how to get current_tags shopify

How To Fix Google Analytics Tracking Code Looks Malformed In Shopify hi everyone this is Julie rose

Ojasweb Digital Solution

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How To Fix Google Analytics Tracking Code Looks Malformed In Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to get current_tags shopify

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How To Fix Google Analytics Tracking Code Looks Malformed In Shopify

hi everyone this is Julie rose again,from Ajax web digital solution in this,video I want to show you how to fix one,of the major issues in Google Merchant,Center and Shopify right now in this,Google Merchant Center account I want to,claim the website and verify the,business so if I want to do this there,are many ways I can do it if I go,straight to my settings and click on,business information and head over to,the websites for me to verify and claim,the business if I scroll to the bottom,here I see there are three options most,of the time we want to use Google,Analytics to verify the business and,claim it if I click on this by the with,Google Analytics has already been,installed on the website and if I go,ahead or refresh the page you'll see,that the Google Analytics is properly,installed and is tracking the website,right now i refresh the Google Analytics,on the page and as you can see it has,reflected that what user is currently,active on the website however if I go,back to my Google Merchant Center to,verify this particular website if I,click on verify with Google Analytics,this particular issue come up and this,is one of the issues you might notice,most of the time if you're trying to,verify your website with Google,Analytics in Merchant Center now how do,I go ahead and solve this particular,problem because if I don't solve this,problem I will not be able to claim the,business and I will not be able to use,the Google Merchant Center account so,this is a very important step you need,to get it done before you can run your,shopping ads of Google this might,continue to give you a serious concern,because you might not be able to adjust,Google Analytics to verify the business,and then what do you do I will go ahead,I use Google tag manager so for this I,will ignore the Google Analytics option,and I will click on Google tag manager,now with Google tag manager I will be,able to install,analytics and I will be able to claim,this website very easily I already,install Google Analytics on the website,so what I would do is I have to remove,the Google Analytics on the website this,is done on Shopify website so I will go,straight to the Shopify website from my,online store to preferences then I,want to remove the Google Analytics from,the Shopify website I will remove it and,I will click on save now I have to,remove Google Analytics from the Shopify,website and the next thing I want to do,now is I want to install Google tag,manager on this particular website and I,will deploy the Google Analytics tag,through the Google tag manager so I have,already created a Google tag manager,account for this particular website so I,will go straight to my Google tag,manager account and I will say lady I,can't,then I will copy the code and install it,on the website so the next thing I will,do is I will click on the container ID,and then I will copy the first code that,is to be installed on the head section,so I copy this and I will head over to,the Shopify website and I will click on,the online store teams so from the team,page I will go straight to the action,then I will click on edit code so after,clicking on edit code our Lodi page,reload then I will go straight to the,teamliquid,so from the teamliquid I can go ahead,and use control F from my PC control f,and look for the head tag you don't need,to do this because this head tag is,obviously the first thing you'll see,when you open the teamliquid so this is,the head the first code is to be pasted,as high in the head of the page as,possible so we want to paste it just,immediately after opening the head tag,so I would click on control V I have,pasted the dress code in the head,section so I will click on save now I,will go back to my Google tag manager,and copy the second code the second code,is to be installed immediately after,opening the body tag so I will go back,to the Shopify website if I start for,body let's click on ctrl F search for,body if you are not used to code you,might not know where to paste this,particular code in this body section you,might go to the bottom of the page,install it Jones before closing the body,tag here if you install it here and save,it and deploy your Google Analytics tag,the Google Analytics we work pretty fine,but you will not be able to use this,particular method to verify your website,in Google Merchant Center let's go ahead,and test this and see what will happen,so I have installed a Google tag manager,code on this particular stone if I go,back to my Google tag manager I can now,install Google Analytics tag but because,I have already done that I can go ahead,and see what is happening on the website,if you don't know how to install the,Google Analytics tag through the Google,tag manager you can easily go to the tag,after installing your container on your,website you can go to the tag and click,on new tag from here new tag then you,can select the tag which is Google,Analytics and configure it I have,already done this I would not do,anything again because this is it Google,Analytics is already installed on the,website so if I go back now and refresh,this particular page and come to the,Google Analytics I will see that the,Google Analytics tag is working now that,the Google Analytics tag is working,let's go back to the Google Merchant,Center and see if we can verify with the,help of Google tag manager right now in,the Google Merchant Center I have,selected the Google tag manager option,so I will go ahead and click on verify,you are now that I click on verify URL,something again happen and this is the,second issue you might experience if you,install the second code of your Google,tag manager in the wrong section which,is just before the closing body tag this,is what you are seen here the Google tag,manager snippet on your site is in the,wrong location so now that you see that,if you install the Google tag manager,code just before the closing body tag on,your website you might not be able to,use this option to verify your website,on Google Merchant Center so that is why,I want to show you this in this video,and now I will go back to the website,and I will remove the tag before the,closing tag then I would go back to the,opening body tag then I will install the,tag just before the header tag so I will,paste it here and what I will do now is,I will save it now that I saved it I can,go back to my Google Merchant Center and,see if I will be able to verify this,particular website now I am back in the,Google Merchant Center so let's go ahead,and click on verify,I'll see what happen,now I have been able to verify the,website the next thing is to claim the,URL if I click on claim the URL I should,be able to claim it now and you can see,here I have been able to claim the URL,and this is how you can go ahead and,solve the problem of malfunction,analytics on the website if you are,finding it very difficult to use Google,Analytics to verify your website on,Google Merchant Center the best,alternative is to use the Google tag,manager I believe you left something in,this video if you have questions feel,free to drop it in the comment section,and I would address every single,question thanks again for watching the,video and bye for now

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