,um but there's also a lot of them,like manychat that i don't have,installed on this particular store,a lot of helpful apps i've found,depending on if you're drop shipping,or if you're doing print on demand or,even if you're selling your own products,there's apps for all those different,things,so let me know if you want more of this,i believe this is one of the most,helpful um,videos that i've created if you're,starting a shopify store because i've,spent,hours testing all kinds of different,apps just free ones paid ones and,these are the best ones i found so thank,you so much guys for watching,hopefully that was helpful and i'll see,you in the next video

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